New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

invoking shaken baby syndrome is next to an admission that his story is bunk and they need some kind of diminished capacity to try and make a wreaks of desperation

I read the quote and my first thought was "well he should have said that Zimmerman is suffering from a condition that is similar to symptoms babies suffer when they have been shaken or shaken baby syndrome".

Then I thought, "no he shouldn't have". Why on Earth his lawyer is attempting to try this case in the court of public opinion I have no clue, but I have noticed the absolutely careless nature of the lawyers on both sides. The Martin family lawyer is two fries short of a happy meal, honestly. When I heard they hired Benjamin Crump I almost took my shoes off and threw them at the TV, I can't stand listening to that man speak, and yes I'm familiar with Crump and his "work" (he just annoys me as a person). He's already put together a sloppy case and has thrown it all out there for the media to see. I hope the Martin's get frustrated with him and his stupidity and hire a new one so I don't have to keep hearing his voice. He's worse then a race baiter, he's just a complete idiot.

I saw two of Zimmerman's attorney's on Piers Morgan, I couldn't tell you there names but here's my take on them:

One of them was a clean smooth talker, and seemed rather intelligent, however he seems to be loving the media attention, because he's the one that's been on just about EVERY news station everywhere.

The other one just plain talks like Bull Connor.:D I mean for a racially charged case like this, this would be the ABSOLUTE LAST choice for a lawyer I'd ever hire. The man was on Piers Morgan absolutely railing about how "they" came from "up there" and "stirred up racial tensions" all the way "down here in the good quiet town of Sanford". Now, I don't care if you feel like that's true, it may or may not be, but that's not something you say as the defense attorney for Mr. Zimmerman.:D It sounds like the way the old dixiecrats would talk about the "carpetbaggers" and those "hippies" from up north "stirrin' up trouble" during the civil rights movement. I was listening to him talk and thought about that hilarious gaffe that was made during the Jena, Louisiana case years back... when a member of the media called the mayor of Jena's secretary and she answered the phone and said (paraphrasing) "I will decline to discuss the Jena Six with you, but I can assure you that our coloreds are very happy here in Jena".:lol: YOU JUST DONT SAY STUFF LIKE THAT. Being from Mississippi I understand there's a certain way people talk down there, but it's probably not best to hire a life-long southern drawl speaker to defend you in this kind of case.

Bottom line: I think both cases have been handled horribly sloppy.
"Punch drunk" fighters have the adult form of shaken baby syndrome, incidentally.

He recovered very quickly, and so well that EMS didn't take him to the ED. And within the hour he was able to exit the police car in handcuffs, unassisted, and walk with a steady gait into and through the station.

OMG Its a gaping hole in the story! And the turds got suckered right into it.
It's a huge hole.

Which is why when you ask them about it, they get all ginky slinky.

You see, there are some who are suggesting he may have signed a Refusal of Treatment waiver.

We know that isn't true. Can't be. It would have been noted on the police report. HUGE HUGE liabilities issues if he didn't.

(Although if he *did* sign a Refusal of Treatment Waiver, that looks realllllllllllllllllllly reallllllllllllllly bad - for both him and the SPD)

And if he didn't, we know the EMS cleared him after only a few minutes of treatment for his superficial wounds (timeline, remember. Just a few minutes possible)

...we know the police cancelled the 2nd ambulance and didn't see fit to have him treated beyond a quick wipe up in the back seat of a squad car, after their medical assessment.

Having him seen by a doctor that night for a head injury- visible or not - & ordering a CT Scan would be absolutely essential to rule out a subdural hematoma or any other type of brain or neck injury.

Did they do it? Nope. They didn't.... and unless they can show that signed Refusal of Care, they ABSOLUTELY would have done it, if it's even ~~~close~~~ to the kinds of injuries his lawyers and family and he are putting forth.

In fact, they would be in a shitload of trouble if they didn't. If he dies on their watch during interrogation, they are fucked. Bigtime.

Either way, the zim 'pologists lose their lil bunny tails 'o reason in this gaping hole.
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"Punch drunk" fighters have the adult form of shaken baby syndrome, incidentally.

He recovered very quickly, and so well that EMS didn't take him to the ED. And within the hour he was able to exit the police car in handcuffs, unassisted, and walk with a steady gait into and through the station.

OMG Its a gaping hole in the story! And the turds got suckered right into it.

Like that racist comment became a non racist comment?
He recovered very quickly, and so well that EMS didn't take him to the ED. And within the hour he was able to exit the police car in handcuffs, unassisted, and walk with a steady gait into and through the station.

OMG Its a gaping hole in the story! And the turds got suckered right into it.
It's a huge hole.

Which is why when you ask them about it, they get all ginky slinky.

You see, there are some who are suggesting he may have signed a Refusal of Treatment waiver.

We know that isn't true. Can't be. It would have been noted on the police report. HUGE HUGE liabilities issues if he didn't.

(Although if he *did* sign a Refusal of Treatment Waiver, that looks realllllllllllllllllllly reallllllllllllllly bad - for both him and the SPD)

And if he didn't, we know the EMS cleared him after only a few minutes of treatment for his superficial wounds (timeline, remember. Just a few minutes possible)

...we know the police cancelled the 2nd ambulance and didn't see fit to have him treated beyond a quick wipe up in the back seat of a squad car, after their medical assessment.

Having him seen by a doctor that night for a head injury- visible or not - ordering a CT Scan would be absolutely essential to rule out a subdural hematoma or any other type of brain injury.

Did they do it? Nope. They didn't.... and unless they can show that signed Refusal of Care, they ABSOLUTELY would have done it, if it's even ~~~close~~~ to the kinds of injuries his lawyers and family and he are putting forth.

In fact, they would be in a shitload of trouble if they didn't. If he dies on their watch, they are fucked. Bigtime.

Either way, the zim 'pologists lose their bunny tails in this gaping hole.

So you know what the investigators have come up with?
I noticed another woman on 911 tape who said she saw the guy in the white shirt on top of & attacking another guy.

white shirt=hoodie....

Yes, White Shirt closely resembles a Light Grey Hoodie to someone looking through a window into the darkness. White Shirt defiantly does not equal Dark Black & Red Jacket. That makes 4 people who all saw Martin was attacking the subdued Zimmerman who was screaming for help.
oh and if Zimmerman is found guilty, people like Predfan, Kosherturd and racist kissmy will state they bowed to media pressure.

My calling a racist a racist & throwing their racism in their racist face in no way makes me a racist. You are a racist regardless of how this case turns out.
I noticed another woman on 911 tape who said she saw the guy in the white shirt on top of & attacking another guy.

white shirt=hoodie....

Yes, White Shirt closely resembles a Light Grey Hoodie to someone looking through a window into the darkness. White Shirt defiantly does not equal Dark Black & Red Jacket. That makes 4 people who all saw Martin was attacking the subdued Zimmerman who was screaming for help.

Yes that Red and black jacket, why was it reported by the police he had a red jacket on, but in the video he had a red and black jacket? Could it be the police took his red jacket as evidence and took him home so he could change clothes so the could take what he had on as evidence?
I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.
oh and if Zimmerman is found guilty, people like Predfan, Kosherturd and racist kissmy will state they bowed to media pressure.

I can't imagine Zimmerman being found guilty, or even being charged. Florida officials might charge him, if they thought it would appease the African savages. But, an acquittal would just make the savages more wild.
white shirt=hoodie....

Yes, White Shirt closely resembles a Light Grey Hoodie to someone looking through a window into the darkness. White Shirt defiantly does not equal Dark Black & Red Jacket. That makes 4 people who all saw Martin was attacking the subdued Zimmerman who was screaming for help.

Yes that Red and black jacket, why was it reported by the police he had a red jacket on, but in the video he had a red and black jacket? Could it be the police took his red jacket as evidence and took him home so he could change clothes so the could take what he had on as evidence?

Something I'd like to note.

Zimmerman had a red jacket on, however in the police tape he also had a light gray shirt on under the jacket. It's very possible his jacket could have come off at some point during the scuffle. So the "white shirt" description given by witnesses can't be confirmed as Zimmerman.

About the red jacket being red and black not just red, police aren't always going to describe your clothes down to the fabric. Until the police say otherwise I'm going to assume the red and black jacket Zimmerman had on was the jacket he had on when he was found by police because there's no evidence to suggest otherwise.
I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.

Not really...

...the way Zimmerman's father makes it sound Zimmerman was a scared and defenseless victim. He wasn't exactly playing the role of the Cowboy Deputy.
I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.

Not really...

...the way Zimmerman's father makes it sound Zimmerman was a scared and defenseless victim. He wasn't exactly playing the role of the Cowboy Deputy.

Of course zimmermans Father is going to say that about his son. Just like Trayvons parents said what they did about their son.
I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.

His neighbors have nothing but good things to say about him.

And despite what you know has been a full blown over the top effort to get people to talk shit about him, so far, nobody who knows him or who lives in that neighborhood, has done so.

that tells you something right there.
I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.

a lot of gutless folk in your trailer park ?

Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.
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I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.

a lot of gutless folk in your trailer park ?

Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.

When did you get out of stir? :badgrin:

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