New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I would like to have a guy like Zimmerman on watch in my neighborhood. The guy has guts.

a lot of gutless folk in your trailer park ?

Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.

well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is not his guilt is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence
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a lot of gutless folk in your trailer park ?

Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.

well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is his guilt it is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence

Wannabes usually make life tougher for real law enforcement from what I've seen. Not Santa's helpers.
Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.

well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is his guilt it is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence

Wannabes usually make life tougher for real law enforcement from what I've seen. Not Santa's helpers.

I don't know any wannabes, other then some of the idiotic posters to this forum. But I do know some highly trained folks who I happen to be one of. And some of them love to play Santa's helper during the Christmas season.
well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is his guilt it is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence

Wannabes usually make life tougher for real law enforcement from what I've seen. Not Santa's helpers.

I don't know any wannabes, other then some of the idiotic posters to this forum. But I do know some highly trained folks who I happen to be one of. And some of them love to play Santa's helper during the Christmas season.

Highly trained WHAT? Zimmerman types IMPEDE law enforcement.
a lot of gutless folk in your trailer park ?

Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.

well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is his guilt it is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence

Heh, the guy was attacked and he defended himself. A guy was on top of him beating him and he did what needed to be done, just as anyone normal law abiding citizen should do. Regardless of what you think you're father would have said, Zimmerman did just fine.
Wannabes usually make life tougher for real law enforcement from what I've seen. Not Santa's helpers.

I don't know any wannabes, other then some of the idiotic posters to this forum. But I do know some highly trained folks who I happen to be one of. And some of them love to play Santa's helper during the Christmas season.

Highly trained WHAT? Zimmerman types IMPEDE law enforcement.

Zimmerman did the right thing, good for him.
Actually I live in a newer 4-bedroom home on two acres with a very nice 28' X 36" shop on the same lot. I can also legally carry a concealed weapon in 31 states. As I said earlier in the same circumstances I would have shot Trayvon Martin as well. And my next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff.

well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is his guilt it is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence

Heh, the guy was attacked and he defended himself. A guy was on top of him beating him and he did what needed to be done, just as anyone normal law abiding citizen should do. Regardless of what you think you're father would have said, Zimmerman did just fine.

As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:
oh and if Zimmerman is found guilty, people like Predfan, Kosherturd and racist kissmy will state they bowed to media pressure.

I can't imagine Zimmerman being found guilty, or even being charged. Florida officials might charge him, if they thought it would appease the African savages. But, an acquittal would just make the savages more wild.

Fuck off, douchebag.
well my father was a homicide detective and I grew up surround by police and I know what they would of thought of this jag off zimmy and his illogical story having said that without a trial you do not know the circumstances beyond the unlikely story zimmy tells...the issue is his guilt it is the known circumstance warrant charges and a trail to determine guilt or innocence

Heh, the guy was attacked and he defended himself. A guy was on top of him beating him and he did what needed to be done, just as anyone normal law abiding citizen should do. Regardless of what you think you're father would have said, Zimmerman did just fine.

As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:

Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.
Heh, the guy was attacked and he defended himself. A guy was on top of him beating him and he did what needed to be done, just as anyone normal law abiding citizen should do. Regardless of what you think you're father would have said, Zimmerman did just fine.

As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:

Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.

he managed to do a 30 year law enforcement career without ever having to fire his gun and was in many circumstances that required arrest of people who resisted... never would of put himself into such a position of being unidentified stalking someone in the dark carrying a 9mm in his pants waistband
Heh, the guy was attacked and he defended himself. A guy was on top of him beating him and he did what needed to be done, just as anyone normal law abiding citizen should do. Regardless of what you think you're father would have said, Zimmerman did just fine.

As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:

Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.

As his defense attorney now states he suffered brain injury, why do you accept anything he has claimed as rational? The "poor guy" has SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME now................... Can you say DIMINISHED CAPACITY? :lol::lol:
As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:

Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.

As his defense attorney now states he suffered brain injury, why do you accept anything he has claimed as rational? The "poor guy" has SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME now................... Can you say DIMINISHED CAPACITY? :lol::lol:

probably suffering some confusion and memory loss
As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:

Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.

As his defense attorney now states he suffered brain injury, why do you accept anything he has claimed as rational? The "poor guy" has SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME now................... Can you say DIMINISHED CAPACITY? :lol::lol:

That's alright. I have known since I was a teenager that women suffer that from an early age. I don't let it bother me. Your OK with me Peaches.
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As a witness in the case, are you supposed to write about details at this point?? And Zimmerman now claims SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME; did you treat him for his latest "defense"?:lol:

Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.

he managed to do a 30 year law enforcement career without ever having to fire his gun and was in many circumstances that required arrest of people who resisted... never would of put himself into such a position of being unidentified stalking someone in the dark carrying a 9mm in his pants waistband

If he would have been jumped the way Zimmerman was, he would have fired, I think you know that.
Heh, when people on message boards know they have a weak argument they interlace their posts with childlike comments such as you have been doing...and the guy with the Detective Dad who's father would have without a doubt also shot Trayvon Martin in the same circumstances.

he managed to do a 30 year law enforcement career without ever having to fire his gun and was in many circumstances that required arrest of people who resisted... never would of put himself into such a position of being unidentified stalking someone in the dark carrying a 9mm in his pants waistband

If he would have been jumped the way Zimmerman was, he would have fired, I think you know that.

what evidence is there he was ..jumped ??
What is considered lawful and unlawful in regards to producing/presenting a weapon in the state of Florida?

Uptown, that's actually an excellent question. I know what the law ordinarily is in most states, but a number of Florida statutes (their arrest statute, for example), are simply written differently. In most places, "unlawful pointing/presenting of a firearm" would be drawing it (without necessarily firing it) as a threat, in a situation that was something other than self defense, or defense of the life of another, stopping a forcible felony in progress, or in some states, making a lawful arrest. (I add that last because in my state, the statute that allows use of deadly force to protect one's home, stop a felony in progress, etc. is actually under a "power of arrest" conferred upon "any citizen of this state" under certain specified circumstances). I know, that certain concealed carry laws (in states which do not allow open carrying), provide that merely showing the holstered weapon intentionally is a violation of the law (unless one is ordered to by a law enforcement officer, of course). If I had to guess, I'd assume the Florida law for civilians authorized to carry concealed would be something like the first part of the above, but I have no idea how the Florida law is worded, and as we've seen with the "Stand Your Ground" self defense statute there, the wording can make a lot of difference. It may be a moot point in this case, because to this point, we have not yet seen any evidence that Zimmerman intentionally showed his weapon in any way prior to drawing it and shooting Martin (having it inadvertently revealed in the course of a struggle would not itself be a violation of any concealed carry law I've ever seen). That said, there exists the possibility that something we don't know could come to light, and combine with whatever the Florida law says about "pointing and presenting", to be germane to this particular case. We have, after all, had some surprising revelations related to the wording of Florida laws here. Curious are the ways of legislators....

Yeah, I ask these question because I'm honestly interested. Cases like these fascinate me. I'm planning on pursuing a degree in Criminology since Uncle Sam is paying for it in exchange for my military service.:D

I also ask because I'd guess in my mind an individual running after someone with a gun visible in their hand would automatically be a threat if as you said the individual being chased was totally innocent and weren't doing anything to harm anybody.

I wasn't aware that this was different depending on whether or not the state is a concealed carry or open carry state. I can't imagine the definition of "unlawfully produces/presents a weapon" would vary from state to state.

I think of it in terms of knives.

A knife is legal to have, but holding a knife outside is different from chasing someone with a knife in your hand. If someone was chasing me with a knife in their hand I'd assume they were going to use it. If they were chasing me with a gun in their hand there's a million possibilities that could go through my mind. That's not to say I believe that's what happened in the Trayvon Martin case.

I'm convinced it was one big ugly misunderstanding that turned into an altercation that would have resulted in most other states in Zimmerman being charged with manslaughter or maybe a lesser charge, but charged all the same. I don't think Zimmerman is a cold-blooded killer and card carrying Klan member, but I think both made some pretty dumb decisions and both parties may be at least partially responsible for what happened that night. I think Zimmerman would have been held accountable in any other state in some way for his part (Trayvon was held paid a pretty high price for his part). But it's interesting to me how the laws in Florida may have been a deciding factor in this case.

From what you were telling me earlier and what I've read of the Florida Stand Your Ground Law, it should be repealed. I have no problem with Castle Doctrine, I understand that, and I have no problem with Gun Laws, I'm 100% pro-2nd Amendment, but this Stand Your Ground Law looks dangerous.

It makes me think the cops WERE actually convinced this wasn't self-defense. I don't believe Austin Grant's mother was lying when she said a cop plainly told her he was convinced Zimmerman wasn't acting in self-defense. I think it's one of those cases where they got on the scene, probably didn't believe a mumbling word Zimmerman said but the DA gave them the sobering news that the state's Law would make it impossible for them to prosecute ol' boy. It is hard for people to understand this kind of thing. Legislatures aren't always the most practical people. It's always easy to create and pass a law without realizing the possible implications.

IF Zimmerman was in fact chasing Martin, with the gun in his hand, that would mean he had drawn it, so that would be "unlawful presentation", (unless Florida law on that is really strange. But, did Zimmerman actually do that? As far as I know, no evidence has been presented which indicates he did.; of course, if facts came to light which would show Zimmerman did that, it would put the rest of the case in a different light, I think.

As far as the 'Stand Your Ground" statute is concerned, the legislature does need to revisit that, and at least re-write the thing. The overall intent isn't so bad; the current wording is a little too permissive , IMHO.
he managed to do a 30 year law enforcement career without ever having to fire his gun and was in many circumstances that required arrest of people who resisted... never would of put himself into such a position of being unidentified stalking someone in the dark carrying a 9mm in his pants waistband

If he would have been jumped the way Zimmerman was, he would have fired, I think you know that.

what evidence is there he was ..jumped ??

Bigfoot sighting near the killing I guess.......................................
he managed to do a 30 year law enforcement career without ever having to fire his gun and was in many circumstances that required arrest of people who resisted... never would of put himself into such a position of being unidentified stalking someone in the dark carrying a 9mm in his pants waistband

If he would have been jumped the way Zimmerman was, he would have fired, I think you know that.

what evidence is there he was ..jumped ??

Well Zimmerman said so. And he has absolutely no reason at all to lie about it, right? So he should just go home with a stern warning not to shoot anyone else anytime soon, right?
If he would have been jumped the way Zimmerman was, he would have fired, I think you know that.

what evidence is there he was ..jumped ??

Well Zimmerman said so. And he has absolutely no reason at all to lie about it, right? So he should just go home with a stern warning not to shoot anyone else anytime soon, right?

His attorney says he had shaken baby syndrome; a possible brain injury. Too disoriented to know he was pulling the trigger, I gather this is leading up to.........:doubt:

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