New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I have to interject here..

When my older boys were younger and wanted tattoos, I told them the only tats they were getting when they were in my household were ones that said "Mother" on them.

Lol..they didn't get any until they left home. I have one who has quite a few, and one who has none.
The evidence we got is that a large, racist asshole with a gun shot an unarmed kid outside his dad's house.

Prove he was racist.

I'm not sure what more you need to add to that.

Are you that ignorant of the law?

Or why the Right Wing is really trying to get into bed with Zimmerman.

Still trying to make this out as right vs left eh?

Since when is "innocent until proven guilty" only a right wing concept?
Trayvon Martin's Tattoo


Yep he had two one with his mothers name and his girlfriend.
This is just an assumption but I bet one of those two tattoos were made by someone who had been in jail.

That is just his right forearm. His upper left arm also has a large tattoo.

People seem to forget Zimmerman was a professional bouncer for nightclubs. Trained security.

(And later fired because he was too aggressive and a loose cannon).

Being trained to remove obnoxious, volatile and drunk people much bigger than him was part of his JOB.

That doesn't seem to be part of the poor lil frail Zimmerman profile for many though.

Being a bouncer does not make you invincible. Life as a bouncer is not a Patrick Swacey road house movie. Where the bouncer kicks 20 guys asses and gets the girl.

Do not defile road house in using it for a political point, or we will get personal buddy....:)


[ame=]Katy Perry - Ur So Gay - YouTube[/ame]
Being a bouncer does not make you invincible. Life as a bouncer is not a Patrick Swacey road house movie. Where the bouncer kicks 20 guys asses and gets the girl.

No, it doesn't. But the idea that he couldn't handle a 150 lb kid with a bag of skittles is kind of laughable as well.

It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

The lynch mob wants their vigilante justice so bad, they will ignore common sense and say any stupid thing they have to to get it.
Yea.... I can understand you not wanting to address the fact that you're accepting an unnamed source from an unnamed club as 'evidence'.... just like rdweeb with his babble about Zimmerman's 911 complaints when 'every single' call was about a black person. :lol:
It was from the NY Daily News. They have a heck of a lot more journalistic integrity than your favorite babblers at Fixed News.

Have at it. We shall see. His workplace history may be used at his trial, if there is one. Then again maybe not. We shall see.

Again... for the brain dead... I don't do 'fox news'.... I do pay attention to what the media generally are saying... and I fact check it. Just like I did with the claim that Zimmerman was profiling blacks. I have the original logs released from Sanford Police Dept tracking his 911 call history..... guess what that shows? The media are claiming that he only reported blacks.... that is a lie.... from the original fucking transcripts. Your media lies... and you are stupid enough to whine about Fox? Last time I checked, Fox didn't have to fire any editor for having mis-edited tapes of the 911 call from Zimmerman.... that was NBC.

Paperview has ZERO credibility. Don't waste your time.
No, it doesn't. But the idea that he couldn't handle a 150 lb kid with a bag of skittles is kind of laughable as well.

It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

The lynch mob wants their vigilante justice so bad, they will ignore common sense and say any stupid thing they have to to get it.

They only want justice when it affects their agenda.
Do not defile road house in using it for a political point, or we will get personal buddy....:)


[ame=]Katy Perry - Ur So Gay - YouTube[/ame]

Really dude? Im having fun and you say im gay for liking a really bad movie?
I bet your a titanic fan..

Anyone defending the movie roadhouse is either a female or they have so much sugar in their britches they leave a sugar trial when walking. :badgrin:
It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

The lynch mob wants their vigilante justice so bad, they will ignore common sense and say any stupid thing they have to to get it.

They only want justice when it affects their agenda.

The left only wants justice when it fits their agenda.
The left only wants racial equality when it fits their agenda.
The left only wants respect for women when it fits their agenda.
The left only wants an end to racism when it fits their agenda.
The left only wants free speech when it fits their agenda.
The left only wants liberty when it fits their agenda.
The key is innocent until proven guilty. Until more evidence surface's that's all we have to go with.

Exactly, but most of the lefties here assume guilty first in this case.

We should go bqck and see what people where saying with kasey anthony....I bet it was different...well except for you pred,you where not here have to go to the other place

Feel free. You won't find anything. I never cared about her. I live in Orlando and got sick of that crap really fast. Are trying to say that your "guilty until proven innocent" attitude is ok because others did the same for Anthony?
Last edited:
The key is innocent until proven guilty. Until more evidence surface's that's all we have to go with.

Exactly, but most of the lefties here assume guilty first in this case.

We should go bqck and see what people where saying with kasey anthony....I bet it was different...well except for you pred,you where not here have to go to the other place

She's is a guilty as sin. didn't report her child missing for a month and it was her mother who did it if I recall from memory. She like Susan Smith should fry, but that's not my call.
Soooo.... let's get this straight.

His injuries were serious enough to justify him using a gun on a kid who was armed with an oh-so-dangerous energy drink.

But not bad enough to require hospitilization or be visible on a tape an hour later.

Hmmmmm :doubt:

Hey, I'm all for "innocent until proven guilty", but dude, you have to apply a bit of common sense here. A guy with a history of calling in supsicious black kids finally shoots one of them.

So, what are we supposed to do when attacked? Wait until our skull actually fractures before we defend ourselves? :cuckoo:

Well, honestly, if I had a hundred pounds on the kid, like Zimmerman had on Trayvon, I think I could probably take him without resorting to using the gun.
Weight has nothing to do with a person getting the upper hand on you in a fight, so it seems you have never watched many fights or been in any fights in your life, or you would know this.. I was wrestling with a friend of mine that was over one hundred pounds heavier than I was, and he bum rushed me with his head down straight into my mid section. I just took his head into my arm in a lock, threw my feet and legs backwards quickly (leaning into him), and down we went to the ground, me on top and him eating dirt. He tried all he could to get lose, but he couldnot do it until I finally let him up. His head was as red as a beat from his struggle, but we got ok afterwards (laughed it off). He was embarassed because a small guy like me took him, but he got over it finally or I think he did...hmmmmm B )
We should go bqck and see what people where saying with kasey anthony....I bet it was different...well except for you pred,you where not here have to go to the other place

Feel free. You won't find anything. I never cared about her. I live in Orlando and got sick of that crap really fast. Are trying to say that your "guilty until proven innocent" attitude is ok because others did the same for Anthony?

No I am saying I bet people judged kasey like they are with martin now. We all take sides on issues depending on our personal morals.zimmerman should have a fair trial and public opinion shouldn't matter.
I think zimmerman is personally guitly based on the evidence Ive seen, and I might be wrong in the end.yet our opinions don't really matter do they?

Dang? Your posts up to now don't suggest that you think that way.

Fine, I agree. I don't know if he's guilty or not, I just want the law followed. It looks to me as if he will be a free man, based on the evidence I've seen and heard. I'll admit that secretly I want Zimmerman to be innocent, just to watch Al Sharpton and his lynch mob, and the lynch mob here to be as embarassed as they should be. But justice, real justice, is want i hope we get from this.
We should go bqck and see what people where saying with kasey anthony....I bet it was different...well except for you pred,you where not here have to go to the other place

Feel free. You won't find anything. I never cared about her. I live in Orlando and got sick of that crap really fast. Are trying to say that your "guilty until proven innocent" attitude is ok because others did the same for Anthony?

No I am saying I bet people judged kasey like they are with martin now. We all take sides on issues depending on our personal morals.zimmerman should have a fair trial and public opinion shouldn't matter.
I think zimmerman is personally guitly based on the evidence Ive seen, and I might be wrong in the end.yet our opinions don't really matter do they?

Why should he have a trial.... our process is that we require evidence before we charge someone with a crime. I appreciate that that might be quite inconvenient, but it is our process.
Feel free. You won't find anything. I never cared about her. I live in Orlando and got sick of that crap really fast. Are trying to say that your "guilty until proven innocent" attitude is ok because others did the same for Anthony?

No I am saying I bet people judged kasey like they are with martin now. We all take sides on issues depending on our personal morals.zimmerman should have a fair trial and public opinion shouldn't matter.
I think zimmerman is personally guitly based on the evidence Ive seen, and I might be wrong in the end.yet our opinions don't really matter do they?

Dang? Your posts up to now don't suggest that you think that way.

Fine, I agree. I don't know if he's guilty or not, I just want the law followed. It looks to me as if he will be a free man, based on the evidence I've seen and heard. I'll admit that secretly I want Zimmerman to be innocent, just to watch Al Sharpton and his lynch mob, and the lynch mob here to be as embarassed as they should be. But justice, real justice, is want i hope we get from this.


Hint: predacles: It's not so secret. lol.
So, what are we supposed to do when attacked? Wait until our skull actually fractures before we defend ourselves? :cuckoo:

Well, honestly, if I had a hundred pounds on the kid, like Zimmerman had on Trayvon, I think I could probably take him without resorting to using the gun.
Weight has nothing to do with a person getting the upper hand on you in a fight, so it seems you have never watched many fights or been in any fights in your life, or you would know this.. I was wrestling with a friend of mine that was over one hundred pounds heavier than I was, and he bum rushed me with his head down straight into my mid section. I just took his head into my arm in a lock, threw my feet and legs backwards quickly (leaning into him), and down we went to the ground, me on top and him eating dirt. He tried all he could to get lose, but he couldnot do it until I finally let him up. His head was as red as a beat from his struggle, but we got ok afterwards (laughed it off). He was embarassed because a small guy like me took him, but he got over it finally or I think he did...hmmmmm B )

If Zimmerman was 250 pounds of trained muscle, then his weight should give him the advantage. Nothing I've seen in any video seems to suggest that.
Feel free. You won't find anything. I never cared about her. I live in Orlando and got sick of that crap really fast. Are trying to say that your "guilty until proven innocent" attitude is ok because others did the same for Anthony?

No I am saying I bet people judged kasey like they are with martin now. We all take sides on issues depending on our personal morals.zimmerman should have a fair trial and public opinion shouldn't matter.
I think zimmerman is personally guitly based on the evidence Ive seen, and I might be wrong in the end.yet our opinions don't really matter do they?

Why should he have a trial.... our process is that we require evidence before we charge someone with a crime. I appreciate that that might be quite inconvenient, but it is our process.

I agree here as well. I'm not convinced that this will even be brought before the Grand Jury. I could concieve of a scenario where the DA and the Special Prosecutor might try to send this tothe GJ to try to pass off the responsibility to them, but I doubt it.
Soooo.... let's get this straight.

His injuries were serious enough to justify him using a gun on a kid who was armed with an oh-so-dangerous energy drink.

But not bad enough to require hospitilization or be visible on a tape an hour later.

Hmmmmm :doubt:

Hey, I'm all for "innocent until proven guilty", but dude, you have to apply a bit of common sense here. A guy with a history of calling in supsicious black kids finally shoots one of them.

So, what are we supposed to do when attacked? Wait until our skull actually fractures before we defend ourselves? :cuckoo:

Well, honestly, if I had a hundred pounds on the kid, like Zimmerman had on Trayvon, I think I could probably take him without resorting to using the gun.

You are a fucking Liar, you always have been low life.
So, what are we supposed to do when attacked? Wait until our skull actually fractures before we defend ourselves? :cuckoo:

Well, honestly, if I had a hundred pounds on the kid, like Zimmerman had on Trayvon, I think I could probably take him without resorting to using the gun.
Weight has nothing to do with a person getting the upper hand on you in a fight, so it seems you have never watched many fights or been in any fights in your life, or you would know this.. I was wrestling with a friend of mine that was over one hundred pounds heavier than I was, and he bum rushed me with his head down straight into my mid section. I just took his head into my arm in a lock, threw my feet and legs backwards quickly (leaning into him), and down we went to the ground, me on top and him eating dirt. He tried all he could to get lose, but he couldnot do it until I finally let him up. His head was as red as a beat from his struggle, but we got ok afterwards (laughed it off). He was embarassed because a small guy like me took him, but he got over it finally or I think he did...hmmmmm B )

Joe has no knowledge of the law so he finds an excuse to formulate his opinion.

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