New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

No I am saying I bet people judged kasey like they are with martin now. We all take sides on issues depending on our personal morals.zimmerman should have a fair trial and public opinion shouldn't matter.
I think zimmerman is personally guitly based on the evidence Ive seen, and I might be wrong in the end.yet our opinions don't really matter do they?

Why should he have a trial.... our process is that we require evidence before we charge someone with a crime. I appreciate that that might be quite inconvenient, but it is our process.

I agree here as well. I'm not convinced that this will even be brought before the Grand Jury. I could concieve of a scenario where the DA and the Special Prosecutor might try to send this tothe GJ to try to pass off the responsibility to them, but I doubt it.

The grand jury will hear this case. The delay has been the crime lab from the start.
Media could report that the Klan was rounding up blacks and having mass lynchings every 5 minutes in Sanford and you folks would believe it without checking any of it out.
And call it "evidence" as you hear it.
Media could report that the Klan was rounding up blacks and having mass lynchings every 5 minutes in Sanford and you folks would believe it without checking any of it out.
And call it "evidence" as you hear it.

Nah that's why you ask for a link or google it,but nice try with the sensationalism....

I have many links that claim without any doubt and have evidence that Elvis is alive in Hahira, Ga working at the Waffle House when he is not over seas doing undercover work for the CIA.
Links never mean a damn thing. Who has ever provided a link that does not state exactly what THEY are claiming to begin with?
What, someone is going to post something with a link that says the opposite?:cuckoo:
Media could report that the Klan was rounding up blacks and having mass lynchings every 5 minutes in Sanford and you folks would believe it without checking any of it out.
And call it "evidence" as you hear it.

Nah that's why you ask for a link or google it,but nice try with the sensationalism....

you don't get it do you? If it's not reported by the main stream media it doesn't matter how many sources someone uses you aren't going to believe it.
Media could report that the Klan was rounding up blacks and having mass lynchings every 5 minutes in Sanford and you folks would believe it without checking any of it out.
And call it "evidence" as you hear it.

Right. The accusation itself is evidence, and proof. To Liberals, whites are guilty until proven innocent, and nothing will be accepted as evidence of innocence.
Being a bouncer does not make you invincible. Life as a bouncer is not a Patrick Swacey road house movie. Where the bouncer kicks 20 guys asses and gets the girl.

No, it doesn't. But the idea that he couldn't handle a 150 lb kid with a bag of skittles is kind of laughable as well.

It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

Well, if you are going to paint yourself as the neighborhood superhero, you should be able to handle yourself without blowing holes in people who don't have weapons...

Again, not sure why the Right is walking right into this trap. You guys defend Zimmerman, and then we find out what a real a--hole he was.

If Obama could manipulate the economy as easily as he manipulates Republicans, we'd be on easy street right now.
Well, honestly, if I had a hundred pounds on the kid, like Zimmerman had on Trayvon, I think I could probably take him without resorting to using the gun.
Weight has nothing to do with a person getting the upper hand on you in a fight, so it seems you have never watched many fights or been in any fights in your life, or you would know this.. I was wrestling with a friend of mine that was over one hundred pounds heavier than I was, and he bum rushed me with his head down straight into my mid section. I just took his head into my arm in a lock, threw my feet and legs backwards quickly (leaning into him), and down we went to the ground, me on top and him eating dirt. He tried all he could to get lose, but he couldnot do it until I finally let him up. His head was as red as a beat from his struggle, but we got ok afterwards (laughed it off). He was embarassed because a small guy like me took him, but he got over it finally or I think he did...hmmmmm B )

Joe has no knowledge of the law so he finds an excuse to formulate his opinion.

I'm not the least bit interested in the law. I'm interested in justice.

Law is a great tool and a lousy God.

Fact is, 250 lbs former bouncer should have been able to handle a skinny 17 year old kid, even if had (gasp) tatoos and gold teeth and even a can of Energy Drink, without having to blow a hole in him.

The examples they give of besting someone heavier in a fight, that heavier person was not really trying to do you any harm...
No, it doesn't. But the idea that he couldn't handle a 150 lb kid with a bag of skittles is kind of laughable as well.

It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

Well, if you are going to paint yourself as the neighborhood superhero, you should be able to handle yourself without blowing holes in people who don't have weapons...

Again, not sure why the Right is walking right into this trap. You guys defend Zimmerman, and then we find out what a real a--hole he was.

If Obama could manipulate the economy as easily as he manipulates Republicans, we'd be on easy street right now.

Well, if certain people didn't keep making lil Trayvon into a saint, maybe people would be less inclined to defend someone who has not been charged with any wrong doing.

Neither man was a saint. The difference between you and some others is that we wait for due process and factually accurate evidence... whereas you run around screaming about 'murder', 'unarmed child' and 'racist'.

What are you gonna do if it turns out the evidence supports Zimmerman's version of the events?
No, it doesn't. But the idea that he couldn't handle a 150 lb kid with a bag of skittles is kind of laughable as well.

It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

Well, if you are going to paint yourself as the neighborhood superhero, you should be able to handle yourself without blowing holes in people who don't have weapons...

Again, not sure why the Right is walking right into this trap. You guys defend Zimmerman, and then we find out what a real a--hole he was.

If Obama could manipulate the economy as easily as he manipulates Republicans, we'd be on easy street right now.

You're the only one painting him anything. A concerned citizen is nothing more than that.
It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

Well, if you are going to paint yourself as the neighborhood superhero, you should be able to handle yourself without blowing holes in people who don't have weapons...

Again, not sure why the Right is walking right into this trap. You guys defend Zimmerman, and then we find out what a real a--hole he was.

If Obama could manipulate the economy as easily as he manipulates Republicans, we'd be on easy street right now.

Well, if certain people didn't keep making lil Trayvon into a saint, maybe people would be less inclined to defend someone who has not been charged with any wrong doing.

Neither man was a saint. The difference between you and some others is that we wait for due process and factually accurate evidence... whereas you run around screaming about 'murder', 'unarmed child' and 'racist'.

What are you gonna do if it turns out the evidence supports Zimmerman's version of the events?

Call'em racist anyway.
It's even more laughable without knowing both people to presume that one could take the other due to their size and supposedly job they had at one time.

Well, if you are going to paint yourself as the neighborhood superhero, you should be able to handle yourself without blowing holes in people who don't have weapons...

Again, not sure why the Right is walking right into this trap. You guys defend Zimmerman, and then we find out what a real a--hole he was.

If Obama could manipulate the economy as easily as he manipulates Republicans, we'd be on easy street right now.

You're the only one painting him anything. A concerned citizen is nothing more than that.

until they murder someone...
Well, if certain people didn't keep making lil Trayvon into a saint, maybe people would be less inclined to defend someone who has not been charged with any wrong doing.

Neither man was a saint. The difference between you and some others is that we wait for due process and factually accurate evidence... whereas you run around screaming about 'murder', 'unarmed child' and 'racist'.

What are you gonna do if it turns out the evidence supports Zimmerman's version of the events?

Seriously wonder if there was a police coverup.

WHich actually, there's already strong evidence of.

The difference is, while neither man was a saint, one of them wasn't a man, he was a child in the eyes of the law. He was a 17 year old kid, who frankly didn't do anything that merited getting shot over. Gold Teeth and Tats notwithstanding.
No I am saying I bet people judged kasey like they are with martin now. We all take sides on issues depending on our personal morals.zimmerman should have a fair trial and public opinion shouldn't matter.
I think zimmerman is personally guitly based on the evidence Ive seen, and I might be wrong in the end.yet our opinions don't really matter do they?

Dang? Your posts up to now don't suggest that you think that way.

Fine, I agree. I don't know if he's guilty or not, I just want the law followed. It looks to me as if he will be a free man, based on the evidence I've seen and heard. I'll admit that secretly I want Zimmerman to be innocent, just to watch Al Sharpton and his lynch mob, and the lynch mob here to be as embarassed as they should be. But justice, real justice, is want i hope we get from this.

Ah this is typical of message assume because I argue with one set of evidence I must have a certain opinion.
im just arguing evidence pred,not my personal opinion,which you never asked nor did I really give out.
we all want a fair trial, but then what would we do here?

I cannot argue that.
Why should he have a trial.... our process is that we require evidence before we charge someone with a crime. I appreciate that that might be quite inconvenient, but it is our process.

I agree here as well. I'm not convinced that this will even be brought before the Grand Jury. I could concieve of a scenario where the DA and the Special Prosecutor might try to send this tothe GJ to try to pass off the responsibility to them, but I doubt it.

The grand jury will hear this case. The delay has been the crime lab from the start.

How do you know this?
Well, if you are going to paint yourself as the neighborhood superhero, you should be able to handle yourself without blowing holes in people who don't have weapons...

If I beat the shit out of your ignorant, racist ass, you'd know my fists are weapons.
Weight has nothing to do with a person getting the upper hand on you in a fight, so it seems you have never watched many fights or been in any fights in your life, or you would know this.. I was wrestling with a friend of mine that was over one hundred pounds heavier than I was, and he bum rushed me with his head down straight into my mid section. I just took his head into my arm in a lock, threw my feet and legs backwards quickly (leaning into him), and down we went to the ground, me on top and him eating dirt. He tried all he could to get lose, but he couldnot do it until I finally let him up. His head was as red as a beat from his struggle, but we got ok afterwards (laughed it off). He was embarassed because a small guy like me took him, but he got over it finally or I think he did...hmmmmm B )

Joe has no knowledge of the law so he finds an excuse to formulate his opinion.

I'm not the least bit interested in the law. I'm interested in justice.

Law is a great tool and a lousy God.

Fact is, 250 lbs former bouncer should have been able to handle a skinny 17 year old kid, even if had (gasp) tatoos and gold teeth and even a can of Energy Drink, without having to blow a hole in him.

The examples they give of besting someone heavier in a fight, that heavier person was not really trying to do you any harm...

This says all I need to know about you.
Well, if certain people didn't keep making lil Trayvon into a saint, maybe people would be less inclined to defend someone who has not been charged with any wrong doing.

Neither man was a saint. The difference between you and some others is that we wait for due process and factually accurate evidence... whereas you run around screaming about 'murder', 'unarmed child' and 'racist'.

What are you gonna do if it turns out the evidence supports Zimmerman's version of the events?

Seriously wonder if there was a police coverup.

WHich actually, there's already strong evidence of.

The difference is, while neither man was a saint, one of them wasn't a man, he was a child in the eyes of the law. He was a 17 year old kid, who frankly didn't do anything that merited getting shot over. Gold Teeth and Tats notwithstanding.

You think that he should be arrested based solely on your zero knowledge of the events, and since the people who HAD knowledge of the events didn't arrest him, you think that there is a cover up.:cuckoo:
He shouldn't be arrested but he should have a trial to clear everything up regardless.
someone was killed, its the right thing to do and everyone knows it.

Here is a fine example of no comprehension of America's legal system^^^^^^^

You can't have a trial without an arrest or charges issued against you.:cuckoo:
He shouldn't be arrested but he should have a trial to clear everything up regardless.
someone was killed, its the right thing to do and everyone knows it.

Not everyone knows it.

If (I say if) all of the evidence and all of the eye-witness accounts support Zimmerman's story then why should he go to trial? Why should the taxpayers pay for a senseless trial, and why should an innocent citizen have to spend his/her money defending himself against a non-crime?

If they don't have enough evidence to arrest you, why should you have to go to a trial?

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