New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

What he told police THAT DAY is only what matters. That is the BEST evidence as to his version.
What media supposedly says he said after that means nothing. In fact your link states he has not talked publicly.
If the evidence is that Zimmerman was attacked from behind how does one convict on a murder charge?
This ought to be rich.

Zimmerman's latest is that they exchanged words and Martin punched him in the nose.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel

That negates the initial account that he was attacked from behind.

'Course, I haven't followed this for a while. His story may have changed again.

You fucking idiot, he said Trayvon approached from behind, said "do you have a problem with me?" and when Zimmerman said no, said "You do now" and clocked him.

His story hasn't changed. And you remain an idiot.
If the evidence is that Zimmerman was attacked from behind how does one convict on a murder charge?
This ought to be rich.

Zimmerman's latest is that they exchanged words and Martin punched him in the nose.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel

so even in his story he lies ?...allows the kid to think he is being stalked and possible in grave danger ?...instead of telling him he is neighbor watch
what his concerns where and that police have been called ??,..for fuck sake worked security for years graveyard shifts paroling for mostly thieves and IV drug users
That negates the initial account that he was attacked from behind.

'Course, I haven't followed this for a while. His story may have changed again.

You fucking idiot, he said Trayvon approached from behind, said "do you have a problem with me?" and when Zimmerman said no, said "You do now" and clocked him.

His story hasn't changed. And you remain an idiot.

so even in his story he lies ?...allows the kid to think he is being stalked and possible in grave danger ?...instead of telling him he is neighborhood watch.. what his concerns are and then if he felt any danger tell him the police have been called and show him his cell ??,..for fuck sake I worked security for years graveyard shifts patrolling for mostly thieves and IV drug users in stairwells and allyways..I was often asked if I had a problem.. I always polite and identified myself and most people responded well despite their obvious condition or appearance..even ones that had some hostilities would mouth off some and move along and thats exactly what security or police patrols are supposed to achieve unless an actual crime has been witnessed and when I did wittiness a crime like a a car break in..I would call 911..give a detailed description follow or observe at a safe distance and no one ever got away.. any kind of property crime is not worth killing or dying for.. the arrest I did make was when life was endanger two occasions of drunk drivers that had single car accidents where the driver attempted to flee so they could kill themselves or someone else and one new years when some kid was being assaulted by a drunk guy twice his age and weight for bumping into him on a busy street..everyone was just watching until I jumped on him then they all piled on.. he had like 4 or 5 guys sitting on him by the the cops came..but ya never felt the need to kill anyone,,no one I worked with ever needed to kill matter how you cut it this zimerman is a total loser and the very best case scenario is responsible for this unnecessary death by his gross neglect and incompetence,,,and anyone that calls this joker a hero or worthy of any respect needs to give their head a shake
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If the evidence is that Zimmerman was attacked from behind how does one convict on a murder charge?
This ought to be rich.

Zimmerman's latest is that they exchanged words and Martin punched him in the nose.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel

That negates the initial account that he was attacked from behind.

'Course, I haven't followed this for a while. His story may have changed again.

"much of it has been corroborated by witnesses"
What does that tell you?
That is why he was not charged. Witnesses back up his version.
I am open to whatever the evidence is in this case.
If the evidence is that Zimmerman shot Martin not in self defense then he is guilty.
If the evidence is that Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense after he was attacked then he is innocent.
Are you willing to allow A JURY DECIDE and NOT the court of public opinion?

I'm for convicting the guy, regardless. His following this kid (after being told not to by the 911 Dispatcher) was the proximate cause of this tragedy. Even if Trayvon hit him, he felt reasonably threatened, as any kid would being followed by a complete stranger in a truck and then a car.

Also, frankly, I don't want to see race riots like we had after the assholes who beat Rodney King were let off.
I'm for convicting the guy, regardless. His following this kid (after being told not to by the 911 Dispatcher) was the proximate cause of this tragedy. Even if Trayvon hit him, he felt reasonably threatened, as any kid would being followed by a complete stranger in a truck and then a car.

Also, frankly, I don't want to see race riots like we had after the assholes who beat Rodney King were let off.

Thanks for your racist opinion. :fu: Now go back to sucking off Al Sharpton so he will give you another race card.
I'm for convicting the guy, regardless. His following this kid (after being told not to by the 911 Dispatcher) was the proximate cause of this tragedy. Even if Trayvon hit him, he felt reasonably threatened, as any kid would being followed by a complete stranger in a truck and then a car.

Also, frankly, I don't want to see race riots like we had after the assholes who beat Rodney King were let off.

Thanks for your racist opinion. :fu: Now go back to sucking off Al Sharpton so he will give you another race card.

Hey, end of the day, he killed an innocent kid.

The rest is filler.

Frankly, I don't even know how the guy lives with himself. But I'm all for him living in jail. Putting him in jail will save lives.

No evidence that he killed an innocent kid, or he'd be in jail now.

And you're also (repeatedly) lying about the 911 operator telling him to desist following. That is not what was said. I don't know how you live with yourself. Don't you feel the tiniest bit of shame over using a dead kid to propagate hate?

You should be in would save lives!
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so even in his story he lies ?...allows the kid to think he is being stalked and possible in grave danger ?...instead of telling him he is neighborhood watch.. what his concerns are and then if he felt any danger tell him the police have been called and show him his cell ??,..for fuck sake I worked security for years graveyard shifts patrolling for mostly thieves and IV drug users in stairwells and allyways..I was often asked if I had a problem.. I always polite and identified myself and most people responded well despite their obvious condition or appearance..even ones that had some hostilities would mouth off some and move along and thats exactly what security or police patrols are supposed to achieve unless an actual crime has been witnessed and when I did wittiness a crime like a a car break in..I would call 911..give a detailed description follow or observe at a safe distance and no one ever got away.. any kind of property crime is not worth killing or dying for.. the arrest I did make was when life was endanger two occasions of drunk drivers that had single car accidents where the driver attempted to flee so they could kill themselves or someone else and one new years when some kid was being assaulted by a drunk guy twice his age and weight for bumping into him on a busy street..everyone was just watching until I jumped on him then they all piled on.. he had like 4 or 5 guys sitting on him by the the cops came..but ya never felt the need to kill anyone,,no one I worked with ever needed to kill matter how you cut it this zimerman is a total loser and the very best case scenario is responsible for this unnecessary death by his gross neglect and incompetence,,,and anyone that calls this joker a hero or worthy of any respect needs to give their head a shake

Martin had no justifiable reason to attack Zimmerman. Martin snapped like your typical psycho. Your they never attacked you & never got away security guard fairy tail is complete bullshit. The few times I witnessed a crime & followed the perp from a distance while remaining in my car on the cell phone, I got attacked & they got away. Bystanders never help you apprehend a perp. Just like with with Martin & Zimmerman, they all ran inside, hid & call 911.
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No evidence that he killed an innocent kid, or he'd be in jail now.

And you're also (repeatedly) lying about the 911 operator telling him to desist following. That is not what was said. I don't know how you live with yourself. Don't you feel the tiniest bit of shame over using a dead kid to propagate hate?

You should be in would save lives!



She asked if he was following him. He said yes. She said "We don't need you to do that".

He said, "OK".

He was told to stand down, he didn't. Tragedy ensued. Now, sorry, I know you guys live in mortal fear this might lead to things you don't like, like Obama getting re-elected or people wondering why assholes are legally allowed to walk around with guns, but the fact is, he shot this kid for no good reason, and he needs to be in prison.

And he will be, soon enough.
Telling someone "we don't need you to do that" is not the same as "stop doing that'.

I'm sorry that you are a liar, or don't understand English.
Telling someone "we don't need you to do that" is not the same as "stop doing that'.

I'm sorry that you are a liar, or don't understand English.

Oh, I understand that perfectly well, and so would most people. If a cop tells you not to do something, YOU DON'T DO IT!

Unless your Barney Fife Zimmerman, who was just out to show what a crimefighter he was.
The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?
You fucking idiot, he said Trayvon approached from behind, said "do you have a problem with me?" and when Zimmerman said no, said "You do now" and clocked him.

His story hasn't changed. And you remain an idiot.

Read back through this thread, and the other one too. Bigreb and others (including you) were arguing the initial story --- that Trayvon hit Zimmerman from behind.

For example:

I went back and forth with a few over this; him being hit from behind never did make sense given what little facts we did know about this incident.
The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

9-11 operators are members of the police force. At least the one I used to date was.

She said, "We don't need you to do that". I would say that was an instruction. Now if you want to split hairs and say it was a "suggestion", I guess you can hang your hat on it.

But given the end result was STILL a dead kid who didn't actually do anything wrong, I'd say not following the very sensible instruction from a law enforcement professional was criminally negligent.
You fucking idiot, he said Trayvon approached from behind, said "do you have a problem with me?" and when Zimmerman said no, said "You do now" and clocked him.

His story hasn't changed. And you remain an idiot.

Read back through this thread, and the other one too. Bigreb and others (including you) were arguing the initial story --- that Trayvon hit Zimmerman from behind.

For example:

I went back and forth with a few over this; him being hit from behind never did make sense given what little facts we did know about this incident.

Oh, well, then, if people on the internet say he was attacked from behind, that must be what happened.

It doesn't matter what we say happened. All that matters is his statement, and he said he was approached from behind. He never claimed he was hit from behind. And to say that he's lying because what he says is different from what internet quarterbacks SAID he said is an example of you lying. You're a liar.
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No evidence that he killed an innocent kid, or he'd be in jail now.

And you're also (repeatedly) lying about the 911 operator telling him to desist following. That is not what was said. I don't know how you live with yourself. Don't you feel the tiniest bit of shame over using a dead kid to propagate hate?

You should be in would save lives!



She asked if he was following him. He said yes. She said "We don't need you to do that".

He said, "OK".

He was told to stand down, he didn't. Tragedy ensued. Now, sorry, I know you guys live in mortal fear this might lead to things you don't like, like Obama getting re-elected or people wondering why assholes are legally allowed to walk around with guns, but the fact is, he shot this kid for no good reason, and he needs to be in prison.

And he will be, soon enough.

That is not to stand down fool.

Your mind isalready made up.
The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

9-11 operators are members of the police force. At least the one I used to date was.

She said, "We don't need you to do that". I would say that was an instruction. Now if you want to split hairs and say it was a "suggestion", I guess you can hang your hat on it.

But given the end result was STILL a dead kid who didn't actually do anything wrong, I'd say not following the very sensible instruction from a law enforcement professional was criminally negligent.

I don't care what you say. "We dont' need you to do that" is not an instruction. It's saying they don't need him to do that. And you don't know if the kid did anything wrong or not.

It's irresponsible and dishonest to make proclamations about guilt or innocence, or to otherwise make determinations about this case, based on second, third and fourth hand suppositions and pure fantasy.
Telling someone "we don't need you to do that" is not the same as "stop doing that'.

I'm sorry that you are a liar, or don't understand English.

Oh, I understand that perfectly well, and so would most people. If a cop tells you not to do something, YOU DON'T DO IT!

Unless your Barney Fife Zimmerman, who was just out to show what a crimefighter he was.

So they told him to "stand down", which they didn't but let us say they did.
Then someone jumps him and is allowed to break his nose and smash his head and he is not allowed to defend himself in any way because he was told to "stand down".
You are a complete dumbass if you believe that is the law or that analysis of yours has any credibility.

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