New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.

I deal with police deparments daily. Most of the folk that answer the phones at the police department ARE NOT POLICE OFFICERS.

Facts are a real bitch to folks here but that is FACT. The people that work in the records room are not officers. The front desk people are not officers.

Now this could have been an officer there but you do not know. How could you know?
So your point is moot because YOU DO NOT KNOW.

Didn't claim I did know for sure; I said I couldn't make it out. I do know that whenever I've called city, county and state police here, an officer has answered and ID'd him/herself as such.
So they told him to "stand down", which they didn't but let us say they did.
Then someone jumps him and is allowed to break his nose and smash his head and he is not allowed to defend himself in any way because he was told to "stand down".
You are a complete dumbass if you believe that is the law or that analysis of yours has any credibility.
he is allowed to defend himself, but not allowed to kill the person he is in a hand to hand fight with....unless the other person is trying to kill eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life....

beating someone up or in a fist fight with them is NOT legal permission to pull out your gun and KILL that person.....PERIOD.

Sure it is, if you're getting your head bashed on the ground and think the other guy is going to take your gun and shoot you with it.

And eye for an eye tooth for a tooth is not the way our justice system works. That's the way lynch mobs work. Only they tend to go overboard, and do a lot of bad stuff before all the facts are in.

Sound familiar?
just babble from the eye for an eye Biblically, was to stop the OVER PUNISHMENT for crimes that was taking place.... it was to restrain punishments that were unfair and happening....
It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.

It's a 911 call, you retard.

Good grief.

And not being sworn in means they aren't cops. You're doubly retarded. They're employed as police technicians. But they aren't cops.

I know, this is really difficult stuff.
You post false information, and call her a retard.

It was NOT 911.

It was the NON-EMERGENCY number at the SPD, airbrain.

So why does everyone refer to it as a 911 call, and the person he's talking to as a 911 dispatcher?


"A transcript of the actual recording of the call between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher shows the version that was aired was significantly modified.

Read more:
Another day of freedom for George Zimmerman. Despite the pressure to arrest him, they haven't. Tomorrow is supposed to be the day that the Grand jury hears the case and there isn't even any word that this case will be presented to the GJ.

Why is that I wonder? We know that the lynch mob here thinks that the SPD is racist and incompetent but does the lack of arrest mean that they think that everyone else that has been assigned to this case since is also racist? Or, could it be that Zimmerman's version of the events of that night fit the evidence and the eye witness accounts? I don't know for sure, no one here does but it seems that that is the most likely scenario.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.
i don't know what happened between zimmerman and Martin, other than what has been said....but I do think that this should have gone to trial....if zimmerman was being beaten to death, then he would get off and be set free, if there was not that threat of being killed then he'd be charged with a form of manslaughter and likely to get just probation....
It's a 911 call, you retard.

Good grief.

And not being sworn in means they aren't cops. You're doubly retarded. They're employed as police technicians. But they aren't cops.

I know, this is really difficult stuff.
You post false information, and call her a retard.

It was NOT 911.

It was the NON-EMERGENCY number at the SPD, airbrain.

So why does everyone refer to it as a 911 call, and the person he's talking to as a 911 dispatcher?


"A transcript of the actual recording of the call between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher shows the version that was aired was significantly modified.

Read more:
Newsflash KG.

Sometimes news reports get it wrong.

Wow. Imagine that!
Lot's of us knew it was not a 911 call weeks ago, when we actually LISTENED to the tape.

Where in that call did you hear what you hear at the beginning of every 911 call:

"911, what is your emergency?"

Did you hear that?

It doesn't matter. He wasn't told to stand down.

And 911 dispatchers provide support to the police and fire departments. They are typically non-sworn.

It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.
One thing I know for certain, is the guy who answers the non-emergency number at my police station IS a police officer.

None of us know if the one on that call is or isn't. He did not identify himself.

Oh, and Emm: what he said after saying "Sanford Police Department" was "this call is being recorded." (paraphrased. not going to listen to it again for exacts.)

You're an idiot.

911 dispatchers are police techs. They work for the police department. They aren't cops, however..they aren't sworn in.
I wonder if Zimmerman is guilty of a crime and the FBI, the Justice Department, FDEP is involved. Why hasnt he been charged? maybe because they dont have a case.
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It doesn't matter the rank or position of the dispatcher. She DID NOT order Zimmerman not to follow him.


having trouble determining a mans voice now?

Romper Room ======>
You get what you give.

You want to be a picky snot - you're going to get that back. I know you're still pissed at me demolishing you from yeaars back.

That was so embarrassing for you, it's no wonder you still hold a grudge.
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Oh, I understand that perfectly well, and so would most people. If a cop tells you not to do something, YOU DON'T DO IT!

Unless your Barney Fife Zimmerman, who was just out to show what a crimefighter he was.

So they told him to "stand down", which they didn't but let us say they did.
Then someone jumps him and is allowed to break his nose and smash his head and he is not allowed to defend himself in any way because he was told to "stand down".
You are a complete dumbass if you believe that is the law or that analysis of yours has any credibility.
he is allowed to defend himself, but not allowed to kill the person he is in a hand to hand fight with....unless the other person is trying to kill eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life....

beating someone up or in a fist fight with them is NOT legal permission to pull out your gun and KILL that person.....PERIOD.

You do not know the law either.
Under Florida statute: the concept of "disparity of force" ALLOWS deadly force against an unarmed opponent, and this statute even describes ANY object someone has that they hit someone else with as that person being armed, if the person that is being attacked and armed has reason to believe he is at risk of 'SERIOUS BODILY INJURY" they can use deadly force.

And the witnesses corroborate Zimmerman so there you go.
i don't know what happened between zimmerman and Martin, other than what has been said....but I do think that this should have gone to trial....if zimmerman was being beaten to death, then he would get off and be set free, if there was not that threat of being killed then he'd be charged with a form of manslaughter and likely to get just probation....

We do not normally have trials unless there is evidence of wrong doing. A straightforward 'self defense' does not require a trial.

It is not about what you think should have happened, or what I think should have happened... the only thing that matters is evidence.

We have a system.... don't like the system, great... work to change it. But currently, we don't do 'trial by media'.
You post false information, and call her a retard.

It was NOT 911.

It was the NON-EMERGENCY number at the SPD, airbrain.

So why does everyone refer to it as a 911 call, and the person he's talking to as a 911 dispatcher?


"A transcript of the actual recording of the call between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher shows the version that was aired was significantly modified.

Read more:
Newsflash KG.

Sometimes news reports get it wrong.

Wow. Imagine that!

In this case, every single news outlet on the face of the earth has it wrong.

And you're right.

Sorry, I know dispatchers often work out of the police department. It doesn't make them cops.

Not that it matters, they didn't give the directive to stand down anyway.
It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.

It's a 911 call, you retard.

Good grief.

And not being sworn in means they aren't cops. You're doubly retarded. They're employed as police technicians. But they aren't cops.

I know, this is really difficult stuff.
You post false information, and call her a retard.

It was NOT 911.

It was the NON-EMERGENCY number at the SPD, airbrain.

Many jurisdictions use the same personnel to answer their non emergency as emergency.
And Florida is one of only a few states that require 911 and other non POST certified employees to be certified as 911 Emergency Management Service employees.
So you, they and I DO NOT KNOW.
NO ONE knows. How do you know they were not 911 Florida certified?
After several weeks of trying every way in the world to manufacture a case against Zimmerman, the police, special prosecutor and FBI are unable to do so. Arresting him and trying him based SOLELY on popular opinion would violate his rights and give him a basis for a massive lawsuit against the city, state and federal government.

According to the news, the family is starting to accept that Zimmerman can't be prosecuted. They are exploring a civil suit against the homeowner's association.
i don't know what happened between zimmerman and Martin, other than what has been said....but I do think that this should have gone to trial....if zimmerman was being beaten to death, then he would get off and be set free, if there was not that threat of being killed then he'd be charged with a form of manslaughter and likely to get just probation....

We do not normally have trials unless there is evidence of wrong doing. A straightforward 'self defense' does not require a trial.

It is not about what you think should have happened, or what I think should have happened... the only thing that matters is evidence.

We have a system.... don't like the system, great... work to change it. But currently, we don't do 'trial by media'.

NO Joe and Marc and many here state clearly they do not need evidence. They do not need witnesses. They do not want an impartial jury. They do not believe in the American system. They do not believe we need the preponderance of innocence and they do not believe that the GOVERNMENT, THE PROSECUTION should be FORCED to always prove a defendant guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

Zimmerman is white and Martin is Black and Zimmerman pursued Martin at one point and possibly called him a "coon".

Accordingly, he is guilty and the hell with a trial and justice.

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