New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.
My mind is not made up. I am open to the evidence.

Joe's mind is made up. He would be disqualified as a jurist. Same with Ravi and Marc and IntheMiddle.

Wonder if these great legal minds even know they would be disqualified to sit on a jury.

No evidence that he killed an innocent kid, or he'd be in jail now.

And you're also (repeatedly) lying about the 911 operator telling him to desist following. That is not what was said. I don't know how you live with yourself. Don't you feel the tiniest bit of shame over using a dead kid to propagate hate?

You should be in would save lives!



She asked if he was following him. He said yes. She said "We don't need you to do that".

He said, "OK".

He was told to stand down, he didn't. Tragedy ensued. Now, sorry, I know you guys live in mortal fear this might lead to things you don't like, like Obama getting re-elected or people wondering why assholes are legally allowed to walk around with guns, but the fact is, he shot this kid for no good reason, and he needs to be in prison.

And he will be, soon enough.

That is not to stand down fool.

Your mind isalready made up.

What's sick is you guys defending the murder of a child, and trying to demonize that child because... well, hell, I'm not even sure why at this point.
The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.

It doesn't matter. He wasn't told to stand down.

And 911 dispatchers provide support to the police and fire departments. They are typically non-sworn.
You fucking idiot, he said Trayvon approached from behind, said "do you have a problem with me?" and when Zimmerman said no, said "You do now" and clocked him.

His story hasn't changed. And you remain an idiot.

Read back through this thread, and the other one too. Bigreb and others (including you) were arguing the initial story --- that Trayvon hit Zimmerman from behind.

For example:

I went back and forth with a few over this; him being hit from behind never did make sense given what little facts we did know about this incident.

Oh, well, then, if people on the internet say he was attacked from behind, that must be what happened.

It doesn't matter what we say happened. All that matters is his statement, and he said he was approached from behind. He never claimed he was hit from behind. And to say that he's lying because what he says is different from what internet quarterbacks SAID he said is an example of you lying. You're a liar.


YOU are one of the people who said he was attacked from behind, idiot.
My mind is not made up. I am open to the evidence.

Joe's mind is made up. He would be disqualified as a jurist. Same with Ravi and Marc and IntheMiddle.

Wonder if these great legal minds even know they would be disqualified to sit on a jury.

Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker.

Which is pretty much what's going to happen to this guy, anyway.
The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.

I deal with police deparments daily. Most of the folk that answer the phones at the police department ARE NOT POLICE OFFICERS.

Facts are a real bitch to folks here but that is FACT. The people that work in the records room are not officers. The front desk people are not officers.

Now this could have been an officer there but you do not know. How could you know?
So your point is moot because YOU DO NOT KNOW.
My mind is not made up. I am open to the evidence.

Joe's mind is made up. He would be disqualified as a jurist. Same with Ravi and Marc and IntheMiddle.

Wonder if these great legal minds even know they would be disqualified to sit on a jury.

Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker.

Which is pretty much what's going to happen to this guy, anyway.

You are a liar. At least you admit it.
Telling someone "we don't need you to do that" is not the same as "stop doing that'.

I'm sorry that you are a liar, or don't understand English.

Oh, I understand that perfectly well, and so would most people. If a cop tells you not to do something, YOU DON'T DO IT!

Unless your Barney Fife Zimmerman, who was just out to show what a crimefighter he was.

So they told him to "stand down", which they didn't but let us say they did.
Then someone jumps him and is allowed to break his nose and smash his head and he is not allowed to defend himself in any way because he was told to "stand down".
You are a complete dumbass if you believe that is the law or that analysis of yours has any credibility.

This would be the horrible beating that required no hospitialization and was invisible to film taken later... for those playing along at home.

Your boy is going to jail. There will be race riots if he doesn't, and frankly, I don't think this turd is worth a race riot.
The 911 operator (not a cop, another lie) didn't tell him not to do anything.

Lies compounded by lies. If the guy is guilty, one wonders why you feel compelled to lie?

He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.

It doesn't matter. He wasn't told to stand down.

And 911 dispatchers provide support to the police and fire departments. They are typically non-sworn.

It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.
My mind is not made up. I am open to the evidence.

Joe's mind is made up. He would be disqualified as a jurist. Same with Ravi and Marc and IntheMiddle.

Wonder if these great legal minds even know they would be disqualified to sit on a jury.

Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker.

Which is pretty much what's going to happen to this guy, anyway.

Wow. So you admit that truth isn't an issue here. All that matters is the guy goes to jail.

You also admit you're a liar. Big surprise.
Telling someone "we don't need you to do that" is not the same as "stop doing that'.

I'm sorry that you are a liar, or don't understand English.

Oh, I understand that perfectly well, and so would most people. If a cop tells you not to do something, YOU DON'T DO IT!

Unless your Barney Fife Zimmerman, who was just out to show what a crimefighter he was.

So they told him to "stand down", which they didn't but let us say they did.
Then someone jumps him and is allowed to break his nose and smash his head and he is not allowed to defend himself in any way because he was told to "stand down".
You are a complete dumbass if you believe that is the law or that analysis of yours has any credibility.
he is allowed to defend himself, but not allowed to kill the person he is in a hand to hand fight with....unless the other person is trying to kill eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life....

beating someone up or in a fist fight with them is NOT legal permission to pull out your gun and KILL that person.....PERIOD.
My mind is not made up. I am open to the evidence.

Joe's mind is made up. He would be disqualified as a jurist. Same with Ravi and Marc and IntheMiddle.

Wonder if these great legal minds even know they would be disqualified to sit on a jury.

Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker.

Which is pretty much what's going to happen to this guy, anyway.

You are a liar. At least you admit it.

I'm the ends justify the means kind of guy.

This guy needs to be in prison, as an example to all the other racists who think they can shoot kids with impunity. We need to make an example of him.
He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.

It doesn't matter. He wasn't told to stand down.

And 911 dispatchers provide support to the police and fire departments. They are typically non-sworn.

It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.

It's a 911 call, you retard.

Good grief.

And not being sworn in means they aren't cops. You're doubly retarded. They're employed as police technicians. But they aren't cops.

I know, this is really difficult stuff.
Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker.

Which is pretty much what's going to happen to this guy, anyway.

You are a liar. At least you admit it.

I'm the ends justify the means kind of guy.

This guy needs to be in prison, as an example to all the other racists who think they can shoot kids with impunity. We need to make an example of him.

All criminals, liars, fascists, and racists are.

Lynchers in particular are big on making an example. They used to string up blacks as an example to other blacks.

You've just changed the color.

He wasn't talking to a 911 dispatcher ... he called the Sanford Police Department directly. Listen again:

George Zimmerman 911 call reporting Trayvon Martin -

When the call is answered, the man says "Sanford Police Department" then something I can't make out (identifying himself). I think it's quite possible he was speaking to an officer.

It doesn't matter. He wasn't told to stand down.

And 911 dispatchers provide support to the police and fire departments. They are typically non-sworn.

It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.
One thing I know for certain, is the guy who answers the non-emergency number at my police station IS a police officer.

None of us know if the one on that call is or isn't. He did not identify himself.

Oh, and Emm: what he said after saying "Sanford Police Department" was "this call is being recorded." (paraphrased. not going to listen to it again for exacts.)
You fucking idiot, he said Trayvon approached from behind, said "do you have a problem with me?" and when Zimmerman said no, said "You do now" and clocked him.

His story hasn't changed. And you remain an idiot.

Read back through this thread, and the other one too. Bigreb and others (including you) were arguing the initial story --- that Trayvon hit Zimmerman from behind.

For example:

I went back and forth with a few over this; him being hit from behind never did make sense given what little facts we did know about this incident.

The original transcripts from the initial police responding confirm that Zimmerman was bleeding both from the face, and from the back of his head. It confirms he received medical treatment from SFD at the scene.

Simply put, Em, we do not have all the evidence so we cannot make a reasonable assessment of guilt or innocence. Most of those 'defending Zimmerman' are not defending the man, we are defending the process.... unlike those who assign guilt or innocence by what they are told by the media. The media have got shit wrong on this more than once. And idiots are incapable of questioning information before they accept it.

Example; the media insists that Zimmerman was 'profiling blacks'.... yet, the transcripts of his 911 calls from 2004 to 2012 tell a very different story. Because, according to those transcripts, he reported hispanics, whites and blacks. It only becomes 'blacks' if one ignores years of calls. The media are deliberately manipulating the information to represent one specific view. That is not their job... the job of the media is to report the story, not create the story.
Oh, I understand that perfectly well, and so would most people. If a cop tells you not to do something, YOU DON'T DO IT!

Unless your Barney Fife Zimmerman, who was just out to show what a crimefighter he was.

So they told him to "stand down", which they didn't but let us say they did.
Then someone jumps him and is allowed to break his nose and smash his head and he is not allowed to defend himself in any way because he was told to "stand down".
You are a complete dumbass if you believe that is the law or that analysis of yours has any credibility.
he is allowed to defend himself, but not allowed to kill the person he is in a hand to hand fight with....unless the other person is trying to kill eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life....

beating someone up or in a fist fight with them is NOT legal permission to pull out your gun and KILL that person.....PERIOD.

Sure it is, if you're getting your head bashed on the ground and think the other guy is going to take your gun and shoot you with it.

And eye for an eye tooth for a tooth is not the way our justice system works. That's the way lynch mobs work. Only they tend to go overboard, and do a lot of bad stuff before all the facts are in.

Sound familiar?
Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker.

Which is pretty much what's going to happen to this guy, anyway.

You are a liar. At least you admit it.

I'm the ends justify the means kind of guy.

This guy needs to be in prison, as an example to all the other racists who think they can shoot kids with impunity. We need to make an example of him.

Joe would lie to sit on a jury to convict someone he has not seen any of the evidence or heard NOT ONE of the witnesses testify.
Because he knows everything and does not need any evidence or any witness testimony.

Only someone that is a bitter, judgmental, biased and prejudiced person would want to sit on a jury to judge a defendant without seeing any of the evidence or hearing any of the witnesses.

A competent and honest American citizen would never do that. But when one is as bitter and angry as Joe is against the American judicial system this is what you get.

Very sad that you do not value your citizenship as an American Joe. Possibly there is a country out there like Iran or North Korea that would be suitable for you to live. They do it your way in those countries. Who needs a jury, evidence or witnesses Joe? Why have a trial by jury? Why have the presumption of evidence when Joe knows who is guilty and who is not based on media reports?

Just ask Joe. Joe knows.
It doesn't matter. He wasn't told to stand down.

And 911 dispatchers provide support to the police and fire departments. They are typically non-sworn.

It does matter. He didn't call 911. He was speaking directly to the police department. First you argue 911 dispatchers are not cops and have no authority, now you're backpedaling. Typical.

It's a 911 call, you retard.

Good grief.

And not being sworn in means they aren't cops. You're doubly retarded. They're employed as police technicians. But they aren't cops.

I know, this is really difficult stuff.
You post false information, and call her a retard.

It was NOT 911.

It was the NON-EMERGENCY number at the SPD, airbrain.

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