New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I've seen people disparage the girlfriend because she didn't come forward right away....will those same people say the same about this "witness"?

people disparage others all the time. social media sucks

U.S. News - Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker,
according to a school report obtained by the Herald.
A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings
and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”

Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s parents, told the Herald they had never heard about the bag of jewelry.

“And anyway, it’s completely irrelevant to what happened Feb. 26,” Crump told the Miami Herald.
“They never heard this and don’t believe it’s true.
Good for him, he got away before he received any lasting damage.

Tell me, do you think women who kill their attackers before they're raped are criminals? Are the would-be rapists "victims" because they didn't get a good poke in first?

Do you think a jury is going to believe that rape will cause you imminent death or great bodily harm? If so then I guess go for it. I personally would not take that chance & wind up behind bars.

Edit: Florida law does allow shooting someone for imminent commission of a forcible felony. So I guess it is ok.'s not okay to shoot a man who is threatening to rape you, because rape doesn't cause great bodily harm?

What rocks do you people crawl out from under?
the shit is hitting the fan.. so much for the 'wisdom of the mob'

fuck social media

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

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SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.


Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

If someone was trying to kill me with a gun at close range I'd try to take their gun, too. Doesn't seem like there's too much of an option at that point. Its either throw something heavy at them - or go for their gun.
Or maybe someone pulled a gun after he got his head smashed into the sidewalk several times and his face bashed.

OohPooPahDoo has obviously never been attacked.
I've seen people disparage the girlfriend because she didn't come forward right away....will those same people say the same about this "witness"?

people disparage others all the time. social media sucks

U.S. News - Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker,
according to a school report obtained by the Herald.
A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings
and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”

Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s parents, told the Herald they had never heard about the bag of jewelry.

“And anyway, it’s completely irrelevant to what happened Feb. 26,” Crump told the Miami Herald.
“They never heard this and don’t believe it’s true.
Damn, a screwdriver is now a burglary tool. :cuckoo:
What next, women with a bobby pin in their hair possess lock picking tools!
BTW, Martin didn't have his "burglary tool" with him when he was killed!
He said it twice. He said there was something wrong with him, that he was staring at the houses, and then was staring at Zimmerman and started coming towards him, then turned and ran.

The little shit was casing houses, and was gonna take on Zimmerman and thought twice about it. Zimmerman was an idiot to follow him, but people get pissed about burglaries. They get REALLY pissed. You don't want to be chased down and shot like a dog? Don't break into ppl's houses and steal their shit. Don't stroll down the middle of the street in a scared neighborhood and stare down the residents. Don't beat the shit out of armed men. This kid's girlfriend told him to run because she knew he'd been fingered, and she knew exactly what he was doing.
I've seen people disparage the girlfriend because she didn't come forward right away....will those same people say the same about this "witness"?

people disparage others all the time. social media sucks

U.S. News - Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker,
according to a school report obtained by the Herald.
A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings
and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”

Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s parents, told the Herald they had never heard about the bag of jewelry.

“And anyway, it’s completely irrelevant to what happened Feb. 26,” Crump told the Miami Herald.
“They never heard this and don’t believe it’s true.
Damn, a screwdriver is now a burglary tool. :cuckoo:
What next, women with a bobby pin in their hair possess lock picking tools!
BTW, Martin didn't have his "burglary tool" with him when he was killed!

Screwdrivers are burlary tools.
and I doubt if that women's jewelry was his.

Not only that, screwdrivers are not allowed at schools, they can be used as weapons. My school would expell a kid for's the same as a knife.
I've seen people disparage the girlfriend because she didn't come forward right away....will those same people say the same about this "witness"?

people disparage others all the time. social media sucks

U.S. News - Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker,
according to a school report obtained by the Herald.
A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings
and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”

Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s parents, told the Herald they had never heard about the bag of jewelry.

“And anyway, it’s completely irrelevant to what happened Feb. 26,” Crump told the Miami Herald.
“They never heard this and don’t believe it’s true.
Damn, a screwdriver is now a burglary tool. :cuckoo:
What next, women with a bobby pin in their hair possess lock picking tools!
BTW, Martin didn't have his "burglary tool" with him when he was killed!

You have to admit a screwdriver and a bag of jewelry sounds suspicious.

Then again, it doesnt fit the narrative of a innocent 12 yr old. (the only pics you seem to see)

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA is looking more like a 17 yr old thug to me.
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I think that has already been answered. he's a neighborhood watch dude, and the neighborhood has had a spate of break ins. He wanted to know who the kid was, and what he was doing. It's reasonable.
Except he's NOT a "neighborhood watch dude." He's an armed street thug hunting blacks.

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Arrest Now After ABC Reveals Crucial Phone Call - ABC News

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman, who violated major parts of the Neighborhood Watch Manual, which states "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

There are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, which police were not aware of at the time of Martin's killing, said Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program.
Know what?

I would bet a good amount of money that it's not illegal to violate what a handbook says.

Just a guess, but I feel like picking up a few extra bucks for the's only four days out, now.
Ahhh yes, the typical CON$erviNutzi exaggerated Straw Man. The point is he was NOT part of any real neighborhood watch group, was untrained to be a neighborhood watch and was unqualified to be a neighborhood watch. He anointed HIMSELF as a neighborhood watch "captain." But you knew that all along!
Except he's NOT a "neighborhood watch dude." He's an armed street thug hunting blacks.

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Arrest Now After ABC Reveals Crucial Phone Call - ABC News

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman, who violated major parts of the Neighborhood Watch Manual, which states "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

There are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, which police were not aware of at the time of Martin's killing, said Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program.
Know what?

I would bet a good amount of money that it's not illegal to violate what a handbook says.

Just a guess, but I feel like picking up a few extra bucks for the's only four days out, now.
Ahhh yes, the typical CON$erviNutzi exaggerated Straw Man. The point is he was NOT part of any real neighborhood watch group, was untrained to be a neighborhood watch and was unqualified to be a neighborhood watch. He anointed HIMSELF as a neighborhood watch "captain." But you knew that all along!

Maybe Martins mom should sue the HOA

She really needs to capitalize on it ASAP.

Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks | The Smoking Gun
He said it twice. He said there was something wrong with him, that he was staring at the houses, and then was staring at Zimmerman and started coming towards him, then turned and ran.

The little shit was casing houses, and was gonna take on Zimmerman and thought twice about it. Zimmerman was an idiot to follow him, but people get pissed about burglaries. They get REALLY pissed. You don't want to be chased down and shot like a dog? Don't break into ppl's houses and steal their shit. Don't stroll down the middle of the street in a scared neighborhood and stare down the residents. Don't beat the shit out of armed men. This kid's girlfriend told him to run because she knew he'd been fingered, and she knew exactly what he was doing.
Yeah, armed with state of the art burglary tools, iced tea and Skittles, he was looking for an easy mark. :asshole:
You probably shouldn't talk about things you have no clue about.

Screwdrivers are burglary tools. They use screw drivers because if you have state of the art burglary tools, you are charged wtih POSSESSION of burglary tools, which means more time on your sentence. So professionals use SCREWDRIVERS because they are ambiguous...the only way they are counted as burglary tools is if the prosecution can prove they are going to be used to break in, and not to disable an alarm.

"...if you break into a car to steal it and are found to be in possession of a screwdriver, to convict you of Possession of Burglary Tools, the State must adduce testimony showing that you used, or actually intended to use, the screwdriver to enter the car; not that you intended to use the screwdriver to hot-wire the ignition."

Florida Crimes: Possession of Burglary Tools
You probably shouldn't talk about things you have no clue about.

Screwdrivers are burglary tools. They use screw drivers because if you have state of the art burglary tools, you are charged wtih POSSESSION of burglary tools, which means more time on your sentence. So professionals use SCREWDRIVERS because they are ambiguous...the only way they are counted as burglary tools is if the prosecution can prove they are going to be used to break in, and not to disable an alarm.

Except his state of the art burglary tools were Skittles and iced tea, not a screwdriver. Of course, to you that just further proves what a devious evil genius he was and deserved to be killed.
You probably shouldn't talk about things you have no clue about.

Screwdrivers are burglary tools. They use screw drivers because if you have state of the art burglary tools, you are charged wtih POSSESSION of burglary tools, which means more time on your sentence. So professionals use SCREWDRIVERS because they are ambiguous...the only way they are counted as burglary tools is if the prosecution can prove they are going to be used to break in, and not to disable an alarm.

Except his state of the art burglary tools were Skittles and iced tea, not a screwdriver. Of course, to you that just further proves what a devious evil genius he was and deserved to be killed.

No, he was found with women's jewelry and a screwdriver at school. Which got him suspended.

Try to keep up. He was a burglar.
Shooting is still justified if Zimmermann hit him first. Martin continues attacking after Zimmermann was down & screaming for help. The only way Martin is justified in this is if Zimmerman pulled his gun on Martin & Martin felt he had to get the gun to be safe. No witness saw a struggle for a gun.

First eye witness (adult male) saw Martin on top of & beating Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". That is recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within hours.

Second eye witness (boy walking dog) saw Martin on top of Zimmerman as Zimmermann yelled "HELP". This was moments prior to shooting. That is also recorded on 911 tape.

This was my concern.

Wouldn't Zimmerman still be responsible for the death though if he started the altercation? I believe that's what manslaughter is. Unless I'm wrong. I can't understand how purposely putting yourself in a situation where you may have to take someones life is totally justifiable by law. I can see where you wouldn't be able to be charged with murder, but there has to be a a charge somewhere IF you initiated the contact like even simple assault.

It would have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he started the physical altercation.

Problem is, it is REASONABLE to believe it was possible that Martin started the physical altercation by jumping him from behind.

Zimmerman probably started the verbal altercation with Martin, but it was probably Martin that started the physical altercation. Hence Zimmerman would be justified in defending himself.

From my understanding that did not happen.

Zimmerman even claims he was attacked from the front (hit in the nose) from my understanding of what he claims.

According to Zimmerman he and Trayvon "exchanged words". The girlfriend said Trayvon first initiated the discussion between the two.

It's just as reasonable to assert that Zimmerman started the physical altercation as it is Trayvon. Unfortunately we have no real evidence to support either claim.
Not only that, he quit running after him, and the kid came back.

What a goon.
You probably shouldn't talk about things you have no clue about.

Screwdrivers are burglary tools. They use screw drivers because if you have state of the art burglary tools, you are charged wtih POSSESSION of burglary tools, which means more time on your sentence. So professionals use SCREWDRIVERS because they are ambiguous...the only way they are counted as burglary tools is if the prosecution can prove they are going to be used to break in, and not to disable an alarm.

Except his state of the art burglary tools were Skittles and iced tea, not a screwdriver. Of course, to you that just further proves what a devious evil genius he was and deserved to be killed.

No, he was found with women's jewelry and a screwdriver at school. Which got him suspended.

Try to keep up. He was a burglar.
He wasn't in school when he was killed with his burglary tools of Skittles and iced tea.

Do try to keep up.

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