New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

If Zimmeran hit the African first, I'd say the shooting isn't justified. But, you'd have shit for brains to think Zimmerman hit first.

6'3" drugged-up African football player vs. a pugy hispanic.
A "fuck you"-attitude African vs. a guy who expected the police any moment.

Shooting is still justified if Zimmermann hit him first. Martin continues attacking after Zimmermann was down & screaming for help. The only way Martin is justified in this is if Zimmerman pulled his gun on Martin & Martin felt he had to get the gun to be safe. No witness saw a struggle for a gun.

First eye witness (adult male) saw Martin on top of & beating Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". That is recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within hours.

Second eye witness (boy walking dog) saw Martin on top of Zimmerman as Zimmermann yelled "HELP". This was moments prior to shooting. That is also recorded on 911 tape.

This was my concern.

Wouldn't Zimmerman still be responsible for the death though if he started the altercation? I believe that's what manslaughter is. Unless I'm wrong. I can't understand how purposely putting yourself in a situation where you may have to take someones life is totally justifiable by law. I can see where you wouldn't be able to be charged with murder, but there has to be a a charge somewhere IF you initiated the contact like even simple assault.

It would have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he started the physical altercation.

Problem is, it is REASONABLE to believe it was possible that Martin started the physical altercation by jumping him from behind.

Zimmerman probably started the verbal altercation with Martin, but it was probably Martin that started the physical altercation. Hence Zimmerman would be justified in defending himself.

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.

Wrong, as usual.

Zimmerman intiated a verbal confrontation with Martin, not a physical one. At least there is no witness testamony that suggests he started a physical fight.

Once the two traded words, Zimmerman was walking away. At that point Martin initiated a physical attack. At that point Zimmerman was well within his rights to shoot him, especially after getting his nose broke and yelling for help and no one came to help him.

Just another victim of the thug culture. He thought he'd be tough picking a fight with the guy, so he blindsided him. Unfortunately for Martin the guy had a gun and used it.

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.

Wrong, as usual.

Zimmerman intiated a verbal confrontation with Martin, not a physical one. At least there is no witness testamony that suggests he started a physical fight.

Once the two traded words, Zimmerman was walking away. At that point Martin initiated a physical attack. At that point Zimmerman was well within his rights to shoot him, especially after getting his nose broke and yelling for help and no one came to help him.

Just another victim of the thug culture. He thought he'd be tough picking a fight with the guy, so he blindsided him. Unfortunately for Martin the guy had a gun and used it.

Then again, if Zimbo hadn't been following him and harrassing him, none of this would have happened. He would have been best to stay in his car and call the cops - and then wait for them. Martin wasn't doing anything wrong and nobody was in immediate danger. Zimbo thought he'd be a hero and got his arse handed to him on a plate.

Tell me Hawk - what would you, or T, or Bigreb - any of you "my individual freedom is paramount over everything else" types do if somebody was stalking you in a car, on a phone and eyeballing you while you were wandering around minding your own business? Oh, and then that same person got out of the car and hassled you?

Going by the posts I've read from all you meatheads over the past 4-5 years not a one of you would have backed down...unless you're all full of shit...
Isn't this a classic example where vigilantism goes wrong?
I think it's a bad law, personally, for just this reason. (Unless it's pure self-defense, then that law is needed.)

I think it might be involunteery manslaughter at best. The victim's mother allowing Sharpton and Jackson to get involved has done nothing to help the situation...She should have just got her lawyer, let the SP do her thing, and watch it all come out in the wash....

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.

a) If someone were chasing me,


b) I thought they intended to do me harm,


c) I also thought they were going to catch up with me and I couldn't eventually outrun them

- I would

d) think my best course of action would be to be the one to decide when and where the confrontation takes place as best as possible - choosing to stop and hide, if possible, and then pounce on my stalker as he neared me, and then - esp. if he has a firearm - proceed to beat him mercilessly while praying to god he doesn't get a shot off.

Does anyone disagree that would be my best course?

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.
Is someone standing their ground when caught braking and entering and they kill someone?

Wait what? Martin broke and entered somewhere during this incident? When did that come out?

OH and the coon part you can make yourself hear anything if you want too. In that audio it's not clear exactly what was said, but you go ahead and believe that if you want too.

the shit is hitting the fan.. so much for the 'wisdom of the mob'

fuck social media

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

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SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.


Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.
Isn't this a classic example where vigilantism goes wrong?
I think it's a bad law, personally, for just this reason. (Unless it's pure self-defense, then that law is needed.)

I think it might be involunteery manslaughter at best. The victim's mother allowing Sharpton and Jackson to get involved has done nothing to help the situation...She should have just got her lawyer, let the SP do her thing, and watch it all come out in the wash....
I hate, HATE mobs/villagers-with-torches.

This is not what we are about, but, yet it is?????

I would LOVE to have a completely open discussing speculating what went down, but I have to argue the INTEGRITY OF THE PROCESS? My gawd, that should be a given! :mad:

And it's not.

And, that saddens me.

(Not ranting about you, rather your post was where I chose to do it.)

I think he'll get off, personally, because of the stand your ground laws in Florida. Hell, now that more is coming out, he might get off even without them.

Dunno, though.
the shit is hitting the fan.. so much for the 'wisdom of the mob'

fuck social media

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

Page 2 of 2
SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.


Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

If someone was trying to kill me with a gun at close range I'd try to take their gun, too. Doesn't seem like there's too much of an option at that point. Its either throw something heavy at them - or go for their gun.
After listening to the 911 tapes & eye witness's I believe it was a justifiable shooting. Zimmerman was on his back screaming help so loud it could clearly be heard over the phone inside a home at least 20 times while being beaten by Martin. Martin continued to beat a man that was clearly subdued begging for help.
The mother says that is her son's voice screaming for help.

Of course she does, she's already filed for patents on her son's name and cds, etc. Can't make money if you admit your son's a bully.
That's what it must be, because it couldn't be she wants to protect her son's name from opportunists perverting it.
CON$ervoFascists are the lowest scum to ever crawl out of a sewer.
the shit is hitting the fan.. so much for the 'wisdom of the mob'

fuck social media

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

Page 2 of 2
SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.


Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

If someone was trying to kill me with a gun at close range I'd try to take their gun, too. Doesn't seem like there's too much of an option at that point. Its either throw something heavy at them - or go for their gun.
Or maybe someone pulled a gun after he got his head smashed into the sidewalk several times and his face bashed.
the shit is hitting the fan.. so much for the 'wisdom of the mob'

fuck social media

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

Page 2 of 2
SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.


Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

If someone was trying to kill me with a gun at close range I'd try to take their gun, too. Doesn't seem like there's too much of an option at that point. Its either throw something heavy at them - or go for their gun.

if some guy pulls a gun...

oh never mind. you're clueless
Whether it was Zimmerman's fault or not, Martin was on top of him beating him after he was subdued & yelling for help. That makes the shooting legal.

If Zimmeran hit the African first, I'd say the shooting isn't justified. But, you'd have shit for brains to think Zimmerman hit first.

6'3" drugged-up African football player vs. a pugy hispanic.
A "fuck you"-attitude African vs. a guy who expected the police any moment.

Devil's advocate.

What was the point of chasing the kid in the first place if he had no intention of doing anything when he caught up to him?

Did he want to say "hi" or something?

I think that has already been answered. he's a neighborhood watch dude, and the neighborhood has had a spate of break ins. He wanted to know who the kid was, and what he was doing. It's reasonable.
Another witness said the one who got shot was screaming. Another one said "the guy with the white shirt" was on top beating on someone. Witnesses are so confused in this case.

Plus Zimmy could have been screaming for help... doesn't mean the altercation wasn't his fault in the first place.

Whether it was Zimmerman's fault or not, Martin was on top of him beating him after he was subdued & yelling for help. That makes the shooting legal.

So I can go start a fight today, get my tail whooped, and then shoot the person I start a fight with and face absolutely no charges?:doubt:

Nope, and Zimmerman couldn't either.

Of course, that doesn't appear to be what happened....
If Zimmeran hit the African first, I'd say the shooting isn't justified. But, you'd have shit for brains to think Zimmerman hit first.

6'3" drugged-up African football player vs. a pugy hispanic.
A "fuck you"-attitude African vs. a guy who expected the police any moment.

Devil's advocate.

What was the point of chasing the kid in the first place if he had no intention of doing anything when he caught up to him?

Did he want to say "hi" or something?

I think that has already been answered. he's a neighborhood watch dude, and the neighborhood has had a spate of break ins. He wanted to know who the kid was, and what he was doing. It's reasonable.
Except he's NOT a "neighborhood watch dude." He's an armed street thug hunting blacks.

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Arrest Now After ABC Reveals Crucial Phone Call - ABC News

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman, who violated major parts of the Neighborhood Watch Manual, which states "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

There are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, which police were not aware of at the time of Martin's killing, said Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program.
Devil's advocate.

What was the point of chasing the kid in the first place if he had no intention of doing anything when he caught up to him?

Did he want to say "hi" or something?

I think that has already been answered. he's a neighborhood watch dude, and the neighborhood has had a spate of break ins. He wanted to know who the kid was, and what he was doing. It's reasonable.
Except he's NOT a "neighborhood watch dude." He's an armed street thug hunting blacks.

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Arrest Now After ABC Reveals Crucial Phone Call - ABC News

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman, who violated major parts of the Neighborhood Watch Manual, which states "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

There are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, which police were not aware of at the time of Martin's killing, said Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program.
Know what?

I would bet a good amount of money that it's not illegal to violate what a handbook says.

Just a guess, but I feel like picking up a few extra bucks for the's only four days out, now.

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