New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

He said it twice. He said there was something wrong with him, that he was staring at the houses, and then was staring at Zimmerman and started coming towards him, then turned and ran.

The little shit was casing houses, and was gonna take on Zimmerman and thought twice about it. Zimmerman was an idiot to follow him, but people get pissed about burglaries. They get REALLY pissed. You don't want to be chased down and shot like a dog? Don't break into ppl's houses and steal their shit. Don't stroll down the middle of the street in a scared neighborhood and stare down the residents. Don't beat the shit out of armed men. This kid's girlfriend told him to run because she knew he'd been fingered, and she knew exactly what he was doing.

Me being me, I figure that even criminals get hungry sometimes.

If the kid did have sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses I don't see why the kid still could not have just been walking down the street. Strolling down the street is not illegal, neither is staring at houses. The kid had been there for a few days. He wasn't responsible for the actual burglaries we can be pretty sure. We have no evidence he was doing anything in that neighborhood other than walking home from the store.

We can't assume the girlfriend "knew what he was doing" or that he was "doing" anything. Just like we can't assume Zimmerman was a racist, who woke up that morning and wanted to kill a black kid.

Well then again... yeah of course we can. Why not?:doubt:
Damn, a screwdriver is now a burglary tool. :cuckoo:

Don't be so fucking stupid. Why would a punk have a screwdriver (presumably a large screwdriver) in his school backpack? You think maybe his desk at school was a little wobbly and he wanted to tighten it up? The screwdriver was either for burglary (prying) or for a weapon. Probably for both.
Except his state of the art burglary tools were Skittles and iced tea, not a screwdriver. Of course, to you that just further proves what a devious evil genius he was and deserved to be killed.

No, he was found with women's jewelry and a screwdriver at school. Which got him suspended.

Try to keep up. He was a burglar.
He wasn't in school when he was killed with his burglary tools of Skittles and iced tea.

Do try to keep up.

Did I say he was? I think your imagination is working overtime.

He was a burglar who was casing a neighborhood that has suffered from a spate of burglaries. Nice kid.
He said it twice. He said there was something wrong with him, that he was staring at the houses, and then was staring at Zimmerman and started coming towards him, then turned and ran.

The little shit was casing houses, and was gonna take on Zimmerman and thought twice about it. Zimmerman was an idiot to follow him, but people get pissed about burglaries. They get REALLY pissed. You don't want to be chased down and shot like a dog? Don't break into ppl's houses and steal their shit. Don't stroll down the middle of the street in a scared neighborhood and stare down the residents. Don't beat the shit out of armed men. This kid's girlfriend told him to run because she knew he'd been fingered, and she knew exactly what he was doing.

Me being me, I figure that even criminals get hungry sometimes.

If the kid did have sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses I don't see why the kid still could not have just been walking down the street. Strolling down the street is not illegal, neither is staring at houses. The kid had been there for a few days. He wasn't responsible for the actual burglaries we can be pretty sure. We have no evidence he was doing anything in that neighborhood other than walking home from the store.

We can't assume the girlfriend "knew what he was doing" or that he was "doing" anything. Just like we can't assume Zimmerman was a racist, who woke up that morning and wanted to kill a black kid.

Well then again... yeah of course we can. Why not?:doubt:

Sticky fingers and breaking and entering are two completely different things. If you don't believe me, look at the sentencing guidelines for theft and compare them to the sentencing guidelines for burglary.

We can't be sure he wasn't responsible for the burglaries at all. And we do have evidence that he was behaving in a very strange way...zimmerman's call to 911, where he says repeatedly, "he's just staring" and "there's something wrong with him" and "he's staring at me" and "he's coming towards me".


I have a question.

This is serious by the way and this is just a question.

In the video you posted Shannon Butler repeats something that I've heard before about Zimmerman's story that I remember and I've had questions about from the beginning. Zimmerman at one point claimed Trayvon attacked him while he was getting into his vehicle. Does anybody have any clue if Trayvon Martin's body was found anywhere near a vehicle? In another account he was "walking toward his vehicle". From what I've gather Zimmerman was chasing after Trayvon but lost him. If your chasing after somebody and lose them I'd assume they were pretty far ahead of you. Unless Trayvon ran back toward Zimmerman while Zimmerman was going back to his vehicle I'm guessing he wouldn't be able to catch up to Zimmerman to attack him. If he was running back towards Zimmerman I think Zimmerman would mention that.

Also about the grass stains on Zimmerman's back I mean I realize when people fight generally they can move from place to place. But I thought Zimmerman's head was being banged into the sidewalk? I'm guessing it's a possibility they rolled into the grass, or it started in the grass and ended up on the sidewalk, but that still sounds weird to me. I'd like to see a map of exactly where Trayvon was laying when found dead.

Then comes the phone call issue. From this video, Zimmerman's account of the words exchanged are totally different from the girls. We can assume the girl has an agenda but we have to take her word as much as we do Zimmerman because he has enough to lose in this too. Something like

"Do you have a problem?"


"Well you do now."

I have a problem with this. Can I share my problem?:D

Zimmerman chased this kid, in the dark, down the street, lost him and then went back in his car. When he got there the kid he was chasing because he was mad, frustrated, scared, or whatever walks up to him (out of nowhere) and asks if he has a problem. AND HE SAYS NO?!!!! And becomes an innocent docile victim at THIS point? He just let's the boy he assumes is a criminal get that close to him. Doesn't say anything. Just "no". Not "who are you" "what?" or even "I'm sorry"?:lol: Geez...

I'm not saying it's not possible, just really weird. Unless this was like a movie and the kid was just hiding in the bushes jumped out and attacked I think Zimmerman's story is just weird.
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He said it twice. He said there was something wrong with him, that he was staring at the houses, and then was staring at Zimmerman and started coming towards him, then turned and ran.

The little shit was casing houses, and was gonna take on Zimmerman and thought twice about it. Zimmerman was an idiot to follow him, but people get pissed about burglaries. They get REALLY pissed. You don't want to be chased down and shot like a dog? Don't break into ppl's houses and steal their shit. Don't stroll down the middle of the street in a scared neighborhood and stare down the residents. Don't beat the shit out of armed men. This kid's girlfriend told him to run because she knew he'd been fingered, and she knew exactly what he was doing.

Me being me, I figure that even criminals get hungry sometimes.

If the kid did have sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses I don't see why the kid still could not have just been walking down the street. Strolling down the street is not illegal, neither is staring at houses. The kid had been there for a few days. He wasn't responsible for the actual burglaries we can be pretty sure. We have no evidence he was doing anything in that neighborhood other than walking home from the store.

We can't assume the girlfriend "knew what he was doing" or that he was "doing" anything. Just like we can't assume Zimmerman was a racist, who woke up that morning and wanted to kill a black kid.

Well then again... yeah of course we can. Why not?:doubt:

Sticky fingers and breaking and entering are two completely different things
. If you don't believe me, look at the sentencing guidelines for theft and compare them to the sentencing guidelines for burglary.

We can't be sure he wasn't responsible for the burglaries at all. And we do have evidence that he was behaving in a very strange way...zimmerman's call to 911, where he says repeatedly, "he's just staring" and "there's something wrong with him" and "he's staring at me" and "he's coming towards me".

Show me where I said they aren't.

We can't be sure he was responsible either.
Yeah, well, that's nothing like what the evidence says happened.

Have you ever been in a fight? The grass stains on the back are consistent with being held down and bashed. The broken nose is consistent with being hit in the face. A witness confirms seeing Zimmerman under the kid, screaming for help...the witness walked back into his house, and only then did Zimmerman shoot the kid.

He tried to get help, for quite a while, before he finally shot him. I think this guy thought he was going to end up dead. And from what I see, he had a good reason to think that.


I have a question.

This is serious by the way and this is just a question.

In the video you posted Shannon Butler repeats something that I've heard before about Zimmerman's story that I remember and I've had questions about from the beginning. Zimmerman at one point claimed Trayvon attacked him while he was getting into his vehicle. Does anybody have any clue if Trayvon Martin's body was found anywhere near a vehicle? In another account he was "walking toward his vehicle". From what I've gather Zimmerman was chasing after Trayvon but lost him. If your chasing after somebody and lose them I'd assume they were pretty far ahead of you. Unless Trayvon ran back toward Zimmerman while Zimmerman was going back to his vehicle I'm guessing he wouldn't be able to catch up to Zimmerman to attack him. If he was running back towards Zimmerman I think Zimmerman would mention that.

Also about the grass stains on Zimmerman's back I mean I realize when people fight generally they can move from place to place. But I thought Zimmerman's head was being banged into the sidewalk? I'm guessing it's a possibility they rolled into the grass, or it started in the grass and ended up on the sidewalk, but that still sounds weird to me. I'd like to see a map of exactly where Trayvon was laying when found dead.

Then comes the phone call issue. From this video, Zimmerman's account of the words exchanged are totally different from the girls. We can assume the girl has an agenda but we have to take her word as much as we do Zimmerman because he has enough to lose in this too. Something like

"Do you have a problem?"


"Well you do now?"

I have a problem with this. Can I share my problem?:D

Zimmerman chased this kid, in the dark, down the street, lost him and then went back in his car. When he got there the kid he was chasing because he was mad, frustrated, scared, or whatever walks up to him (out of nowhere) and asks if he has a problem. AND HE SAYS NO?!!!! And becomes an innocent docile victim at THIS point? He just let's the boy he assumes is a criminal get that close to him. Doesn't say anything. Just "no". Not "who are you" "what?" or even "I'm sorry"?:lol: Geez...

I'm not saying it's not possible, just really weird. Unless this was like a movie and the kid was just hiding in the bushes jumped out and attacked I think Zimmerman's story is just weird.

Zimmerman had been running in order to follow Trayvon, not apprehend him. He wasn't chasing Trayvon - Trayvon running away. Trayvon was a big guy. Zimmerman says okay when police dispatcher says 'we don't need you to do that.' He starts walking back to his car.

Zimmerman says Trayvon came up on him from the side and behind. Zimmerman knows the police are on their way. He gave them his name. He is not going to get arrested for assault or anything else.

many people who carry weapons are soft or not tough. I don't know many 6' 3" 17/18 year olds who are easily intimidated

For a while, I was a super with security for a major University. I was also a 17/18 year old who ran the streets and hoods. Zimmerman's story makes perfect sense to me. **********

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Yeah, well, that's nothing like what the evidence says happened.

Have you ever been in a fight? The grass stains on the back are consistent with being held down and bashed. The broken nose is consistent with being hit in the face. A witness confirms seeing Zimmerman under the kid, screaming for help...the witness walked back into his house, and only then did Zimmerman shoot the kid.

He tried to get help, for quite a while, before he finally shot him. I think this guy thought he was going to end up dead. And from what I see, he had a good reason to think that.

Yeah not questioning that. I just want to see a layout of where it all happened at. Probably because I'm a visual learner.:D

Guess that's too much to wish for.
Me being me, I figure that even criminals get hungry sometimes.

If the kid did have sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses I don't see why the kid still could not have just been walking down the street. Strolling down the street is not illegal, neither is staring at houses. The kid had been there for a few days. He wasn't responsible for the actual burglaries we can be pretty sure. We have no evidence he was doing anything in that neighborhood other than walking home from the store.

We can't assume the girlfriend "knew what he was doing" or that he was "doing" anything. Just like we can't assume Zimmerman was a racist, who woke up that morning and wanted to kill a black kid.

Well then again... yeah of course we can. Why not?:doubt:

Sticky fingers and breaking and entering are two completely different things. If you don't believe me, look at the sentencing guidelines for theft and compare them to the sentencing guidelines for burglary.

We can't be sure he wasn't responsible for the burglaries at all. And we do have evidence that he was behaving in a very strange way...zimmerman's call to 911, where he says repeatedly, "he's just staring" and "there's something wrong with him" and "he's staring at me" and "he's coming towards me".

Show me where I said they aren't.

We can't be sure he was responsible either.

Hmmm..a kid who has been caught with presumably stolen property and a burglary tool, acting weird after dark in a neighborhood that has suffered a streak of burglaries.

Hmmmm...yeah, it's really out there to think he might be involved.

When you say "he had sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses" you are avoiding calling the act "burglary", and you are minimalizing.
If the kid did have sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses I don't see why the kid still could not have just been walking down the street. Strolling down the street is not illegal, neither is staring at houses.

Zimmerman called 911 because it looked like the no-limit-nigga was casing the neighborhood. That's more than just looking at houses. No, nothing illegal, but the cops showing up would have put the nigga on alert that people were watching the neighborhood. It's deterrence. And, maybe the nigga would have been caught stealing something if he hadn't gone after Zimmerman.

The kid had been there for a few days.

How do you know the nigga's history there?

We can't assume the girlfriend "knew what he was doing"

But, we do know that the girlfriend would not have reported any racist or threatening language used by her nigga when talking about Zimmerman.

Just like we can't assume Zimmerman was a racist, who woke up that morning and wanted to kill a black kid.

Being racist neither a crime or a motive, but there's a lot of evidence that Zimmerman isn't a "racist."
Yeah, well, that's nothing like what the evidence says happened.

Have you ever been in a fight? The grass stains on the back are consistent with being held down and bashed. The broken nose is consistent with being hit in the face. A witness confirms seeing Zimmerman under the kid, screaming for help...the witness walked back into his house, and only then did Zimmerman shoot the kid.

He tried to get help, for quite a while, before he finally shot him. I think this guy thought he was going to end up dead. And from what I see, he had a good reason to think that.

Yeah not questioning that. I just want to see a layout of where it all happened at. Probably because I'm a visual learner.:D

Guess that's too much to wish for.
I bet the police reports have it all. It's why they didn't charge. And Zimmerman has blacks friends who don't totally trust the Sanford PD, but believe Zimmerman.

more weight in favor of Zimmerman
Sticky fingers and breaking and entering are two completely different things. If you don't believe me, look at the sentencing guidelines for theft and compare them to the sentencing guidelines for burglary.

We can't be sure he wasn't responsible for the burglaries at all. And we do have evidence that he was behaving in a very strange way...zimmerman's call to 911, where he says repeatedly, "he's just staring" and "there's something wrong with him" and "he's staring at me" and "he's coming towards me".

Show me where I said they aren't.

We can't be sure he was responsible either.

Hmmm..a kid who has been caught with presumably stolen property and a burglary tool, acting weird after dark in a neighborhood that has suffered a streak of burglaries.

Hmmmm...yeah, it's really out there to think he might be involved.

When you say "he had sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses" you are avoiding calling the act "burglary", and you are minimalizing.

That's not what I'm trying to do at all.

I'm saying there's no evidence he was involved in those particular break-ins. Burglaries happen all the time. There might be burglars in Sanford, Florida. There might not be a need for a burglar to come from Miami for there to be burglaries there.

Everybody has an assumption about somebody involved in this case. When the case tips one way one side says "let's wait till more details come out", when the scale is tipped the other the other side says the same thing. We can all theorize about what happened that night... end of the day we have no clue what either person involved had on heir mind.
I'm with Dante on this. I've tracked kids and worked in detention...zimmerman's story rings true to me as well. It also rings consistent with what witnesses saw and heard.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Show me where I said they aren't.

We can't be sure he was responsible either.

Hmmm..a kid who has been caught with presumably stolen property and a burglary tool, acting weird after dark in a neighborhood that has suffered a streak of burglaries.

Hmmmm...yeah, it's really out there to think he might be involved.

When you say "he had sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses" you are avoiding calling the act "burglary", and you are minimalizing.

That's not what I'm trying to do at all.

I'm saying there's no evidence he was involved in those particular break-ins. Burglaries happen all the time. There might be burglars in Sanford, Florida. There might not be a need for a burglar to come from Miami for there to be burglaries there.

Everybody has an assumption about somebody involved in this case. When the case tips one way one side says "let's wait till more details come out", when the scale is tipped the other the other side says the same thing. We can all theorize about what happened that night... end of the day we have no clue what either person involved had on heir mind.

I don't care what they had on their mind, and have no desire to know what they had on their mind. I care about what they did. And I bet the burglaries in that neighborhood started at about the time that the kid's dad started going to visit his girlfriend in the area.
I'm with Dante on this. I've tracked kids and worked in detention...zimmerman's story rings true to me as well. It also rings consistent with what witnesses saw and heard.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

and Zimmerman's black friends have stories that destroy the narrative that Zimmerman is some crazy racist vigilante.

No, he was found with women's jewelry and a screwdriver at school. Which got him suspended.

Try to keep up. He was a burglar.
He wasn't in school when he was killed with his burglary tools of Skittles and iced tea.

Do try to keep up.

Did I say he was? I think your imagination is working overtime.

He was a burglar who was casing a neighborhood that has suffered from a spate of burglaries. Nice kid.

You have absolutely no evidence for that.... you're welcome to an opinion... no matter how baseless that opinion is.
Hmmm..a kid who has been caught with presumably stolen property and a burglary tool, acting weird after dark in a neighborhood that has suffered a streak of burglaries.

Hmmmm...yeah, it's really out there to think he might be involved.

When you say "he had sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses" you are avoiding calling the act "burglary", and you are minimalizing.

That's not what I'm trying to do at all.

I'm saying there's no evidence he was involved in those particular break-ins. Burglaries happen all the time. There might be burglars in Sanford, Florida. There might not be a need for a burglar to come from Miami for there to be burglaries there.

Everybody has an assumption about somebody involved in this case. When the case tips one way one side says "let's wait till more details come out", when the scale is tipped the other the other side says the same thing. We can all theorize about what happened that night... end of the day we have no clue what either person involved had on heir mind.

I don't care what they had on their mind, and have no desire to know what they had on their mind. I care about what they did. And I bet the burglaries in that neighborhood started at about the time that the kid's dad started going to visit his girlfriend in the area.

You bet?

How stupid.
Hmmm..a kid who has been caught with presumably stolen property and a burglary tool, acting weird after dark in a neighborhood that has suffered a streak of burglaries.

Hmmmm...yeah, it's really out there to think he might be involved.

When you say "he had sticky fingers and liked breaking into houses" you are avoiding calling the act "burglary", and you are minimalizing.

That's not what I'm trying to do at all.

I'm saying there's no evidence he was involved in those particular break-ins. Burglaries happen all the time. There might be burglars in Sanford, Florida. There might not be a need for a burglar to come from Miami for there to be burglaries there.

Everybody has an assumption about somebody involved in this case. When the case tips one way one side says "let's wait till more details come out", when the scale is tipped the other the other side says the same thing. We can all theorize about what happened that night... end of the day we have no clue what either person involved had on heir mind.

I don't care what they had on their mind, and have no desire to know what they had on their mind. I care about what they did. And I bet the burglaries in that neighborhood started at about the time that the kid's dad started going to visit his girlfriend in the area.
Now the dad is a burglar too. He probably has a screwdriver in his house also, that proves it. :cuckoo:
I bet Zimmerman was casing the houses for robbery and he thought this kid was cutting into his action. I bet Zimmerman has a screwdriver burglary tool in his house!!! Funny how burglaries didn't go down under his watchful eye!!!

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