New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

No, I didn't say anything about the father doing anything except bringing the kid into the neighborhood.

THE KID WAS SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL FOR HAVING A BURGLARY TOOL AND 12 WOMEN'S RINGS AND OTHER ITEMS IN HIS BAG. He'd already been identified as a burglar. The cops didn't press charges because they couldn't identify the items and he said they were a friend's. The burglary tool, the screwdriver, is used by burglars JUST BECAUSE it's almost impossible to prove it is a burglary tool, thanks to the wording of the law.

I'm saying a possible scenario (everybody has them..the only diff is this one has a good chance of being true) is that Trayvon was brought into the neighborhood by dad, who was visiting his gf, and committed burglary. He's in the right place, he's been caught with stuff before, and zimmerman said he was acting weird, "staring". He was casing houses. That's too many coincidences. If he hadn't already broken and entered houses in the neighborhood, he was planning to. But I bet he already had. 12 women's rings and a screwdriver. He was suspended for 10 days. That's not a light suspension.

And of course the cops would have been aware of this. Also his mom, who is lying when she says she didn't know.

He was also suspended for being somewhere he wasn't supposed to be at other words, trespassing.

Nice, nice kid. Do you suppose the school was targeting him because he's black, too?

Poor kid, a victim of racism on all sides..first the school, then the cops and zimmerman. Everybody had it out for him, right?
Oh, I see. My apologies.

See, I've seen sources that say he was suspended for having an empty bag of weed. I haven't seen that he was suspended for burglary tools in his bag. Could you link to that, please?

Maybe I can learn what burglary tools are, too.

Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was allegedly suspended from school after security officers found what they described as a 'burglary tool' and women’s jewellery in his backpack.
Although the school officially suspended Trayvon in October for grafitti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker, the Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 items of jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

Read more: Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended from school for having a 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

""Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21.
"The same week, Martin was suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.
The stand your ground law doesn't apply. When you are at that moment being attacked, there is no retreat possible. Zimmerman was not being threatened. He was actually attacked.
No, I didn't say anything about the father doing anything except bringing the kid into the neighborhood.

THE KID WAS SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL FOR HAVING A BURGLARY TOOL AND 12 WOMEN'S RINGS AND OTHER ITEMS IN HIS BAG. He'd already been identified as a burglar. The cops didn't press charges because they couldn't identify the items and he said they were a friend's. The burglary tool, the screwdriver, is used by burglars JUST BECAUSE it's almost impossible to prove it is a burglary tool, thanks to the wording of the law.

I'm saying a possible scenario (everybody has them..the only diff is this one has a good chance of being true) is that Trayvon was brought into the neighborhood by dad, who was visiting his gf, and committed burglary. He's in the right place, he's been caught with stuff before, and zimmerman said he was acting weird, "staring". He was casing houses. That's too many coincidences. If he hadn't already broken and entered houses in the neighborhood, he was planning to. But I bet he already had. 12 women's rings and a screwdriver. He was suspended for 10 days. That's not a light suspension.

And of course the cops would have been aware of this. Also his mom, who is lying when she says she didn't know.

He was also suspended for being somewhere he wasn't supposed to be at other words, trespassing.

Nice, nice kid. Do you suppose the school was targeting him because he's black, too?

Poor kid, a victim of racism on all sides..first the school, then the cops and zimmerman. Everybody had it out for him, right?
Oh, I see. My apologies.

See, I've seen sources that say he was suspended for having an empty bag of weed. I haven't seen that he was suspended for burglary tools in his bag. Could you link to that, please?

Maybe I can learn what burglary tools are, too.

Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was allegedly suspended from school after security officers found what they described as a 'burglary tool' and women’s jewellery in his backpack.
Although the school officially suspended Trayvon in October for grafitti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker, the Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 items of jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

Read more: Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended from school for having a 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

""Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21.
"The same week, Martin was suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

MONTHS PRIOR to his death; the school still lists tardiness, writing WTF on school property, and pot residue as the reasons for suspension. The "burglary tool" finding did not lead to ANY school, or juvenile justice action.

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker, according to a school report obtained by the Herald. A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”
Funny how the truth begins to come forward.......when given time....instead of hysterics! Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Eyewitness Zimmerman Martin shooting Incident

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a media AND so called "leaders" who would adopt such as stance......instead they fuel the hysterics..... :cuckoo:

Zimmerman is still not protected by the stand your ground law due to his behavior as evidenced by the 911 call.

However, if this new evidence is true, he will be protected under other law.
Listen. The fucking phone dipshit at Nazi headquarters can't tell someone not to follow a fucking scumbag.Period.

The way the law is worded he doesn't get protection in light of the 911 call. If you feel I'm wrong quote the section of the law directly that disproves me please.
Zimmerman is still not protected by the stand your ground law due to his behavior as evidenced by the 911 call.

However, if this new evidence is true, he will be protected under other law.
Listen. The fucking phone dipshit at Nazi headquarters can't tell someone not to follow a fucking scumbag.Period.

The way the law is worded he doesn't get protection in light of the 911 call. If you feel I'm wrong quote the section of the law directly that disproves me please.
No protection because a 911 operator suggested he not follow? Please clarify if that's what you mean.
Si when I was in high school I saw so many kids get busted with weed and suspended, even my dumb ass brother, that doesn't really tell me anything cause at that age alot of high school kids are experimenting with drugs and alcohol.

We have little hard evidence that Martin had any serious problems that would justify calling him a 'punk ass thug'.... We have the evidence from the police that some kind of struggle took place, that during that struggle Martin was shot and killed. We have Zimmerman's account that he was in the process of walking back to his car when Martin confronted him.... we have a witness that says he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman... we have evidence that Zimmerman sustained superficial injuries.... We have the eye witness saying that it was Zimmerman calling for help... we have witnesses who did not SEE the incident but who heard it claim that it was Martin calling for help.... (Personally, I don't understand how they can claim that as fact if they did not see the incident - logically, it makes no sense)....

Conclusion: There are far too many 'unknowns' right now for anyone to make a rational judgment.

Thats why Zimmerman will not be charged with anything, the only way he is going to end up in prison is if he wakes up one morning, goes down to the police station and confesses that he killed Martin and turn himself in, now besides that happening he is not going to prison.

What is there to confess? Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. It was in self defense by the police reports. Now if you're looking for a which hunt contact Martins Father and ask him why his recently suspended from school son was allowed out of the house at night?
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Oh, I see. My apologies.

See, I've seen sources that say he was suspended for having an empty bag of weed. I haven't seen that he was suspended for burglary tools in his bag. Could you link to that, please?

Maybe I can learn what burglary tools are, too.

Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was allegedly suspended from school after security officers found what they described as a 'burglary tool' and women’s jewellery in his backpack.
Although the school officially suspended Trayvon in October for grafitti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker, the Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 items of jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

Read more: Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended from school for having a 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

""Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21.
"The same week, Martin was suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

The press always mangles shit when they jump too soon. I went to the Miami Herald, they referenced the school's police reports:

"In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

"Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald."
Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin - Florida -
I don't think the kid was that. He got busted with weed and was suspended. He seems to have attacked Zimmerman, too.

But, no, I wouldn't generalize him as that, at 17...just a kid who had bad judgement that got him killed. I can't say at my age I would have reacted much differently, either...except for physically attacking him.

Si when I was in high school I saw so many kids get busted with weed and suspended, even my dumb ass brother, that doesn't really tell me anything cause at that age alot of high school kids are experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
Oh, I totally agree. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. Getting popped with weed doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of very good folks who have been, some even in pretty high clearances.

It really means very little when one is a kid. If it were significant, then ANYONE who ever had weed in their possession at anytime is a bad person. Getting caught doesn't make one more bad than another who wasn't.

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.
Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was allegedly suspended from school after security officers found what they described as a 'burglary tool' and women’s jewellery in his backpack.
Although the school officially suspended Trayvon in October for grafitti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker, the Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 items of jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

Read more: Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended from school for having a 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

""Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21.
"The same week, Martin was suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

The press always mangles shit when they jump too soon. I went to the Miami Herald, they referenced the school's police reports:

"In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

"Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald."
Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin - Florida -
Ahhhh. Sigh of relief.

Thanks. I hadn't seen that report.
Si when I was in high school I saw so many kids get busted with weed and suspended, even my dumb ass brother, that doesn't really tell me anything cause at that age alot of high school kids are experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
Oh, I totally agree. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. Getting popped with weed doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of very good folks who have been, some even in pretty high clearances.

It really means very little when one is a kid. If it were significant, then ANYONE who ever had weed in their possession at anytime is a bad person. Getting caught doesn't make one more bad than another who wasn't.

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.
And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.
Si when I was in high school I saw so many kids get busted with weed and suspended, even my dumb ass brother, that doesn't really tell me anything cause at that age alot of high school kids are experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
Oh, I totally agree. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. Getting popped with weed doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of very good folks who have been, some even in pretty high clearances.

It really means very little when one is a kid. If it were significant, then ANYONE who ever had weed in their possession at anytime is a bad person. Getting caught doesn't make one more bad than another who wasn't.

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.

Why would you say that? every black teen is a gang banger to you huh?
Oh, I totally agree. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. Getting popped with weed doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of very good folks who have been, some even in pretty high clearances.

It really means very little when one is a kid. If it were significant, then ANYONE who ever had weed in their possession at anytime is a bad person. Getting caught doesn't make one more bad than another who wasn't.

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.
And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.

Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.
Oh, I totally agree. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. Getting popped with weed doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of very good folks who have been, some even in pretty high clearances.

It really means very little when one is a kid. If it were significant, then ANYONE who ever had weed in their possession at anytime is a bad person. Getting caught doesn't make one more bad than another who wasn't.

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.

Why would you say that? every black teen is a gang banger to you huh?

Have you seen his tweeter account or his my space account? Being black as nothing to do with it. There are plenty of gang banger who aren't black. Why make it a race issue?
We have little hard evidence that Martin had any serious problems that would justify calling him a 'punk ass thug'.... We have the evidence from the police that some kind of struggle took place, that during that struggle Martin was shot and killed. We have Zimmerman's account that he was in the process of walking back to his car when Martin confronted him.... we have a witness that says he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman... we have evidence that Zimmerman sustained superficial injuries.... We have the eye witness saying that it was Zimmerman calling for help... we have witnesses who did not SEE the incident but who heard it claim that it was Martin calling for help.... (Personally, I don't understand how they can claim that as fact if they did not see the incident - logically, it makes no sense)....

Conclusion: There are far too many 'unknowns' right now for anyone to make a rational judgment.

Thats why Zimmerman will not be charged with anything, the only way he is going to end up in prison is if he wakes up one morning, goes down to the police station and confesses that he killed Martin and turn himself in, now besides that happening he is not going to prison.

What is there to confess? Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. It was in self defense by the police reports. Now if you're looking for a which hunt contact Martins Father and ask him why his recently suspended from school son was allowed out of the house at night?

What I meant was, if Zimmerman admitted to killing Trayvon not for self defense, thats the only way he would get in trouble, but don't worry it's not going to happen your man is going to walk free from all this, and I don't know where the fuck you are going with all this talk about Trayvon's father, Black teens are never supposed to leave the house right?:cuckoo:
But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.
And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.

Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.

Drug "deals"? I know Martin had an empty bag of weed, but what's this about drug deals?

And the gangs question.

I have to run, but I'll check later.
But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.

Why would you say that? every black teen is a gang banger to you huh?

Have you seen his tweeter account or his my space account? Being black as nothing to do with it. There are plenty of gang banger who aren't black. Why make it a race issue?

I seen a pic of him with gold teeth and a wife beater, so the fuck what? because of that picture he is a threat and deserves to be killed?:cuckoo:
But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.
And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.

Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.

What gangs and drug deals? why are you making things up?:cuckoo:
Thats why Zimmerman will not be charged with anything, the only way he is going to end up in prison is if he wakes up one morning, goes down to the police station and confesses that he killed Martin and turn himself in, now besides that happening he is not going to prison.

What is there to confess? Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. It was in self defense by the police reports. Now if you're looking for a which hunt contact Martins Father and ask him why his recently suspended from school son was allowed out of the house at night?

What I meant was, if Zimmerman admitted to killing Trayvon not for self defense, thats the only way he would get in trouble, but don't worry it's not going to happen your man is going to walk free from all this, and I don't know where the fuck you are going with all this talk about Trayvon's father, Black teens are never supposed to leave the house right?:cuckoo:

My man? I have nothing to lose or gain with what happen. The only thing that stands to lose is the truth.

Again with the black thing? If Trayvon was my son I would care enough to make sure that he was punished for being suspended. While being grounded he would never have been allowed to leave the house and he would be alive today. So if your pissed blame his father.
What is there to confess? Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. It was in self defense by the police reports. Now if you're looking for a which hunt contact Martins Father and ask him why his recently suspended from school son was allowed out of the house at night?

What I meant was, if Zimmerman admitted to killing Trayvon not for self defense, thats the only way he would get in trouble, but don't worry it's not going to happen your man is going to walk free from all this, and I don't know where the fuck you are going with all this talk about Trayvon's father, Black teens are never supposed to leave the house right?:cuckoo:

My man? I have nothing to lose or gain with what happen. The only thing that stands to lose is the truth.

Again with the black thing? If Trayvon was my son I would care enough to make sure that he was punished for being suspended. While being grounded he would never have been allowed to leave the house and he would be alive today. So if your pissed blame his father.

Teenagers leave the house all the time when their not supposed to, so that warrants a death sentence now? any teen who leaves the house when their not supposed to deserves to be shot dead? got it.:cuckoo:
And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.

Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.

What gangs and drug deals? why are you making things up?:cuckoo:

As I have already mentioned he has a my space account and a twieter account. Go there and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

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