New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.
And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.

Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.

Gangs? DRUG DEALS? The SA might find Martin did not use deadly force, thus deadly force was not an option for Zimmerman...........
What I meant was, if Zimmerman admitted to killing Trayvon not for self defense, thats the only way he would get in trouble, but don't worry it's not going to happen your man is going to walk free from all this, and I don't know where the fuck you are going with all this talk about Trayvon's father, Black teens are never supposed to leave the house right?:cuckoo:

My man? I have nothing to lose or gain with what happen. The only thing that stands to lose is the truth.

Again with the black thing? If Trayvon was my son I would care enough to make sure that he was punished for being suspended. While being grounded he would never have been allowed to leave the house and he would be alive today. So if your pissed blame his father.

Teenagers leave the house all the time when their not supposed to, so that warrants a death sentence now? any teen who leaves the house when their not supposed to deserves to be shot dead? got it.:cuckoo:

Mine never did. Break the ground laws and their ass got kicked.
Oh, I see. My apologies.

See, I've seen sources that say he was suspended for having an empty bag of weed. I haven't seen that he was suspended for burglary tools in his bag. Could you link to that, please?

Maybe I can learn what burglary tools are, too.

Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was allegedly suspended from school after security officers found what they described as a 'burglary tool' and women’s jewellery in his backpack.
Although the school officially suspended Trayvon in October for grafitti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker, the Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 items of jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

Read more: Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended from school for having a 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

""Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21.
"The same week, Martin was suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald.
Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin - Florida -

Is it more credible now?
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And, not all smoke is fire.

Meh, it takes much more than that for me to judge the character of someone, especially a 17 yo.

That's just me.

Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.

Gangs? DRUG DEALS? The SA might find Martin did not use deadly force, thus deadly force was not an option for Zimmerman...........

You're really trying aren't you? Those are two separate events One lays the frame work that Trayvon was not this good kid. As for being justified what would you do if you were carrying a gun and someone try to take it from you?
Little bits of information on his life keep coming out everyday. Oh I don't hold smoking pot against him, but this thing about the gangs and the drug deals is another story.

What gangs and drug deals? why are you making things up?:cuckoo:

As I have already mentioned he has a my space account and a twieter account. Go there and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

What gang set is Trayvon a part of? are you telling me he is a gang member because of a pic of him with a wife beater and some gold teeth?:cuckoo:
My man? I have nothing to lose or gain with what happen. The only thing that stands to lose is the truth.

Again with the black thing? If Trayvon was my son I would care enough to make sure that he was punished for being suspended. While being grounded he would never have been allowed to leave the house and he would be alive today. So if your pissed blame his father.

Teenagers leave the house all the time when their not supposed to, so that warrants a death sentence now? any teen who leaves the house when their not supposed to deserves to be shot dead? got it.:cuckoo:

Mine never did. Break the ground laws and their ass got kicked.

So you are ok with teens who leave the house without their parents authority being shot dead?
Teenagers leave the house all the time when their not supposed to, so that warrants a death sentence now? any teen who leaves the house when their not supposed to deserves to be shot dead? got it.:cuckoo:

Mine never did. Break the ground laws and their ass got kicked.

So you are ok with teens who leave the house without their parents authority being shot dead?

Really stretching it thin aren't you? When did I say that and use the quote function when you provide the proof.
As I have already mentioned he has a my space account and a twieter account. Go there and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

What gang set is Trayvon a part of? are you telling me he is a gang member because of a pic of him with a wife beater and some gold teeth?:cuckoo:

Twitter and myspace do the search.

Why can't you just tell me what gangs Trayvon was rolling with? you saw the pics right? a teen making some tough faces on Myspace and Twitter means nothing.
I have to leave in a few minutes but I was briefed by several members on this board that Trayvon was a no good punk thug who initiated the confrontation with Zimmerman and attacked him, going for his gun, I'm running on their word with this.
I don't think the kid was that. He got busted with weed and was suspended. He seems to have attacked Zimmerman, too.

But, no, I wouldn't generalize him as that, at 17...just a kid who had bad judgement that got him killed. I can't say at my age I would have reacted much differently, either...except for physically attacking him.

Si when I was in high school I saw so many kids get busted with weed and suspended, even my dumb ass brother, that doesn't really tell me anything cause at that age alot of high school kids are experimenting with drugs and alcohol.

And burglary, don't forget burglary!

In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald."

"Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.
Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.
“Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.

Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation."

Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin - Florida -

Apparently Zimmerman wasn't the only person who suspected him of burglary.

And it seems he may have attacked his bus driver:

"...correspondence with Martin on Twitter before he died alludes to an incident with a bus driver. "Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21."

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

What I find impossible to believe is that his parents knew nothing of any of this. They apparently didn't realize, when he was suspended for TEN DAYS for vandalism and suspicious behavior, that the school cop had found the women's wedding rings and such and the screwdriver in his bag. I'm certain they have no idea what Trayvon's COUSIN was talking about when he tweeted that Trayvon attacked a bus driver.

Of course not! Cuz all this stuff has been made up by people who want to "destroy his reputation". What reputation would that be?

His online handle is "no-limit nigga". He had a gold grill.
He was either affiliated with a gang, or wanted to be.
What gang set is Trayvon a part of? are you telling me he is a gang member because of a pic of him with a wife beater and some gold teeth?:cuckoo:

Twitter and myspace do the search.

Why can't you just tell me what gangs Trayvon was rolling with? you saw the pics right? a teen making some tough faces on Myspace and Twitter means nothing.

Twiter and my space go do some soul searching it will do you good.
So you are ok with teens who leave the house without their parents authority being shot dead?

Really stretching it thin aren't you? When did I say that and use the quote function when you provide the proof.

No I'm asking you, do teens who sneak out of the house deserve to be murdered?

Do teens need to grab for someones gun? Do teens need to hit someone from behind? Should Trayvon have been grounded for being suspended? Yes he should have should he be dead no he should have if his father would have been a father.
So you are ok with teens who leave the house without their parents authority being shot dead?

Really stretching it thin aren't you? When did I say that and use the quote function when you provide the proof.

No I'm asking you, do teens who sneak out of the house deserve to be murdered?

Murder is a legal term. This kid was killed.

No, nobody deserves to be murdered.

But kids who burglarize houses, who do drugs, who attack authority figures, are on a fast track to a really bad, life changing event.

I tell my boys from the time they're 8 and start getting some size to them, and start getting cocky, that there are some things they don't get to do....

They don't get to behave in a menacing manner towards anyone.

They don't get to hit people.

They don't get to roam around, particularly at night, unsupervised.


I have spent years of my life dealing with criminal teenaged boys, adolescent boys, and boys who have committed crimes. Nobody deserves to be murdererd, but do them the fucking courtesy of teaching them that certain behavior will put them at risk and will NOT be tolerated. People, particularly men, will not TOLERATE skinny punk kids attacking them. Society will not deal kindly with aggressive, unsupervised kids who steal, swear, do drugs, and stomp around looking for trouble. Sorry, that's the way it is, and the people who justify this behavior, who insist on attacking Zimmerman, who more and more looks like he didn't do a THING to this kid prior to getting his ass jumped, are not doing other at risk kids a bit of good. You're feeding into the problem. Stop defending him and let this run its course. It's sad he's dead, what a waste. But it doesn't sound to me like it's anyone's fault but his own.
Why can't you just tell me what gangs Trayvon was rolling with? you saw the pics right? a teen making some tough faces on Myspace and Twitter means nothing.

Twiter and my space go do some soul searching it will do you good.

The twitter account was taken down, and recently "revived"......

Some of the information they have was taken before the account was taken down. However that does bring up another thing if what he had posted on those accounts were good things why take them down?

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