New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Really stretching it thin aren't you? When did I say that and use the quote function when you provide the proof.

No I'm asking you, do teens who sneak out of the house deserve to be murdered?

Murder is a legal term. This kid was killed.

No, nobody deserves to be murdered.

But kids who burglarize houses, who do drugs, who attack authority figures, are on a fast track to a really bad, life changing event.

I tell my boys from the time they're 8 and start getting some size to them, and start getting cocky, that there are some things they don't get to do....

They don't get to behave in a menacing manner towards anyone.

They don't get to hit people.

They don't get to roam around, particularly at night, unsupervised.


I have spent years of my life dealing with criminal teenaged boys, adolescent boys, and boys who have committed crimes. Nobody deserves to be murdererd, but do them the fucking courtesy of teaching them that certain behavior will put them at risk and will NOT be tolerated. People, particularly men, will not TOLERATE skinny punk kids attacking them. Society will not deal kindly with aggressive, unsupervised kids who steal, swear, do drugs, and stomp around looking for trouble. Sorry, that's the way it is, and the people who justify this behavior, who insist on attacking Zimmerman, who more and more looks like he didn't do a THING to this kid prior to getting his ass jumped, are not doing other at risk kids a bit of good. You're feeding into the problem. Stop defending him and let this run its course. It's sad he's dead, what a waste. But it doesn't sound to me like it's anyone's fault but his own.

What she said :clap2:
Oh, I totally agree. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. Getting popped with weed doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of very good folks who have been, some even in pretty high clearances.

It really means very little when one is a kid. If it were significant, then ANYONE who ever had weed in their possession at anytime is a bad person. Getting caught doesn't make one more bad than another who wasn't.

But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.

Why would you say that? every black teen is a gang banger to you huh?

It means that by his behavior so far, Martin has exhibited tendencies that would indicate the path he was following lead to his being a gang banger. His past is not relevant except to indicate whether or not he would assert himself and attack someone he believed was unarmed.
Oh, I see. My apologies.

See, I've seen sources that say he was suspended for having an empty bag of weed. I haven't seen that he was suspended for burglary tools in his bag. Could you link to that, please?

Maybe I can learn what burglary tools are, too.

Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was allegedly suspended from school after security officers found what they described as a 'burglary tool' and women’s jewellery in his backpack.
Although the school officially suspended Trayvon in October for grafitti, after he and some friends wrote ‘W.T.F.’ on a school locker, the Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool' - a flathead screwdriver - and 12 items of jewellery. Martin insisted that they did not belong to him.

Read more: Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended from school for having a 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

""Yu ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver," Martin's cousin wrote to him on Feb. 21.
"The same week, Martin was suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Twitter account, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.
Just fyi, the Miami Herald made no such claim. The Mail made the claim that the Herald did falsely.
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

I went in to work last night at 6:30 and I'm just getting home. I don't have the energy to read 15 pages of this thread. So now we're up to FIVE different accounts on why he was suspended? The article I read last night during my break said that he was found with traces of pot in a baggie ... and that the police confirmed this.

Geez Louise.

I'm not sure about this latest story, however. It's not sourced and it doesn't make sense.

BTW, I also read where Zimmerman claims that he was walking back to car and that Trayvon approached him, they exchanged some words and that Trayvon punched him in the nose and knocked him down, hitting his head against the sidewalk.


I thought the story was that Trayvon hit him from behind? Where did that first story come from ? (I was thinking I'd read it in an interview of either Zimmerman's father or friend)

I'm convinced we will NEVER know what happened. Stories are changing so fast I can't keep up.


MONTHS PRIOR to his death; the school still lists tardiness, writing WTF on school property, and pot residue as the reasons for suspension. The "burglary tool" finding did not lead to ANY school, or juvenile justice action.

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker, according to a school report obtained by the Herald. A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”

Oh. My. God.

A flathead screwdriver = burglary tool.

I better go give myself up to the cops. I'm swimming in burglary tools here :doubt:
Really stretching it thin aren't you? When did I say that and use the quote function when you provide the proof.

No I'm asking you, do teens who sneak out of the house deserve to be murdered?

Do teens need to grab for someones gun? Do teens need to hit someone from behind? Should Trayvon have been grounded for being suspended? Yes he should have should he be dead no he should have if his father would have been a father.

What could his father have done? what do you know about Trayvon's father?
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

I went in to work last night at 6:30 and I'm just getting home. I don't have the energy to read 15 pages of this thread. So now we're up to FIVE different accounts on why he was suspended? The article I read last night during my break said that he was found with traces of pot in a baggie ... and that the police confirmed this.

Geez Louise.

I'm not sure about this latest story, however. It's not sourced and it doesn't make sense.

BTW, I also read where Zimmerman claims that he was walking back to car and that Trayvon approached him, they exchanged some words and that Trayvon punched him in the nose and knocked him down, hitting his head against the sidewalk.


I thought the story was that Trayvon hit him from behind? Where did that first story come from ? (I was thinking I'd read it in an interview of either Zimmerman's father or friend)

I'm convinced we will NEVER know what happened. Stories are changing so fast I can't keep up.

And you haven't kept up.

I'm fairly certain you will never know what happened, since you aren't interested in reading the information available.

Quick rundown:

Trayvon was suspended for 10 days for suspicious activity in unauthorized areas of the school (hiding and vandalism). His bag was searched and burglary tools and a dozen pieces of women's jewelry, including wedding bands and a diamond ring, were found.

Trayvon's cousin tweeted (or my space) him about Trayvon hitting a bus driver.

An eye witness says that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman beating the shit out of him and Zimmerman was screaming for help. When the witness went into his house, Zimmerman shot the kid.

But really, if you can't be bothered to read, there's no point in bothering with the topic.

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.

Wrong, as usual.

Zimmerman intiated a verbal confrontation with Martin, not a physical one. At least there is no witness testamony that suggests he started a physical fight.

Once the two traded words, Zimmerman was walking away. At that point Martin initiated a physical attack. At that point Zimmerman was well within his rights to shoot him, especially after getting his nose broke and yelling for help and no one came to help him.

Just another victim of the thug culture. He thought he'd be tough picking a fight with the guy, so he blindsided him. Unfortunately for Martin the guy had a gun and used it.

Then again, if Zimbo hadn't been following him and harrassing him, none of this would have happened. He would have been best to stay in his car and call the cops - and then wait for them. Martin wasn't doing anything wrong and nobody was in immediate danger. Zimbo thought he'd be a hero and got his arse handed to him on a plate.

Tell me Hawk - what would you, or T, or Bigreb - any of you "my individual freedom is paramount over everything else" types do if somebody was stalking you in a car, on a phone and eyeballing you while you were wandering around minding your own business? Oh, and then that same person got out of the car and hassled you?

Going by the posts I've read from all you meatheads over the past 4-5 years not a one of you would have backed down...unless you're all full of shit...

I agree that Martin was within his rights to get pissed off and tell Zimmerman off. But after the fact when Zimmerman is walking away he decides to jump him and start bashing his head into the sidewalk?

This whole thing could of been avoided if both parties would of had cooler heads. But it didn't turn out that way.

All I am saying is once Martin started to physically attack Zimmerman, he had every right to defend himself. Its not like Zimmerman shot him immediately. He shot him only after being assaulted for quite some time.
But where there is smoke there is fire. In my opinion I think Martin was heading down the road to being a gang banger, if he wasn't already one.

Why would you say that? every black teen is a gang banger to you huh?

It means that by his behavior so far, Martin has exhibited tendencies that would indicate the path he was following lead to his being a gang banger. His past is not relevant except to indicate whether or not he would assert himself and attack someone he believed was unarmed.

I'm sorry I just don't see I think there is a serious lack of understanding here, just because a teen has a gold grill and smoked weed hardly means he is on the path of being a gang banger.
Why would you say that? every black teen is a gang banger to you huh?

It means that by his behavior so far, Martin has exhibited tendencies that would indicate the path he was following lead to his being a gang banger. His past is not relevant except to indicate whether or not he would assert himself and attack someone he believed was unarmed.

I'm sorry I just don't see I think there is a serious lack of understanding here, just because a teen has a gold grill and smoked weed hardly means he is on the path of being a gang banger.

It is more than that. Although these are indications of a willingness to behave badly.
A kid who smoked weed, who has a gold grill, who was suspended for suspicious activity and having incriminating evidence of burglary (women's wedding rings and jewelry, and a screwdriver? Seriously?) and who has the handle "no limit nigga" and references to him hitting a bus driver on his myspace account?

He might not have been a gang member yet, but he was certainly headed that way.
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

I went in to work last night at 6:30 and I'm just getting home. I don't have the energy to read 15 pages of this thread. So now we're up to FIVE different accounts on why he was suspended? The article I read last night during my break said that he was found with traces of pot in a baggie ... and that the police confirmed this.

Geez Louise.

I'm not sure about this latest story, however. It's not sourced and it doesn't make sense.

BTW, I also read where Zimmerman claims that he was walking back to car and that Trayvon approached him, they exchanged some words and that Trayvon punched him in the nose and knocked him down, hitting his head against the sidewalk.


I thought the story was that Trayvon hit him from behind? Where did that first story come from ? (I was thinking I'd read it in an interview of either Zimmerman's father or friend)

I'm convinced we will NEVER know what happened. Stories are changing so fast I can't keep up.
That's right, and they were demanding DNA tests on the "bloody" iced tea they said he hit him in the back of the head with. Face it, it won't matter how many times the story changes as long as they can rationalize that Martin deserved to be killed.
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

I went in to work last night at 6:30 and I'm just getting home. I don't have the energy to read 15 pages of this thread. So now we're up to FIVE different accounts on why he was suspended? The article I read last night during my break said that he was found with traces of pot in a baggie ... and that the police confirmed this.

Geez Louise.

I'm not sure about this latest story, however. It's not sourced and it doesn't make sense.

BTW, I also read where Zimmerman claims that he was walking back to car and that Trayvon approached him, they exchanged some words and that Trayvon punched him in the nose and knocked him down, hitting his head against the sidewalk.


I thought the story was that Trayvon hit him from behind? Where did that first story come from ? (I was thinking I'd read it in an interview of either Zimmerman's father or friend)

I'm convinced we will NEVER know what happened. Stories are changing so fast I can't keep up.

The police undertook an investigation... they know what happened. They, apparently, did not find evidence of wrong doing by Zimmerman... because if they had, his ass would be in prison, or at least out on bail facing a trial.

It is always best not to accept any media reports about what happened.
See, that's what pisses me off so much about the press.

"[T]he Miami Herald claims that the real reason was that he was caught with a 'burglary tool'"

I mean, what.........the.........hell? The Miami Herald is now a citable source for what they allege? The journalists need to use actual sources - witnesses, school officials, etc. - when they cite something. Not another fucking journalist.

It's like fucking gossip.

I mean, thanks for providing that. That's the first report of that I've seen. But, I really can't give much credibility to a journalist who uses another journalist as a source. Especially in this case. It's a mess how the press has mangled everything.

I went in to work last night at 6:30 and I'm just getting home. I don't have the energy to read 15 pages of this thread. So now we're up to FIVE different accounts on why he was suspended? The article I read last night during my break said that he was found with traces of pot in a baggie ... and that the police confirmed this.

Geez Louise.

I'm not sure about this latest story, however. It's not sourced and it doesn't make sense.

BTW, I also read where Zimmerman claims that he was walking back to car and that Trayvon approached him, they exchanged some words and that Trayvon punched him in the nose and knocked him down, hitting his head against the sidewalk.


I thought the story was that Trayvon hit him from behind? Where did that first story come from ? (I was thinking I'd read it in an interview of either Zimmerman's father or friend)

I'm convinced we will NEVER know what happened. Stories are changing so fast I can't keep up.

And you haven't kept up.

I'm fairly certain you will never know what happened, since you aren't interested in reading the information available.

Quick rundown:

Trayvon was suspended for 10 days for suspicious activity in unauthorized areas of the school (hiding and vandalism). His bag was searched and burglary tools and a dozen pieces of women's jewelry, including wedding bands and a diamond ring, were found.

Trayvon's cousin tweeted (or my space) him about Trayvon hitting a bus driver.

An eye witness says that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman beating the shit out of him and Zimmerman was screaming for help. When the witness went into his house, Zimmerman shot the kid.

But really, if you can't be bothered to read, there's no point in bothering with the topic.

Oh shut up. I've read the last couple of pages ... only to learn the story has changed again on BOTH sides.
A kid who smoked weed, who has a gold grill, who was suspended for suspicious activity and having incriminating evidence of burglary (women's wedding rings and jewelry, and a screwdriver? Seriously?) and who has the handle "no limit nigga" and references to him hitting a bus driver on his myspace account?

He might not have been a gang member yet, but he was certainly headed that way.

Well the article BigRed posted said he was already a gang member, I would like to know what set hes with, the pics I saw just looked like a teen acting tough.
It means that by his behavior so far, Martin has exhibited tendencies that would indicate the path he was following lead to his being a gang banger. His past is not relevant except to indicate whether or not he would assert himself and attack someone he believed was unarmed.

I'm sorry I just don't see I think there is a serious lack of understanding here, just because a teen has a gold grill and smoked weed hardly means he is on the path of being a gang banger.

It is more than that. Although these are indications of a willingness to behave badly.

Well when I was a teen I also smoked weed, got suspended from school and got into plenty of fights, but I never became a gang banger.

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