New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?


"Now an anonymous witness of the incident claims that he saw Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot which has led to a national outcry.
A witness we haven’t heard from before paints a much different picture than we’ve seen so far in the case. Known only as John, he told Sanford police that he saw it all and Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot.
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

Anonymous Witness Says He Saw Trayvon Martin Beating Up Zimmerman Breaking News & Views on BlackMediaScoop

How many times do you have to have this put in front of you before you stop pretending you haven't seen it?

Carb doesn't hear anything but the voices in his head.
Another witness:

[ame=]Second witness confirms Trayvon was attacker - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Second witness confirms Trayvon was attacker - YouTube[/ame]
What lynch mob?

It should be very relevant in a trial. You do want a trial, right?

You know..with a judge and jury of his peers?

Or did you just want him to walk.

I want justice to be served...

when I was first made aware of this situation, it looked to me to be a case of manslaughter (voluntary or involuntary) on the part of Zimmerman and incompetence (willful or not) on the part of local law enforcement...

and, at this point, I believe that even if Zimmerman was justified in his actions, it appears that the local police fell far short in their investigation and collection of evidence for the homicide...

my only fear is that, if and when Zimmerman is brought to trial, and if the jury then finds him "not guilty", we'll see riots rivaling the ones following the Rodney King trial... with millions and millions in property damage and dozens of people killed...

The current prosecutor may decide NOT to present the case to the Grand Jury; yes, there will be "public displays" to put it mildly..............

a thankless job... I sure don't envy her position...

if her decision is to not bring Zimmerman up on charges, she'll surely be branded as being a racist and a tool for the "far-right, gun-loving, black-hating GOP"...

if her decision is to bring Zimmerman up on charges, some folks'll claim that she caved to the race-pimping crowd to keep from being branded all of the above...

I can only hope she's able to do the right thing, one way or the other...
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Let's say you're smarter than the police (which you're not), and you're right that they didn't do their job properly.

That's all the more reason an arrest should NOT be made.

You fail, end of discussion !!!!!!

It's unbelievable all these goons on here saying the RW's are ok with a kid being murdered...the police aren't doing things fast enough...on and on and on. BUT, IF the police didn't do their job right that night, and they went ahead and arrested Zimmerman right away, then it could end up he wouldn't be charged at all because of "technicalities". Happens all the time. If Zimmerman did do it, then all the lefties are going to accomplish is getting Zimmerman off scot free. But of course, most of them are idiots, all they're out for is blood. But it could backfire on them big time!

If Zimmerman did kill Martin for no reason, then he should be convicted. But now it looks like more witnesses are coming forward, and it's not looking good for Trayvon.

It's beyond "looking good" for Trayvon. His story is done.

What should happen now is a fair trial for George Zimmerman.

His story may not be done....depends on what proof is found. Is it going to be determined that he was a simply sweet kid with no problems, or was he a troublemaker? I know, it shouldn't matter, but the left is trying to make him out to be some kind of saint and this could backfire.

There's 2 witnesses now, both saying that Trayvon was beating Zimmerman before he got shot. Both witnesses are black.....did you notice that? Why would they lie about this?

And yes, if they find that they have a case against Zimmerman, he should get a "fair" trial. But ya know what...that's going to be really hard to do now. And if they don't find him guilty, i'm willing to bet there's going to be all kinds of loones out there in the streets burning and rioting over it.
Was he seen by paramedics and cleaned up ...
Back in the day I had a chance to be a punching bag for the cops and I can tell you for fact I was hit and after there were not tell tale marks ...

Nice paramedics. Did they also do his laundry?

I heard that someone said the back of his jacket was wet, too! Imagine having a wet jacket after being out in the rain. shocker!
I want justice to be served...

when I was first made aware of this situation, it looked to me to be a case of manslaughter (voluntary or involuntary) on the part of Zimmerman and incompetence (willful or not) on the part of local law enforcement...

and, at this point, I believe that even if Zimmerman was justified in his actions, it appears that the local police fell far short in their investigation and collection of evidence for the homicide...

my only fear is that, if and when Zimmerman is brought to trial, and if the jury then finds him "not guilty", we'll see riots rivaling the ones following the Rodney King trial... with millions and millions in property damage and dozens of people killed...

The current prosecutor may decide NOT to present the case to the Grand Jury; yes, there will be "public displays" to put it mildly..............

a thankless job... I sure don't envy her position...

if her decision is to not bring Zimmerman up on charges, she'll surely be branded as being a racist and a tool for the "far-right, gun-loving, black-hating GOP"...

if her decision is to bring Zimmerman up on charges, some folks'll claim that she caved to the race-pimping crowd to keep from being branded all of the above...

I can only hope she's able to do the right thing, one way or the other...

Yep, it might be lose/lose for the Special Prosecutor...............
What we have here are a perfect bunch of bigoted assholes willing to see a kid murdered for their prejudice.

From the video;

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

one can see that Zimmerman had no damage to his nose or head, and no grass stains on his jacket, his story is a total fabrication. He murdered that kid in cold blood. And all of you 'Conservatives' wish to let him get away with it.

Were it not for the outcry, he would have gotten away with it. Now I want to know, who directed the police not to arrest Zimmerman, and why. Who gave the orders on this atrocity, and why. And I want to see them prosecuted as an accessory after the fact.

Time for some justice in this case. Even if we have indict half of the Florida state government.

So this video does not show Zimmerman at the police station in handcuffs? I thought you asked me if I was blind, how do you let such stupidity rule your emotions, get a life...
Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?


"Now an anonymous witness of the incident claims that he saw Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot which has led to a national outcry.
A witness we haven’t heard from before paints a much different picture than we’ve seen so far in the case. Known only as John, he told Sanford police that he saw it all and Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot.
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

Anonymous Witness Says He Saw Trayvon Martin Beating Up Zimmerman Breaking News & Views on BlackMediaScoop

How many times do you have to have this put in front of you before you stop pretending you haven't seen it?
odd because anytime there is an anonymous source you guys just downplay it as if it didnt happen....All of a sudden it matters..

You do understand that the Witness is not anonymous to the Police, only to the Press and the Public, right???
We just saw what is coming out in this case. And shows Zimmerman to be a liar.

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News
All I see is a handcuffed man obeying police orders and being respectful. You call that evidence?

Seems the prosecution by way of press has lost its perspective in its zeal to prosecute someone reverse racists hate.


It's not what you's what you don't see. Injuries, blood on the clothing, stains on on the jacket..or any evidence the hand cuffed man is in any pain at all. He's moving just fine.

That's weird given he just survived a brawl that nearly took his life, no?

Not necessarily.

That's an issue for an on-the-scene forensics examination, not a far-distanced, blurry and obfuscated-by-advertising close examination by the police officer of the man. I'm not a forensics scientist, and the man's shirt remained on during the police search of his person, so bruises he may have acquired were not shown.

I've read of people going through forensics examinations that produced nothing. Then years later, when the body is exhumed, a lead bullet and small hole in the back of the head covered by hair is found, determining that the death was indeed due to murder, and not due to natural causes written on some death certificate.

There just isn't enough information on the bad clip. Forensics may support or reveal a cause or even show no determination of guilt or innocence. A person is considered innocent until he or she is proven guilty, and even then in theatrically-emotional cases, a wrongful verdict is occasionally handed down. Ever hear of the Martin Day Care center miscarriage of justice? People were jailed for rape on the insistence of one woman who later admitted she was lying, ten years after people were left to rot in jail by a guilty verdict given by an angry and impassioned jury on account of a prosecution that manipulated evidence around to ensure a hasty jail sentence was delivered to satisfy an outraged public who believed the lie.

We shouldn't get emotionally involved in allegations that come from outside the forensics camp.

"Now an anonymous witness of the incident claims that he saw Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot which has led to a national outcry.
A witness we haven’t heard from before paints a much different picture than we’ve seen so far in the case. Known only as John, he told Sanford police that he saw it all and Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot.
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

Anonymous Witness Says He Saw Trayvon Martin Beating Up Zimmerman Breaking News & Views on BlackMediaScoop

How many times do you have to have this put in front of you before you stop pretending you haven't seen it?
odd because anytime there is an anonymous source you guys just downplay it as if it didnt happen....All of a sudden it matters..

You do understand that the Witness is not anonymous to the Police, only to the Press and the Public, right???

Zing it went right over his head.:D
Purple states?

More devision then we've seen in decades.

We all know why and who is causing this.

Its bullshit. This case is what it is and will play out one way or the other. No need for it to be a National event. Quite frankly I'm sick of the media sucking up to blacks and immigrants depending on there mood or need for sensationalism at the time. Now we have the new Panthers involved and members of Congress. All Black of course. These people will stop at nothing to get noticed, even the death of a young kid. It disgusts me.
So you think we should ignore what appears to be a coverup over the death of a teen because said teen is black?
No, but all the race baiting should be ignored, wouldn't you agree?
Was he seen by paramedics and cleaned up ...
Back in the day I had a chance to be a punching bag for the cops and I can tell you for fact I was hit and after there were not tell tale marks ...

Nice paramedics. Did they also do his laundry?

I heard that someone said the back of his jacket was wet, too! Imagine having a wet jacket after being out in the rain. shocker!
How did Zimmerman shoot a person at close range, in order to get the person (who is alledgely attacking him), off of his person, without getting blood all over himself from the close range shot ?? If Zimmerman shot the alledged attacker at close range, especially since he was on the ground underneath the person that was supposedly attacking him, then where are all the blood or blood stains to be found on Zimmerman afterwards ?

Did Zimmerman change clothes somehow (shirt and pants), before being seen in this police video ? His bald head seems to not show injuries consistant with an injury that caused stitches either, or wouldn't there had been bandages of some sort still covering those injuries ? So many questions un-answered in all of this mess......................Justice shall be served hopefully, regardless of what we think we all know and what we don't know went wrong here.

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