New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Sorry bout that,

1. If he had the preponderance of guilt, he would of been thrown in jail.
2. Stupid libturds from the top to the Al sharpton bottom feeder, have drumed up all this race hate.
3. This will end up costing *THEM*.
4. A race riot will do wonders to propel Obama out of office, never to be another negro in that office again.

Sorry bout that,

1. If he had the preponderance of guilt, he would of been thrown in jail.
2. Stupid libturds from the top to the Al sharpton bottom feeder, have drumed up all this race hate.
3. This will end up costing *THEM*.
4. A race riot will do wonders to propel Obama out of office, never to be another negro in that office again.


WTF is cheesedicknow babbling about? There is no such legal concept as "the preponderence of guilt."

Would of? The moron, cheesedicknow, apparently MEANT to use the phrase "would have." But that would have required an at least minimal comprehension of basic English idiom and grammar.

The race hate that has been drummed up is nothing all that new.

Hate often costs "them," whichever "them" you might mean at any given time.

"Negro?" Really cheesedick? Welcome to 1930, you fucking asshole.
Sorry bout that,

1. If he had the preponderance of guilt, he would of been thrown in jail.
2. Stupid libturds from the top to the Al sharpton bottom feeder, have drumed up all this race hate.
3. This will end up costing *THEM*.
4. A race riot will do wonders to propel Obama out of office, never to be another negro in that office again.


WTF is cheesedicknow babbling about? There is no such legal concept as "the preponderence of guilt."

Would of? The moron, cheesedicknow, apparently MEANT to use the phrase "would have." But that would have required an at least minimal comprehension of basic English idiom and grammar.

The race hate that has been drummed up is nothing all that new.

Hate often costs "them," whichever "them" you might mean at any given time.

"Negro?" Really cheesedick? Welcome to 1930, you fucking asshole.

I think the preponderence of guilt means Burden of proof
Oh I agree.

Likewise, I think I'd avoid assigning angel's wings to anyone, either.

The cops said from the beginning that the witness statements supported zimmerman's accounts, and after that nothing.

They're still investigating. Who knows.
There should have been marks on Martins body where he was struck, But there are none. As for his hands, I have been in many fights & have very rarely bruised my hands. Martin may have also hit Zimmerman with an object instead of his hands on the one sucker punch to the nose. After that one punch by a hard fist to a soft nose that would not have bruised Martins hand, the rest of the fight was Martin grabbing Zimmermans head & pounding it on the ground. Why would anyone claim there should be bruising on Martin?

There can be no claim of self defense for Martin if he was never struck or struck hard enough to make him fear for his life or risk of serious injury. Martin was absolutely in the wrong for attacking Zimmerman for trying to ask him a question. Martin was absolutely not standing his ground. Martin was the attacker. There is absolutely no case to bring against Zimmerman. None!!! Nodda!!! Zip!!!
There should have been marks on Martins body where he was struck, But there are none. As for his hands, I have been in many fights & have very rarely bruised my hands. Martin may have also hit Zimmerman with an object instead of his hands on the one sucker punch to the nose. After that one punch by a hard fist to a soft nose that would not have bruised Martins hand, the rest of the fight was Martin grabbing Zimmermans head & pounding it on the ground. Why would anyone claim there should be bruising on Martin?

There can be no claim of self defense for Martin if he was never struck or struck hard enough to make him fear for his life or risk of serious injury. Martin was absolutely in the wrong for attacking Zimmerman for trying to ask him a question. Martin was absolutely not standing his ground. Martin was the attacker. There is absolutely no case to bring against Zimmerman. None!!! Nodda!!! Zip!!!
You've seen Martin's body? Interesting.

I like how you've changed to saying Zimmerman's head got pounded on the ground instead of on the sidewalk. That is also interesting.

In Florida, you don't need to be struck to be in fear for your life. Having someone follow you is reason enough to fear for your life.

You really should read the stand your ground law as it has been posted over and over again.
Isn't the sidewalk on the ground?

This is the atmosphere in that neighborhood at teh time of the shooting:

"A group of young men had just broken into Bertalan's town house as she and her infant cowered in a locked bedroom. The intruders took a $600 camera and a laptop. After police had come and gone, the doorbell rang, and there was Zimmerman: 5 feet 9, in a shirt and tie, his body a little doughy, his demeanor gentle.
"Olivia Bertalan's ordeal was just one of a rash of break-ins in the area: Police records show at least seven burglaries from July through February."

In Trayvon Martin case, a complex portrait of shooter emerges - Los Angeles Times
It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

So if some guy stalks you, and perhaps flashes a gun, even if it's holstered, you wouldn't have the right to defend yourself against a potentially fatal threat? If this were a black man, who shot a white teen, and all the other facts were the same, and was given a walk by a DA, you'd be dancing around dimes to change your position. My position would remain the same.

It's not an issue of white on black crime, or white on black crime (except for Zimmerman's "fucking coons" comment). It's a question of equal justice.
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It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

So if some guy stalks you, and perhaps flashes a gun, even if it's holstered, you wouldn't have the right to defend yourself against a potentially fatal threat? If this were a black man, who shot a white teen, and all the other facts were the same, and was given a walk by a DA, you'd be dancing around dimes to change your position. My position would remain the same.

It's not an issue of white on black crime, or white on black crime (except for Zimmerman's "fucking coons" comment). It's a question of equal justice.

There was NO "fucking coons" comment from Zimmerman!!! You idiots can't hear. You only believe what the racist whores feed you!!! A gun in a holster is no threat. It does not justify Martin attacking Zimmerman even if Martin saw the gun. Only if Zimmerman pulled the gun on or struck Martin is Martin justified in attacking Zimmerman.
He was at the police station LESS than an hour after the incident. No blood and not dressing on the back of his head.
He had a broken nose the NEXT DAY?:eusa_shifty:
WHERE did he have time to go home and change his clothes in less than an hour?
There is a massive cover up but Angela always get her man.
He just has a fat head.:eusa_boohoo:

He lived in the area, The police to do their job would have needed those clothes. I'm not sure about the time from point a to point B, B being the police department but I think it took more than an hour

There is a massive cover up but
Do you realize how stupid and crazy that sounds? Why have a cover up when the police wanted to make an arrest?

so captain Black helicopters here doesnt buy into the idea there could be a cover up....

Thats just amazing.

Dumb ass Is it true that some of the police wanted to arrest Zimmerman? If that is true why are they trying to cover anything up?

And you think Brifers are nutty. At least obama not having a birth certificate argument has some validity to it
It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

So if some guy stalks you, and perhaps flashes a gun, even if it's holstered, you wouldn't have the right to defend yourself against a potentially fatal threat? If this were a black man, who shot a white teen, and all the other facts were the same, and was given a walk by a DA, you'd be dancing around dimes to change your position. My position would remain the same.

It's not an issue of white on black crime, or white on black crime (except for Zimmerman's "fucking coons" comment). It's a question of equal justice.

Dam define stalking please? Hell any neighborhood watch group could be considered stalkers. Police officers are stalkers. Zimmerman never said the words fucking coon you hear what you want to hear.
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It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

Lots of 'ifs' in this case. And, this is just for me personally, I would avoid assigning fault to either of them. IMO, the law is a massive clusterfuck and is to blame the most.

We know from the 911 video martin ran but then shortly after that Martin came back up to Zimmerman. So who was the aggressor?
If Martin would have kept going he would have been alive today.
VERY interesting piece linked from Drudge:

-- Police Surveillance Video | George Zimmerman | Head Injury | The Daily Caller
Hmmmm, that does look as if it could be an area on his head where stitches could have been placed....This hasn't been photoshopped or anything like that you suppose ?

If that area is a split that had been closed with stitches, many may have fallen once again, upon their quick impulses and knee jerk reactions in assuming the worst for Zimmerman in the case maybe ???
Hmmmm, that does look as if it could be an area on his head where stitches could have been placed....This hasn't been photoshopped or anything like that you suppose ?

If that area is a split that had been closed with stitches, many may have fallen once again, upon their quick impulses and knee jerk reactions in assuming the worst for Zimmerman in the case maybe ???
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.


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