New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I know, but I can't help but boys have done some really dumb things, and disobeyed, and gotten in trouble, and I've dropped the ball and let them do things I probably shouldn't have...and you realize omg, it's amazing that any boy reaches adulthood.

Being a boy is a risky business.

But you know, I've got a teen aged boy in the house, a troubled one even...and I've raised two of my own...and if my kids were tweeting that sort of stuff or had anything like that on myspace, I would have known about it and shut it down. I monitor their internet use, I monitor their time, I monitor their friends.

There are no pictures of any of my kids floating around on the internet of them flipping anyone off...and if there was, I'd find out in short order and shut them down.

I don't see any evidence of anything like that in what we know about this kid. I mean we know his school record...why was he having such a difficult time? Are one of his parents alcoholic? Why don't we know ANYTHING about Trayvon's family? I find it hard to believe that people who dig up quotes from the ex co-workers of Zimmerman's from years back..the people who know his family history and his blood type...have turned up NOTHING of note on the Trayvon Martin family.

What's with that?
No, it's a question of justice, period.

And justice isn't convicting this guy on a couple of leaked comments and the supposition of usmb armchair investigators. Before it has even been determined whether or not a crime was committed in the first place.

In which case, there's no call for justice at all.

*Equal Justice* isn't's just revenge:

"Kill Zimmerman":

'Kill Zimmerman' Twitter Created Advocating Violence Against George Zimmerman, The Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin - International Business Times

Justice would be trying him. The injustice would be for a Prosecutor not at least having it go through a grand jury. I hope the feds looking into this check his fathers phone calls. I'll bet there's one to the State's Attorney and one to the Police Chief.

No, justice would be finding out what the truth is and acting appropriately.
If there's no crime there's no need for justice.
It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

So if some guy stalks you, and perhaps flashes a gun, even if it's holstered, you wouldn't have the right to defend yourself against a potentially fatal threat? If this were a black man, who shot a white teen, and all the other facts were the same, and was given a walk by a DA, you'd be dancing around dimes to change your position. My position would remain the same.

It's not an issue of white on black crime, or white on black crime (except for Zimmerman's "fucking coons" comment). It's a question of equal justice.

There was NO "fucking coons" comment from Zimmerman!!! You idiots can't hear. You only believe what the racist whores feed you!!! A gun in a holster is no threat. It does not justify Martin attacking Zimmerman even if Martin saw the gun. Only if Zimmerman pulled the gun on or struck Martin is Martin justified in attacking Zimmerman.

Yes there was. It's clear as day when you section out that portion of the tape and bring up the volume.
It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

So if some guy stalks you, and perhaps flashes a gun, even if it's holstered, you wouldn't have the right to defend yourself against a potentially fatal threat? If this were a black man, who shot a white teen, and all the other facts were the same, and was given a walk by a DA, you'd be dancing around dimes to change your position. My position would remain the same.

It's not an issue of white on black crime, or white on black crime (except for Zimmerman's "fucking coons" comment). It's a question of equal justice.

Dam define stalking please? Hell any neighborhood watch group could be considered stalkers. Police officers are stalkers. Zimmerman never said the words fucking coon you hear what you want to hear.

Not really. They're generally instructed not to do so, but to call the police if they see suspicious activity. You know, just as the 911 operator told Zimmerman not to do.
I'll bet he wishes that he had followed that kid instead of letting him circle back and jump his ass.
Who cares?

Zimmerman outweighs Martin by 80 lbs.

He chases the kid down, gets in a fight with him, and then kills him.

Then his Dad gets him off with a call to the state's attorney.
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.


The police would take the article of clothing he wore as evidence Blood splatter gunpowder residue
enhanced does not mean they altered the images it just means they focused on one area zoomed in. That photo could be used in a court of law as evidence.

That would have required a warrant, and would be done at the precinct where he could be given something to wear.

It was done.

"They took his clothing as well as Trayvon's and packaged it for crime-lab analysis. A spokeswoman for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would not disclose Tuesday where the clothing is now, but she wrote in an email that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement "is assisting with the processing of physical evidence."

Typically, evidence from Seminole County crime scenes is analyzed at the FDLE lab in Orlando. "

Trayvon Martin questions: Trayvon Martin rumors abound, but here are facts -
I've been linking that for brain dead ignorant yammerers for two days now. Apparently none of you read.
The lead investigator did not believe George Zimmerman's story and recommended the night of the killing that he be charged with manslaughter.

The state attorney, Norman Wolfinger, said no, and Zimmerman was released.

Zimmerman's father, Robert Zimmerman, is a former judge and his mother worked at the courthouse.

The question is, Did Robert Zimmerman call Norman Wolfinger the night of the killing and is that the reason he showed up at the police station on a SUNDAY NIGHT?
The lead investigator did not believe George Zimmerman's story and recommended the night of the killing that he be charged with manslaughter.

The state attorney, Norman Wolfinger, said no, and Zimmerman was released.

Zimmerman's father, Robert Zimmerman, is a former judge and his mother worked at the courthouse.

The question is, Did Robert Zimmerman call Norman Wolfinger the night of the killing and is that the reason he showed up at the police station on a SUNDAY NIGHT?
Do you have links to that last sentence, Chris?
This is why he wasn't arrested:

"Zimmerman has not been arrested because he told police he acted in self-defense, and then-Chief Lee said police did not have probable cause. Florida Statute 776.032 expressly prohibits police from arresting someone who had a reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm. Police may investigate, the statute says, "but the agency may not arrest the person" without probable cause."

Trayvon Martin questions: Trayvon Martin rumors abound, but here are facts -
Who cares?

Zimmerman outweighs Martin by 80 lbs.

He chases the kid down, gets in a fight with him, and then kills him.

Then his Dad gets him off with a call to the state's attorney.

Does anybody really believe that Zimmerman chased down Martin? I mean really? If Martin was running, there is no way Zimmerman would have been able to catch up to him, he was shorter and outweighed him by 60 pounds.
So if some guy stalks you, and perhaps flashes a gun, even if it's holstered, you wouldn't have the right to defend yourself against a potentially fatal threat? If this were a black man, who shot a white teen, and all the other facts were the same, and was given a walk by a DA, you'd be dancing around dimes to change your position. My position would remain the same.

It's not an issue of white on black crime, or white on black crime (except for Zimmerman's "fucking coons" comment). It's a question of equal justice.

Dam define stalking please? Hell any neighborhood watch group could be considered stalkers. Police officers are stalkers. Zimmerman never said the words fucking coon you hear what you want to hear.

Not really. They're generally instructed not to do so, but to call the police if they see suspicious activity. You know, just as the 911 operator told Zimmerman not to do.

You aren't making a case you're losing. I've torn every argument apart that you and the other members of the lynch mob have presented. Now how would a seasoned Lawyer do against your weak ass opinionated argument?
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.


The police would take the article of clothing he wore as evidence Blood splatter gunpowder residue
enhanced does not mean they altered the images it just means they focused on one area zoomed in. That photo could be used in a court of law as evidence.

That would have required a warrant, and would be done at the precinct where he could be given something to wear.

Here's a little hint from my experience in the process of an investigation if Zimmerman refused them his clothes they would then get a warrant. Allowing zimmerman to wear the clothes he had on any further would be taking a chance of tainting or losing the evidence he was wearing, so they bagged up his clothes.. I doubt he refused.
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