New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!


Lol...what a loon you are.
I can see why you are so despised here.

Yes, it IS impossible. There were only a couple minutes the EMT's *could* have treated him...I've done the timeline, figured out how long it would take the police to get to the station (6.2 miles) - approx. time for police to apprise the situation, tend to the dead boy, get Zimm's statements, etc.


------> 7:17pm

------> 7:52PM

That's just a little over a half an hour from the time the boy took his last breath to when Zimm man was carted all jauntily, bloodlessly clean to the PD.

You see, some people take time to think these things through.

Not you though. You just plow on through, without care to use that noggin' you were given.
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VERY interesting piece linked from Drudge:

-- Police Surveillance Video | George Zimmerman | Head Injury | The Daily Caller
Hmmmm, that does look as if it could be an area on his head where stitches could have been placed....This hasn't been photoshopped or anything like that you suppose ?

If that area is a split that had been closed with stitches, many may have fallen once again, upon their quick impulses and knee jerk reactions in assuming the worst for Zimmerman in the case maybe ???
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.

Enhanced as in (enlarged it for clairity and/or better focus), and this upon a certain area maybe that is also in question ? You have taken the word "enhanced" and pounced on it like a lion, as if you know for certain you can skew the meaning of the word enhanced as found in your certainty and strong assertiveness unto us, but for what, maybe to lead us to discredit the area in which now becomes a new focus of attention in this case at this point in this thread, and for which is being looked at by all of us here now ?

Lol...what a loon you are.
I can see why you are so despised here.

Yes, it IS impossible. There were only a couple minutes the EMT's *could* have treated him...I've done the timeline, figured out how long it would take the police to get to the station (6.2 miles) - approx. time for police to apprise the situation, tend to the dead boy, get Zimm's statements, etc.


TIME POLICE ARRIVED: ------> 7:17pm


That's just a little over a half an hour from the time the boy took his last breath to when Zimm man was carted all jauntily, bloodlessly clean to the PD.

You see, some people take time to think these things through.

Not you though. You just plow on through, without care to use that noggin' you were given.


Here, you are officially inducted into the Chipmunk Detectives Hall of Fame:

Hmmmm, that does look as if it could be an area on his head where stitches could have been placed....This hasn't been photoshopped or anything like that you suppose ?

If that area is a split that had been closed with stitches, many may have fallen once again, upon their quick impulses and knee jerk reactions in assuming the worst for Zimmerman in the case maybe ???
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.


The police would take the article of clothing he wore as evidence Blood splatter gunpowder residue
enhanced does not mean they altered the images it just means they focused on one area zoomed in. That photo could be used in a court of law as evidence.
Hmmmm, that does look as if it could be an area on his head where stitches could have been placed....This hasn't been photoshopped or anything like that you suppose ?

If that area is a split that had been closed with stitches, many may have fallen once again, upon their quick impulses and knee jerk reactions in assuming the worst for Zimmerman in the case maybe ???
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.


The police would take the article of clothing he wore as evidence Blood splatter gunpowder residue
enhanced does not mean they altered the images it just means they focused on one area zoomed in. That photo could be used in a court of law as evidence.
No it couldn't.

The video of him walking around just fine mere minutes after the shooting *could* be, but the police (unless they are 10 times more grade A stupid than I already think they are) - have taken digital camera photos of him and his "injuries."

They did take the clothes after he was questioned at the PD and admitted them into evidence, no doubt. Not before.

Still, It is amazing there is no blood apparent there. The fact the Police did not use gloves when touching the admissible evidence of his clothes tells me also there was no blood. Unless, of course, the SPD are again, too stupid for words.

NO GLOVES. Important information.
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Ok, then staples could have been placed in the gash very quickly by the EMT, and if Zimmerman is a quick healer (i.e. his blood coagulates quickly and nicely), then he may not have needed a wrap or bandage of any sort, yet this is all depending on the extent of the injury involved, and how nicely it cleaned up afterwards, or whether Zimmerman wanted them to place a wrap or bandage on his head or maybe not in the situation.. No matter Zimmerman should still have either light or severe scars from his injuries, and that would be key at this point also in the investigation.

This case just keeps going and going and going doesn't it (?), but that is exactly why it must be left to the experts on both sides of the courtroom and/or investigation in the case to solve it now... I know I am an amature no doubt, but I do like looking at these cases, and if I see something that makes sence or doesn't make sence, then I like to make an opinion upon these cases, just like many here also are doing just as well.
You stay up all night watching reruns of csi and mac gyver, don't you, paper?
Never once watched CSI or McGivewhoever.

I use my brain, investigate as part of my profession, and happened to have not long ago been on a jury for a double murder.

Does it it buckle up your panties some of us are methodically thinking through the details and presenting an analysis?

Usually it's the dense who have trouble with the thinking folk, just cause they know, think.
Ok, then staples could have been placed in the gash very quickly by the EMT, and if Zimmerman is a quick healer (i.e. his blood coagulates quickly and nicely), then he may not have needed a wrap or bandage of any sort, yet this is all depending on the extent of the injury involved, and how nicely it cleaned up afterwards, or whether Zimmerman wanted them to place a wrap or bandage on his head or maybe not in the situation.. No matter Zimmerman should still have either light or severe scars from his injuries, and that would be key at this point also in the investigation.

This case just keeps going and going and going doesn't it (?), but that is exactly why it must be left to the experts on both sides of the courtroom and/or investigation in the case to solve it now... I know I am an amature no doubt, but I do like looking at these cases, and if I see something that makes sence or doesn't make sence, then I like to make an opinion upon these cases, just like many here also are doing just as well.

As the mother of 3 boys who have all had head injuries at some point I can verify that head wounds, unless they go straight into the brain pan, are not universally "bandaged".

And if that is a head laceration, it's a big one. Unfortunately, we can tell nothing from the crap video.
Hmmmm, that does look as if it could be an area on his head where stitches could have been placed....This hasn't been photoshopped or anything like that you suppose ?

If that area is a split that had been closed with stitches, many may have fallen once again, upon their quick impulses and knee jerk reactions in assuming the worst for Zimmerman in the case maybe ???
That piece of crap picture by DC is just that, a piece of crap. They themselves say they "enhanced" it.

Yeah, we know.

He didn't get stitches. Impossible. And if that is a gash there from that night, that large, he'd have a fucking bandage on it; there would be blood evidence all over his clothes.


The police would take the article of clothing he wore as evidence Blood splatter gunpowder residue
enhanced does not mean they altered the images it just means they focused on one area zoomed in. That photo could be used in a court of law as evidence.

That would have required a warrant, and would be done at the precinct where he could be given something to wear.
It is Martin's fault, if he attacked the guy and tried to take his gun.

Lots of 'ifs' in this case. And, this is just for me personally, I would avoid assigning fault to either of them. IMO, the law is a massive clusterfuck and is to blame the most.

Don't forget Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Spike Lee who've done all they can to turn this into a racist issue. Heck, even Trayvon's mom took out patents on his name and phrases associated with his name. As long as people can make money off of racism, there will continue to be racism in this country.
No, it's a question of justice, period.

And justice isn't convicting this guy on a couple of leaked comments and the supposition of usmb armchair investigators. Before it has even been determined whether or not a crime was committed in the first place.

In which case, there's no call for justice at all.

*Equal Justice* isn't's just revenge:

"Kill Zimmerman":

'Kill Zimmerman' Twitter Created Advocating Violence Against George Zimmerman, The Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin - International Business Times

Justice would be trying him. The injustice would be for a Prosecutor not at least having it go through a grand jury. I hope the feds looking into this check his fathers phone calls. I'll bet there's one to the State's Attorney and one to the Police Chief.

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