New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Things have gotten so out of hand, the lynch mob is so unhinged, that no amount of evidence will ever satisfy them. Barack Hussein Obama his almighty self, could look into the case and unless he claimed Zimmerman guilty as hell, they wouldn't accept it.
That's it exactly.

And thanks to their slavering lunacy, there will be riots over this.

Count on it. And probably deaths.

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video

poor Ravi

even NPR reporter agree with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:
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He was just bringing up the very valid point that just yesterday the lynch mob was swearing that the SPD never took him away anywhere. Now they are ignoring that and jumping headlong into another false notion.

It's comical.

First of all who said that?

Secondly, the visual evidence is false?

lol, this is reminding me of whoever it was who once said about the OJ jury that they wouldn't have found him guilty if they'd been shown a video of OJ standing over the dead bodies with a bloody knife.

Welcome to deja vu.

You asked a question I answered it. You don't like the answer? I don't care.

The question is, what is false about the video evidence?
That's it exactly.

And thanks to their slavering lunacy, there will be riots over this.

Count on it. And probably deaths.

Seriously, that is a huge concern.

Just my opinion, based only on my limited knowledge of the case, I believe that the reason it is taking so long for the Special Prosecutor and all of the other appointed investigators to reach a decision is that they realize that the facts fit Zimmerman's story and they are trying to find a way to tell the lynch mob that they cannot bring charges.
Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video

poor Ravi

even NPR reporter agree with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:

The lynch mob is so desperate not to be proven wrong again, that they will say any damn fool thing to avoid it.
Police have detailed photos and emt testimony in evidence.

The lynch mob cares nothing for any of that.

What lynch mob?

It should be very relevant in a trial. You do want a trial, right?

You know..with a judge and jury of his peers?

Or did you just want him to walk.

I want justice to be served...

when I was first made aware of this situation, it looked to me to be a case of manslaughter (voluntary or involuntary) on the part of Zimmerman and incompetence (willful or not) on the part of local law enforcement...

and, at this point, I believe that even if Zimmerman was justified in his actions, it appears that the local police fell far short in their investigation and collection of evidence for the homicide...

my only fear is that, if and when Zimmerman is brought to trial, and if the jury then finds him "not guilty", we'll see riots rivaling the ones following the Rodney King trial... with millions and millions in property damage and dozens of people killed...
First of all who said that?

Secondly, the visual evidence is false?

lol, this is reminding me of whoever it was who once said about the OJ jury that they wouldn't have found him guilty if they'd been shown a video of OJ standing over the dead bodies with a bloody knife.

Welcome to deja vu.

You asked a question I answered it. You don't like the answer? I don't care.

The question is, what is false about the video evidence?

Wrong again. The question that YOU asked was "how is this relevant to the video?"

The lynch mob cares nothing for any of that.

What lynch mob?

It should be very relevant in a trial. You do want a trial, right?

You know..with a judge and jury of his peers?

Or did you just want him to walk.

I want justice to be served...

when I was first made aware of this situation, it looked to me to be a case of manslaughter (voluntary or involuntary) on the part of Zimmerman and incompetence (willful or not) on the part of local law enforcement...

and, at this point, I believe that even if Zimmerman was justified in his actions, it appears that the local police fell far short in their investigation and collection of evidence for the homicide...

my only fear is that, if and when Zimmerman is brought to trial, and if the jury then finds him "not guilty", we'll see riots rivaling the ones following the Rodney King trial... with millions and millions in property damage and dozens of people killed...

The current prosecutor may decide NOT to present the case to the Grand Jury; yes, there will be "public displays" to put it mildly..............

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video


poor Ravi

even NPR has a Bloomberg news reporter agreeing with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:
Was he seen by paramedics and cleaned up ...
Back in the day I had a chance to be a punching bag for the cops and I can tell you for fact I was hit and after there were not tell tale marks ...

Nice paramedics. Did they also do his laundry?

Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?

keep in mind that those words came from the funeral director, not a CSI...

and that, if Trayvon was using the can of iced tea as a weapon, there might not be any marks on his hands...

the confusion of which goes back to the fact that the local law enforcement apparently fell short of their duties to take all significant evidence at the time... including an autopsy of Trayvon's body...
That's it exactly.

And thanks to their slavering lunacy, there will be riots over this.

Count on it. And probably deaths.

Seriously, that is a huge concern.

Just my opinion, based only on my limited knowledge of the case, I believe that the reason it is taking so long for the Special Prosecutor and all of the other appointed investigators to reach a decision is that they realize that the facts fit Zimmerman's story and they are trying to find a way to tell the lynch mob that they cannot bring charges.

And I think they are being very careful to make sure they do whatever they decide to do CORRECTLY.

It can take years to make an arrest on a murder case. Relatively speaking, this isn't taking long at all.
Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?

That means nothings. I've had a lot of fights in my life that didn't cause injuries to my hands.

The word "beating" is subjective.
Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?

keep in mind that those words came from the funeral director, not a CSI...

and that, if Trayvon was using the can of iced tea as a weapon, there might not be any marks on his hands...

the confusion of which goes back to the fact that the local law enforcement apparently fell short of their duties to take all significant evidence at the time... including an autopsy of Trayvon's body...

When I was young and stupid, I was in a few fights. I often came away with no marks on my hands.

About the only time I got marks on my hands was if I happened to catch the poor bastich in the teeth. Usually resulting in broken teeth and bleeding hands. Ouchies!!
Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?


"Now an anonymous witness of the incident claims that he saw Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot which has led to a national outcry.
A witness we haven’t heard from before paints a much different picture than we’ve seen so far in the case. Known only as John, he told Sanford police that he saw it all and Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot.
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.


How many times do you have to have this put in front of you before you stop pretending you haven't seen it?
Since it's been established that Trayvon had no marks on his own hands that would indicate he gave Zimmerman a beating,

where have you people decided the beating came from?

That means nothings. I've had a lot of fights in my life that didn't cause injuries to my hands.

The word "beating" is subjective.

Exactly. And it only takes one punch to bloody a nose and one punch from someone on top of you to give you an excuse to use deadly force.

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