New York Judgment Against Trump Violates the Eighth Amendment

Stupid their are no victims in the past. Not one has filed a complaint for real estate fraud against trump that new York has been dealing with in the present.
Statute of Limitations
CaseTime SinceThe Law
Fraud6 yearsCPLR213(8)
KidnappingNo time limit or 5 years depending on the factsCrim. Proc. 30.10(2)(a) or (b)
Legal malpractice3 yearsCPLR 214(6)
Libel/Slander1 year from actCPLR 215(3)
32 more rows

Jun 12, 2023
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He broke the law. We citizens are the victims. Don't like the law? Change it.
No victim no crime
No one is a victim if they didn't loose any money.
And Trump tax evaded how?

So in other words this is a judicial revenge hit for something you believed Trump did illegally in the past?
Yes, the victims lost money. For instance, the tax payers in NYC and New York State, they lost money because they had to pay more in taxes than they otherwise would. The banks lost money, the difference between the interest they would have charged had the evaluations been accurate and what they charged due to the "trumped up" evaluations.

Look, I understand the concept of "opportunity cost" is difficult for intellectually challenged people to understand. But yes, there were real victims. And I liked about how you completely ignored the example of inflating one's income to buy a truck in order to get the best financing. When the bank finds out, do they really care if you have made all your payments on time?
Donald Trump and entities he controls own many valuable properties, including office buildings, hotels, and golf courses. Acquiring and developing such properties required huge amounts of cash. Accordingly, the entities borrowed from banks and other lenders. The lenders required personal guarantees from Donald Trump, which were based on statements of financial condition compiled by accountants that Donald Trump engaged. The accountants created these “compilations” based on data submitted by the Trump entities. In order to borrow more and at lower rates, defendants submitted blatantly false financial data to the accountants, resulting in fraudulent financial statements. When confronted at trial with the statements, defendants’ fact and expert witnesses simply denied reality, and defendants failed to accept responsibility or to impose internal controls to prevent future recurrences. As detailed herein, this Court now finds defendants liable, continues the appointment of an Independent Monitor, orders the installation
of an Independent Director of Compliance, and limits defendants’ right to conduct business in New York for a few years

Yes, the victims lost money. For instance, the tax payers in NYC and New York State, they lost money because they had to pay more in taxes than they otherwise would. The banks lost money,
Who lost money. Name the victim
No tax payer list money because they did not contribute to Trump's loan. And according to the bank they were repaid with interest.
Who lost money. Name the victim
No tax payer list money because they did not contribute to Trump's loan. And according to the bank they were repaid with interest.
It is amazing anyone can even buy this crap. How can any American condone any citizen being treated this way because of his politics? It is an abuse of power and an insult to justice itself.
Bank fraud.

What do you think I was talking about, monopoly fraud?

I hope you're pretending and not actually this dumb because if you really are this retarded I'mma feel guilty for talking about you like this.
The banks said they weren't defrauded.
There are victims. The taxpayers, the shareholders of the bank, etc.
No there are not
No tax payer contributed to Trump's loan
The banks were repaid with interest
The shareholders were given their percentage of profit.
So no numbnuts there is no victim
With exception of wasted tax payers money on this political hit job.
No there are not
No tax payer contributed to Trump's loan
The banks were repaid with interest
The shareholders were given their percentage of profit.
So no numbnuts there is no victim
With exception of wasted tax payers money on this political hit job.
Keep up, This wasn't just bank fraud, it was tax fraud too.
Keep up, This wasn't just bank fraud, it was tax fraud too.
No numbnuts it was bank fraud
It was all about mar a logo which is in Florida not new York
New York can't get taxes from another state
Who lost money. Name the victim
No tax payer list money because they did not contribute to Trump's loan. And according to the bank they were repaid with interest.
Look here you stupid shit. Yes, the banks lost money. How hard is it to understand? From the court ruling,

In order to borrow more and at lower rates, defendants submitted blatantly false financial data to the accountants, resulting in fraudulent financial statements.

Again, how hard is it to understand that the banks would have charged a higher interest rate if they would have known the true value of Trump's assets. The money they lost is the difference between what the rate should have been and what it was.

Another example. You take out a personal loan at the bank, but it is a secured loan, meaning you have to have collateral. You tell them you have a completely restored 1966 Corvette stingray, and you give them pictures of a completely restored Corvette stingray that you pulled off a Barrett Jackson auction catalog. And it is true, you do own a 1966 Corvette stingray, well, at least the body, which is all rusted out, the engine is blown, transmission was parted out, and it is sitting on blocks in a barn at the back of your property with no tires and no rims.

You make all the payments, hell, you pay early. But the bank finds out the true "value" of the Corvette you own. What the fawk do you think the bank is going to do. Go no harm, no foul, we got our money? Hell no, at best, they are just going to call in the loan. At worse, they are going to retroactively implement the correct interest rate, require back payment and if you don't comply, they are going to come get your bucket heap, sell it for scrap metal, and charge you for the money they lost, including the retroactive increased interest rate.

But actually, this court case reveals a huge problem with our current financial laws. See, prior to Ronald Reagan, well Trump would be free and clear. He wouldn't have to pay one damn dime, the accounting firms he used would be the ones on the hook for the penalty. Ironic that is the excuse Trump attempted to make a trail. "The accounting firms certified the statements". But during the Reagan administration they removed the stipulation that held accounting firms responsible for inaccurate statements. Today, it is like this.

So, a company is looking for a new CFO and they call people in for an interview. In the interview the CEO asks one question, "What is 2 plus 2?" The applicant responds, "4". The CEO, "your dismissed". It happens again and again, and then this dude shows up and when asked the question, "What is 2 plus 2?", He responds, "what do you want it to be". YOUR HIRED. That is precisely what happened here.
No there are not
No tax payer contributed to Trump's loan
The banks were repaid with interest
The shareholders were given their percentage of profit.
So no numbnuts there is no victim
With exception of wasted tax payers money on this political hit job.
Please, study a little bit about "opportunity cost".

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