New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

: crickets; from Pogo

Pogo was out in what we call the "real world" when you sent that query.

Document your premise and we'll go from there.
The premise is in my posts you quoted.

Now, figure out your next dodge..........

So you CAN'T document it. 85th time today. At least you're consistent. Dismissed.
Let me help a simpleton out, since you can't seem to look at the posts you quote...

Hey Pogo ,NY State is investigating the NDAs Trump signed with Stormy and the other woman in 2016. Why do they need his taxes from 8 years ago to investigate NDAs signed in 2016?

You don't have an answer, do ya?

The premise is in my posts you quoted.

Now, figure out your next dodge..........

So you CAN'T document it. 85th time today. At least you're consistent. Dismissed.
Let me help a simpleton out, since you can't seem to look at the posts you quote...

Hey Pogo ,NY State is investigating the NDAs Trump signed with Stormy and the other woman in 2016. Why do they need his taxes from 8 years ago to investigate NDAs signed in 2016?

You don't have an answer, do ya?

You don't have documentation, do ya.

Just say it.

Get this through your thick skull ---- NOBODY's gonna jump through hoops for your childish fantasies. If you've got a premise that isn't bullshit pulled out of your ass, POST IT. Until then, FUCK outta here.
WTF are you babbling about.

Answer the fucking question, Moron.

NY State is investigating the NDAs Trump signed with Stormy and the other woman in 2016. Why do they need his taxes from 8 years ago to investigate NDAs signed in 2016?

You don't have an answer, do ya?

You don't have a question.

COME UP WITH ONE and we'll talk turkey. Until then, you're jerking off.
See the question marks at the end of both sentences here?

NY State is investigating the NDAs Trump signed with Stormy and the other woman in 2016. Why do they need his taxes from 8 years ago to investigate NDAs signed in 2016?

You don't have an answer, do ya?
What a fucking maroon. :laugh2:

If Stupid was air, you'd be the frickin' atmosphere.
Even if these yahoos ever get a hold of the President’s tax returns, it will be a big nothing burger yet again.

These morons are so easily played by the President.
They know with 100% certainty that it's a nothingburger just like they knew the TrumPutin conspiracy theory was a nothingburger. They just want something that they can dishonestly spin in the media.
I disagree. No one has the right to see anyone's tax returns be it the POTUS or Joe Blow down the street.

If he were hiding anything the IRS would have found it long ago. He's been audited for decades.

Just another nothing burger from you lefty loons. Your batting 0.

Enjoy. I sure will.

Yep, I am enjoying bad day after bad day for Dear Leader. Yesterday alone: Another court loss, can't save Trumpy Boy Bevin in a state he won by 30 points, and Sondland has flipped. With a little luck this week will be his worst yet. But really when you think about it, EVERY week is his worst yet. Yet here you are with your pompoms jumping up and down as if your team just scored a touchdown! ;)
I'll open this up to anyone since Pogo can't form a coherent response:

Hey Pogo ,NY State is investigating the NDAs Trump signed with Stormy and the other woman in 2016. Why do they need his taxes from 8 years ago to investigate NDAs signed in 2016?

You don't have an answer, do ya?
You think the state auditors won't find things in State tax returns??

They have auditors who look for nothing else. Heaven forbid someone tries to cheat them out of taxes due.

Crapola is right.

If Putin hadn't got his boy elected and Crooked Hillary had been the first POTUS since LBJ not to turn over their taxes -

You'd be in here bellowing like a a Howler Monkey! :D

I disagree. No one has the right to see anyone's tax returns be it the POTUS or Joe Blow down the street.

If he were hiding anything the IRS would have found it long ago. He's been audited for decades.

Just another nothing burger from you lefty loons. Your batting 0.

Enjoy. I sure will.

Yep, I am enjoying bad day after bad day for Dear Leader. Yesterday alone: Another court loss, can't save Trumpy Boy Bevin in a state he won by 30 points, and Sondland has flipped. With a little luck this week will be his worst yet. But really when you think about it, EVERY week is his worst yet. Yet here you are with your pompoms jumping up and down as if your team just scored a touchdown! ;)

LMAO I doubt its a bad day for "dear Leader." Oh and the nothing burger is still a nothing burger.

Enjoy your touchdown.
You think the state auditors won't find things in State tax returns??

They have auditors who look for nothing else. Heaven forbid someone tries to cheat them out of taxes due.

Crapola is right.

If Putin hadn't got his boy elected and Crooked Hillary had been the first POTUS since LBJ not to turn over their taxes -

You'd be in here bellowing like a a Howler Monkey! :D

Nah. I don't care about peoples tax returns. Those are private and shouldn't be shared with anyone.

I doubt your stupid ass shares your tax returns with anyone.

Oh and I don't bellow. I just LMAO at lefty loons like you.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
What secret?

A win for demonazis.... A temporary win... SCOTUS will over rule it.. The temporary injunction until SCOTUS can review has been applied for....
SCOTUS is very important!


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