New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

Nothing obscure. You know what would really help? If the Twat in Chief stopped giving them ammo. He just keeps on giving, giving and giving. Personally? I don't think any of them are scams. I think he is as crooked as a $3 bill. He is scum of the Earth. He has no redeeming features at all. The tragedy is, he is the President of the USA. Whatever happened to that great country? It is turning into a shithole. I think it started with Raygun and went south from there. Bubba didn't help. Bush II was dumb as a sack of rocks. Obama was too wishy washy - wanted to please everybody. And Trump? I mean, seriously....I'm speechless.. Why are Repubs so desperate to win that race to the bottom of the cliff?

Dr. Grump's sez: (the question marks are mine) A race that goes to the bottom of the cliff? President Trump is a 4-letter word? That great country? It is turning into a shithole? You disapprove of all the Presidents since Ronald Reagan through to Trump?
Cheeze Louize, Dr. Grump. A genius couldn't answer your questions nor satisfy your longing for the perfect leader. High expectations are usually a good thing, especially if you're a scientist looking for a cure for cancer, and you beat a pathway to its defeat, sharing your map with others out of a hatred for the disease and a love for your fellow man.

When we elect a President, we are choosing one person alone to make decisions for a finite timespan of four years and possibly eight, and we are choosing that person from the human race. So far as I know in the million or so years that mankind has been around, I've only heard of one man who was perfect, and most of the world has nothing but bad to say about him and good to say about his poseurs.

You could avoid your disappointment if you weren't believing the President's opposition coupled with their control-freak world correspondants in the news world who rubberstamps everything Democrat and disparages everything Republican.

All I can do is tell you that I think the Democrats are pursuing an unamerican pie-in-the-sky power grab of other people's resources. Most free people are not in favor of
having their basic resources replaced by somebody else's pickpocketing of what belongs to free people.

If I had any influence whatever, I'd try to convince you to try and muster the courage to be careful of groups who are preaching that communism is good and respectable. Its kill rate tells me it's not a good idea for people to have that much power. Even so, half the world's countries practice communism, and half of them do not remember the preceding generation in which half its people disappeared. I just don't think what is being touted as socialism is acceptable. Its sponsors are shrouding communism of that I am certain.

Good night, everybody. I'm falling asleep over the keyboard. :sleep:

May you have the best of good evenings, and may God bless America.
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Trump sure wants to make sure voters never see his tax returns.

So much for 'transparency'
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
Wonder what Brett will vote? Lol
Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh will vote his conscience. Nighters, dear Fleegle.
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Trump sure wants to make sure voters never see his tax returns.

So much for 'transparency'
All those words, and you're not one to criticize the secrecy in the closed-door Democrat whack job on President Trump. Some of the secrets are out, and they do not reflect well on the Democrats.
The Foundation fraud. Real Estate Fraud. And what Hero Michael Dean Cohen told them.

Funny his middle name is DEAN like Nixons Dean spewed.
Yeah. Funny.

Michael Cohen is a convicted felon and is guilty of campaign finance fraud, bank and tax fraud.

And he will do anything to smear Trump and save his own pitiful skin. What a wonderful witness and source of information he makes. He also lied to a Senate committee in 2018 about Trump and Russia. Michael Cohen (lawyer) - Wikipedia
You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

I wouldn't show you my tax returns so why should he show the world.

You sure are a dummy.
He promised before he won the nomination he would....then he promised he would before the election. What is he hiding?

I'd say nothing. That man and his businesses have been has been audited many time. If there was something to find the IRS would have found it long ago.

Unlike you I don't think peoples tax returns should be public knowledge no matter who that person is.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
"If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court..." The SC will take the case up in 2026 LOL!
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Trump sure wants to make sure voters never see his tax returns.

So much for 'transparency'
And you don't want to post a picture of yourself nekkid on the internet, so you're not very transparent, either, Gooseegg.
You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

I wouldn't show you my tax returns so why should he show the world.

You sure are a dummy.
He promised before he won the nomination he would....then he promised he would before the election. What is he hiding?

I'd say nothing. That man and his businesses have been has been audited many time. If there was something to find the IRS would have found it long ago.

Unlike you I don't think peoples tax returns should be public knowledge no matter who that person is.

I think ALL politicians should release their taxes. The public has a right to that snapshot of potential conflicts of interest. Your Donald is the first POTUS since LBJ not to release theirs and divest or blind trust all potential conflicts. Jimmy Carter even put his peanut farm in a blind trust. What's the Mango Menace hiding anyway? I know, and you should too! ;)
Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.

This is why I can only read the Twit's feed for 60 seconds at a time.
I know what he is doing while those tiny thumbs are flying. Eww

He isn't hiding anything.

He just doesn't want to distract from his message to return America to greatness.

Chatting about whether Mr. Trump forgot to carry the one on Schedule A, or neglected to dot his I's on Schedule E, really takes away from the time he wants to spend talking about Black Unemployment or Fracking or bringing peace to the Korean peninsula
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.

This is why I can only read the Twit's feed for 60 seconds at a time.
I know what he is doing while those tiny thumbs are flying. Eww

Uh..a bit of a mistake have me saying something that I did not say..I can see that it was a mistake in editing..but reads that YOU are saying what I did..please fix?
Uh..a bit of a mistake have me saying something that I did not say..I can see that it was a mistake in editing..but reads that YOU are saying what I did..please fix?

Sorry - It's fixed
Is it..I guess I gotta refresh..cause it's still there for me...nope..not might have to delete the entire #172
Uh..a bit of a mistake have me saying something that I did not say..I can see that it was a mistake in editing..but reads that YOU are saying what I did..please fix?

Sorry - It's fixed
Is it..I guess I gotta refresh..cause it's still there for me...nope..not might have to delete the entire #172

Refresh again. Only looks that way in your quick response ;)
He isn't hiding anything.

He just doesn't want to distract from his message to return America to greatness.

Chatting about whether Mr. Trump forgot to carry the one on Schedule A, or neglected to dot his I's on Schedule E, really takes away from the time he wants to spend talking about Black Unemployment or Fracking or bringing peace to the Korean peninsula
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.

This is why I can only read the Twit's feed for 60 seconds at a time.
I know what he is doing while those tiny thumbs are flying. Eww


Uh...OK. I'll live with it..but as you see..the post in support of trump is attributed to me....**sigh***

Original post by PolishPrince....New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules
Last edited:
He isn't hiding anything.

He just doesn't want to distract from his message to return America to greatness.

Chatting about whether Mr. Trump forgot to carry the one on Schedule A, or neglected to dot his I's on Schedule E, really takes away from the time he wants to spend talking about Black Unemployment or Fracking or bringing peace to the Korean peninsula
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.

This is why I can only read the Twit's feed for 60 seconds at a time.
I know what he is doing while those tiny thumbs are flying. Eww


Uh...OK. I'll live with it..but as you see..the post in support of trump is attributed to me....**sigh***

Original post by PolishPrince....New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

Hmmm - That's not what I'm seeing in my original response. Only in your response to me before I fixed it.

Tell you one thing I don't care for here in USMB. That the entire chain of responses is included in every response. I don't want to see that I've been quoted and then realize it wasn't directly to me. So sometimes I trim back to only the person I was responding to. Keeps it clean, but sometimes there's a F-up.
You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

I wouldn't show you my tax returns so why should he show the world.

You sure are a dummy.
He promised before he won the nomination he would....then he promised he would before the election. What is he hiding?

I'd say nothing. That man and his businesses have been has been audited many time. If there was something to find the IRS would have found it long ago.

Unlike you I don't think peoples tax returns should be public knowledge no matter who that person is.

I think ALL politicians should release their taxes. The public has a right to that snapshot of potential conflicts of interest. Your Donald is the first POTUS since LBJ not to release theirs and divest or blind trust all potential conflicts. Jimmy Carter even put his peanut farm in a blind trust. What's the Mango Menace hiding anyway? I know, and you should too! ;)

I disagree. No one has the right to see anyone's tax returns be it the POTUS or Joe Blow down the street.

If he were hiding anything the IRS would have found it long ago. He's been audited for decades.

Just another nothing burger from you lefty loons. Your batting 0.

Enjoy. I sure will.
Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

I wouldn't show you my tax returns so why should he show the world.

You sure are a dummy.
He promised before he won the nomination he would....then he promised he would before the election. What is he hiding?

I'd say nothing. That man and his businesses have been has been audited many time. If there was something to find the IRS would have found it long ago.

Unlike you I don't think peoples tax returns should be public knowledge no matter who that person is.

I think ALL politicians should release their taxes. The public has a right to that snapshot of potential conflicts of interest. Your Donald is the first POTUS since LBJ not to release theirs and divest or blind trust all potential conflicts. Jimmy Carter even put his peanut farm in a blind trust. What's the Mango Menace hiding anyway? I know, and you should too! ;)

I disagree. No one has the right to see anyone's tax returns be it the POTUS or Joe Blow down the street.

If he were hiding anything the IRS would have found it long ago. He's been audited for decades.

Just another nothing burger from you lefty loons. Your batting 0.

Enjoy. I sure will.

Once AGAIN ---- IRS does not audit STATE tax returns.

Holy shit, some wags here have never smelled a tax return in their lives, yet they think they can hold forth with erroneous crapola.

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