New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

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I wouldn't show you my tax returns so why should he show the world.

You sure are a dummy.
He promised before he won the nomination he would....then he promised he would before the election. What is he hiding?

He isn't hiding anything.

He just doesn't want to distract from his message to return America to greatness.

Chatting about whether Mr. Trump forgot to carry the one on Schedule A, or neglected to dot his I's on Schedule E, really takes away from the time he wants to spend talking about Black Unemployment or Fracking or bringing peace to the Korean peninsula
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.


If you watch the Lame Stream Media, you probably don't get much coverage of the President's achievements.

Twitter is the President's preferred mode of communication with the people. It enables him to respond almost immediately when he's attacked. It isn't a toy.
I isn't a toy. One day, historians will collate all Trump's Tweets..into a contemporaneous record of his Presidency. It will be studied and analyzed. I cannot read it all in the context of history.

Yes, he can respond when he is..attacked...or perceives himself as being attacked. I find it odd that you see this as a good thing.
I do not need my President to communicate with me hourly..I just want good governance...not some hothead spewing insults about whoever has earned his ire.
President Trump has talking heads on about 24 channels, not counting the online geniuses of stupid parroting the same lies about him 24-7-365.

He countermands them as best he can, and he doesn't put the bite on his staff to do it for him.

History will know this as the chief reason why a sensitive, intelligent septuagenarian would fight back the lies with all his might.

I guess everybody has an opinion on everything, but President Trump is doing the nation a favor by surviving all the lies and dirty tricks played against and on him on a nonstop basis by talking heads think their homework is to go to the DNC talking points page and use the lies-filled baloney as ink for their pens. What the press is doing is not good for America, and neither is the Democrat Party which is doing a number on Republicans merely to create the chaos needed to switch over our freedoms to Democrat Party power.

Not everyone buys it, but they're shilling their wares like a prostitute with an incurable venereal disease, and we will lose our freedoms if they annihilate Trump as their battle plan shows they are still throwing hail mary's his way.
He promised before he won the nomination he would....then he promised he would before the election. What is he hiding?

He isn't hiding anything.

He just doesn't want to distract from his message to return America to greatness.

Chatting about whether Mr. Trump forgot to carry the one on Schedule A, or neglected to dot his I's on Schedule E, really takes away from the time he wants to spend talking about Black Unemployment or Fracking or bringing peace to the Korean peninsula
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.


If you watch the Lame Stream Media, you probably don't get much coverage of the President's achievements.

Twitter is the President's preferred mode of communication with the people. It enables him to respond almost immediately when he's attacked. It isn't a toy.
I isn't a toy. One day, historians will collate all Trump's Tweets..into a contemporaneous record of his Presidency. It will be studied and analyzed. I cannot read it all in the context of history.

Yes, he can respond when he is..attacked...or perceives himself as being attacked. I find it odd that you see this as a good thing.
I do not need my President to communicate with me hourly..I just want good governance...not some hothead spewing insults about whoever has earned his ire.

Out of context of course
Actually I think there will be shitloads of context...just not what you would be comfortable with, I think. A global context..if you know what i mean.
Out of context of course
...And now you can explain to everyone how to treat tweets "in context". This shoild be hilarious.

Just read yours... and compare
That makes even less sense than your last comment.

You see, there is no "context" for tweets. That is literally the entire point: they are self contained.

Stop saying stupid shit!

You dumb fucking twat, so in your world you want only one sided saved and not your crybaby shit saved for prosperity?
He isn't hiding anything.

He just doesn't want to distract from his message to return America to greatness.

Chatting about whether Mr. Trump forgot to carry the one on Schedule A, or neglected to dot his I's on Schedule E, really takes away from the time he wants to spend talking about Black Unemployment or Fracking or bringing peace to the Korean peninsula
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.


If you watch the Lame Stream Media, you probably don't get much coverage of the President's achievements.

Twitter is the President's preferred mode of communication with the people. It enables him to respond almost immediately when he's attacked. It isn't a toy.
I isn't a toy. One day, historians will collate all Trump's Tweets..into a contemporaneous record of his Presidency. It will be studied and analyzed. I cannot read it all in the context of history.

Yes, he can respond when he is..attacked...or perceives himself as being attacked. I find it odd that you see this as a good thing.
I do not need my President to communicate with me hourly..I just want good governance...not some hothead spewing insults about whoever has earned his ire.

Out of context of course
Actually I think there will be shitloads of context...just not what you would be comfortable with, I think. A global context..if you know what i mean.

As you smoke on a crack pipe with hunter?
Out of context of course
...And now you can explain to everyone how to treat tweets "in context". This shoild be hilarious.

Just read yours... and compare
That makes even less sense than your last comment.

You see, there is no "context" for tweets. That is literally the entire point: they are self contained.

Stop saying stupid shit!

What is a tweet anyways you stupid faggot?
Sounds good..but from what I can see..Trump spends most of his time worrying about his job...watching Conservative news commentary..and spending hours in the bathroom....playing with his...err...tweeter.


If you watch the Lame Stream Media, you probably don't get much coverage of the President's achievements.

Twitter is the President's preferred mode of communication with the people. It enables him to respond almost immediately when he's attacked. It isn't a toy.
I isn't a toy. One day, historians will collate all Trump's Tweets..into a contemporaneous record of his Presidency. It will be studied and analyzed. I cannot read it all in the context of history.

Yes, he can respond when he is..attacked...or perceives himself as being attacked. I find it odd that you see this as a good thing.
I do not need my President to communicate with me hourly..I just want good governance...not some hothead spewing insults about whoever has earned his ire.

Out of context of course
Actually I think there will be shitloads of context...just not what you would be comfortable with, I think. A global context..if you know what i mean.

As you smoke on a crack pipe with hunter?
LOL..I have no idea what you're talking about..but it sounds funny! I'm picturing my old ass smoking crack in the woods...while hunting..I think that might interfere with my getting some dinner!

What is he hiding?
Two things:

1) his income is lower than he claims

2) a lot of it comes from LLCs that can be traced back to suspicious real estate transactions
Where do you get your data? Link please......and don't bring a teary-eyed rant from that Maddow dude.
At least you admit you are talking out of your ass.
The truth is, the Democrats are not playing nice, and they're running scam after scam that shows disrespect to the taxpayers who are footing the bill for these endless attempts to get President Trump on some obscure detail.

Nothing obscure. You know what would really help? If the Twat in Chief stopped giving them ammo. He just keeps on giving, giving and giving. Personally? I don't think any of them are scams. I think he is as crooked as a $3 bill. He is scum of the Earth. He has no redeeming features at all. The tragedy is, he is the President of the USA. Whatever happened to that great country? It is turning into a shithole. I think it started with Raygun and went south from there. Bubba didn't help. Bush II was dumb as a sack of rocks. Obama was too wishy washy - wanted to please everybody. And Trump? I mean, seriously....I'm speechless...

Why are Repubs so desperate to win that race to the bottom of the cliff?
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
Wonder what Brett will vote? Lol
only one sided saved
And that is your most idiotic comment yet. "One side"? What in the world are you babbling about? Nobody knows.

More out of context?

Stick a rubber hose in it
You really are a moron. And an angry little moron at that. No why nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about? Because you don't, either.

So, history will judge the orange turd's childish, evil tweets for what they are... deal with it...
only one sided saved
And that is your most idiotic comment yet. "One side"? What in the world are you babbling about? Nobody knows.

More out of context?

Stick a rubber hose in it
You really are a moron. And an angry little moron at that. No why nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about? Because you don't, either.

So, history will judge the orange turd's childish, evil tweets for what they are... deal with it...

So, history will judge the orange turd's childish, evil tweets for what they are... deal with

Is that English?


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