New York Times: $15 an Hour is Meant to Drive Fast Food Out of Business

You're deluded about the the cost of labor that goes into selling a Big Mack.

OK, smart guy, what's a Big Mac going to cost after these greedy, overpaid, low life workers get their way?

So you admit you just pulled that number out of your ass.

Minimum wage in California is $9 and hour - Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.85 there

Minimum hourly wage in Australia is $16.87 an hour- Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.95 there.

McDonald s Menu price list 2014 Victoria Australia Flickr - Photo Sharing
McDonalds Prices - Fast Food Menu Prices
california min wage - Google Search
australia minimum wage 2015 - Google Search

Australia has one minimum wage for adults and another for younger workers

For junior employees, the minimum rates are:
Under 16 years of age $5.87
At 16 years of age $7.55
At 17 years of age $9.22
At 18 years of age $10.90
At 19 years of age $13.17
At 20 years of age $15.59.
why can't we have that here?

We can have communism here again if you like. Why would we want to shoot ourselves?
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.
I worked in an industry jam packed with every robotic aid they could make.
Believe me. Buy a robot that displaces ten full time employees at a one time cost and it doesn't take much to keep it running.
You need to understand a couple of facts:
Robots are built to last. To produce. To not break down and stop working. Today's robots are designed so a failing part is identified and that part can be changed out while the robot is working. Same with routine maintenance. Once that robot is turned on it will keep working for fucking ever.

Yep. No different than CNC machines replacing manual machines in a machine shop.
The newer ones can be run manually,from a program or you can tell them to learn and they remember how you ran the part manually so no programming is necessary.
World s first robot kitchen cooks for visitors at CES Asia in Shanghai South China Morning Post

Robots are now building robots.
They even clean up after themselves. LOL
OK, smart guy, what's a Big Mac going to cost after these greedy, overpaid, low life workers get their way?

So you admit you just pulled that number out of your ass.

Minimum wage in California is $9 and hour - Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.85 there

Minimum hourly wage in Australia is $16.87 an hour- Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.95 there.

McDonald s Menu price list 2014 Victoria Australia Flickr - Photo Sharing
McDonalds Prices - Fast Food Menu Prices
california min wage - Google Search
australia minimum wage 2015 - Google Search

Australia has one minimum wage for adults and another for younger workers

For junior employees, the minimum rates are:
Under 16 years of age $5.87
At 16 years of age $7.55
At 17 years of age $9.22
At 18 years of age $10.90
At 19 years of age $13.17
At 20 years of age $15.59.
why can't we have that here?

We can have communism here again if you like. Why would we want to shoot ourselves?
yea I am stuck on the two tier minimum wage, didn't really pay attention to the. 20 year old making $16 an hour part
OK, smart guy, what's a Big Mac going to cost after these greedy, overpaid, low life workers get their way?

So you admit you just pulled that number out of your ass.

Minimum wage in California is $9 and hour - Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.85 there

Minimum hourly wage in Australia is $16.87 an hour- Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.95 there.

McDonald s Menu price list 2014 Victoria Australia Flickr - Photo Sharing
McDonalds Prices - Fast Food Menu Prices
california min wage - Google Search
australia minimum wage 2015 - Google Search

Australia has one minimum wage for adults and another for younger workers

For junior employees, the minimum rates are:
Under 16 years of age $5.87
At 16 years of age $7.55
At 17 years of age $9.22
At 18 years of age $10.90
At 19 years of age $13.17
At 20 years of age $15.59.
why can't we have that here?

The teen minimum wage for the first 90 days of a job in the US is $4.25.

Most employers aren't so stupid that they only consider the first 90 days in their calculations.
Yep, it's a government plot intended to wean people off fast food.


No, it is just another case of "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

In this case the liberals say they want to help the poor and the natural result will be a disaster for the poor.

It's pretty clear that liberals often say their intentions are good.......but they have to lie about what their true intentions are.
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.
I worked in an industry jam packed with every robotic aid they could make.
Believe me. Buy a robot that displaces ten full time employees at a one time cost and it doesn't take much to keep it running.
You need to understand a couple of facts:
Robots are built to last. To produce. To not break down and stop working. Today's robots are designed so a failing part is identified and that part can be changed out while the robot is working. Same with routine maintenance. Once that robot is turned on it will keep working for fucking ever.

Yep. No different than CNC machines replacing manual machines in a machine shop.
The newer ones can be run manually,from a program or you can tell them to learn and they remember how you ran the part manually so no programming is necessary.
World s first robot kitchen cooks for visitors at CES Asia in Shanghai South China Morning Post

Robots are now building robots.
They even clean up after themselves. LOL
propaganda you don't have a clue what a pain in the ass about industrial 3 axis and 6 axis robots are today
OK, smart guy, what's a Big Mac going to cost after these greedy, overpaid, low life workers get their way?

So you admit you just pulled that number out of your ass.

Minimum wage in California is $9 and hour - Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.85 there

Minimum hourly wage in Australia is $16.87 an hour- Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.95 there.

McDonald s Menu price list 2014 Victoria Australia Flickr - Photo Sharing
McDonalds Prices - Fast Food Menu Prices
california min wage - Google Search
australia minimum wage 2015 - Google Search

Australia has one minimum wage for adults and another for younger workers

For junior employees, the minimum rates are:
Under 16 years of age $5.87
At 16 years of age $7.55
At 17 years of age $9.22
At 18 years of age $10.90
At 19 years of age $13.17
At 20 years of age $15.59.
why can't we have that here?

We can have communism here again if you like. Why would we want to shoot ourselves?
You already have communism, it is called neo-liberal economics. You redistribute wealth from the government to the corporations through bailouts, raise taxes on the middle class, give tax credits to the super rich, use welfare to create an unlimited supply of serfs, and allow private prisons to profiteer off human suffering. All that is missing is a substitute for Stalin's mustache.

Now that is the free market talking, whatever rock you came out from under didn't teach you that bailing out the rich isn't capitalism, its a violation of the free market principle of non-interference of government.
Considering what we know about the left, this theory sounds more plausible than the left's claim that it wants minimum wage workers to earn a "living wage."

As noted by the New York Post , the New York Times has let it slip that the real goal of the $15 dollar an hour wage is to drive cheap fast food restaurants out of business. And as they said:

“The restaurant industry . . . will not go down without a fight.”

But, I thought that all the businesses affected by the minimum wage were just greedy and could easily afford the wages they should have been paying all along? I guess that wasn’t true. That certainly wasn’t the case for Z Pizza in Seattle. Z Pizza employed 11 employees, who were convinced their lives would be better since they would now be making the astronomical sum of $15 an hour. The owner, Ritu Shah Burnham, tried everything. She laid off workers, cut hours and even quit paying herself a salary, but in the end, she was forced to close her doors. You see, while most businesses her size had six years before paying the $15, she had only two because she owns a franchise. She got nailed on Obamacare for the same reason.

Liberals in their infinite wisdom (cough cough) they decided that a small franchisee should be lumped together with all the the franchisees and company owned restaurants. To me, this is further proof that the goal is to destroy them. I mean, what difference is there between a franchise restaurant owner with 11 employees and any other pizza joint with 11 employees? This is Michelle Obama’s lunches for adults. The same liberals who demand the right to choose to kill innocent babies, is unwilling to give you the right to decide what to eat.

Yep, well they know better than us. Its better that we are eat the same uniform. nutrient rich paste from a Government soup kitchen near you then the thought of someone turning a profit on the back of a worker.
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.
I worked in an industry jam packed with every robotic aid they could make.
Believe me. Buy a robot that displaces ten full time employees at a one time cost and it doesn't take much to keep it running.
You need to understand a couple of facts:
Robots are built to last. To produce. To not break down and stop working. Today's robots are designed so a failing part is identified and that part can be changed out while the robot is working. Same with routine maintenance. Once that robot is turned on it will keep working for fucking ever.

Yep. No different than CNC machines replacing manual machines in a machine shop.
The newer ones can be run manually,from a program or you can tell them to learn and they remember how you ran the part manually so no programming is necessary.
World s first robot kitchen cooks for visitors at CES Asia in Shanghai South China Morning Post

Robots are now building robots.
They even clean up after themselves. LOL
propaganda you don't have a clue what a pain in the ass about industrial 3 axis and 6 axis robots are today

They're actually pretty easy to work with.
Along as you dont have idiots running them or programming em because it gets real expensive when you crash em.
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.
I worked in an industry jam packed with every robotic aid they could make.
Believe me. Buy a robot that displaces ten full time employees at a one time cost and it doesn't take much to keep it running.
You need to understand a couple of facts:
Robots are built to last. To produce. To not break down and stop working. Today's robots are designed so a failing part is identified and that part can be changed out while the robot is working. Same with routine maintenance. Once that robot is turned on it will keep working for fucking ever.

Yep. No different than CNC machines replacing manual machines in a machine shop.
The newer ones can be run manually,from a program or you can tell them to learn and they remember how you ran the part manually so no programming is necessary.
World s first robot kitchen cooks for visitors at CES Asia in Shanghai South China Morning Post

Robots are now building robots.
They even clean up after themselves. LOL
propaganda you don't have a clue what a pain in the ass about industrial 3 axis and 6 axis robots are today
btw I miss the good old days when a operator just opened the door and picked the part off the mold
You don't know shit and don't pretend you do a End of arm tooling is made out of aluminum and rubber, they are designed to be destroyed
Yep, it's a government plot intended to wean people off fast food.


No, it is just another case of "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

In this case the liberals say they want to help the poor and the natural result will be a disaster for the poor.

It's pretty clear that liberals often say their intentions are good.......but they have to lie about what their true intentions are.

Some times they do lie, but I will give the majority the benefit of the doubt and just say, "they know so much that isn't so." (RR)
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.
I worked in an industry jam packed with every robotic aid they could make.
Believe me. Buy a robot that displaces ten full time employees at a one time cost and it doesn't take much to keep it running.
You need to understand a couple of facts:
Robots are built to last. To produce. To not break down and stop working. Today's robots are designed so a failing part is identified and that part can be changed out while the robot is working. Same with routine maintenance. Once that robot is turned on it will keep working for fucking ever.

Yep. No different than CNC machines replacing manual machines in a machine shop.
The newer ones can be run manually,from a program or you can tell them to learn and they remember how you ran the part manually so no programming is necessary.
World s first robot kitchen cooks for visitors at CES Asia in Shanghai South China Morning Post

Robots are now building robots.
They even clean up after themselves. LOL
propaganda you don't have a clue what a pain in the ass about industrial 3 axis and 6 axis robots are today

They're actually pretty easy to work with.
Along as you dont have idiots running them or programming em because it gets real expensive when you crash em.

You don't know shit and don't pretend you do a eoatw is made out of aluminum and rubber, they are designed to be destroyed

Who exactly is this directed at? And what is a eoatw?

Just getting tired, have to be up in 11 hours,

It just ticks me off that people think industrial robots are so easy to fix, so easy to program, the God Damn electrical schematics alone you have to figure out made by a American, Asian or European

Its a bitch
Well we certainly know the American left is no fan of the fast food industry.
Not just the products, but the system itself of low paying jobs.
I think they would love to see the industry die.
Well we certainly know the American left is no fan of the fast food industry.
Not just the products, but the system itself of low paying jobs.
I think they would love to see the industry die.

Can you imagine the riots if they shut down the KFC in the ghetto?
And dont even think about shutting down Popeye's...can you say Armageddon?
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.

Industrial robots, depending on options (type of network, type of control, number of axis, safety features, size, etc...) cost in between $30-$50k. Couple of months of programming will cost additional $20-30k. Of course, buying multiple robots lower the cost. After is placed in production, it will require maintenance.

Initial cost of investment may seem high, but overall on the long run it pays off big time. How much does operator that load the machine cost? In union shop at least $50k and up, annually. Replacing operator with robot will pays off in less then two years. If there are two shifts or three, investment in robot will pay itself off in much less time.

When business owner realize that worker is too expensive, he will seek solution. Cutting overtime or generally cutting hours, cutting benefits, assigning more duties to the worker are some of solutions. Replacing it with more cost effective option is another. I work in automation field. My job is to find the that money saving solution for the business owner. I have never been busier...
So you admit you just pulled that number out of your ass.

Minimum wage in California is $9 and hour - Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.85 there

Minimum hourly wage in Australia is $16.87 an hour- Quarter pounder with cheese is $4.95 there.

McDonald s Menu price list 2014 Victoria Australia Flickr - Photo Sharing
McDonalds Prices - Fast Food Menu Prices
california min wage - Google Search
australia minimum wage 2015 - Google Search

Australia has one minimum wage for adults and another for younger workers

For junior employees, the minimum rates are:
Under 16 years of age $5.87
At 16 years of age $7.55
At 17 years of age $9.22
At 18 years of age $10.90
At 19 years of age $13.17
At 20 years of age $15.59.
why can't we have that here?

We can have communism here again if you like. Why would we want to shoot ourselves?
You already have communism, it is called neo-liberal economics. You redistribute wealth from the government to the corporations through bailouts, raise taxes on the middle class, give tax credits to the super rich, use welfare to create an unlimited supply of serfs, and allow private prisons to profiteer off human suffering. All that is missing is a substitute for Stalin's mustache.

Now that is the free market talking, whatever rock you came out from under didn't teach you that bailing out the rich isn't capitalism, its a violation of the free market principle of non-interference of government.

So the free market is communism?

You realize you're an idiot, don't you?
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.

A number of McDonald's have already installed Kiosks where customers can submit their orders. That eliminates the need for 3-4 employees at the front counter. The next thing will be machines to make burgers.

Making burger is simpler then this...


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