New York Times: Jim Acosta has First Amendment Right to Touch Women

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Well damn, who knew that?
So Grab-Ass is a protected expression, as free speech under the First Amendment, if you’re a Democratic shill?

Maybe I need to switch parties.....grab some pussy is protected...IF YOU ARE A DemonRAT!

After Hollywood, the mainstream media had the worst #MeToo record. Here's another reminder of that as the media circles the wagons in defense of Jim Acosta's ugly scene. It's not news that CNN was bound to back Acosta. But the rest of the media decided that Acosta's latest narcissistic tantrum was the hill to die on. For the First Amendment.

As Times White House reporter Julie Davis tweeted on Thursday, “@Acosta's behavior here, like it or not, does not disqualify him from the First Amendment-protected freedom to ask questions. Otherwise, how are we different from a place that has no freedom of the press at all?”

Yes, how we are different than North Korea?

If Jim Acosta loses his hard pass, we might as well be Turkey and lock up hundreds of journalists. It's exactly the same thing.

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Is he touching her or is she reaching under his arm in an attempt to wrest the mic from his hand?
Well damn, who knew that?
So Grab-Ass is a protected expression, as free speech under the First Amendment, if you’re a Democratic shill?

Maybe I need to switch parties.....grab some pussy is protected...IF YOU ARE A DemonRAT!

After Hollywood, the mainstream media had the worst #MeToo record. Here's another reminder of that as the media circles the wagons in defense of Jim Acosta's ugly scene. It's not news that CNN was bound to back Acosta. But the rest of the media decided that Acosta's latest narcissistic tantrum was the hill to die on. For the First Amendment.

As Times White House reporter Julie Davis tweeted on Thursday, “@Acosta's behavior here, like it or not, does not disqualify him from the First Amendment-protected freedom to ask questions. Otherwise, how are we different from a place that has no freedom of the press at all?”

Yes, how we are different than North Korea?

If Jim Acosta loses his hard pass, we might as well be Turkey and lock up hundreds of journalists. It's exactly the same thing.

Read more at ...

Do those "rights" extend to Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, and Bob Menendez?

Because they sure like exercising them.
Jim Acosta was out of line, and was making a fool of himself while attempting to make the President look bad. Enough of the idiocy already. "Let everything be it this or be it that, be done decent and in order". Forgot which verse this was located in the Bible, but it's in there.

Is he touching her or is she reaching under his arm in an attempt to wrest the mic from his hand?

He had blocked 2 efforts to get him to hand back the mic with her right hand, and pushed her left hand away when she tried again.
Jim Acosta was out of line, and was making a fool of himself while attempting to make the President look bad. Enough of the idiocy already. "Let everything be it this or be it that, be done decent and in order". Forgot which verse this was located in the Bible, but it's in there.

Proverbs 26:27 - Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.

Psalm 7:16 The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Job 4:8 As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.

Proverbs 11:27 Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it.

Is he touching her or is she reaching under his arm in an attempt to wrest the mic from his hand?
Wrong frame.

Anyway, he lost his press pass and now cries himself to sleep at night.
Wrong frame? This is actually the Info Wars altered video next to the original unaltered video.

She should have slapped him in the face after he struck her like this:

I know you only like male figure skating

Is he touching her or is she reaching under his arm in an attempt to wrest the mic from his hand?
The way I saw it was both. However, he'd already been passed over by the President for rudeness, and her job was to procure the mike for the next speaker.
Jim Acosta was out of line, and was making a fool of himself while attempting to make the President look bad. Enough of the idiocy already. "Let everything be it this or be it that, be done decent and in order". Forgot which verse this was located in the Bible, but it's in there.
I this is your Bible verse, it could be here (KJV) 1 Corinthians 14:40: “Let all things be done decently and in order.”
Jim Acosta was out of line, and was making a fool of himself while attempting to make the President look bad. Enough of the idiocy already. "Let everything be it this or be it that, be done decent and in order". Forgot which verse this was located in the Bible, but it's in there.

Silly of him if he was trying to make Trump look bad. Trump is better at that than anyone else could hope to be.

Is he touching her or is she reaching under his arm in an attempt to wrest the mic from his hand?
The way I saw it was both. However, he'd already been passed over by the President for rudeness, and her job was to procure the mike for the next speaker.
No other president has ever ordered a microphone to be physically taken from a member of the press

Is he touching her or is she reaching under his arm in an attempt to wrest the mic from his hand?
The way I saw it was both. However, he'd already been passed over by the President for rudeness, and her job was to procure the mike for the next speaker.
No other president has ever ordered a microphone to be physically taken from a member of the press
No other president has dealt with the rudeness of the new left, so get ready for alot more surprise's to come and go.

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