New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.
Your pseudonym is confusing in that I don't know if you are male or female. But if you are a male, and if you are strolling down the middle of a street, or doing some other minor thing, and a male cop drives up and tells you to stop doing it, how would you respond?
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After reading some 139 posts in this thread, I conclude that there is too much speculation coming from people who were not on the scene and have no logical basis for their interpretations of what actually happened other than pure conjecture.

Wait until ALL the evidence has been presented and examined before you come to the likely well founded conclusion that the shooting and killing of Michael Brown was justified.
I would be inclined to agree with you had I not seen the video of "Big Mike" Brown in the convenience store.

Having watched what the overgrown, bullying punk is capable of I'm really not concerned about the circumstances that led to his being shot to death. Because the world is better off without that rotten sonofabitch.

Just give some thought to how many people Brown would have oppressed, intimidated, and harmed in one way or other had Patrolman Wilson not done the world a favor by taking him out. So as far as I'm concerned the details are irrelevant.

It's too bad someone didn't drop a .45 in "Whitey" Bulger's brain when he was 18 years old. And the same thing goes for anyone who thinks it's okay to push weaker people around and take what they want from them. Like any vermin, the sooner they are wiped out the better.

So, to Hell with Michael Brown.
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What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Moral of the story is........"Nigga's gonna nig".

I remember years ago......retired NYPD.......back in the late 70' s and I was a teenager and he used to say, "What do yu expect.....these people are only one generation removed from the tree's"!!!

All these years later, when I think of that I laugh my balls off.

And lets call a spade a spade......this fat kid wasn't going to make 20 years old anyway.

I don't appreciate the racism, skooker. Every group has its bad apples. There is black trash, and there is white trash. I know of many black people who are damned good people to be around. One of my friends is black, and homeschooled just like me. Now he has a bright future in dentistry.

Please don't share such hatred here. It makes other people who share some of your views on this issue look bad. As for the black community, there is the good and there is the bad. They need to focus on the family. Fathers need to be there. Wait with sex until marriage, be prudent with your money, and give a damn about improving yourself and making a better future for yourself and your children. I don't care about your skin color, but the content of your character. And if you show that you care about self-improvement, and you give a damn, others will certainly give a damn, too.

Everyone needs to have an active discussion on how to solve the problems within the black community. You shouldn't be barred from the discussion if you don't have dark-colored skin. I think we can discuss this without showing hatred for one another.


What can I say s0n......I don't automatically conform with the PC view. Ive forgotten about more black people Ive personally helped advance then you will ever know in your lifetime.........for 3 decades.

In or just outside urban communities however, we have a Jonestown situation........very important the folks not be duped with mindless PC madness >>>

Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL
Rotagilla the broadness of which you are interpreting your statute permits situations that violate Tennessee v Garner, (can't shoot an unarmed fleeing suspect in the back).

If Michael Brown was defending himself, then his actions do not consitute felonies as he does have the right to self defense. That would make the shooting not justified even under your larger theory.

I'm not "interpreting" anything. There it is in black and white...Missouri statutes.
Brown committed 2 felonies. It was a good, legal shoot.

I'm telling you that Wilson attacked Brown, then no felonies were committed. Even if there were felonies, the officer is not permitted under the US Constitution to shoot an unarmed fleeing man.

You aren't "telling" me anything...You're making things up....and you're wrong.

Wilson (or any other cop) can legally shoot a fleeing felon. The Missouri statutes support it and so does the supreme court case you cited.

You aren't stupid, (I don't think)..The law is there in black and white..everyone else understands it...

You're just agitating and looking for attention.
And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.
Your pseudonym is confusing in that I don't know if you are male or female. But if you are a male, and if you are strolling down the middle of a street, or doing some other minor thing, and a male cop drives up and tells you to stop doing it, how would you respond?

I don't know how a name with "chickie" in it can be confusing, but I'm a girl.

It doesn't matter, however. I've been told to move my car by a cop who was clearly not in the mood to be argued with, and I didn't argue. I moved my damn car. For my own health and safety, that is the prudent thing to do.

Again, if anyone wants to bother to go back and read, someone said that none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't just gotten out of the road. I would submit, on further reflection, that we have no evidence that he wasn't getting out of the road, but that he wasn't doing it fast enough to suit Wilson.

But my counter argument was that, if we're going to blame this solely on one person, we could just as easily say that this wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't stopped to yell at Brown for such a minor thing.

And my point all along is that it takes two people, making their own choices, to make this unfortunate situation.
Jesus Christ!!! Walking down the middle of the road isn't jaywalking!!!
It's blocking traffic. Had they been crossing the road Officer Wilson wouldnt have said a damn thing to them because they would have been out of the street in a matter of seconds.
Dirt Nap and his buddy argued with Wilson about being in the street.
It was nothing more than flaunting their disdain for authority.

Apartment complexes generate a lot more traffic than say houses.

HereWeGo, you are clearly deciding what Wilson would have or wouldn't have done based on nothing but your own feelings on the subject. Perhaps you could find some of the drivers that Brown and Co. were impeding?

Brain, it many of those apartment dwellers have cars?
Perhaps you could find some of the drivers that Brown and Co. were impeding?

That's not how ordinances work. When a violation occurs you don't have to go find people it directly impacted.

What a childish evasion.

Brain, it many of those apartment dwellers have cars?

apartment complexes have more density of population than single family subdivision homes.

A sensible person can extrapolate that apartment complexes with several hundred families in one complex will have more vehicles in a smaller area than an equal number of families in single story, single family homes.

Save all the "maybe this"..maybe that".."what if"... facts and reality always trump hypotheticals....
Not sure where you are from, but here people walk on the side of the street or the sidewalk.

Not sure where you're from, but there are many kinds of roads and streets.

People don't walk down a four-lane, two-direction street. They stay on the sidewalks.

People don't walk down a four-lane, one-direction highway. They stay off it completely as pedestrians, or walk the smallest distance possible well on the side.

People don't walk down two-lane, two-direction rural roads, even if there are no sidewalks. They stay on the side of the road.

People have been known to walk, and play games, in the middle of two-direction residential streets, in speed-controlled zones. These streets don't generally get that much traffic, and traffic goes slow enough and can be seen soon enough, for a pedestrian to get out of the way.

Again, I don't know where you're from, but take a look at the traffic flow and pedestrian behavior around you.
Perhaps you could find some of the drivers that Brown and Co. were impeding?

That's not how ordinances work. When a violation occurs you don't have to go find people it directly impacted.

What a childish evasion.

Brain, it many of those apartment dwellers have cars?

apartment complexes have more density of population than single family subdivision homes.

A sensible person can extrapolate that apartment complexes with several hundred families in one complex will have more vehicles in a smaller area than an equal number of families in single story, single family homes.

Save all the "maybe this"..maybe that".."what if"... facts and reality always trump hypotheticals....

Population density does not always directly correlate to automobile ownership. Especially in an urban area that has public transportation.

You're the one deciding the facts. There are tons of "maybes" in this case, and you can't stand it.
Perhaps you could find some of the drivers that Brown and Co. were impeding?

That's not how ordinances work. When a violation occurs you don't have to go find people it directly impacted.

What a childish evasion.

Brain, it many of those apartment dwellers have cars?

apartment complexes have more density of population than single family subdivision homes.

A sensible person can extrapolate that apartment complexes with several hundred families in one complex will have more vehicles in a smaller area than an equal number of families in single story, single family homes.

Save all the "maybe this"..maybe that".."what if"... facts and reality always trump hypotheticals....

Population density does not always directly correlate to automobile ownership. Especially in an urban area that has public transportation.

You're the one deciding the facts. There are tons of "maybes" in this case, and you can't stand it.

Sure..sure..whatever you say....:laugh2:
Not sure where you are from, but here people walk on the side of the street or the sidewalk.

Not sure where you're from, but there are many kinds of roads and streets.

People don't walk down a four-lane, two-direction street. They stay on the sidewalks.

People don't walk down a four-lane, one-direction highway. They stay off it completely as pedestrians, or walk the smallest distance possible well on the side.

People don't walk down two-lane, two-direction rural roads, even if there are no sidewalks. They stay on the side of the road.

People have been known to walk, and play games, in the middle of two-direction residential streets, in speed-controlled zones. These streets don't generally get that much traffic, and traffic goes slow enough and can be seen soon enough, for a pedestrian to get out of the way.

Again, I don't know where you're from, but take a look at the traffic flow and pedestrian behavior around you.

I drive everyday, people don't walk down the middle of the road. That would be stupid. And it is illegal. You can't fault the cop for doing his job.
And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.
Your pseudonym is confusing in that I don't know if you are male or female. But if you are a male, and if you are strolling down the middle of a street, or doing some other minor thing, and a male cop drives up and tells you to stop doing it, how would you respond?

I don't know how a name with "chickie" in it can be confusing, but I'm a girl.

It doesn't matter, however. I've been told to move my car by a cop who was clearly not in the mood to be argued with, and I didn't argue. I moved my damn car. For my own health and safety, that is the prudent thing to do.

Again, if anyone wants to bother to go back and read, someone said that none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't just gotten out of the road. I would submit, on further reflection, that we have no evidence that he wasn't getting out of the road, but that he wasn't doing it fast enough to suit Wilson.

But my counter argument was that, if we're going to blame this solely on one person, we could just as easily say that this wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't stopped to yell at Brown for such a minor thing.

And my point all along is that it takes two people, making their own choices, to make this unfortunate situation.

So what you are saying is blacks wouldn't fight with cops in the first place if they didn't try to make them obey the law?
Jesus Christ!!! Walking down the middle of the road isn't jaywalking!!!
It's blocking traffic. Had they been crossing the road Officer Wilson wouldnt have said a damn thing to them because they would have been out of the street in a matter of seconds.
Dirt Nap and his buddy argued with Wilson about being in the street.
It was nothing more than flaunting their disdain for authority.

Apartment complexes generate a lot more traffic than say houses.

HereWeGo, you are clearly deciding what Wilson would have or wouldn't have done based on nothing but your own feelings on the subject. Perhaps you could find some of the drivers that Brown and Co. were impeding?

Brain, it many of those apartment dwellers have cars?

You accuse me of speculation then do it yourself in your next sentence.:cuckoo:

And it doesnt matter if there were any cars or not. When a cop tells you to get out of the street you do it.
Good morning, everyone. Just drank a nice big mug of good coffee, and am in the mood to flex my grapefruit. Or is it an orange? Nevermind. :p

On the Michael Brown case, it's sort of like the Trayvon Martin case. It feels, at least to me, as if there are professional racial agitators who seek out instances where a white person shoots/kills a black person, and calls it racism, even if it may not be the case. Now granted, it's true there are instances of police violence, some of which likely are covered up or not reported. I don't know the current and exact statistics, or where to find them, but I reckon it's true that there are bad police officers in the force, who do bad things to people who don't deserve it.

That said, there's a problem within the black community, and you shouldn't have to be black in order to speak your mind, or wait and hope for a level-headed black man to start speaking up on the matter. Drawing from one of my favorite sources, Adam Carolla, it's true that black people need to focus more on the family. Family is so damned important. If you're a young black man, and you go out and have sex with multiple young black women, not using protection and getting them pregnant... and then not being a man and caring for them... you are a problem. Don't have children unless you can afford it. Hell, I'm 26. I'm waiting with love and marriage until I'm both financially and emotionally ready. Children can be vexing. If you can't afford it, don't take that risk. Being a father is a massive responsibility. If you can't wait until marriage, at least use protection. It's better than bringing a young child into the world and then not being there to raise him or her above your shoulders and into a better than your own.

There's this thug mentality I absolutely abhor. A lot of young black teens listen to that crappy, bad rap music. More than some non-black teens and young adults listen to it, too. In fact, I live with a young teen who could be described as a "wigger," who smokes marijuana and dabs, and talks with a ghetto dialect. I hear his music every so often. Ever listen to it? Complete and utter disrespect towards women. I f****** hate it. Those rappers treat women like sex toys or pieces of meat, or just objects whose only purpose is to treat carnally. I hate it. I HATE it. There's no respect when it comes to that garbage music. And a lot of those rappers and thugs sound so Goddamned stupid, too. These songs and these lyrics are filling the minds of innocent young black boys and girls, and other young kids. I hate it. It corrupts the soul. Why not have them listen to some good music, instead? Feel-good, innocent music?? Something that stirs a positive emotional reaction, or something innocent like that? Something instrumental and uplifting? Not this crap music mouthing off about how you want to f*** those c**** and kill them hos. I HATE it. Ugh. Sorry, caffeine makes me passionate. :D

Too many children without fathers and enough resources. There needs to be a focus on the family. BE THERE. Love your babies. Love your wife. Take care of her heart as you would your own. Treat her body with respect as you would your own. Always be there to instill love and values and respect for others in your children. Teach them skills, and how to garden, and engrave in them a true love for knowledge and wisdom. I want to have children of my own, but also adopt children from Africa and other parts of the world. I want to life them all above my shoulders and give them the future I never had. An emphasis must be put on family, education, and love. Keep them away from alcohol. Shun and abhor the illegal drugs, and those who peddle them. Have them enjoy nature with you, go out and help others, donate your time and theirs to help people. Keep those idle hands busy. Young teens, black and white, would be better off being sent to care for the elderly, or helping families with their business, or donating time to maintain the community, or any other useful and wholesome thing that builds character. We need to draw upon the wisdom of the example set in Leave it to Beaver, etc. Politics is sort of like a pendulum. It's swinging very hard to the Left, but, in time, it may swing back to the Right. I guess I mean more like swinging from liberal to conservative, etc. Few people have respect nowadays. I'm just sick of it.

These young black men and women need to give a damn about themselves. Discard the unhelpful ghetto dialect. Seriously. You don't have to talk that way in order to be black. One of my colleagues is a black, and a lawyer, and far more articulate than I am. I have a s***-ton of respect for him, and am routinely coming to him for guidance and advice. Honestly, he's far more passionate on this issue than I am, and much of what I have brought to this discussion comes from his wisdom and experience. It shouldn't be about skin color. We should be colorblind! It should all deal with the content of your character. Wearing your pants down below your crack, or getting involved in a gang, or disrespecting your elders will NOT do you any good in life. Same with getting tatted up and getting addicted to bad substances. People of all skin colors would do well to become straight-edge. Not only that, but giving a damn about one's self, AND others, while investing in yourself and being with your money. There are a lot of bad influences in the black community, but there are things that can be done to help. Don't do drugs, care about yourself and others, have respect, love your spouse and little ones, work to improve yourself, develop prudent financial skills... There are so many things you can do to make a better future.

White people should make more of an effort to establish strong bonds with black people, and black people should work to establish strong bonds with white people. I have seen many black people who have been influenced in a good way, who are now lawyers, nurses, teachers, and business owners. Homeschooling, for one, is a damned good thing to do provided that you keep your child socializing with other good children. If you focus on the family, your family, all of you will benefit. I don't care about your skin color. I care about who you are, what your character is, and how you treat yourself and others. Your soul, I guess you can call it. That is what I am bound to. That is the main thing I consider. An innocent soul is like a blank canvas, just waiting to be etched in with bad good and bad influences. You need to mold that young child as you would a lump of clay, and instill in it all your love, attention, and guidance. We need more parents who are willing to sacrifice parts of themselves in order to make these good things happen.
So what you are saying is blacks wouldn't fight with cops in the first place if they didn't try to make them obey the law?

Number one, I didn't say anything about the race of either of them.

Number two, this undoubtedly would have been averted if Brown had simply moved quickly out of the road.

Number three, it is undoubtedly equally true that this would have been averted if Wilson hadn't stopped to tell these guys to get out of the road.
After reading some 139 posts in this thread, I conclude that there is too much speculation coming from people who were not on the scene and have no logical basis for their interpretations of what actually happened other than pure conjecture.

Wait until ALL the evidence has been presented and examined before you come to the likely well founded conclusion that the shooting and killing of Michael Brown was justified.

This sounds like you have already formed an opinion. I do agree we need to wait to form an opinion.

However, the robbery video and other such information is irrelevant. What matters is what Officer Wilson knew.
I drive everyday, people don't walk down the middle of the road. That would be stupid. And it is illegal. You can't fault the cop for doing his job.

Likewise, I drive everyday, and on the very kinds of roads, I've described. In those residential areas, I often encounter people in the streets. Illegal or not.
So what you are saying is blacks wouldn't fight with cops in the first place if they didn't try to make them obey the law?

Number one, I didn't say anything about the race of either of them.

Number two, this undoubtedly would have been averted if Brown had simply moved quickly out of the road.

Number three, it is undoubtedly equally true that this would have been averted if Wilson hadn't stopped to tell these guys to get out of the road

You are in affect saying this could have been avoided if Wilson had merely ignored the lawbreakers. Which is stupid.

Wilson was legally obligated to stop and tell those guys to get out of the road. That's what the citizens of Ferguson pay him to do. To then blame him for what transpired is stupid.

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