New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

QUOTE="bodecea, post: 9997837, member: 20112"]Still waiting to see the pics of the police officer's injuries.[/QUOTE]
This is a very important point. People believe the story of how he was injured and feared for his life, but there is, so far, absolutely no evidence of his injuries.
He was walking down a street populated with numerous apartment complexes.
Hardly a street that doesnt see much traffic.
I myself have encountered punks who walk the center line and refuse to move just to show how badass they think they are. If I didnt have an aversion to prison I would have put the Ranch Hand bumper to good use and mowed the stupid fucks down.

Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.

Bullshit. Go back and take a look at the road this went down on. And thats beside the point,you dont walk down the middle of the street...period.
QUOTE="bodecea, post: 9997837, member: 20112"]Still waiting to see the pics of the police officer's injuries.
This is a very important point. People believe the story of how he was injured and feared for his life, but there is, so far, absolutely no evidence of his injuries.[/QUOTE]
There was even a thread or two hanging everything on the "proof" that Officer Wilson was in such danger of his life that he was beaten around the eye severely. And yet, we still see absolutely nothing to back up that assertion.
Bullshit. Go back and take a look at the road this went down on. And thats beside the point,you dont walk down the middle of the street...period.

It's not bullshit. The road was a residential road, no lane lines, with, as you said, numerous apartment complexes. Those generate less traffic than, say, an area that has numerous businesses.

I lived in an apartment complex like that. Kids could play basketball or street hockey, and they wouldn't do that if their game would be interrupted too frequently.
Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.
I don't know if you are personally familiar with that street or its typical volume of traffic. I'm not. But the cop was driving on it and I wouldn't expect him to pull over long enough to evaluate the traffic flow before telling Brown and his buddy to use the sidewalk. He did what his assignment required him to do.
Bullshit. Go back and take a look at the road this went down on. And thats beside the point,you dont walk down the middle of the street...period.

It's not bullshit. The road was a residential road, no lane lines, with, as you said, numerous apartment complexes. Those generate less traffic than, say, an area that has numerous businesses.

I lived in an apartment complex like that. Kids could play basketball or street hockey, and they wouldn't do that if their game would be interrupted too frequently.

So the main road running through hundreds of residents doesnt have much traffic?
Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.
I don't know if you are personally familiar with that street or its typical volume of traffic. I'm not. But the cop was driving on it and I wouldn't expect him to pull over long enough to evaluate the traffic flow before telling Brown and his buddy to use the sidewalk. He did what his assignment required him to do.

I'm quite familiar with streets like this. I would be surprised if jaywalking was causing such a dangerous situation.

That's really all beside the point, anyway. One poster said none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't decided to walk down the street. I simply countered that it also wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't decided to give them shit over some minor thing.

And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.
Bullshit. Go back and take a look at the road this went down on. And thats beside the point,you dont walk down the middle of the street...period.

It's not bullshit. The road was a residential road, no lane lines, with, as you said, numerous apartment complexes. Those generate less traffic than, say, an area that has numerous businesses.

I lived in an apartment complex like that. Kids could play basketball or street hockey, and they wouldn't do that if their game would be interrupted too frequently.

So the main road running through hundreds of residents doesnt have much traffic?

Tell you what. Produce something that quantifies the traffic flow and rate of that particular road. I'm going by what the street looked like, by the fact that witnesses seemed to be pedestrians and residents, rather than drivers, and the fact that Brown and a friend were comfortable walking on the road (something people wouldn't do on a high-traffic four lane highway, for instance).
We have laws against it for a reason. This guy robbed a store, walked down the middle of the road, and assaulted a cop. That is 3 crimes in a very short period of time. Wounds show he was probably charging the cop when he was killed. I don't see why anyone would want to go after the cop in this case.

The officer did not know that Brown had robbed a store, and he confronted Brown before Brown allegedly assaulted him.

Therefore, the cop decided that jaywalking was such a big deal that he had to stop and make a fuss.

Where I come from, jaywalking isn't something you stop a person for. Police have real crimes to worry about.

Walking down the middle of the road is a lot more than the typical jaywalking. I'm pretty sure any cop would stop someone who is walking down the middle of the road. There are laws against it for the walkers and drivers safety.

Actually, that kind of walking down the middle of the road is pretty typical on residential streets. He wasn't walking on a busy city street, nor down a 4 lane highway. Nor was he on a high-speed rural road with twists and turns.

In my city, kids play basketball in the middle of such streets.

Not sure where you are from, but here people walk on the side of the street or the sidewalk.
Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.
I don't know if you are personally familiar with that street or its typical volume of traffic. I'm not. But the cop was driving on it and I wouldn't expect him to pull over long enough to evaluate the traffic flow before telling Brown and his buddy to use the sidewalk. He did what his assignment required him to do.

I'm quite familiar with streets like this. I would be surprised if jaywalking was causing such a dangerous situation.

That's really all beside the point, anyway. One poster said none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't decided to walk down the street. I simply countered that it also wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't decided to give them shit over some minor thing.

And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.

Jesus Christ!!! Walking down the middle of the road isn't jaywalking!!!
It's blocking traffic. Had they been crossing the road Officer Wilson wouldnt have said a damn thing to them because they would have been out of the street in a matter of seconds.
Dirt Nap and his buddy argued with Wilson about being in the street.
It was nothing more than flaunting their disdain for authority.
QUOTE="bodecea, post: 9997837, member: 20112"]Still waiting to see the pics of the police officer's injuries.
This is a very important point. People believe the story of how he was injured and feared for his life, but there is, so far, absolutely no evidence of his injuries.[/QUOTE]

His blood was in the cop car. That is pretty solid evidence he was in fact attacking the cop while he was still in his car.
Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.
I don't know if you are personally familiar with that street or its typical volume of traffic. I'm not. But the cop was driving on it and I wouldn't expect him to pull over long enough to evaluate the traffic flow before telling Brown and his buddy to use the sidewalk. He did what his assignment required him to do.

I'm quite familiar with streets like this. I would be surprised if jaywalking was causing such a dangerous situation.

That's really all beside the point, anyway. One poster said none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't decided to walk down the street. I simply countered that it also wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't decided to give them shit over some minor thing.

And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.

Jesus Christ!!! Walking down the middle of the road isn't jaywalking!!!
It's blocking traffic. Had they been crossing the road Officer Wilson wouldnt have said a damn thing to them because they would have been out of the street in a matter of seconds.
Dirt Nap and his buddy argued with Wilson about being in the street.
It was nothing more than flaunting their disdain for authority.

Jaywalking involves crossing the road so I am pretty sure this is something more than that. These guys clearly weren't crossing, just getting in the way of traffic. And after robbing a store. Not bright at all.
Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.
I don't know if you are personally familiar with that street or its typical volume of traffic. I'm not. But the cop was driving on it and I wouldn't expect him to pull over long enough to evaluate the traffic flow before telling Brown and his buddy to use the sidewalk. He did what his assignment required him to do.

I'm quite familiar with streets like this. I would be surprised if jaywalking was causing such a dangerous situation.

That's really all beside the point, anyway. One poster said none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't decided to walk down the street. I simply countered that it also wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't decided to give them shit over some minor thing.

And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.

So Brown was committing a crime, and you think the cop should not have done his job? Seriously?
Bullshit. Go back and take a look at the road this went down on. And thats beside the point,you dont walk down the middle of the street...period.

It's not bullshit. The road was a residential road, no lane lines, with, as you said, numerous apartment complexes. Those generate less traffic than, say, an area that has numerous businesses.

I lived in an apartment complex like that. Kids could play basketball or street hockey, and they wouldn't do that if their game would be interrupted too frequently.

Apartment complexes generate a lot more traffic than say houses.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Moral of the story is........"Nigga's gonna nig".

I remember years ago......retired NYPD.......back in the late 70' s and I was a teenager and he used to say, "What do yu expect.....these people are only one generation removed from the tree's"!!!

All these years later, when I think of that I laugh my balls off.

And lets call a spade a spade......this fat kid wasn't going to make 20 years old anyway.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Moral of the story is........"Nigga's gonna nig".

I remember years ago......retired NYPD.......back in the late 70' s and I was a teenager and he used to say, "What do yu expect.....these people are only one generation removed from the tree's"!!!

All these years later, when I think of that I laugh my balls off.

And lets call a spade a spade......this fat kid wasn't going to make 20 years old anyway.

I don't appreciate the racism, skooker. Every group has its bad apples. There is black trash, and there is white trash. I know of many black people who are damned good people to be around. One of my friends is black, and homeschooled just like me. Now he has a bright future in dentistry.

Please don't share such hatred here. It makes other people who share some of your views on this issue look bad. As for the black community, there is the good and there is the bad. They need to focus on the family. Fathers need to be there. Wait with sex until marriage, be prudent with your money, and give a damn about improving yourself and making a better future for yourself and your children. I don't care about your skin color, but the content of your character. And if you show that you care about self-improvement, and you give a damn, others will certainly give a damn, too.

Everyone needs to have an active discussion on how to solve the problems within the black community. You shouldn't be barred from the discussion if you don't have dark-colored skin. I think we can discuss this without showing hatred for one another.
And if he had just gotten out of the street, this wouldn't have happened.
Numerous apartment complexes don't guarantee heavy all-day traffic.
I don't know if you are personally familiar with that street or its typical volume of traffic. I'm not. But the cop was driving on it and I wouldn't expect him to pull over long enough to evaluate the traffic flow before telling Brown and his buddy to use the sidewalk. He did what his assignment required him to do.

I'm quite familiar with streets like this. I would be surprised if jaywalking was causing such a dangerous situation.

That's really all beside the point, anyway. One poster said none of this would have happened if Brown hadn't decided to walk down the street. I simply countered that it also wouldn't have happened if Wilson hadn't decided to give them shit over some minor thing.

And yes, jaywalking on a residential street was a minor thing.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?

Funny you say that as I was asking the same as the "witnesses" claimed that Brown did nothing.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
After reading some 139 posts in this thread, I conclude that there is too much speculation coming from people who were not on the scene and have no logical basis for their interpretations of what actually happened other than pure conjecture.

Wait until ALL the evidence has been presented and examined before you come to the likely well founded conclusion that the shooting and killing of Michael Brown was justified.

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