New York Times violates law to publish PARTIAL Trump tax return from 90s and SPECULATE!!!

False equivalency. Try again.

No it isn't, you must mean false dichotomy...

But it's surprising to see Clinton advocate make it even this far though.

Make it this far? I have already shown you are gullible for believing Trump knows taxes. Also find where I have advocated for Hillary......I haven't. Just another lame attempt by you to call names when you have no clue.

OK, and you can go with that one also....:funnyface::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lame2:
Nothing left but emoticons eh? Hahaha
View attachment 91972

I love your HATE and consternation!
^resorts to memes because she has lost the argument.
and what precisely is wrong with amending your taxes? Is it illegal?

Nothing, as there is NOTHING WRONG with Trump NOT releasing his taxes! IS IT LEGAL?

Trump doesn't release his taxes because it embarrassing to him what they contain. Trump is all talk but just a pussy.

You are all talk and no evidence... trololo....

Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

So why isn't he releasing them?
Nothing, as there is NOTHING WRONG with Trump NOT releasing his taxes! IS IT LEGAL?

Trump doesn't release his taxes because it embarrassing to him what they contain. Trump is all talk but just a pussy.

You are all talk and no evidence... trololo....

Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

So why isn't he releasing them?

Only he knows that... stop making up crazy theories that have no evidence behind them what so ever. And for the love of god, stop claiming those theories are facts...
and what precisely is wrong with amending your taxes? Is it illegal?

Nothing, as there is NOTHING WRONG with Trump NOT releasing his taxes! IS IT LEGAL?

Trump doesn't release his taxes because it embarrassing to him what they contain. Trump is all talk but just a pussy.

You are all talk and no evidence... trololo....

Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

Yes there is. He said about his health records, he'd release them because they're good. He said that if they were bad he wouldn't release them.
Now apply that logic to his tax records.
No it isn't, you must mean false dichotomy...

But it's surprising to see Clinton advocate make it even this far though.

Make it this far? I have already shown you are gullible for believing Trump knows taxes. Also find where I have advocated for Hillary......I haven't. Just another lame attempt by you to call names when you have no clue.

OK, and you can go with that one also....:funnyface::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lame2:
Nothing left but emoticons eh? Hahaha
View attachment 91972

I love your HATE and consternation!
^resorts to memes because she has lost the argument.

Memes suit you to a "T"!!!! T is for Trump! LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Nothing, as there is NOTHING WRONG with Trump NOT releasing his taxes! IS IT LEGAL?

Trump doesn't release his taxes because it embarrassing to him what they contain. Trump is all talk but just a pussy.

You are all talk and no evidence... trololo....

Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

Yes there is. He said about his health records, he'd release them because they're good. He said that if they were bad he wouldn't release them.
Now apply that logic to his tax records.
A definite #4... but others also work with Antler Head!

Trump doesn't release his taxes because it embarrassing to him what they contain. Trump is all talk but just a pussy.

You are all talk and no evidence... trololo....

Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

So why isn't he releasing them?

Only he knows that... stop making up crazy theories that have no evidence behind them what so ever. And for the love of god, stop claiming those theories are facts...

Why isn't he releasing them?
Make it this far? I have already shown you are gullible for believing Trump knows taxes. Also find where I have advocated for Hillary......I haven't. Just another lame attempt by you to call names when you have no clue.

OK, and you can go with that one also....:funnyface::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lame2:
Nothing left but emoticons eh? Hahaha
View attachment 91972

I love your HATE and consternation!
^resorts to memes because she has lost the argument.

Memes suit you to a "T"!!!! T is for Trump! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

Is that a pic of an orange anus?
You are all talk and no evidence... trololo....

Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

So why isn't he releasing them?

Only he knows that... stop making up crazy theories that have no evidence behind them what so ever. And for the love of god, stop claiming those theories are facts...

Why isn't he releasing them?
I ENJOY reposting this for stupid people since the scum of the LEFT ADMITS they lie and will do the same AGAIN to Trump.....

Vaginalatte has given up on arguing facts and resorted to just posting insulting memes. How surprising.
OK, and you can go with that one also....:funnyface::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lame2:
Nothing left but emoticons eh? Hahaha
View attachment 91972

I love your HATE and consternation!
^resorts to memes because she has lost the argument.

Memes suit you to a "T"!!!! T is for Trump! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

Is that a pic of an orange anus?
No, that would be you... and you didn't have to look in a mirror...MIRACLE!!!!
Actually I posted a link to back up my assertions. You are the one that actually is all talk.

No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

So why isn't he releasing them?

Only he knows that... stop making up crazy theories that have no evidence behind them what so ever. And for the love of god, stop claiming those theories are facts...

Why isn't he releasing them?
I ENJOY reposting this for stupid people since the scum of the LEFT ADMITS they lie and will do the same AGAIN to Trump.....

What does this have to do with Trump not releasing his tax returns?
Vaginalatte has given up on arguing facts and resorted to just posting insulting memes. How surprising.
Just how many times must I bitch slap you?... Evena BUG runs when he knows he's going to be hurt...RUN!!!!

But just curious how long you plan to make a complete ass of yourself, so I can make myself an adult refreshment to really enjoy what I'll be doing to you!
No you did not. There is no evidence what so ever that Trump is embarrassed about his tax returns. Shut up moron!

So why isn't he releasing them?

Only he knows that... stop making up crazy theories that have no evidence behind them what so ever. And for the love of god, stop claiming those theories are facts...

Why isn't he releasing them?
I ENJOY reposting this for stupid people since the scum of the LEFT ADMITS they lie and will do the same AGAIN to Trump.....

What does this have to do with Trump not releasing his tax returns?

This is how STUPID you many times do you need to go over the same shit...

On Trump and Taxes

Oh my, the breathless NYT reports, after aiding and abetting breaking the law by releasing part of a NY state tax return that was stolen (if it's a true copy) from Trump.

The return showed a roughly $900 million net loss one year.

This, the Times reports, means that Trump may not have paid any federal (or state) taxes for many years.

To which I say: So what?

Let me remind you that the way you generate a net operating loss (NOL) is by losing money. In this case (if the return is factual) Trump lost a lot of money. The tax code allows you to reduce your tax liability when you lose money until your operating income reaches zero (and I remind you, the last 10 to 30 grand of it has already reached a zero payment liability, so you in fact "throw away" that amount worth of tax "benefit" right up front) but you cannot get a refund on previous taxes paid as you accumulated that capital when you take a loss. This is similar but not identical to capital loss treatment.

What happens with a capital loss is that the loss is rolled forward and you may take up to $3,000 a year against future income until it is exhausted, and you may also offset it dollar-for-dollar against future profits (capital gains.) A NOL also can used to "look back" for up to 3 years; which way you wish to go with that will depend on both the tax rates involved and your expected future plans (if the business is shut down then the choice is obvious, but if not it's quite a bit more complex.)

There's nothing wrong with this. You lost actual money to generate the NOL in the first place.

That ability to use it to offset gains isn't "ripping off the government" or "ripping off poor people" since the loss actually happened and in fact you get screwed when you take a NOL and use it to offset future profits because you are forced to consume that loss with inflated dollars in future years, but you cannot adjust the NOL for inflation!

I have personally had both NOL and capital losses in the past and so have millions of others. There's not only nothing wrong with it it is in fact only a partial recapture against a real loss you already suffered.

Let's say that I make a bad investment and lose $500,000. My income that year from investments was $100,000, but I lost half a million in capital. It's gone -- I really lost it -- and the law says that the loss must be crystallized, not on paper, for it to count (in other words I had to have closed the position.)

Ok, so I have a NET -$400,000 from investments this year. I can only take $3,000 of that against my ordinary income; that is, if I had $50,000 worth of W2 income (from a job) the law says I cannot use the $400,000 loss to reduce the $50,000 to zero -- only to $47,000. I can continue to take that $3,000 (yes, it's that tiny!) every year forever until it's consumed, but if I have an investment gain in future years the remainder of the NOL carries forward and is an offset on that gain dollar-for-dollar until it is "used up."

Anyone who invests has, at some time, probably had one of those capital losses. If you have ever run a business and had a losing year you have had NOLs. There is nothing evil, wrong, duplicitous or anything of the sort about taking and using them in future years as they only are usable when you regain, through your hard work, the capital you previously lost and at the time you previously gained it in the first place you already paid taxes on it!

To suggest otherwise or that someone, such as Trump, is evil for having one and thus paying no tax in future years until it was/is consumed is outrageous. Such a suggestion is equivalent to demanding that someone pay taxes on something that has been lost or stolen from them and any politician or media outlet that implies or states same ought to be run out of town on a rail.

Why? Because it is equivalent to demanding "heads I win, tails you lose". To demand that someone pay taxes when they make money but when they lose money they cannot offset that loss against future gains means that you're now obligated to pay when you win and also in effect you are obligated to pay when you lose (irrespective of the reason) as well, because an actual net operating loss destroys part of your capital base!

Trump, if this return is accurate, did what every single company and individual taxpayer with investments does when there is a net loss. There is not only nothing wrong with it the tax code already penalizes you for losses because you cannot offset them dollar-for-dollar against current wage income; you can only take the $3,000/year for capital losses and zero for business net operating losses. Since both losses are in fact destroyed capital (from your point of view) you should be able to deduct them fully against AGI, but that's not how the law works -- you can only deduct them against future business or investment (e.g. net operating) gains.

That is not an abuse of the tax code. What is an abuse of the tax code is to "donate" money to a "charity" (your own family foundation), radically reducing your income (and thus tax liability) that you control and which then turns around and spends nearly none of the donated funds on actual charitable services; rather, nearly all of those funds are used to pay salaries and travel (effectively living expenses and high-on-the-hog living expenses at that!) for your family members and their friends. That is legal but it's slimy as hell and that is what the Clintons have in fact done since leaving the White House.

The NY Times is a hack outfit -- not only did they run a story predicated on a criminal act they are trying to spin something that is not only lawful but every person who either runs a small business or invests does as a matter of course and is perfectly ethical, legal and in fact already occurs under mandated-by-law disadvantage that accrues to someone who has this happen, including Trump, in the tax code!

On Trump and Taxes
Dear Colonel Angus:

Your signature Meme is a total lie. Hillary was not fired from the Watergate Investigation.

From "Snopes":

However, whatever Zeifman may have thought of Hillary and her work during the investigation, he was not her supervisor, neither he nor anyone else fired her from her position on the Impeachment Inquiry staff (Zeifman in fact didn't have the power to fire her, even had he wanted to do so), his description of her conduct as "unethical" and "dishonest" is his personal, highly subjective characterization, and the "facts" on which he based that characterization were ones that he contradicted himself about on multiple occasions.

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

From Urban Myths:

The problem is that Hillary Clinton remained on the Watergate Committee until Richard Nixon resigned and the Committee was shut down. Hillary Clinton did not work directly for Jerry Zeifman, and so he had no authority to fire her. There is no evidence she was fired, so this story is false.

Fact or Fiction: Was Hillary Clinton fired from Watergate investigation? | Urban Myths

Zeifman is a liar, and so are you.

Should I change it to the photo of her landing in Bosnia under sniper fire, where she said she had to run from the assault?

While you're already fact checking, please check that.
Dear Colonel Angus:

Your signature Meme is a total lie. Hillary was not fired from the Watergate Investigation.

From "Snopes":

However, whatever Zeifman may have thought of Hillary and her work during the investigation, he was not her supervisor, neither he nor anyone else fired her from her position on the Impeachment Inquiry staff (Zeifman in fact didn't have the power to fire her, even had he wanted to do so), his description of her conduct as "unethical" and "dishonest" is his personal, highly subjective characterization, and the "facts" on which he based that characterization were ones that he contradicted himself about on multiple occasions.

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

From Urban Myths:

The problem is that Hillary Clinton remained on the Watergate Committee until Richard Nixon resigned and the Committee was shut down. Hillary Clinton did not work directly for Jerry Zeifman, and so he had no authority to fire her. There is no evidence she was fired, so this story is false.

Fact or Fiction: Was Hillary Clinton fired from Watergate investigation? | Urban Myths

Zeifman is a liar, and so are you.

Should I change it to the photo of her landing in Bosnia under sniper fire, where she said she had to run from the assault?

While you're already fact checking, please check that.

Can anyone help that poster fact check Hillary's story about landing in Bosnia under heavy sniper fire and having to run for her life?
SUE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM, DONALD.... Make that Mexican WET BACK owner give you a couple of HUNDRED MILLION....Bring him to DISPOSITION in a N.Y. court, make him get the fuck out of Mexico!!!!

New York Times violates law to publish partial Trump tax return from 90s and speculate about his taxes

Trump Derangement Syndrome has led the New York Times to willfully violate federal law in order to speculate about what taxes Donald Trump may or may not have been paying. In a front-page article, built on crime and conjecture, the Times ends up with very weak beer on Trump, but a convincing case for its own irresponsibility and criminality.

The lede paragraph reveals the astonishing lack of factual reporting and descent into mere speculation, speculation that supports the latest Hillary Clinton attack line on Trump, that he pays “no taxes” (a recapitulation of the Harry Reid lies on the Senate floor about Mitt Romney’s taxes. When confronted with his lies, Reid said, “It worked, didn’t it?”). Presumably, in the eyes of NYT executive editor Dean Baquet, if this speculation succeeds in defeating Trump, his own criminality and descent into speculation is also justified by the results.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


lol, this from someone right out of the crowd that can't wait for more wikileaks publications.

Antler Head post MORE irrelevant and stupid shit...which he is famous for! No DNC check for you least the others asswipes TRIED!

Do you wish to argue that wikileaks doesn't break the law? Let's hear it.

Stunned silence. Big surprise.
"ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS OUR AGENDA" - the real tagline to the NYT. They are beyond biased. They are corrupt. Actions such as this and CBS forging documents in 2004 there any wonder why there is such a huge market for Fox News and how Fox News outperforms in ratings?

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