New York Times violates law to publish PARTIAL Trump tax return from 90s and SPECULATE!!!

Dear Colonel Angus:

Your signature Meme is a total lie. Hillary was not fired from the Watergate Investigation.

From "Snopes":

However, whatever Zeifman may have thought of Hillary and her work during the investigation, he was not her supervisor, neither he nor anyone else fired her from her position on the Impeachment Inquiry staff (Zeifman in fact didn't have the power to fire her, even had he wanted to do so), his description of her conduct as "unethical" and "dishonest" is his personal, highly subjective characterization, and the "facts" on which he based that characterization were ones that he contradicted himself about on multiple occasions.

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

From Urban Myths:

The problem is that Hillary Clinton remained on the Watergate Committee until Richard Nixon resigned and the Committee was shut down. Hillary Clinton did not work directly for Jerry Zeifman, and so he had no authority to fire her. There is no evidence she was fired, so this story is false.

Fact or Fiction: Was Hillary Clinton fired from Watergate investigation? | Urban Myths

Zeifman is a liar, and so are you.

Should I change it to the photo of her landing in Bosnia under sniper fire, where she said she had to run from the assault?

While you're already fact checking, please check that.


I will take your advice and change my sig pic so that I am not a liar. What did your fact checking tell you about Hillary landing under sniper fire?...I posted the photo of the greeting and I have a video of her talking about what happened.

Please fact check this for me so that I am not a liar. Thanks in advance for all the fact checking you do for this board. You deserve a lot of credit for your efforts.

NYT didn't pay taxes for 2014 and got a nearly $3 million in a refund. They made almost $30 million that year. But, yea, let them diss someone for maybe getting tax breaks after a huge loss.
Where is Dragon Lady with her fact checking?

Dragon Lady, can you fact check the one about the attack on the Benghazi consulate being about a YOUTUBE video? Hillary told the parents of the murdered Americans it was about a video.

I was going to put something about that in my signature, can you fact check that one?
NYT didn't pay taxes for 2014 and got a nearly $3 million in a refund. They made almost $30 million that year. But, yea, let them diss someone for maybe getting tax breaks after a huge loss.

You are a xenophobic, misogynistic racist.
I have said from the very beginning that the reason Trump won't release his returns is because he does not pay taxes. And I was right. Thank you NYT. The pig has been outed.
If he was not paying taxes illegally, then he would be in trouble with the IRS, but he is not.
As far as how much he pays, its none of your or anyone elses business to know. Your panties are just twisted because some left wing nut job told you to be concerned with it.
Maybe he will show them after he is elected. Of course they will be fake but that's ok with the left.
I have said from the very beginning that the reason Trump won't release his returns is because he does not pay taxes. And I was right. Thank you NYT. The pig has been outed.
If he was not paying taxes illegally, then he would be in trouble with the IRS, but he is not.
As far as how much he pays, its none of your or anyone elses business to know. Your panties are just twisted because some left wing nut job told you to be concerned with it.
Maybe he will show them after he is elected. Of course they will be fake but that's ok with the left.
We don't know that he didn't pay any federal income taxes for 2 decades,,,that's just speculation because ideally he could write off the loss, for 18 years...

As far as whether he's done something wrong that the IRS would get him for.....well he is under audit and without seeing his taxes, we don't know if he's done anything wrong or had to amend any of his taxes due to all of his audits over the years...
I have said from the very beginning that the reason Trump won't release his returns is because he does not pay taxes. And I was right. Thank you NYT. The pig has been outed.
If he was not paying taxes illegally, then he would be in trouble with the IRS, but he is not.
As far as how much he pays, its none of your or anyone elses business to know. Your panties are just twisted because some left wing nut job told you to be concerned with it.
Maybe he will show them after he is elected. Of course they will be fake but that's ok with the left.
We don't know that he didn't pay any federal income taxes for 2 decades,,,that's just speculation because ideally he could write off the loss, for 18 years...

As far as whether he's done something wrong that the IRS would get him for.....well he is under audit and without seeing his taxes, we don't know if he's done anything wrong or had to amend any of his taxes due to all of his audits over the years...
then if we trust (and I don't) the IRS to audit and catch him, why do we need to see his taxes other than to pick them apart.
Could it be any worse than the Clintons taking deductions for donating bills underwear to the homeless?
I have said from the very beginning that the reason Trump won't release his returns is because he does not pay taxes. And I was right. Thank you NYT. The pig has been outed.
If he was not paying taxes illegally, then he would be in trouble with the IRS, but he is not.
As far as how much he pays, its none of your or anyone elses business to know. Your panties are just twisted because some left wing nut job told you to be concerned with it.
Maybe he will show them after he is elected. Of course they will be fake but that's ok with the left.
We don't know that he didn't pay any federal income taxes for 2 decades,,,that's just speculation because ideally he could write off the loss, for 18 years...

As far as whether he's done something wrong that the IRS would get him for.....well he is under audit and without seeing his taxes, we don't know if he's done anything wrong or had to amend any of his taxes due to all of his audits over the years...
then if we trust (and I don't) the IRS to audit and catch him, why do we need to see his taxes other than to pick them apart.
Could it be any worse than the Clintons taking deductions for donating bills underwear to the homeless?

we would not know he did something wrong, without the tax returns, yes the irs would have caught it and made him amend his taxes or pay a penalty but the IRS can not legally tell us....

yes you are right that it's nit picking, and judge of character kind of things.... just something that has been a part of presidential races for 40 years...
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SUE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM, DONALD.... Make that Mexican WET BACK owner give you a couple of HUNDRED MILLION....Bring him to DISPOSITION in a N.Y. court, make him get the fuck out of Mexico!!!!

New York Times violates law to publish partial Trump tax return from 90s and speculate about his taxes

Trump Derangement Syndrome has led the New York Times to willfully violate federal law in order to speculate about what taxes Donald Trump may or may not have been paying. In a front-page article, built on crime and conjecture, the Times ends up with very weak beer on Trump, but a convincing case for its own irresponsibility and criminality.

The lede paragraph reveals the astonishing lack of factual reporting and descent into mere speculation, speculation that supports the latest Hillary Clinton attack line on Trump, that he pays “no taxes” (a recapitulation of the Harry Reid lies on the Senate floor about Mitt Romney’s taxes. When confronted with his lies, Reid said, “It worked, didn’t it?”). Presumably, in the eyes of NYT executive editor Dean Baquet, if this speculation succeeds in defeating Trump, his own criminality and descent into speculation is also justified by the results.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Short-circuiting there Vig?

Sober up and try again.

Damn, OldFool, I haven't even had a drink...yet, You leftist.....


More memes and cartoons. Just hold on to your bed pan because Trump will keep you entertained with not only the Trump U $40M trial fraud starting in November but now this fight with the most influential newspaper in the U.S.

The most influential newspaper in the world? Is that why their subscriptions are in the toilet?
You people amaze me... believe me, had Trump cheated on his taxes, we'd have known long ago.
You people amaze me... believe me, had Trump cheated on his taxes, we'd have known long ago.

They are dumber than box of rocks, they really are.

No wait, at least rocks don't parrot falsehoods... they just are.
SUE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM, DONALD.... Make that Mexican WET BACK owner give you a couple of HUNDRED MILLION....Bring him to DISPOSITION in a N.Y. court, make him get the fuck out of Mexico!!!!

New York Times violates law to publish partial Trump tax return from 90s and speculate about his taxes

Trump Derangement Syndrome has led the New York Times to willfully violate federal law in order to speculate about what taxes Donald Trump may or may not have been paying. In a front-page article, built on crime and conjecture, the Times ends up with very weak beer on Trump, but a convincing case for its own irresponsibility and criminality.

The lede paragraph reveals the astonishing lack of factual reporting and descent into mere speculation, speculation that supports the latest Hillary Clinton attack line on Trump, that he pays “no taxes” (a recapitulation of the Harry Reid lies on the Senate floor about Mitt Romney’s taxes. When confronted with his lies, Reid said, “It worked, didn’t it?”). Presumably, in the eyes of NYT executive editor Dean Baquet, if this speculation succeeds in defeating Trump, his own criminality and descent into speculation is also justified by the results.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It's so funny when wikileaks violates the LAW by releasing hacked emails you're all O.K. with it, until they do something with Trump then they've all violated the LAW--LOL

Wha--- did you really believe that Trump was going to get away without releasing income tax returns, and no one would start looking into WHY he wasn't releasing them--LOL
Following the tax code is terrble.

Ask Warren Buffett and George Soros about doing the same thing Trump did.

Dragon lady, I am waiting on that fact check on Hillary's story that she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia and had to run for her life.

Do you have an ETA so I can set expectations with my people?
Where the hell is Dragon Lady and her top notch fact checking skills?

Dragon Lady, your list is growing.

Let's go with these:

#1) Landing in Bosnia under sniper fire
#2) Benghazi was about a video
#3) She stole furniture from the White House
#4) She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary
#5) She only used 1 device
#6) She turned over every single work related e-mail

Go ahead and fact check those and I will change my signature pic to one that you verify.

You people amaze me... believe me, had Trump cheated on his taxes, we'd have known long ago.

He didn't have to cheat, losing that much money.


Then what's the problem?

Losing money time after time is the problem.

A troubled empire Trump gambled on junk bonds, and lost.

It's his money... the ruling class in Washington has lost $20+ trillion. And of course the Clintons haven't lost anything, they haven't done anything but suck off the taxpayers.

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