New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
They're tRumplings, like you. What does that say about you and the people you support?
Cultures can only take so much before there is rebellion. We are innundated 24 hours a day with Prog agendas one way or the other. You can sense that it can backfire.
It has to awaken the sleeping giant.
You aren't a "sleeping giant". You're a brainwashed minority.

Get over yourself.
To clarify creepytus statement....
He is saying that people who do not appreciate the sexualization of grade school children, and enjoy watching them dressed scantily and performing sexual gyrations to entertain adults.... is brain washed. And is a minority.
So creepytus.... believes the majority of adults enjoy watching preteen girls in a sexual way.
Delta88? Is that you?
Wow, you got all that outta 4 words?

You have a very active imagination.
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
Fuck you.

It is apparent you don't have any kids of your own.

I watched “cuties” last night. I wanted to see if the right-wing media was over reacting

The film is worse than I had imagined. I searched CNN and MSNBC if they have any coverage on it. Nothing. I found a few things on supporting the film and saying that the message is misunderstood.

these are Demons trying to make pedophilia mainstream. Pure satanic evil. If all of Hollywood, Big tech, and the mainstream media is not thrown in prison, then a right wing uprising must take action
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
Fuck you.

It is apparent you don't have any kids of your own.


Yeah that's disturbing....and any leftist on here even attempting to defend this garbage is also.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.

The timing of all of this shit, is suggestive. Correlation might not be causation, but you just airily dismissing it, is not valid.

Netflix has been producing some serious shit and some seriously disturbing shit, in the last few years.
Don't watch it then. It is a subscription service after all. I hear Disney has a subscription service now. Not going to find any disturbingly attractive jail bait there, oh wait, that seems to be half of their original content.

I was addressing your point, that Obama has no control. you ignored your former point, and my response to it, to move on to another point

I will name yyou wally.

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I'm just having a hard time understanding the controversy when no one is making you watch this movie. I'm probably not going to watch it unless my wife decides she wants to watch what is essentially a boring chick flick for tweens. Nothing there for me to identify with.

Dude. Your confusion is not credible. If you are seriously unable to understand why we don't wan this shit you people are pushing to become part of mainstream culture, then you need to work on your mind, cause that is where the problem is.

And it is a big problem.
My mind is fine. For instance, I do not allow knee-jerk reactions to rule my opinions. I haven't seen this movie and have no intention of watching it. The controversy you moral beacons of society have stirred up will ensure more people watch it and encourage more questionable content to be produced in the future. Could have just let it die in obscurity like 90% of Netflix content.

YOu are incorrect about the way this goes. If we don't push back, you people get to define what is the norm, with your dominance of pop culture. It will not "die in obscurity" it will be the forerunner of a whole niche market.

Time and time again, you people pretend to be about "Tolerance" or some such bullshit, and we stand for Tradition and or decency, and you every time you win, you just keep pushing.

Now we are having to try to draw the line at children stripping for adults and we are being attacked and ridiculed for it.

If you win this time, what is the NEXT big faux outrage that you will manufacture to continue your deconstruction of this once great nation?

Bestiality? cannibalism? necrophilia?
Scandal mongers.... interesting choice of words for people who don't like to see gross sexualization of preteen girls.

Have you actually SEEN the movie?

I haven't, so I won't comment on the content, but I generally don't judge a movie by it's trailer.

Amazing how some of our resident progressives deny Hollywood's, and governments efforts to normalize pedophilia.

Same question for you, did you see the movie or are you just getting outraged because Hate Radio told you to be upset.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
What you can see here is an intolerance from the left to agree with anyone who is conservative. To the point of absurdity.
So even when you have something that would surely be be agreed to - isn't. Because they can't bring themselves to be on the same side of ANY issue as the right.
That and the irresistible urge of the left to virtue signal. To be "more enlightened" than the hard headed prudes on the right. If the right considers something to be immoral.... well then it must be something to do with their sexist/misogynist/racist ways of thinking - so we will don our halos and silicon bands and take up the good fight.
You guys are acting like this is the first movie to ever deal with something like this. Back in 1980, there was a movie called "Foxes" which dealt with pretty much the same thing.
It's not the subject matter or the story that is in question, as far as I can ascertain.

It is the actual scenes and story board. . . we are talking soft core porn with PRE-teens.

NOT eighteen year olds experiencing their first taste of adulthood.

Big difference there.

This is why folks don't take your liberalism and lying seriously.

I can't believe you are trying to compare nearly women, with little girls, are you serious with that shit?

One movie features women old enough to drive and buy a pack of cigarettes, the other has girls barely tall enough to ride a roller coaster. :mad:

Scandal mongers.... interesting choice of words for people who don't like to see gross sexualization of preteen girls.

Have you actually SEEN the movie?

I haven't, so I won't comment on the content, but I generally don't judge a movie by it's trailer.

Amazing how some of our resident progressives deny Hollywood's, and governments efforts to normalize pedophilia.

Same question for you, did you see the movie or are you just getting outraged because Hate Radio told you to be upset.
I saw the movie. Its not just a few disturbing scenes. It’s scene after scene... of disturbing child soft core porn. Why don’t you see the movie before you defend it.
What a hypocrite!
You’re defending Satanic rituals you idiot!
Scandal mongers.... interesting choice of words for people who don't like to see gross sexualization of preteen girls.

Have you actually SEEN the movie?

I haven't, so I won't comment on the content, but I generally don't judge a movie by it's trailer.

Amazing how some of our resident progressives deny Hollywood's, and governments efforts to normalize pedophilia.

Same question for you, did you see the movie or are you just getting outraged because Hate Radio told you to be upset.

Decent adults refuse to see you downloaded it didn't ya?
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
Fuck you.

It is apparent you don't have any kids of your own.


Yeah that's disturbing....and any leftist on here even attempting to defend this garbage is also.
Being a Prog means you made a deal with the devil. You take everything that comes with it. And then justify all the insanity of the agendas because of the venom towards the other side. This is becoming more and more about right and wrong. And we are even failing that.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
Fuck you.

It is apparent you don't have any kids of your own.


Yeah that's disturbing....and any leftist on here even attempting to defend this garbage is also.

The only folks that actually try to make a defense for this type of shit, are folks the have never felt the incomprehensible, uncompromising, and all consuming unconditional love for their children, and know, absolutely know, by watching them grow up, how they are not ready to make informed and mature choices about relationships and sexuality until they are ready, and should only do that in the confines of a discovery with peers their own age. . .

They should be protected by their parents and a community that cares about their emotional, and psychic well being, from these licentious, perverted, aging vampires that want to leech off of their youth, strength and beauty, and twist their minds, use their bodies, and then discard them, broken and used, thrown away.

For me, this is not partisan. I know there are evil fuckers on both the left and the right that will victimize the innocent. Don't for an instant believe that it is one partisan, party or ideology has a monopoly on this. If so, the Church and Boy Scouts wouldn't be in such a mess right now. . . .

Evil, corrupt, nihilist demons though these type of people be. . .

. . . the children must be protected, or society will, like Rome, fall.

Only biological mothers and fathers that have bonded deeply with their children and KNOW unconditional love will defend and keep them safe. As they have learned from their mothers and fathers who have loved them before them. Family is the only refuge and safety.

. . . the rest, potential vampires.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

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