New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
God I hope not, but the tolerating of things these days are raising eyebrows for everyone who cares about the raising of their children in a stepped way. Once they (the parents) have done thier job, then it's up to the coming of age young adults to either use it or lose it.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??
I dunno. It's a another damn loser tRumpling with no qualifications named Ajit pie.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
They're tRumplings, like you. What does that say about you and the people you support?
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
You are the only one arguing.
A film that glorifies "coming of age sexually" by a group of grade school girls is bullshit. Anyone who doesn't think so is either warped in the head, or just too scared that might upset the WOKE crowd.
As pointed out, the film shows the grade school girl taking a picture of her undeveloped vagina and sharing it... and alludes to her father objecting to it as prudish and over bearing.
That is fucked up. And again...anyone who is not upset about that is warped in the head
Have any of you seen it either?
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
You are the only one arguing.
A film that glorifies "coming of age sexually" by a group of grade school girls is bullshit. Anyone who doesn't think so is either warped in the head, or just too scared that might upset the WOKE crowd.
As pointed out, the film shows the grade school girl taking a picture of her undeveloped vagina and sharing it... and alludes to her father objecting to it as prudish and over bearing.
That is fucked up. And again...anyone who is not upset about that is warped in the head
Have any of you seen it either?
I saw it on Tucker Carlson, and his reporting of it. That was enough for me to know that it is was something that was very bad.
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

I think everybodies gotten beyond this part, so what's your take on the series ??

Don't know, haven't seen it, don't plan on watching it.

That's the best way to handle something you don't want to do/buy/watch; Don't do it.

Then if 5he baker won't make you a gay cake, go the fuck elsewhere.

Don't like Trump's, tweets, stop reading them.

Hypocritical fuck.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
You are the only one arguing.
A film that glorifies "coming of age sexually" by a group of grade school girls is bullshit. Anyone who doesn't think so is either warped in the head, or just too scared that might upset the WOKE crowd.
As pointed out, the film shows the grade school girl taking a picture of her undeveloped vagina and sharing it... and alludes to her father objecting to it as prudish and over bearing.
That is fucked up. And again...anyone who is not upset about that is warped in the head
Have any of you seen it either?
You answer my question and I will answer yours.
Uh ohh, I'm hearing that alot of people are going to cancel their Netflix accounts now. They're gonna find out their major mistake now big time.
To me, the best way to show your disapproval/lack of interest is by not wasting your time staring at the whatever is in question and if that isn't enough to get the message across, I have no idea what would be.

God bless you always!!!

This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
They're tRumplings, like you. What does that say about you and the people you support?
Cultures can only take so much before there is rebellion. We are innundated 24 hours a day with Prog agendas one way or the other. You can sense that it can backfire.
To me, the best way to show your disapproval/lack of interest is by not wasting your time staring at the whatever is in question and if that isn't enough to get the message across, I have no idea what would be.

God bless you always!!!

Hmmm, so attack their ratings instead of their pocket books eh ?? In the case talked about, severe measures will probably occur. Otherwise they will lose share value over that stunt. When you see people so disgusted that they want to ban a company or platform (NFL for another example), then that company has messed up big-time. Might see a name change after the attempted damage control is over.

One things for sure, and that is that the American public is showing it's disdain for something like that, and it will be heard loud and clear it appears.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
They're tRumplings, like you. What does that say about you and the people you support?
Cultures can only take so much before there is rebellion. We are innundated 24 hours a day with Prog agendas one way or the other. You can sense that it can backfire.
It has to awaken the sleeping giant.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
They're tRumplings, like you. What does that say about you and the people you support?
Cultures can only take so much before there is rebellion. We are innundated 24 hours a day with Prog agendas one way or the other. You can sense that it can backfire.
It has to awaken the sleeping giant.
You aren't a "sleeping giant". You're a brainwashed minority.

Get over yourself.
You guys are acting like this is the first movie to ever deal with something like this. Back in 1980, there was a movie called "Foxes" which dealt with pretty much the same thing.

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