New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this film that feels abused. In reality these girls are set for lucrative careers in the entertainment industry dancing on stage with famous people. It's not the life I would choose for my daughter but there's worse things in the world.
I'll put you down as FULLY SUPPORTING "NETFLIX"
I do not. Most of their content is garbage including this movie. I just do not see what everyone is getting bent out of shape over.
If you can't see what people are getting bent out of shape over, then get help Now.
There are millions of little girls in dance classes all over the world and have been forever. No one cares to watch them except their families. Point a camera at it and it's pornography? Not to me and certainly not to any reasonable person. It's a meaningless controversy for the Jesus fan club to get all worked up over.
You're pretending there are not hundreds of thousands of perverts out there seeking out and collecting AND ACTING ON THIS STUFF.

Still in the SUPPORT "NETFLIX" category. I use quotes because "netflix" isnt the word id use. You are actually supporting.....
The problem of pedophilia in the world is not going to be solved by worrying if some bit of content might appeal to them. A pedophile is going to molest kids no matter how much they try to enforce modesty and chastity. Islamic societies are ample proof of that.
Yep....and China is going to keep spreading deadly diseases all over the why do anything to stop them.
The point should be you shouldn't celebrate China if they're doing it.
Same thing with Pedophiles.
Don't make excuses for them.
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

I think everybodies gotten beyond this part, so what's your take on the series ??

Don't know, haven't seen it, don't plan on watching it.

That's the best way to handle something you don't want to do/buy/watch; Don't do it.
According to some on the right, capitalism should reward or not, the product. Moralists should simply not pay for it to not support it under Capitalism.
Accordingly to some on the left, socialism shall be forced upon everyone. Everyone should support socialist products from leftist platforms and we should all be like minded because it brings us all together. pedos are people too and if you don’t support pedophilia then you’re a bigoto_O
According to some on the right, capitalism should reward or not, the product. Moralists should simply not pay for it to not support it under Capitalism.
Accordingly to some on the left, socialism shall be forced upon everyone. Everyone should support socialist products from leftist platforms and we should all be like minded because it brings us all together. pedos are people too and if you don’t support pedophilia then you’re a bigoto_O
This is the socialism we are referring to:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

The Prog movement in this nation has caused the pushing of the envelope in most things living. Responsible fathers and mothers who try to take care of their daughters and raise them which is hard enough, keeps getting even more difficult with crazy Prog parents letting their kids do things like this with a ready and willing Hollywood company to produce and film it.
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
According to some on the right, capitalism should reward or not, the product. Moralists should simply not pay for it to not support it under Capitalism.
The leftist love controlling the public square, but these sorts of things are exempt ?? Can this sort of stuff be found free upon the internet, and if so, does that justify it being in the public square (public by government supplying it), because it is free ?? Should free content be regulated upon the internet, otherwise because government is providing free internet access to millions of households across the land, therefore allowing them to have free access to free content upon the net by way of the government ????? If so, does the government regulate the content that is allowed to be shown to those who are being provided access by way of the government freely ?

Last I checked the government isn't participating in the funding of abortions with taxpayers money, so what's the difference ??
Being in the public square implies that fixation as a community Standard. Is censorship better? Should individuals not choose for themselves or should the nanny-State tell us what the subjective value of our morals should be?

In my opinion, equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation could do more for the conservative cause by providing more rational choices for individuals. There should be no need for any form of "lottery mentality".

Yes, definitely sensorship or the downright outlawing of some content or some actions that are illegal. To do this should always be considered a positive thing upon review of such things by a level headed people within a civilized society.
Only for nudity and sex not false witness bearing or the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy? How useful is that?
So you are into sensorship being applied in total to everything bad eh ??? Ok, let's roll with that idea leftist. I'm all for it. Don't get weak and give up.
But allow
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

I think everybodies gotten beyond this part, so what's your take on the series ??

Don't know, haven't seen it, don't plan on watching it.

That's the best way to handle something you don't want to do/buy/watch; Don't do it.

Pedos with a thing for little girls to watch.

So you endorse this
According to some on the right, capitalism should reward or not, the product. Moralists should simply not pay for it to not support it under Capitalism.
Accordingly to some on the left, socialism shall be forced upon everyone. Everyone should support socialist products from leftist platforms and we should all be like minded because it brings us all together. pedos are people too and if you don’t support pedophilia then you’re a bigoto_O
Socialist advert......

Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
According to some on the right, capitalism should reward or not, the product. Moralists should simply not pay for it to not support it under Capitalism.
The leftist love controlling the public square, but these sorts of things are exempt ?? Can this sort of stuff be found free upon the internet, and if so, does that justify it being in the public square (public by government supplying it), because it is free ?? Should free content be regulated upon the internet, otherwise because government is providing free internet access to millions of households across the land, therefore allowing them to have free access to free content upon the net by way of the government ????? If so, does the government regulate the content that is allowed to be shown to those who are being provided access by way of the government freely ?

Last I checked the government isn't participating in the funding of abortions with taxpayers money, so what's the difference ??
Being in the public square implies that fixation as a community Standard. Is censorship better? Should individuals not choose for themselves or should the nanny-State tell us what the subjective value of our morals should be?

In my opinion, equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation could do more for the conservative cause by providing more rational choices for individuals. There should be no need for any form of "lottery mentality".

Yes, definitely sensorship or the downright outlawing of some content or some actions that are illegal. To do this should always be considered a positive thing upon review of such things by a level headed people within a civilized society.
Only for nudity and sex not false witness bearing or the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy? How useful is that?
So you are into sensorship being applied in total to everything bad eh ??? Ok, let's roll with that idea leftist. I'm all for it. Don't get weak and give up.
Or you, right wingers about limited Government and Individual Liberty.
Not that SHOCKED that this waste of human skin that is defending Netflix's "Cuties" is a Faggot:


^^^^ The LGBTQ Rainbow. Hopefully he's already got HIV Aids and will die or IF not then Please God give him HIV Aids so he can die, we need as a Western Society to have Pro-Paedophilia POS OFF this earth ASAP. Okay: Mini Rant Now Over.

Here we go then and NOTE this filthy Faggot Pro-Paedophilia Sex Pervert writes for a British MAINSTREAM and so-called Conservative newspaper, how is The Telegraph Conservative when it allows dirty degenerate Pro-Paedophilia POS like Tim Robey to write for it? Western Society at some point is going to RISE UP to DEFEND Western children from these filthy, diseased LGBTQ freaks of nature, only the LITERAL SCUM of Western Society supports something as MORALLY DEGENERATE as something like "Cuties"

I wonder how many young boy's rectums Tim Robey has WRECKED? Perhaps we need to launch an investigation of his personal life, don't worry, this is literally being worked on already.




^^^^ Has already pissed off the right people? Yes the RIGHT people are NORMAL who do NOT get off on looking at YOUNG CHILDREN Twerking and WORSE. NORMAL people do NOT COVET SEX WITH YOUNG CHILDREN.


The Leftists aka Communists will PROBABLY either DEFEND "Cuties" now and/or Funny my OP this is probably because they being Leftist aka Communist SUPPORT Paedophilia, come on, we KNOW the MAJORITY of them DO. They also will probably Report my OP to get it moved and THAT will be BECAUSE they WANT Opposition to the filthy LGBTQ Agenda of PROMOTING Paedophila HIDDEN so that EVERYONE THINKS the MAJORITY support The Paedophile Agenda aka The LGBTQ Agenda.
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View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

I think everybodies gotten beyond this part, so what's your take on the series ??

Don't know, haven't seen it, don't plan on watching it.

That's the best way to handle something you don't want to do/buy/watch; Don't do it.

Well good for you.... No curiosity though, otherwise when you hear about it or see it on the news etc eh ?? Let me ask you this then, if you see a crime being committed right before your very eye's as reported on the trustworthy news, do you turn away, turn the channel, forget about it, think to yourself hey not your place to be curious anymore, not your fight, you have no dog in the fight, let someone else handle it or just ignore it ?? Is this why so many things have gotten so out of control these days ??

Should American's work towards getting back to having common sense, and some ethical standards (even though not perfect), but something in order to protect civilized society and those who are vulnerable in society again ??? So many things are out of control it seems, and so many turning a blind eye after seeing it reported by their trustworthy news sources.
Always before thought the accusation that the preverts pushing the homo agenda were enabling pedos was just overheated hyperbole.

I was wr-wr-wr-wrong....I stand corrected.

I think many knew including me that when they were pushing for Homo Marriage we knew the next thing would be the push to make "normal" Paedophilia and then push for the legalisation of Child Rape, the majority of the LGBTQ perverts covet the buttocks of young boys and the whole pushing the Transgender thing on YOUNG CHILDREN is also part of the LGBTQ Paedophile Agenda, they are beyond filth.
Always before thought the accusation that the preverts pushing the homo agenda were enabling pedos was just overheated hyperbole.

I was wr-wr-wr-wrong....I stand corrected.

This, The Slippery Slope and the Leftists aka Communists support and have SUPPORTED EVERYTHING below:

Not surprising this comes from the nation that swims in child sexual abuse
(Grooming gangs, Jimmy Savile, etc.) and as this film critic himself admitted it pissed off normal people (i.e. people against sexualizing pre pubescent children) therefore the movie was "good".

It sounds like the people who back the Chinese because republicans don't. There is no good or bad...only
what angers my enemies.

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