New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

Filthy fag needs investigated

This is the creature:

View attachment 387698

He also is getting DESTROYED on his Twitter feed and being called what he IS: a Groomer and a Pro-Pedo if NOT an ACTUAL Pedo (we will NOT know the last part until the team investigating his personal life and connections reports back)

Say stupid shit, win stupid prizes

Okay so my OP has been merged into this existing thread, I am okay with this, I wasn't aware there already was a thread.

To me the two most IMPORTANT issues that need to be fought tooth AND nail and in the most HARDCORE way possible are securing Western Borders from being violated by Third World Shit Holers AND DESTROYING The LGBTQ Agenda to PROTECT ALL Western children.

Now the situation is we have to make a differentiation between NORMAL Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals and the LGBTQ Crowd, the majority of NORMAL Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals I would think do NOT support the advocation and promotion of Paedophila and filthy, dirty wastes of human skin like this Tim Robey and his ilk are giving THEM a BAD NAME.

The MOST MILITANT of the LGBTQ Crowd have suggested they add a P to it and so LGBTQP for Pederast which is of course a Paedophile or P for Pedosexual meaning they CONSIDER Paedophilia as a Sexual Orientation, the Pro-Child Rapists even now have their own flag, they are using this on Twitter and Facebook, the GOOD thing is that MANY NORMAL Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals are calling them out, see below just two examples of this, the Pedo's DON'T say "This is our Pedo flag" BUT those calling them out ARE saying "That is the Pedo flag" The Paedophiles are also ATTEMPTING to rebrand themselves as Minor Attracted Persons as opposed to CHILD RAPISTS.


They are NOT as clever as they THINK they are and they should KNOW they ARE being not only monitored but literally watched.

Even some of the actual Commies on Twitter are CALLING them out:


The CHILD RAPISTS are literally using the Homo Pride Rainbow Flag to attempt to rebrand Paedophilia as a HARMLESS Sexual Orientation, here's an article about it:

Filthy fag needs investigated

This is the creature:

View attachment 387698

He also is getting DESTROYED on his Twitter feed and being called what he IS: a Groomer and a Pro-Pedo if NOT an ACTUAL Pedo (we will NOT know the last part until the team investigating his personal life and connections reports back)

Say stupid shit, win stupid prizes

Okay so my OP has been merged into this existing thread, I am okay with this, I wasn't aware there already was a thread.

To me the two most IMPORTANT issues that need to be fought tooth AND nail and in the most HARDCORE way possible are securing Western Borders from being violated by Third World Shit Holers AND DESTROYING The LGBTQ Agenda to PROTECT ALL Western children.

Now the situation is we have to make a differentiation between NORMAL Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals and the LGBTQ Crowd, the majority of NORMAL Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals I would think do NOT support the advocation and promotion of Paedophila and filthy, dirty wastes of human skin like this Tim Robey and his ilk are giving THEM a BAD NAME.

The MOST MILITANT of the LGBTQ Crowd have suggested they add a P to it and so LGBTQP for Pederast which is of course a Paedophile or P for Pedosexual meaning they CONSIDER Paedophilia as a Sexual Orientation, the Pro-Child Rapists even now have their own flag, they are using this on Twitter and Facebook, the GOOD thing is that MANY NORMAL Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals are calling them out, see below just two examples of this, the Pedo's DON'T say "This is our Pedo flag" BUT those calling them out ARE saying "That is the Pedo flag" The Paedophiles are also ATTEMPTING to rebrand themselves as Minor Attracted Persons as opposed to CHILD RAPISTS.

View attachment 387705

They are NOT as clever as they THINK they are and they should KNOW they ARE being not only monitored but literally watched.

Even some of the actual Commies on Twitter are CALLING them out:

View attachment 387706

The CHILD RAPISTS are literally using the Homo Pride Rainbow Flag to attempt to rebrand Paedophilia as a HARMLESS Sexual Orientation, here's an article about it:

Well if it were me I'd be careful coming out in favour of the filth or taking action to stifle opposition.

That's just me though and I despise kiddie diddlers, people may assume things
Filthy fag needs investigated

This is the creature:

View attachment 387698

He also is getting DESTROYED on his Twitter feed and being called what he IS: a Groomer and a Pro-Pedo if NOT an ACTUAL Pedo (we will NOT know the last part until the team investigating his personal life and connections reports back)

Say stupid shit, win stupid prizes

ALL Paedophiles should be automatically executed if Western Society did this then we would not have these problems and if any New Paedophiles appeared after the first round had been all shot then the New Paedophiles would all just be executed also.

Zero Tolerance for Child Rapists. Period.
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

The Prog movement in this nation has caused the pushing of the envelope in most things living. Responsible fathers and mothers who try to take care of their daughters and raise them which is hard enough, keeps getting even more difficult with crazy Prog parents letting their kids do things like this with a ready and willing Hollywood company to produce and film it.

You go ahead a repress you're kids.
You don't know what they do when you aren't around, and if you're too hard on the when you are they'll go nuts when you aren't.
Filthy fag needs investigated

This is the creature:

View attachment 387698

He also is getting DESTROYED on his Twitter feed and being called what he IS: a Groomer and a Pro-Pedo if NOT an ACTUAL Pedo (we will NOT know the last part until the team investigating his personal life and connections reports back)

Say stupid shit, win stupid prizes

ALL Paedophiles should be automatically executed if Western Society did this then we would not have these problems and if any New Paedophiles appeared after the first round had been all shot then the New Paedophiles would all just be executed also.

Zero Tolerance for Child Rapists. Period.

Filth gets near ours execution is a distinct possibility.

I simply don't care
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Unbelievable..... It's a sad time in America when the children have been made targets of the sickening trends going on in America. Many are rolling in their graves knowing what America has since fallen too.
But allow
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

I think everybodies gotten beyond this part, so what's your take on the series ??

Don't know, haven't seen it, don't plan on watching it.

That's the best way to handle something you don't want to do/buy/watch; Don't do it.

Pedos with a thing for little girls to watch.

So you endorse this

I bet you were a big "Honey BooBoo" fan like mudwhatever.
Filthy fag needs investigated

This is the creature:

View attachment 387698

He also is getting DESTROYED on his Twitter feed and being called what he IS: a Groomer and a Pro-Pedo if NOT an ACTUAL Pedo (we will NOT know the last part until the team investigating his personal life and connections reports back)

Say stupid shit, win stupid prizes

ALL Paedophiles should be automatically executed if Western Society did this then we would not have these problems and if any New Paedophiles appeared after the first round had been all shot then the New Paedophiles would all just be executed also.

Zero Tolerance for Child Rapists. Period.

Filth gets near ours execution is a distinct possibility.

I simply don't care

Yes the same with Mr. Lucy and me and we don't care either.
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

I think everybodies gotten beyond this part, so what's your take on the series ??

Don't know, haven't seen it, don't plan on watching it.

That's the best way to handle something you don't want to do/buy/watch; Don't do it.

Well good for you.... No curiosity though, otherwise when you hear about it or see it on the news etc eh ?? Let me ask you this then, if you see a crime being committed right before your very eye's as reported on the trustworthy news, do you turn away, turn the channel, forget about it, think to yourself hey not your place to be curious anymore, not your fight, you have no dog in the fight, let someone else handle it or just ignore it ?? Is this why so many things have gotten so out of control these days ??

Should American's work towards getting back to having common sense, and some ethical standards (even though not perfect), but something in order to protect civilized society and those who are vulnerable in society again ??? So many things are out of control it seems, and so many turning a blind eye after seeing it reported by their trustworthy news sources.

This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.
View attachment 387606

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

View attachment 387608

Oh my goD, you're so incredibly stupid and hate-filled that you think President Obama is responsible for Netflix content made in France just because you don't like it? And you aren't even a subscriber? Which means you haven't seen the content that you're spazzing out about anyway?

I bet you were a huge fan of "here comes Honey BooBoo".

The Prog movement in this nation has caused the pushing of the envelope in most things living. Responsible fathers and mothers who try to take care of their daughters and raise them which is hard enough, keeps getting even more difficult with crazy Prog parents letting their kids do things like this with a ready and willing Hollywood company to produce and film it.

You go ahead a repress you're kids.
You don't know what they do when you aren't around, and if you're too hard on the when you are they'll go nuts when you aren't.

You don't know what they do when you're not around ??? What age are you talking about ? Most people know where their children are, and who they are with when they are young. As they get older hopefully the good upbringing will have created a solid person who can handle themselves in all situations. The problem with these day's (the past century) are the fake popular trends that are pumped up in the numbers by hollywood and/or the media, otherwise in order to give the impression that things that are bad are somehow good. No is yes and yes is no, the sky is red outside of a storm instead of blue, and bad is good and good is bad, and the world is now upside down.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
Says alot about the FCC these days right ??

Maybe some of them also have an "unhealthy" interest in young children.
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
You are the only one arguing.
A film that glorifies "coming of age sexually" by a group of grade school girls is bullshit. Anyone who doesn't think so is either warped in the head, or just too scared that might upset the WOKE crowd.
As pointed out, the film shows the grade school girl taking a picture of her undeveloped vagina and sharing it... and alludes to her father objecting to it as prudish and over bearing.
That is fucked up. And again...anyone who is not upset about that is warped in the head
This isn't a crime. It's a TV show. Don't like it? Don't watch it.

It's not that hard, guys.

Brought to you by the "Leave Pedo's Alone club" of America
Ok, I haven't seen it, bit the folks in charge.of the FCC have, and they don't think it's pedophilia. Go argue with them.
You are the only one arguing.
A film that glorifies "coming of age sexually" by a group of grade school girls is bullshit. Anyone who doesn't think so is either warped in the head, or just too scared that might upset the WOKE crowd.
As pointed out, the film shows the grade school girl taking a picture of her undeveloped vagina and sharing it... and alludes to her father objecting to it as prudish and over bearing.
That is fucked up. And again...anyone who is not upset about that is warped in the head

Our daughters wouldn't do it....but if they did and talked to their father that way they'd have a sit down with dad and mom....and to whoever received it.

That's parenting
And another thing... I suppose if you caught your 12 year old girl sharing a pic of her vagina online you would call her a "cutie" and just smile proudly??
Would you?

^^^^ 12 years old is too OLD for the MAJORITY of them, the Pedo in general goes for UNDER 12 years old, to them a 12 year old is Middle Aged already.

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