New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
I remember when James "Q" Comey put up posts pretending to go after the pedo culture in Hollywood and DC
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this film that feels abused. In reality these girls are set for lucrative careers in the entertainment industry dancing on stage with famous people. It's not the life I would choose for my daughter but there's worse things in the world.
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
I'll take click bait for $200 please... LOL.

Don't tell me that hollyweird hasn't perfected their skills in marketing and grooming the public in hopes of.

It's off the chain these days, and seemingly with no end it sight.
The film that has yer panties in a wad is about girls being influenced by adults and sexploitation it is not about , hey, let's drool over scantily clad girls(like gymnast)dancing on stage in public...
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
I'll put you down as illiterate and unable to write a sentence.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this film that feels abused. In reality these girls are set for lucrative careers in the entertainment industry dancing on stage with famous people. It's not the life I would choose for my daughter but there's worse things in the world.
I'll put you down as FULLY SUPPORTING "NETFLIX"
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
No way would I watch this after hearing all that Matt Walsh and Shapiro had to say of it.

Normalizing drugs and child sex. Definitely bound to be a Left paradise.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
So the Obama's support this sort of thing ??
Dude.....Obama supports the rot of America. All communists do.
Of course he's not going to advertise it.
The point is, you can't speculate someone guilty. The left does that shit all the time and justifies it with their rage and hate.

We need to be better than that, not become that.
Agree, there has to be direct evidence, and not speculation or accusation of. Not an Obama fan at all, but I don't want to attach something to him that doesn't fit in direct evidence of. When see it, I think like you where as it's the same thing we've seen the left do for political reason's, and we shouldn't do the same thing's.
And that is my position. I hate Obama and what he has done.


But I won't assign bad actions to him to justify my hate. He's done enough wrong that I know of to warrant my rage. I don't need to speculate.

I hate it done to Trump. I won't do what *i* hate others doing. Just wrong to me and why things are so far off base anymore.
I remember when James "Q" Comey put up posts pretending to go after the pedo culture in Hollywood and DC
Nah he'd rather go after fake Russia bullcrap for his handlers instead of destroying sex trafficking and such. Unbelievable.
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
I'll take click bait for $200 please... LOL.

Don't tell me that hollyweird hasn't perfected their skills in marketing and grooming the public in hopes of.

It's off the chain these days, and seemingly with no end it sight.
The film that has yer panties in a wad is about girls being influenced by adults and sexploitation it is not about , hey, let's drool over scantily clad girls(like gymnast)dancing on stage in public...
You are one messed up individual. I hope you realize that, otherwise from what I've seen you post over the years in an attempt to justify certain things, I doubt you will ever realize it.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this film that feels abused. In reality these girls are set for lucrative careers in the entertainment industry dancing on stage with famous people. It's not the life I would choose for my daughter but there's worse things in the world.
I'll put you down as FULLY SUPPORTING "NETFLIX"
I do not. Most of their content is garbage including this movie. I just do not see what everyone is getting bent out of shape over.
No way would I watch this after hearing all that Matt Walsh and Shapiro had to say of it.

Normalizing drugs and child sex. Definitely bound to be a Left paradise.
The left allowing such things to be attached to them, and using politicians to add such things to the agenda in their name, uhhh will cause them to lose election's after election's now. I'm beginning to think that leftism is definitely a mental disorder. What else can it be ?
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this film that feels abused. In reality these girls are set for lucrative careers in the entertainment industry dancing on stage with famous people. It's not the life I would choose for my daughter but there's worse things in the world.
I'll put you down as FULLY SUPPORTING "NETFLIX"
I do not. Most of their content is garbage including this movie. I just do not see what everyone is getting bent out of shape over.
If you can't see what people are getting bent out of shape over, then get help Now.
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
According to some on the right, capitalism should reward or not, the product. Moralists should simply not pay for it to not support it under Capitalism.
This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children. It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Well after all, MW, we DID say a few years ago that after the "normalization" and protections first for homosexuality and transgenderism as merely a "choice," that eventually they would be trying the same thing with pedophilia, just another "choice" to make. :smoke:
My if cuties is sexualizing children then so is gymnastics and beauty pagents...
READ: Once again I feel like trolling a thread, so I am going to say some shit and see what I stir up.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
The absurd and sick pageants, particularly in the 90s got downright disgusting. That has nothing to do with what this movie is, indeed it shows all those on the left that spoke against the southern pageants... are hypocrites.
Gymnastics??... yeah... no.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this film that feels abused. In reality these girls are set for lucrative careers in the entertainment industry dancing on stage with famous people. It's not the life I would choose for my daughter but there's worse things in the world.
I'll put you down as FULLY SUPPORTING "NETFLIX"
I do not. Most of their content is garbage including this movie. I just do not see what everyone is getting bent out of shape over.
If you can't see what people are getting bent out of shape over, then get help Now.
There are millions of little girls in dance classes all over the world and have been forever. No one cares to watch them except their families. Point a camera at it and it's pornography? Not to me and certainly not to any reasonable person. It's a meaningless controversy for the Jesus fan club to get all worked up over.

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