New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.
That's rich....considering the fact that you leftists invent reasons to impeach Trump every single day.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.

The timing of all of this shit, is suggestive. Correlation might not be causation, but you just airily dismissing it, is not valid.

Netflix has been producing some serious shit and some seriously disturbing shit, in the last few years.
Don't watch it then. It is a subscription service after all. I hear Disney has a subscription service now. Not going to find any disturbingly attractive jail bait there, oh wait, that seems to be half of their original content.

I was addressing your point, that Obama has no control. you ignored your former point, and my response to it, to move on to another point

I will name yyou wally.

Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
You hardazz republicans and your fake outrage is laughable. You talk about killing protestors while gasping at girls in skimpy clothing
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.

The timing of all of this shit, is suggestive. Correlation might not be causation, but you just airily dismissing it, is not valid.

Netflix has been producing some serious shit and some seriously disturbing shit, in the last few years.
Don't watch it then. It is a subscription service after all. I hear Disney has a subscription service now. Not going to find any disturbingly attractive jail bait there, oh wait, that seems to be half of their original content.

I was addressing your point, that Obama has no control. you ignored your former point, and my response to it, to move on to another point

I will name yyou wally.

View attachment 387632
Go ahead and keep believing that......but your sceptcism rings hollow considering what Obama did to GMC and Chrysler.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
That Obama signed a contract to do a series with himself and Michele which in no way implements ownership of a corporation not run by the Obama's..
Sorry, Obama never does business with anyone unless he can call the shots.
Then show us the contract moron or stop making shit up to fit your hate narrative, because they have been exploiting little girls long before Oblama ever wet his diaper...
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
That Obama signed a contract to do a series with himself and Michele which in no way implements ownership of a corporation not run by the Obama's..
Sorry, Obama never does business with anyone unless he can call the shots.
Then show us the contract moron or stop making shit up to fit your hate narrative, because they have been exploiting little girls long before Oblama ever wet his diaper...
Show us the proof of Russian Collusion first.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.

The timing of all of this shit, is suggestive. Correlation might not be causation, but you just airily dismissing it, is not valid.

Netflix has been producing some serious shit and some seriously disturbing shit, in the last few years.
Don't watch it then. It is a subscription service after all. I hear Disney has a subscription service now. Not going to find any disturbingly attractive jail bait there, oh wait, that seems to be half of their original content.

I was addressing your point, that Obama has no control. you ignored your former point, and my response to it, to move on to another point

I will name yyou wally.

View attachment 387632
I'm just having a hard time understanding the controversy when no one is making you watch this movie. I'm probably not going to watch it unless my wife decides she wants to watch what is essentially a boring chick flick for tweens. Nothing there for me to identify with.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.
They have this thing called a "mute button" on your remote. Look for it. It makes the sound turn off when something comes on you don't want to hear.
Yet the left won't do that, will they.

But good to see you suggest people simply look away and ignore child abuse. Speaks to who you are far more than anything I could say.
Child exploitation has gone way to far in this country (should have never existed), and it needs to be dealt with by the proper authorities who should be investigating the financiers and dealers of this sick bullcrap big time.

If someone threatens a public official on the internet, especially someone high up, their door would be knocked down or knocked on within the hour (by the proper authorities), yet somehow this country can't stop sex trafficking, child exploitation, and such things ???? The question is WHY are things allowed to go on ????

Illegal "Prostitution" is right out in the streets, and it is highly dangerous for those who do such things as a job, and it's dangerous for the public at large... It creates super corrupted people who lurk in the shadows as pimps and other such villain's that are involved.

Ok, so the thing that is targeted in a prostitution sting or set up are mainly the customer's right, so what this says to me, is that a certain amount of the illegal activity is being tolerated in order to nab the tempted customer whom might have (let's say a wife) that has cancer God forbid, and can't have sex anymore, so she doesn't have a problem with her husband finding sex outside the home, but just doesn't want him to bring it home or fall in love etc. Then the husband goes out and gets caught up in a sting where his face is plastered all over the news, his career is ruined, family is embarassed even though him and his wife were ok with the private arrangement they had together, so how bad is that bullcrap ??

Yet the police who are allowing illegal Prostitution to exist are the good guy's ????????? Kidding me right ???

Hypocrisy is off the chain in this country.

Prostitution in all states should be regulated, and made legal in order to control the bullcrap by making it safer for all involved (otherwise if are going to be involved), and it would hopefully stop any illegal activities that are involved in it.

The law ignoring it, and tolerating illegal Prostitution for the purpose of ensnaring those who might be seeking outside sex for what some (who seek it), might figure are legitimate various reasons when searching for it, is just as sick as the illegal prostitution is itself, and the law are hypocrites for tolerating the illegal activity by not shutting it completely down.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
So the Obama's support this sort of thing ??
Dude.....Obama supports the rot of America. All communists do.
Of course he's not going to advertise it.
The point is, you can't speculate someone guilty. The left does that shit all the time and justifies it with their rage and hate.

We need to be better than that, not become that.
The exploitation of girls for adult entertainment as been going on for decades to some extent, but only more recently has it been more mainstream.
I'm sure it's went on since before Jon Benet Ramsey's death, but that incident sure put a spotlight on it....and she was only 6.

Cheerleaders & pagents, don't usually include twerking, humping the floor, finger in the mouth while looking suggestively or rubbing butts together. Atleast one mom in the video tried to cover the little girls eyes.

Perversions know no bounds and the more wide spread they are, the more it becomes 'acceptable' behaviors.....or atleast the push for it
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
I'll take click bait for $200 please... LOL. Otherwise meaning what is click bait then ? I remember my grands being on the internet watching videos of children's programs, and when they clicked on a video, something adult popped up instead. I thought you are kidding me right ? So no more allowance of them to click on anything without us checking it out first.

Don't tell me that hollyweird hasn't perfected their skills in marketing and grooming the public in hopes of.

It's off the chain these days, and seemingly with no end it sight.
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Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
So the Obama's support this sort of thing ??
Dude.....Obama supports the rot of America. All communists do.
Of course he's not going to advertise it.
The point is, you can't speculate someone guilty. The left does that shit all the time and justifies it with their rage and hate.

We need to be better than that, not become that.
Agree, there has to be direct evidence, and not speculation or accusation of. Not an Obama fan at all, but I don't want to attach something to him that doesn't fit in direct evidence of. When see it, I think like you where as it's the same thing we've seen the left do for political reason's, and we shouldn't do the same thing's.

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