New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl
What is her perspective?

that she wants to have sex with older men and its her constitutional right to have sex with anyone at any age?

that is the message liberals are working yourselves up to
That they’re constantly exposed to displays of adult sexuality which can be empowering but they don’t understand what it means or how it should relate to their individuality.

It has nothing to do with what you say.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
sure I do,,,youre defending child porn becoming mainstream acceptable,,,
Trust me on this, YOU WILL feel differently if and when you should ever choose to be a parent.

The "only a parent knows morality when it concerns children" big lie is generally used as an attempt to bully and censor, which is how you're using it.

Debate the issue. Don't run from the issue and then claim that being a parent makes you an absolute authority.

Parents are indeed absolute authority when it comes to their children

You see, dumbass, you nor anyone else is the authority. Not you, not pedos nor government.

Want proof? Come sniffing around ours. It'll end badly for you
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
sure I do,,,youre defending child porn becoming mainstream acceptable,,,
Trump did that way back in the 90s with his child porn pageants that you love so much.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
sure I do,,,youre defending child porn becoming mainstream acceptable,,,
Trump did that way back in the 90s with his child porn pageants that you love so much.
youre deflecting to something that never happened in an attempt to cover for your promotion of child porn,,

sorry harvey its not going to work,,,
Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
I dont follow Miss Teen USA but I imagine the most naked moment would be the swimsuit portion if they have one

but 15 year old girls are allowed to go swimming

again, its borderline

but you know trump used to be a lib’s lib on the subject of sex before he reformed

even so no one has placed him on jeffry epstein‘s jet along with bill clinton, so trump has his limits
Of course Impeached Trump flew on Epstein's plane...

The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
yes you are harvey,,,the movie IS child porn,,,
So we can expect the Department of Justice to press charges then, right?
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
sure I do,,,youre defending child porn becoming mainstream acceptable,,,
Trump did that way back in the 90s with his child porn pageants that you love so much.
youre deflecting to something that never happened in an attempt to cover for your promotion of child porn,,

sorry harvey its not going to work,,,
Wow, now you’re denying that Trump paraded around half naked, I mean, scantily clad underage girls for any pervert to see in his pageant. You have a problem.
Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
I dont follow Miss Teen USA but I imagine the most naked moment would be the swimsuit portion if they have one

but 15 year old girls are allowed to go swimming

again, its borderline

but you know trump used to be a lib’s lib on the subject of sex before he reformed

even so no one has placed him on jeffry epstein‘s jet along with bill clinton, so trump has his limits
Of course Impeached Trump flew on Epstein's plane...

are you trying to tell us child porn is OK???

otr that your TDS is acting up again???
Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
I dont follow Miss Teen USA but I imagine the most naked moment would be the swimsuit portion if they have one

but 15 year old girls are allowed to go swimming

again, its borderline

but you know trump used to be a lib’s lib on the subject of sex before he reformed

even so no one has placed him on jeffry epstein‘s jet along with bill clinton, so trump has his limits
Of course Impeached Trump flew on Epstein's plane...

are you trying to tell us child porn is OK???
Of course not. I corrected some idiot who denied Impeached Trump ever flew on Epstein's jet. What does your question have to do with that.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
sure I do,,,youre defending child porn becoming mainstream acceptable,,,
Trump did that way back in the 90s with his child porn pageants that you love so much.
youre deflecting to something that never happened in an attempt to cover for your promotion of child porn,,

sorry harvey its not going to work,,,
Wow, now you’re denying that Trump paraded around half naked, I mean, scantily clad underage girls for any pervert to see in his pageant. You have a problem.
dont know cause I wasnt there and its not the topic at hand,,,

why are you defending it on one hand and condemning it on the other???
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
Fuck you.

It is apparent you don't have any kids of your own.

You are in luck because my reply was deleted by a mod. It was detailed story...
However, I just wanted to say that I don´t play the upholder of moral standards when there is consensual "misconduct" of any kind as this would make me a bad hypocrite.
Minors do not have the ability to make informed "consensual" decisions. This is why we have rules regarding how old you have to be to purchase tobacco, alcohol, firearms, etc.

Parents understand this, folks that aren't parents, fail to grasp this.
That´s a too easy argument. As if adults don´t do anything wrong. Including parents, they are alcoholics, criminal rapists, junkies, idiots, ect. And they are the failed role models for the kids.

When a girl discovers her sexuality, there is nothing wrong with it. Some have less of it, some have more, there is nothing more to it. That is not to be confused with support for adults getting their hands on children.
I for example am an adult. However, I don´t look like that and the small girls often look at me like they want to pick me up. You can´t judge them or me for that.
Society gives a rats ass for me and my wellbeing, and I give a rats ass for their false morals in return. All that abusers, cheaters and beaters are not telling me what is wrong and any girl I would take away from them and their "morals" would be in good hands.

It is clear, you are not a parent. This is why your thinking is so clouded and corrupt. You should stop making justifications for your immorality.

You have this false notion that minors have a thought processes just like yourself, based on your beliefs about what they may be thinking based on how they look or act. . .

You are a sick and twisted individual that needs to seek help IMO.

I also might add, you are danger to yourself and others. . .

It is also quite possible that you, yourself are not entirely mature.

The prefrontal cortex does not fully mature until after age twenty-five, this is why a lot of young adults have twisted notions of reality.

Your post shows the logic and reasoning of a child itself.

Should we be considered adults even if our prefrontal cortex is not fully developed?

Trust me on this, YOU WILL feel differently if and when you should ever choose to be a parent.

You have apparently forgotten your own childhood or you are just a late bloomer. In earlier ages, people of 25 were the old ones and died with 30.
Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
I dont follow Miss Teen USA but I imagine the most naked moment would be the swimsuit portion if they have one

but 15 year old girls are allowed to go swimming

again, its borderline

but you know trump used to be a lib’s lib on the subject of sex before he reformed

even so no one has placed him on jeffry epstein‘s jet along with bill clinton, so trump has his limits
Of course Impeached Trump flew on Epstein's plane...

are you trying to tell us child porn is OK???
Of course not. I corrected some idiot who denied Impeached Trump ever flew on Epstein's jet. What does your question have to do with that.
wasnt that before he kicked him out for being a pedo???

now clinton on the otherhand flew with him dozens of times and continued the relationship up to the time he was arrested,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
They dont look underage to me

View attachment 388523
That’s a picture of Miss Universe, not Miss Teen USA which has “competitors” as young as 14 or 15.
are they half naked and playing with themselves and dancing like strippers at 11 yrs old???

the answer is NO they arent,,,

Yes, they are indeed half naked in that pageant. On stage. Showing their bodies for the viewing pleasure of the audience.
they are scantily dressed not half naked,,,and they dont simulate sex acts for your viewing pleasure,,,

what else you got harvey???
Wow, scantily dressed and half naked is really splitting hairs. You’re defending this now?
not really,,,
Having underage girls parading around half naked is a pedophile dream (by your logic). You attack it when you feel like you can blame Obama (falsely) but refuse to condemn it when it’s Trump.

You’re one twisted screwball.
thats borderline but they were not adolescents like the girls in Cuties
No, it’s not borderline. It’s definitely several years below the line.
spoken like a true,,,
Nope. It’s perfectly accurate. Not okay to sexualize 11 year olds. Not okay to sexualize 14 year olds.
and yet here you are defending just that,,,
I’m not defending it and neither is the movie in question.
I can’t believe how much time you’re taking to defend child porn.
Why do you care so much about this movie to defend it?
I’m defending the purpose of the movie which is opposite what you claim.

Why do you defend Trump parading around underage girls that are half naked for the viewing pleasure of adults?
youre defending something you haven’t seen. Your words mean nothing.
Trump has nothing to do with this, neither does Obama
I know the filmmaker was trying to make a point that I think is important but none of you can see that.
we dont need a child porn movie to understand the problem,,,
But you clearly don’t understand the problem, especially since you’re okay with Trump’s child porn pageants.
what ever you say harvey,,,NOT!!!
You have a hard time seeing the world from the perspective of a young girl, you’re too obsessed the the perspective of a pervert.
I dont need to see naked little girls to know their problems,,,thats a joe biden thing,,,
You have demonstrated no interest in their perspective.

And it’s actually a Trump thing:
what I dont need is to see half naked little girls doing sex acts,,,thats your thing not mine,,,
dancing is not a sex act, weirdo.
save it harvey,,,we know what you are,,,
You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
sure I do,,,youre defending child porn becoming mainstream acceptable,,,
Trump did that way back in the 90s with his child porn pageants that you love so much.
youre deflecting to something that never happened in an attempt to cover for your promotion of child porn,,

sorry harvey its not going to work,,,
Wow, now you’re denying that Trump paraded around half naked, I mean, scantily clad underage girls for any pervert to see in his pageant. You have a problem.
dont know cause I wasnt there and its not the topic at hand,,,

why are you defending it on one hand and condemning it on the other???
The topic at hand is normalization of child sexualization. I’ll defend the intent of a movie that attacks the issue. You defend Trump’s child porn pageants by claiming ignorance, even though the intent of his pageants was to glorify and entice it.

You don’t want to talk about it because it reveals how hollow your complaint is.

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