New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

The head shot came from the storm sewer.
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BS - Physical evidence proves the head shot came from behind. Mrs. John Connally also stated so.

It's awful how Bush allowed CIA asset Bin Laden's followers to attack & murder US so he could attack the Middle-East, blowing $trillions, oppress us with draconian tracking photo ID's & strip our civil rights.
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It's awful how Bush allowed CIA asset Bin Laden's followers to attack & murder US so he could attack the Middle-East, blowing $trillions, oppress us with draconian tracking photo ID's & strip our civil rights.
George W Bush couldn't tie his own shoes without permission from Dick Cheney ,Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz , J Paul Bremer and that whole gang.

Know wuddamean Vern ?
Was there generator fuel also in WTC1 & 2 and if so where was it stored? Also for WTC7 as well, where exactly was the fuel stored?

Nonetheless my comparison was not about fuel sources per se, it was the explanation that the jet's fuel supplies rained down into the towers, catching fire and thus weakening it's steel structure which ultimately collapsed. That didn't happen to WTC7 but honestly to my unschooled mind, it would make "more" sense if the damage to the buildings occurred at the bottom instead of them being hit at the top. That is easier for me to imagine causing the whole structure to give way but that's not what happened.

Back in 1988 the First Interstate Bank building in Los Angeles caught fire. It is a 62 floor skyscraper and was the tallest in Los Angeles at the time. A fire began on the 12th floor which ultimately encompassed 5 floors total. It burned for a little more than 3 1/2 hours before they got it extinguished or under control. At the time the fire broke out, the building was having a fire sprinkler/suppression system installed which was approximately 90% completed.

A fire that raged for more than 3 1/2 hours on the lower 15% of the building did not weaken the structure of the building enough to cause a collapse even though that was a concern for the firefighters. The building is still standing today:
Fire-damaged Interstate tower reopens

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with anyone who states definitively that the reason that the towers fell is because they each got hit by a fully fueled passenger jet and that the fuel then spilled down into the building allowing the floors below to catch fire and weaken the underlying structure causing the entire building to collapse in it's own footprint a few hours after being hit?

That explanation actually sound like it makes plenty of sense and is easy to visualize especially if you don't know anything about construction and steel temperatures, and the laws physics, etc.

But the first time I ever heard of WTC7 I had this horrifying feeling of panic, which I now understand was cognitive dissonance. I kept insisting that there were only two towers that collapsed on 9/11 BECAUSE we all saw it on TV and I couldn't understand how there could have possibly been a third building collapse without me having known about it or having seen the footage of it since everyone was glued to their T.V.s that day, leaving me to conclude that I had either forgotten something very monumental (how was that even possible) or I never knew about it to begin with which also frightened me that something so significant had somehow escaped my attention. I felt completely discombobulated and had to research WTC7 myself. What I discovered was very disconcerting.

It is not our fault that our generation and those following us grew up watching T.V. and have witnessed what a controlled demolition looks like. Even the first news commentators mentioned that the collapse of the buildings looked just like a controlled demolition but then that got shut down in fairly short order.

So the question remains, at least for me, is that if the towers collapsed due to being hit by the planes, the fuel running down to the lower floors, those lower floors catching on fire, the steel softening and then the whole thing collapsing, then why did WTC7 collapse in what appears to the naked eye, in exactly the same manner, in what looked like a control demolition in spite of not being hit by an airplane, no jet fuel running down the building, softening the steel structure which subsequently caused the building to collapse into it's own footprint just like the other two buildings?

So WTC1 & 2 fell because they got hit by a passenger jet, while WTC7 fell in exactly the same manner because it didn't?!?

Asking questions doesn't constitute believing in a conspiracy theory.

Oh and by the way, insurance companies are notorious for weaseling out of having to pay out to policy holders on their often valid claims yet the person who held the lease on the towers Larry Silverstein, who obtained the 99 year lease just six weeks before the events, got them to pay out double on the claim by alleging that the two separate hits were two separate claims, not just a single "terrorist" attack. He then tried to sue the airlines alleging having lax security that allowed the events to occur.
Silverstein Loses Battle Over 9/11 Payouts

Dick Cheney knew what was going to happen.
Construction companies made a fortune.

This is an interesting documentary if you folks like the financial aspects of this day. One should wonder, why did the SEC, after investigating the origins of the supposed, "foreknowledge," of 911, then proceed to destroy all records of supposed foreknowledge?



Hmmmmm. . . part of routine government record keeping? Most folks would suppose not. Think if Trump destroyed the records that he took. It seems to me, I remember HRC doing the same.

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money​

Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: Follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail.

This is an interesting documentary if you folks like the financial aspects of this day. One should wonder, why did the SEC, after investigating the origins of the supposed, "foreknowledge," of 911, then proceed to destroy all records of supposed foreknowledge?



Hmmmmm. . . part of routine government record keeping? Most folks would suppose not. Think if Trump destroyed the records that he took. It seems to me, I remember HRC doing the same.

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money​

Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: Follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail.

One of the guys interviewed in the op video..... his mom died at Marsh and McLennan along with 295 others except for Paul Bremer .... wasn't at work that day and coincidentally happened to be on MSNBC telling us who did it.
Why was Paul Bremer silent on 9/11 about the fact that the first airplane went right into his company's office in the North Tower?

"The nose of the first plane went into our offices. For us the World Trade Center and 9/11 was about as bad as it could get."
- Robert Wilkerson, senior vice president of Marsh Crisis Consulting, "9/11 shows need for crisis planning," Deseret News, March 15, 2002

Lewis Paul Bremer was chairman and CEO of Marsh Crisis Consulting, a risk and insurance services firm which is a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC). Bremer and 1,700 of the employees of Marsh & McLennan had offices in the World Trade Center. Bremer's office was in the North Tower.

The plane that hit the North Tower went right into the computer center and offices of Bremer's company. As Robert Wilkerson, senior vice president of Marsh Crisis Consulting, told the press: "The nose of the first plane went into our offices. For us the World Trade Center and 9/11 was about as bad as it could get."

When the first plane hit the North Tower, 294 employees of Marsh & McLennan were working in offices on the upper floors. Not one of them survived.

So, doesn't it seem odd that on September 11, when Bremer was interviewed in Washington on WRC-TV (NBC) at 12:30 pm in the studio that he did not even mention the fact that the first plane had gone into his company's offices and killed hundreds of his employees?

Bremer is quite cool, maybe too cool, in the interview and shows no sign of emotion, which seems very odd for a person whose office was just hit by a plane. Why was he silent about this important fact? Bremer, who was the chairman of the National Committee on Terrorism, was instead rather keen on blaming Osama bin Laden, and perhaps Iran and Iraq for the terror attacks that had just wiped out his company's offices.

Three days later, in an interview on CNN, Bremer stated that their office was located "above where the second aircraft hit." This statement, however, is contradicted by Wikipedia (See: Paul Bremer) and the statement by the company's VP Wilkerson, although MMC reportedly did have offices in both towers.

Then, at 4 minutes and 45 seconds of the interview video, Bremer is answering a question about how the terror attacks will change our lives. Bremer says, "It is a day that will change our lives. It's a day when the war... (pause) ...the terrorists declared on the United States..."

What was Bremer going to say when he stopped himself? Was he going to say, "It's a day when the war on terrorism began? It seems like that was what he was going to say when he checked himself. He clearly had to re-think what he was planning to say.

Gianni Russo banged Marilyn Monroe and was in the Godfather..... before laundering money for the NY mob from Vegas to the Vatican.
I would say just about everything he says is absolutely true starting with killing a pedophile when he was 11 at Bellevue

I think there is a certain amount of purposeful misinformation. I don't think our investigative agencies are that clean, nor our government, are that clean of corruption. They weren't in the past, why should they be now? This guy is simply being a tool, for those who want to believe in American truth and justice.



Trump once bragged about predicting 9/11 years ahead. He definitely knows more than he tells​


Trump once bragged about predicting 9/11 years ahead. He definitely knows more than he tells​

Most of the officials in DC & NYC knew attacks were coming. But Bush was "tired of swatting flies", so he just let it happen. Because terror is a great motivator to get US sheep to allow them to spend our money, take our freedoms & attack wherever they want.
I'm not saying a FMJ can't be deformed if it strikes the bone with sufficient velocity.

I want to see proof that bullet would always be deformed after it traveled long distance, went through soft tissue of 2 body torsos before striking bone. Likely there was not much velocity left to deform it.
It also hit a rib. And it had enough velocity to fracture the wrist bones exit the wrist and penetrate into the thigh. And my point is that any bullet (even jacketed) that strikes none with sufficient power and velocity to break bones will be deformed.
Then why are you afraid of the truth and trolling here with the fake news crowd ?

I became a Trump supporter in 2017 when I saw how corrupted the FBI and the Democrats are.

But again, this has nothing to do with 9/11 chump.
I am not afraid of the truth. I’m not even afraid of your paranoid delusions. I speak for the truth. You don’t.

You brought up Trump, you dipshit. I merely responded to your absolutely senseless claim about my views on Trump. You are often in need of being corrected, you overblown fart.
it did damage in the back end due to the tumbling affect
I don’t doubt it tumbled. Forensic evidence and the wounds in particular confirm that.

The minimal deformity to the base of the round isn’t what we would expect from any bullet striking home with sufficient speed and force to have shattered bones.
I had already posted and cited the University of Alaska study, you choose to ignore it, that, if anyone had wanted to look at the scholarly work that made the work of NIST irrelevant, they could have read it, it is open to be peer-reviewed, and looked at by the public;

Post #18. It is why I did not respond to your post on WTC 7, because it is clear, you do not want an honest conversation, you have your beliefs, I have mine. Mine are based on facts, science and engineering, yours are based on classified data, classified modeling, and government propaganda. Thus, we can't have an honest conversation. No point in even trying.




Here is what you base your entire world view, and premise of the collapse of WTC7 on;

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And. . .

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If the Roman Patriot Cato Were Living Today, He Would Say ISLAM MUST BE DESTROYED (Delenda Est Cartago)

First, the Twin Towers had an unstable structure to begin with, so Bldg. 7 probably was poorly built, too. (One of the visaed hijackers was an architect; that's why he urged bin Laden to pick that target.)

Second, the collapse of the other two buildings caused a concussion similar to an earthquake, which would crack 7's structure.

Third, even if there were demolitions set up inside all three buildings, they could have been planted by other Al Qaida operatives, so that doesn't get Islam off the hook.
More than likely, the same folks. . . generationally, the same cabal, is involved in it all.

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(We could throw the COVID scam and election rigging in there too if you like? :71: )

Under American Exceptionalism, No One Would Have a Right to His Daddy's Wealth

JFK was part of that Globalist attempt to re-establish world rule by Birth-Class Supremacy. However, he was incompetent and also wanted to hog all the medieval aristocratic glory to himself, so his own clique got rid of him.

The 9/11 Muzzie-loving truthy-tellers are financed by the Globalists, because Islam is the perfect religion to fit their goal of turning the best people in the world into submissive kneelers.

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