New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

☆Ad hominem attacks against strangers.....
The first sign of a disinformation troll.☆
Paid shill perhaps ?
Not necessarily. It is also a sign if cognitive discomfort. A lot of times, lashing out, is a defense mechanism.

It's a "reduction strategy." By demeaning who you are, your position in society, how you think, etc., and turning you into a person of low character, or into some sort of "enemy," or "other," a person can then dismiss anything you say out of hand, without actually giving any serious consideration to the evidence or arguments you present. Folks do this to avoid considering any epistologies what would threaten their ego or cherished world views. But you are right, at this point, on this topic? It amounts to the same, discussion at this is stupid and futile.

Don't sink to doing the same by demonizing him with ad hom., just because he won't consider YOUR arguments, or you are doing the same thing in returen. This will only lead to you not being able to agree and have constructive areas of discussion in other areas.

The mass media gets folks to do this on a whole host of issues. It is why there is so little real discussion on anything anymore.


I mean, look at this thread.

BackAgain will argue for pages and pages that it is possible that a well organized cabal could corrupt an election, but find it impossible to believe that they would conspire and collude to do 911?


No, I seriously doubt a paid shill or a disinformation troll.

It would be far easier to pull off the 911 operation than the election rigging. BY FAR. If a person can credibly accept the election rigging, it shouldn't be a stretch to understand the 911 operation, if they go into it with an open mind, and understand the motives, and the fact, that the same folks are behind both, for the same reasons.
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Not necessarily. It is also a sign if cognitive discomfort. A lot of times, lashing out, is a defense mechanism.

It's a "reduction strategy." By demeaning who you are, your position in society, how you think, etc., and turning you into a person of low character, or into some sort of "enemy," or "other," a person can then dismiss anything you say out of hand, without actually giving any serious consideration to the evidence or arguments you present. Folks do this to avoid considering any epistologies what would threaten their ego or cherished world views. But you are right, at this point, on this topic? It amounts to the same, discussion at this is stupid and futile.

Don't sink to doing the same by demonizing him with ad hom., just because he won't consider YOUR arguments, or you are doing the same thing in returen. This will only lead to you not being able to agree and have constructive areas of discussion in other areas.

The mass media gets folks to do this on a whole host of issues. It is why there is so little real discussion on anything anymore.

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I mean, look at this thread.

BackAgain will argue for pages and pages that it is possible that a well organized cabal could corrupt an election, but find it impossible to believe that they would conspire and collude to do 911?


No, I seriously doubt a paid shill or a disinformation troll.

It would be far easier to pull off the 911 operation than the election rigging. BY FAR. If a person can credibly accept the election rigging, it shouldn't be a stretch to understand the 911 operation, if they go into it with an open mind, and understand the motives, and the fact, that the same folks are behind both, for the same reasons.
The disinformation agents have passed out a LOT of secrecy agreements to be signed. They probably had to bribe a lot of first responders, witnesses and media figures.....doctors.....

How many people have died from the dust ?
And how many of them have had thermite nanoparticles found in their lungs and blood.?
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The disinformation agents have passed out a LOT of secrecy agreements to be signed. They probably had to bribe a lot of first responders, witnesses and media figures.....doctors.....

How many people have died from the dust ?
And how many of them have had thermite nanoparticles found in their lungs and blood.?
Perhaps some, others knew what the official narrative is, and what it would mean for their career if they did not comply.

I personally have a friend that got his degree in broadcasting who quit a promising career in a big market at one the big three networks. I knew his position on this issue. I don't think NDA's are required. You either promote and fall in line with the establishment position, or you go no where in government and certain other careers.

This is a quote from Karl Rove, and his comment about those who question the motivations or pronouncements of the US administrations, the ruling elites & the establishment. IT remains as true today about COVID, the election, or any other official establishment narratives, as it did about 911. . . .



9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?​

Episode 408 - 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?

Corbett • 09/18/2021
Today, there's an entire generation who have grown up in the shadow of the towers. Who have never known a world that was not haunted by the hobgoblin of terrorism. Who have never thought twice about giving up the freedoms they barely knew they had in the name of fighting the "invisible enemy." How can we blame them for not understanding the gravity of this moment, today, giving up those few freedoms that remain in the name of fighting the new phantom menace?


(continues. . . )

". . . And here it is, right on schedule! A new terror has been unleashed upon the world to traumatize the public once again. But this time the phantom menace is not a bearded Muslim boogeyman. No. It's a virus.

At least in the good ol' Homeland Security state erected to "keep us safe from the terrorists" you could protest, "But I'm not a terrorist." It might not have saved you, but at least you could raise the point.

But in the new biosecurity state, your cries of innocence will not be permitted.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but the test says you're an asymptomatic spreader. We're going to have to quarantine you. It's for your own good."

There is resistance, of course, just as there was resistance to the 9/11 lies. But is it a movement? Already it's devolving into egos and dogma and bickering.

"Ivermectin is our only hope."

"What are you talking about? The vaccine is the bioweapon."

"What? You believe viruses exist?"

. . . Wait. What's that? I swear I can hear Cass Sunstein laughing in the background.

Of course the terrorists are laughing. Why wouldn't they be? They've got us scrutinizing the trees again while they're busy encircling the forest.

This isn't about COVID-19. This has nothing to do with a virus. This is about finishing the job that the terrorists started on 9/11—the job of locking down the planet.

Oh, sure. Examine the details. Put the pieces together on the health passports and the digital ID. The mandatory injections and government permission to leave your home. The central bank digital currencies and the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We do need to know these things.

But don't get stuck marveling at the pyrotechnics. Don't get stuck fighting your allies because they won't subscribe to your dogma. Don't get stuck focusing on what happened in 2019 so hard that you miss what's happening in 2021. Or, some 20-year-old who's just joining the party today will blink and he'll find himself in 2039 wondering how he spent half his life in the shadow of a scamdemic.

The terrorists know all of this, of course. It's how they stay in power. We don't have to speculate about this, we just have to take them at face value when they tell it to us.

Like when Karl Rove admonished Ron Suskind for being part of the "reality-based community" who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. But," he insisted, "that's not the way the world really works anymore."

We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

And here we are. "History's actors" have created "other new realities," and the same 9/11 Truth movement that spent the last 20 years judiciously studying the last set of lies will spend the next 20 years judiciously studying these ones . . . assuming we have 20 years left to spend in idle study, that is.

Or we could become history's actors. Stop waiting for events to happen so we can judiciously study them and start creating events, structures, institutions of our own.

Can you imagine if the 9/11 Truth movement had devoted 1/10th of the time and energy and resources that it spent arguing over pyroclastic dust clouds and measuring entry and exit holes to something actually productive?

Creating self-sustaining, intentional communities.

Growing the free market and expanding the use of alternative currencies.

Creating our own businesses and institutions and building out alternative communication infrastructure and building up our own media.

I don't have "the" answer. No one person does. But I can tell you this: We cannot afford to spend the next two decades judiciously studying the way our most basic rights—the right to refuse medical experimentation, the right to interact and transact with our friends and neighbours as we see fit, the right to leave our own home—are being stripped from us, one by one.

If we don't resist the biosecurity state with all our might—refuse to comply with its dictates, refuse to shut ourselves in and lay down when the government tells us to—then we are the terrorists, terrorizing our own children and grandchildren and consigning those generations yet unborn to the maws of a technocratic tyranny beyond any sci-fi dystopia.

In the meantime, we look back yet again at that September day 20 years ago, not as a single day when "the world changed forever," but as a signpost along the path. Yet another in a chain of events and decisions and choices made by history's actors: us.

I may never quite escape the shadow of those towers. But in that shadow, we can build towers of our own.

The choice is ours . . . for now."
I am correct.

It was damged in a fashion consistent with what it struck
You are still wrong. It was relatively undamaged. Almost pristine, in fact. And this is entirely inconsistent with striking bone with sufficient velocity to break bone and go further.
You are still wrong. It was relatively undamaged. Almost pristine, in fact. And this is entirely inconsistent with striking bone with sufficient velocity to break bone and go further.
No where near pristine.

it was damaged in a way consistent with what it hit. It is in fact consistent with such a bullet after it is robbed of most of it's velocity by passing through two bodies.

That fact changes the entire outcome which is why you are wrong
No where near pristine.
Wrong. All but pristine.
it was damaged in a way consistent with what it hit.
No. It wasn’t
It is in fact consistent with such a bullet after it is robbed of most of it's velocity by passing through two bodies.
No. It is not. And before breaking the wrist it also struck rib. The damage should have been much more pronounced. But it was instead almost completely undamaged. You know why? Because it wasn’t the bullet that did all that damage. Ergo, there was at least one other shooter.
That fact changes the entire outcome which is why you are wrong
Wrong. You ignore all the evidence which is why you are wrong.
I don’t doubt it tumbled. Forensic evidence and the wounds in particular confirm that.

The minimal deformity to the base of the round isn’t what we would expect from any bullet striking home with sufficient speed and force to have shattered bones.
The bullet is flattened along one side
JFK bullet.png


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Wrong. All but pristine.

No. It wasn’t

No. It is not. And before breaking the wrist it also struck rib. The damage should have been much more pronounced. But it was instead almost completely undamaged. You know why? Because it wasn’t the bullet that did all that damage. Ergo, there was at least one other shooter.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence which is why you are wrong.

No where near pristine

Yes it was.

yes and after tumbling the damage at the back was exactly what one would expect.

You are wrong and making up false evidence.

there was one shooter and one shooter only

No where near pristine

Yes it was.

yes and after tumbling the damage at the back was exactly what one would expect.

You are wrong and making up false evidence.

there was one shooter and one shooter only
The evidence is crystal clear. The magic bullet theory is nonsensical. There was more than one shooter.

I’ve made up no evidence whatsoever, you chump. There had to have been at least two shooters; facts don’t lie. You may, but facts remain facts just the same.
As I said, almost pristine.
Okay, I watched videos of the shooting & interview with John Connally & don't believe that bullet went through Kennedy's neck & Connally's torso. Video shows Connally being hit at same time Kennedy's head exploded, not when neck was shot.

John Connally said Kennedy was hit in the neck, then Connally turned around & got shot, then he saw Kennedy's head explode. Connally said 3 bullets hit them inside the car.

Since Oswald was killed, there was no trial for defense to prove the Warren commission was bunk.

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Looks like all 3 shots hit people inside the limo.

Maybe. The civilian outside the vehicle was struck, too.
No magic bullet.
The one we’ve been discussing the s the magic bullet.
Still no evidence of multiple shooters.
Of course there is.
Oswald may have been a CIA/KGB double agent.
And he may have been a part of whatever group or groups conspired to assassinate the President.
Maybe. The civilian outside the vehicle was struck, too.

The one we’ve been discussing the s the magic bullet.

The slightly damaged bullet shown entered Kennedy's collar, through his neck, out the knot of his neck tie, through Connally seat & lodged in the side of his suit jacket.

Entering Kennedy's suit collar is 3 layer fabric folded to 6 + 2 layer shirt collar folded to 4 over 4 layer tie = 14 fabric layers before entering neck. Exiting through shirt overlapping double layer button row 4 layers + 5 layer tie knot x 4 layer tie = 24 fabric layers after exiting neck = 38 layers of fabric in collars & tie. Then seat fabric & foam layers + layers along side of Connally's suit. All that fabric, flesh & foam left bullet lightly damaged.

Bone & bullet fragments from the other 2 shots struck people outside the vehicle.

Many on the Warren Commission did not agree with the magic bullet theory. They only agree as do I, that all 3 bullets came were fired from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
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Maybe. The civilian outside the vehicle was struck, too.

The one we’ve been discussing the s the magic bullet.

Of course there is.

And he may have been a part of whatever group or groups conspired to assassinate the President.
Thewre is nno evidence of muktiple shooters nor is there any magic bulllet

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