New Zealand man Shoots up government office with shotgun...but, that only happens here...right?

What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?
Well...let's crank up the old Wikipedia shall we? says here that in 2013 the firearm-related homicide rate in the US was 3.55 per 100,000 people.

Now...just a bit of scroll down the table...oops have to scroll down some more...more...even more...ah, there it is...0.16 per 100,000 people.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes.....notice how they use the term "Fire arm related homicide...."

The reason they use that phrase is so they can hide the using homicide they get to include suicides.......and that is how they lie....

in 2014 there were only 8,124 gun murders.........committed by career criminals murdering other career criminals for the most part in tiny areas of our inner cities.....

that means 319,991,976 million people did not use guns to murder people........

Can you tell which number is bigger?

Also.....Americans now carry guns for self defense....13 million Americans...and our gun murder rate has gone down....

Australia...confiscated guns...and now their gun crime rate is on the rise....

Care to explain that?
Just to be helpful I'll post this.
the definition of homicide

and this
the definition of suicide

You should explain it to the ones posting the article...they don't understand the difference.....
You never said this?
"Yes.....notice how they use the term "Fire arm related homicide...."

The reason they use that phrase is so they can hide the using homicide they get to include suicides"
doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

because it isn't important.....the point you nuts cling to is that these things don't happen because thy have gun control.......

the tr
doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

Because it isn't important......the actual issue is wether or not gun control keeps these things from happening in Europe or Australia or New Zealand....and this case shows that gun control does not stop them.

The only reason they don't have more mass shootings...again, is their nuts don't do it as often.......just like in Australia, they have had shootings that could have been mass the two muslim shooters last year....who simply didn't kill more peole because they didn't choose to...since they had access to illegal immigrants to Australia.......the guy at the coffee shop .....just didn't kill people he held them hostage, nothing stopped him from murdering more people except his choices...

Dittos the 15 year old muslim boy who shot the police worker...with the illegal gun....he could have simply walked into a school, a theater, or a mall and killed more people...what stopped him.....he chose to shoot the police worker and not other people.....

Your whole point is irrelevant....since these guys could have killed more...they chose not to.......gun control played no part in stopping those shootings from becoming mass shootings...

I have listed the shootings in Australia that could very easily have been mass shootings.....there are a lot of them....and the only thing that stopped them....the shooter chose not to shoot more people...

Dumb luck is not gun control....
"Dumb luck is not gun control..."
True...they've been lucky all right.
In fact, they've been even luckier since they brought in their new gun regulations back in 1996...damn lucky!

Wrong...this is New Zealand ...not Australia...

And you haven't been following the news.....gun crime is going up in Australia.....not down....gun ownership is back to the levels it was at before the confiscation......

They have seen more gun crime than they have seen in a long tell me how that is possible....since they confiscated guns?

What are you going to say when their nuts get media crazy and start shooting for the cameras and the 24/7 news coverage...or when their criminals decide to start murdering each other more......?

"gun crime is going up in Australia..." & "gun ownership is back to the levels it was at before the confiscation..."


Here you go......Australian gun crime on the is a bit long...

Remember....they confiscated guns.........


DRIVE-by shootings in NSW jumped by 41 per cent in the two years to December last year, with about half the 100 attacks occurring in three key areas in Sydney's west, new crime statistics show.

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) has released its latest report showing an alarming increase in drive-by attacks.

It comes as Sydney was rocked by five overnight shootings on three homes and two tattoo parlours in Sydney's west.

According to BOCSAR, there were 100 drive-by shootings in the two years to December 2011, up from 71 in the previous period.

About half of the incidents in western Sydney were recorded in three particular regions; Canterbury-Bankstown, Central Western Sydney and the Fairfield-Liverpool areas.


Bikies linked to four shootings, possible strip club vendetta

A Melbourne man who was gunned down because of a suspected bikie vendetta has no fears for his safety, despite two other shootings in the past five weeks that have targeted his employees, his business partner says.

The police anti-bikie Echo task force is investigating at least four shootings, including two drive-by attacks that have injured security guards outside Kittens strip club in South Melbourne.

Detectives believe the most recent shooting, on Tuesday night, is linked to a drive-by on November 30, and other shootings dating back to 2014.

This is also in the story from above.....
Outlaw motorcycle gang linked to shooting at South Melbourne strip club

A drive-by shooting outside a South Melbourne strip club may be linked to outlaw motorcycle gangs, Victoria Police say.

It is the second incident at the venue, Kittens Nightclub on Cecil Street, in the past six weeks.

A white Holden ute with a red canopy drove past the club about 10:30pm on Tuesday and a number of shots were fired from the passenger window, police said.

A man in his 40s, who was working as a security guard, was hit in the forehead by three shotgun pellets and was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

In late November, another security guard was injured following a drive-by shooting at the same club.

In that incident, the front window and foyer were hit by shotgun pellets and a car was found burnt-out nearby.


Fists give way to firearms

The 25-year-old turns his anger on the intervening neighbour and the confrontation quickly escalates to the point where Khaled pulls out a small, loaded Glock pistol.

Without hesitation he cocks his gun, points it in the direction of his neighbour's unit and fires a single shot. The bullet hits just underneath the terrified neighbour's window.

Khaled then gets in his girlfriend's car and they speed off but only get as far as the M5 motorway before they are stopped by police and arrested.

There are extra patrols out in Sydney's west this January night after a spate of nine shootings in just eight days.
The couple are among the first arrested and charged by Operation Spartan, a taskforce launched by police in January 2012 to curb the gun violence erupting across the city.

Over the next 12 months, police make another 114 arrests and laid 1114 charges. But the shootings have not stopped.

There has been more than one public shooting every three days in Sydney in that year and the target is increasingly becoming human life. Among the 135 recorded incidents in the past 12 months, eight men have been shot dead and dozens more injured.

Khaled was recently convicted and sentenced to four years in prison for his hot-headed outburst yet he is part of a growing trend that is alarming police and community leaders in Sydney's west, who have seen bouts of gun violence come and go.

They say young men are now arming themselves with illegal guns to fight the most petty of disputes, driving a spike in public shootings proving difficult to keep under control.

''It appears to have become more acceptable to use a gun to settle a difference rather than, say, physical force or a punch. There is definitely an idiot factor in many of these shootings, but just as with shootings involving organised crime, a person is targeted for whatever reason.''


There were further spikes in 2002 and November 2008.

''Every time it looks like the problem has been knocked on the head, or going down, it comes back up again,'' Weatherburn says. ''That's the pattern. Now we are smack bang in the middle of another rise.''

But this time it is different. Previous shooting spates were attributed to disputes and turf wars between crime families or bikie gangs bent on settling long-running scores.

Now, young men with no affiliations to either are arming themselves with illegal guns to settle feuds as insignificant as a misguided compliment or a fight at a party.

The shootings have become more indiscriminate, making the task more difficult for police trying to crack down on the violence.

Man killed in drive-by shooting in Melbourne

A man in his 20s has died after being shot in the face in a drive-by shooting in Lalor, in Melbourne's north.

The man was killed in Huskisson Avenue in Lalor at about 3:15pm, Victoria Police said.

He was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital with facial injuries but later died.

Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

Our investigation found:

• NSW: in 2014-15, there were 3463 firearms charges, up 83 per cent on 2005-06

• Victoria: in 2014-15, there were 3645 firearms-related charges, up 85 per cent on 2005-06

• SA: in 2014, charges for possession and trafficking of guns are up 49 per cent on 2010-11

• Tasmania: in 2014, charges for unlawful gun possession were up 32 per cent on 2005-06

The big picture: What the numbers indicate
There are several ways to interpret the data: either the rate of offending has risen dramatically in the past decade or the problem was always much larger than previously understood.

The data also indicates that police have taken a more proactive and hardline approach to enforcement in recent years and are uncovering more offences than ever before.


But he conceded more firearms and gun parts are being imported illegally and that there had been an increase in the number of weapons stolen from registered owners.


Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Regardless of the reasons for the jump in gun crime, the numbers reveal the true size of Australia’s illegal gun market. “Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally,” The New Daily said.

“The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.”
doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

because it isn't important.....the point you nuts cling to is that these things don't happen because thy have gun control.......

the tr
doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

Because it isn't important......the actual issue is wether or not gun control keeps these things from happening in Europe or Australia or New Zealand....and this case shows that gun control does not stop them.

The only reason they don't have more mass shootings...again, is their nuts don't do it as often.......just like in Australia, they have had shootings that could have been mass the two muslim shooters last year....who simply didn't kill more peole because they didn't choose to...since they had access to illegal immigrants to Australia.......the guy at the coffee shop .....just didn't kill people he held them hostage, nothing stopped him from murdering more people except his choices...

Dittos the 15 year old muslim boy who shot the police worker...with the illegal gun....he could have simply walked into a school, a theater, or a mall and killed more people...what stopped him.....he chose to shoot the police worker and not other people.....

Your whole point is irrelevant....since these guys could have killed more...they chose not to.......gun control played no part in stopping those shootings from becoming mass shootings...

I have listed the shootings in Australia that could very easily have been mass shootings.....there are a lot of them....and the only thing that stopped them....the shooter chose not to shoot more people...

Dumb luck is not gun control....
"Dumb luck is not gun control..."
True...they've been lucky all right.
In fact, they've been even luckier since they brought in their new gun regulations back in 1996...damn lucky!

Wrong...this is New Zealand ...not Australia...

And you haven't been following the news.....gun crime is going up in Australia.....not down....gun ownership is back to the levels it was at before the confiscation......

They have seen more gun crime than they have seen in a long tell me how that is possible....since they confiscated guns?

What are you going to say when their nuts get media crazy and start shooting for the cameras and the 24/7 news coverage...or when their criminals decide to start murdering each other more......?

"gun crime is going up in Australia..." & "gun ownership is back to the levels it was at before the confiscation..."


And here you go......thought this should be added separately...

'This is really getting out of control': Government responds to gangster gun culture

Melbourne is awash with guns, with senior police warning of an arms race "getting out of control" in Melbourne's north west.

A former firearms dealer told Fairfax Media that high-calibre semi-automatic handguns like the Glock and Sig Sauer were easily available to criminals via an extensive underground weapons importation and trafficking network.

"There hasn't been this much weaponry on the streets since the days of the underworld war," the source said. "It's now endemic and it's a real worry."


The trade is largely controlled by outlaw motorcycle gangs, with an increasing number of guns originating from South East Asia, particularly the Philippines, the source said.

Senior police say young criminals are increasingly carrying guns because their rivals are armed.

"This is really getting out of control. A lot of these kids don't seem to grasp what they're doing. Drive-by shootings used to be a big deal, now it's a daily event around here," said a senior police source from city's north-west police region, dubbed the "red zone" by officers because of its soaring crime rate.


"While I'm reticent to buy into the terminology 'gangster culture', it is obvious that carrying firearms is more often a part of the criminal culture we are observing," he said.
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?
Well...let's crank up the old Wikipedia shall we? says here that in 2013 the firearm-related homicide rate in the US was 3.55 per 100,000 people.

Now...just a bit of scroll down the table...oops have to scroll down some more...more...even more...ah, there it is...0.16 per 100,000 people.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes.....notice how they use the term "Fire arm related homicide...."

The reason they use that phrase is so they can hide the using homicide they get to include suicides.......and that is how they lie....

in 2014 there were only 8,124 gun murders.........committed by career criminals murdering other career criminals for the most part in tiny areas of our inner cities.....

that means 319,991,976 million people did not use guns to murder people........

Can you tell which number is bigger?

Also.....Americans now carry guns for self defense....13 million Americans...and our gun murder rate has gone down....

Australia...confiscated guns...and now their gun crime rate is on the rise....

Care to explain that?
Just to be helpful I'll post this.
the definition of homicide

and this
the definition of suicide

You should explain it to the ones posting the article...they don't understand the difference.....
You never said this?
"Yes.....notice how they use the term "Fire arm related homicide...."

The reason they use that phrase is so they can hide the using homicide they get to include suicides"

All deaths are considered homicides until they have been shown to be otherwise...another nice trick..thanks for pointing it out......
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

because it isn't important.....the point you nuts cling to is that these things don't happen because thy have gun control.......

the tr
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

Because it isn't important......the actual issue is wether or not gun control keeps these things from happening in Europe or Australia or New Zealand....and this case shows that gun control does not stop them.

The only reason they don't have more mass shootings...again, is their nuts don't do it as often.......just like in Australia, they have had shootings that could have been mass the two muslim shooters last year....who simply didn't kill more peole because they didn't choose to...since they had access to illegal immigrants to Australia.......the guy at the coffee shop .....just didn't kill people he held them hostage, nothing stopped him from murdering more people except his choices...

Dittos the 15 year old muslim boy who shot the police worker...with the illegal gun....he could have simply walked into a school, a theater, or a mall and killed more people...what stopped him.....he chose to shoot the police worker and not other people.....

Your whole point is irrelevant....since these guys could have killed more...they chose not to.......gun control played no part in stopping those shootings from becoming mass shootings...

I have listed the shootings in Australia that could very easily have been mass shootings.....there are a lot of them....and the only thing that stopped them....the shooter chose not to shoot more people...

Dumb luck is not gun control....
"Dumb luck is not gun control..."
True...they've been lucky all right.
In fact, they've been even luckier since they brought in their new gun regulations back in 1996...damn lucky!

Wrong...this is New Zealand ...not Australia...

And you haven't been following the news.....gun crime is going up in Australia.....not down....gun ownership is back to the levels it was at before the confiscation......

They have seen more gun crime than they have seen in a long tell me how that is possible....since they confiscated guns?

What are you going to say when their nuts get media crazy and start shooting for the cameras and the 24/7 news coverage...or when their criminals decide to start murdering each other more......?

"gun crime is going up in Australia..." & "gun ownership is back to the levels it was at before the confiscation..."


Here you go......Australian gun crime on the is a bit long...

Remember....they confiscated guns.........


DRIVE-by shootings in NSW jumped by 41 per cent in the two years to December last year, with about half the 100 attacks occurring in three key areas in Sydney's west, new crime statistics show.

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) has released its latest report showing an alarming increase in drive-by attacks.

It comes as Sydney was rocked by five overnight shootings on three homes and two tattoo parlours in Sydney's west.

According to BOCSAR, there were 100 drive-by shootings in the two years to December 2011, up from 71 in the previous period.

About half of the incidents in western Sydney were recorded in three particular regions; Canterbury-Bankstown, Central Western Sydney and the Fairfield-Liverpool areas.


Bikies linked to four shootings, possible strip club vendetta

A Melbourne man who was gunned down because of a suspected bikie vendetta has no fears for his safety, despite two other shootings in the past five weeks that have targeted his employees, his business partner says.

The police anti-bikie Echo task force is investigating at least four shootings, including two drive-by attacks that have injured security guards outside Kittens strip club in South Melbourne.

Detectives believe the most recent shooting, on Tuesday night, is linked to a drive-by on November 30, and other shootings dating back to 2014.

This is also in the story from above.....
Outlaw motorcycle gang linked to shooting at South Melbourne strip club

A drive-by shooting outside a South Melbourne strip club may be linked to outlaw motorcycle gangs, Victoria Police say.

It is the second incident at the venue, Kittens Nightclub on Cecil Street, in the past six weeks.

A white Holden ute with a red canopy drove past the club about 10:30pm on Tuesday and a number of shots were fired from the passenger window, police said.

A man in his 40s, who was working as a security guard, was hit in the forehead by three shotgun pellets and was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

In late November, another security guard was injured following a drive-by shooting at the same club.

In that incident, the front window and foyer were hit by shotgun pellets and a car was found burnt-out nearby.


Fists give way to firearms

The 25-year-old turns his anger on the intervening neighbour and the confrontation quickly escalates to the point where Khaled pulls out a small, loaded Glock pistol.

Without hesitation he cocks his gun, points it in the direction of his neighbour's unit and fires a single shot. The bullet hits just underneath the terrified neighbour's window.

Khaled then gets in his girlfriend's car and they speed off but only get as far as the M5 motorway before they are stopped by police and arrested.

There are extra patrols out in Sydney's west this January night after a spate of nine shootings in just eight days.
The couple are among the first arrested and charged by Operation Spartan, a taskforce launched by police in January 2012 to curb the gun violence erupting across the city.

Over the next 12 months, police make another 114 arrests and laid 1114 charges. But the shootings have not stopped.

There has been more than one public shooting every three days in Sydney in that year and the target is increasingly becoming human life. Among the 135 recorded incidents in the past 12 months, eight men have been shot dead and dozens more injured.

Khaled was recently convicted and sentenced to four years in prison for his hot-headed outburst yet he is part of a growing trend that is alarming police and community leaders in Sydney's west, who have seen bouts of gun violence come and go.

They say young men are now arming themselves with illegal guns to fight the most petty of disputes, driving a spike in public shootings proving difficult to keep under control.

''It appears to have become more acceptable to use a gun to settle a difference rather than, say, physical force or a punch. There is definitely an idiot factor in many of these shootings, but just as with shootings involving organised crime, a person is targeted for whatever reason.''


There were further spikes in 2002 and November 2008.

''Every time it looks like the problem has been knocked on the head, or going down, it comes back up again,'' Weatherburn says. ''That's the pattern. Now we are smack bang in the middle of another rise.''

But this time it is different. Previous shooting spates were attributed to disputes and turf wars between crime families or bikie gangs bent on settling long-running scores.

Now, young men with no affiliations to either are arming themselves with illegal guns to settle feuds as insignificant as a misguided compliment or a fight at a party.

The shootings have become more indiscriminate, making the task more difficult for police trying to crack down on the violence.

Man killed in drive-by shooting in Melbourne

A man in his 20s has died after being shot in the face in a drive-by shooting in Lalor, in Melbourne's north.

The man was killed in Huskisson Avenue in Lalor at about 3:15pm, Victoria Police said.

He was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital with facial injuries but later died.

Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

Our investigation found:

• NSW: in 2014-15, there were 3463 firearms charges, up 83 per cent on 2005-06

• Victoria: in 2014-15, there were 3645 firearms-related charges, up 85 per cent on 2005-06

• SA: in 2014, charges for possession and trafficking of guns are up 49 per cent on 2010-11

• Tasmania: in 2014, charges for unlawful gun possession were up 32 per cent on 2005-06

The big picture: What the numbers indicate
There are several ways to interpret the data: either the rate of offending has risen dramatically in the past decade or the problem was always much larger than previously understood.

The data also indicates that police have taken a more proactive and hardline approach to enforcement in recent years and are uncovering more offences than ever before.


But he conceded more firearms and gun parts are being imported illegally and that there had been an increase in the number of weapons stolen from registered owners.


Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Regardless of the reasons for the jump in gun crime, the numbers reveal the true size of Australia’s illegal gun market. “Taken together, the data suggests that despite our tough anti-gun laws, thousands of weapons are either being stolen or entering the country illegally,” The New Daily said.

“The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.”
Don't force me to bring out the Wikipedia again...because I bloody well will if you're not careful!
doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
"doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........"
I'd be interested in how you reached that conclusion.

"The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"
If that's true, and you're saying that Americans are inherently more violent...then why would you want any of them to have guns?

Wrong again......Americans are not more violent....our criminal subculture is more prone to murder.....and they are already kept from owning or carrying guns......and just like here in New Zealand....those laws don't stop criminals....

there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......

90% of the killers had criminal records and histories of violence.......but there are over 320 million Americans in the United States....

so....8,124 gun murders = less than 8,124 killers, since many of these are one killer shooting several people...

So can you tell me which number is bigger....

320,000,000 million people vs. less than 8,124 killers with guns?

So no...Americans are not more prone to violence....our criminal subculure is........and the thing is.....the criminals in these other cultures are becoming more violent....

Britain is arming more of their police...and their gun crime rate is up 4%......gun crime in Australia is going up....and the people carrying guns are younger and more prone to use them.......

What are you going to say when the levels of gun violence in these countries keeps going up......?
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

Never said it, never posted it......I have always pointed out to you anti gun loons that our criminal sub culture murders each other more often......

And I have said that their criminals are getting more violent....what are you going to say when their gun crime rate goes up...after the confiscation?
You never said this?
"this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"

American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder....
Well...let's crank up the old Wikipedia shall we? says here that in 2013 the firearm-related homicide rate in the US was 3.55 per 100,000 people.

Now...just a bit of scroll down the table...oops have to scroll down some more...more...even more...ah, there it is...0.16 per 100,000 people.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes.....notice how they use the term "Fire arm related homicide...."

The reason they use that phrase is so they can hide the using homicide they get to include suicides.......and that is how they lie....

in 2014 there were only 8,124 gun murders.........committed by career criminals murdering other career criminals for the most part in tiny areas of our inner cities.....

that means 319,991,976 million people did not use guns to murder people........

Can you tell which number is bigger?

Also.....Americans now carry guns for self defense....13 million Americans...and our gun murder rate has gone down....

Australia...confiscated guns...and now their gun crime rate is on the rise....

Care to explain that?
Just to be helpful I'll post this.
the definition of homicide

and this
the definition of suicide

You should explain it to the ones posting the article...they don't understand the difference.....
You never said this?
"Yes.....notice how they use the term "Fire arm related homicide...."

The reason they use that phrase is so they can hide the using homicide they get to include suicides"

All deaths are considered homicides until they have been shown to be otherwise...another nice trick..thanks for pointing it out......
"All deaths are considered homicides until they have been shown to be otherwise...another nice trick..thanks for pointing it out....."
What are you even saying?
Sheesh...for a one-trick pony you don't have your arguments very well sorted out.
"doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........"
I'd be interested in how you reached that conclusion.

"The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"
If that's true, and you're saying that Americans are inherently more violent...then why would you want any of them to have guns?

Wrong again......Americans are not more violent....our criminal subculture is more prone to murder.....and they are already kept from owning or carrying guns......and just like here in New Zealand....those laws don't stop criminals....

there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......

90% of the killers had criminal records and histories of violence.......but there are over 320 million Americans in the United States....

so....8,124 gun murders = less than 8,124 killers, since many of these are one killer shooting several people...

So can you tell me which number is bigger....

320,000,000 million people vs. less than 8,124 killers with guns?

So no...Americans are not more prone to violence....our criminal subculure is........and the thing is.....the criminals in these other cultures are becoming more violent....

Britain is arming more of their police...and their gun crime rate is up 4%......gun crime in Australia is going up....and the people carrying guns are younger and more prone to use them.......

What are you going to say when the levels of gun violence in these countries keeps going up......?
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

Never said it, never posted it......I have always pointed out to you anti gun loons that our criminal sub culture murders each other more often......

And I have said that their criminals are getting more violent....what are you going to say when their gun crime rate goes up...after the confiscation?
You never said this?
"this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"

American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder....
"American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder...."
Ordinary people in any country don't commit murder.
If you murder someone then you are by definition a criminal.
What's your point again?
Wrong again......Americans are not more violent....our criminal subculture is more prone to murder.....and they are already kept from owning or carrying guns......and just like here in New Zealand....those laws don't stop criminals....

there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......

90% of the killers had criminal records and histories of violence.......but there are over 320 million Americans in the United States....

so....8,124 gun murders = less than 8,124 killers, since many of these are one killer shooting several people...

So can you tell me which number is bigger....

320,000,000 million people vs. less than 8,124 killers with guns?

So no...Americans are not more prone to violence....our criminal subculure is........and the thing is.....the criminals in these other cultures are becoming more violent....

Britain is arming more of their police...and their gun crime rate is up 4%......gun crime in Australia is going up....and the people carrying guns are younger and more prone to use them.......

What are you going to say when the levels of gun violence in these countries keeps going up......?
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

Never said it, never posted it......I have always pointed out to you anti gun loons that our criminal sub culture murders each other more often......

And I have said that their criminals are getting more violent....what are you going to say when their gun crime rate goes up...after the confiscation?
You never said this?
"this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"

American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder....
"American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder...."
Ordinary people in any country don't commit murder.
If you murder someone then you are by definition a criminal.
What's your point again?

You say I said Americans are more violent...that is not true. I have said that American criminals murder more often than criminals in other countries...I post that all the time......and this is true since I also post that criminals in other countries have easy access to guns in their countries as well since they ignore the gun laws in those countries.....they just don't commit murder as often...

In fact, I also point out they seem to prefer fully automatic rifles..which might explain why they murder fewer people..they are less accurate than semi auto fire.......
Wrong again......Americans are not more violent....our criminal subculture is more prone to murder.....and they are already kept from owning or carrying guns......and just like here in New Zealand....those laws don't stop criminals....

there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......

90% of the killers had criminal records and histories of violence.......but there are over 320 million Americans in the United States....

so....8,124 gun murders = less than 8,124 killers, since many of these are one killer shooting several people...

So can you tell me which number is bigger....

320,000,000 million people vs. less than 8,124 killers with guns?

So no...Americans are not more prone to violence....our criminal subculure is........and the thing is.....the criminals in these other cultures are becoming more violent....

Britain is arming more of their police...and their gun crime rate is up 4%......gun crime in Australia is going up....and the people carrying guns are younger and more prone to use them.......

What are you going to say when the levels of gun violence in these countries keeps going up......?
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

Never said it, never posted it......I have always pointed out to you anti gun loons that our criminal sub culture murders each other more often......

And I have said that their criminals are getting more violent....what are you going to say when their gun crime rate goes up...after the confiscation?
You never said this?
"this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"

American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder....
"American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder...."
Ordinary people in any country don't commit murder.
If you murder someone then you are by definition a criminal.
What's your point again?

Yeah...the term the anti gun loons use isn't is "gun violence" and that is how they use suicide to bring up their numbers....there you go...all fixed.
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

Never said it, never posted it......I have always pointed out to you anti gun loons that our criminal sub culture murders each other more often......

And I have said that their criminals are getting more violent....what are you going to say when their gun crime rate goes up...after the confiscation?
You never said this?
"this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"

American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder....
"American nuts are not normal Americans...are they....? you anti gun loons all Americans are violent......but as I always point out....our criminal subculture is the violent part....normal Americans don't commit gun murder...."
Ordinary people in any country don't commit murder.
If you murder someone then you are by definition a criminal.
What's your point again?

Yeah...the term the anti gun loons use isn't is "gun violence" and that is how they use suicide to bring up their numbers....there you go...all fixed.
The figures I gave were for gun-related homicide.
Suicide is a different thing...a simple clue is that it's spelt and pronounced differently.
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

because it isn't important.....the point you nuts cling to is that these things don't happen because thy have gun control.......

the tr
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
What is it? Why don't you ever answer me when I ask that?

Because it isn't important......the actual issue is wether or not gun control keeps these things from happening in Europe or Australia or New Zealand....and this case shows that gun control does not stop them.

The only reason they don't have more mass shootings...again, is their nuts don't do it as often.......just like in Australia, they have had shootings that could have been mass the two muslim shooters last year....who simply didn't kill more peole because they didn't choose to...since they had access to illegal immigrants to Australia.......the guy at the coffee shop .....just didn't kill people he held them hostage, nothing stopped him from murdering more people except his choices...

Dittos the 15 year old muslim boy who shot the police worker...with the illegal gun....he could have simply walked into a school, a theater, or a mall and killed more people...what stopped him.....he chose to shoot the police worker and not other people.....

Your whole point is irrelevant....since these guys could have killed more...they chose not to.......gun control played no part in stopping those shootings from becoming mass shootings...

I have listed the shootings in Australia that could very easily have been mass shootings.....there are a lot of them....and the only thing that stopped them....the shooter chose not to shoot more people...

Dumb luck is not gun control....
"Dumb luck is not gun control..."
True...they've been lucky all right.
In fact, they've been even luckier since they brought in their new gun regulations back in 1996...damn lucky!

The violent crime rate shot up 300% after the fun confiscation. I wouldn't call that lucky.
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

Very low thankfully. However the humans are outnumbered by over 6 times by sheep. The country is as wide as California and as long as California to the very top of Washington State so there is a lot of room to roam so the nutters tend to not get to pressured which makes them snap.

What is truly funny though is the largest industry in NZ is the Black Power gang. They make more than twice as much money as any legit company on the island.
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
"doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........"
I'd be interested in how you reached that conclusion.

"The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"
If that's true, and you're saying that Americans are inherently more violent...then why would you want any of them to have guns?

Wrong again......Americans are not more violent....our criminal subculture is more prone to murder.....and they are already kept from owning or carrying guns......and just like here in New Zealand....those laws don't stop criminals....

there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......

90% of the killers had criminal records and histories of violence.......but there are over 320 million Americans in the United States....

so....8,124 gun murders = less than 8,124 killers, since many of these are one killer shooting several people...

So can you tell me which number is bigger....

320,000,000 million people vs. less than 8,124 killers with guns?

So no...Americans are not more prone to violence....our criminal subculure is........and the thing is.....the criminals in these other cultures are becoming more violent....

Britain is arming more of their police...and their gun crime rate is up 4%......gun crime in Australia is going up....and the people carrying guns are younger and more prone to use them.......

What are you going to say when the levels of gun violence in these countries keeps going up......?
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

No, he didn't. There is a criminal underclass that is hugely violent, most are illegal aliens from third world countries and THEY are the ones who are doing the majority of the murders here. New Zealand has no third world underclass now do they.,..
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

Very low thankfully. However the humans are outnumbered by over 6 times by sheep. The country is as wide as California and as long as California to the very top of Washington State so there is a lot of room to roam so the nutters tend to not get to pressured which makes them snap.

What is truly funny though is the largest industry in NZ is the Black Power gang. They make more than twice as much money as any legit company on the island.

Why is that funny?
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........

The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?

Will this shooting mean more are going to happen as this gets publicized?
"doesn't matter....this shows that the only reason it isn't higher is that their nuts choose not to do it....this story shows that if they choose to shoot up a government office they can do so........"
I'd be interested in how you reached that conclusion.

"The actual question...the important question...why do American nuts do it more......?"
If that's true, and you're saying that Americans are inherently more violent...then why would you want any of them to have guns?

Wrong again......Americans are not more violent....our criminal subculture is more prone to murder.....and they are already kept from owning or carrying guns......and just like here in New Zealand....those laws don't stop criminals....

there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......

90% of the killers had criminal records and histories of violence.......but there are over 320 million Americans in the United States....

so....8,124 gun murders = less than 8,124 killers, since many of these are one killer shooting several people...

So can you tell me which number is bigger....

320,000,000 million people vs. less than 8,124 killers with guns?

So no...Americans are not more prone to violence....our criminal subculure is........and the thing is.....the criminals in these other cultures are becoming more violent....

Britain is arming more of their police...and their gun crime rate is up 4%......gun crime in Australia is going up....and the people carrying guns are younger and more prone to use them.......

What are you going to say when the levels of gun violence in these countries keeps going up......?
You're the one that said that Americans are more violent...not me.
So why would you want them to have guns?

No, he didn't. There is a criminal underclass that is hugely violent, most are illegal aliens from third world countries and THEY are the ones who are doing the majority of the murders here. New Zealand has no third world underclass now do they.,..
Is it true that most American criminals and most murders are done by illegal aliens?
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

Very low thankfully. However the humans are outnumbered by over 6 times by sheep. The country is as wide as California and as long as California to the very top of Washington State so there is a lot of room to roam so the nutters tend to not get to pressured which makes them snap.

What is truly funny though is the largest industry in NZ is the Black Power gang. They make more than twice as much money as any legit company on the island.
"What is truly funny though is the largest industry in NZ is the Black Power gang. They make more than twice as much money as any legit company on the island."
Do you have a link for that?
That's very interesting.
What's the murder rate in New Zealand again?

Very low thankfully. However the humans are outnumbered by over 6 times by sheep. The country is as wide as California and as long as California to the very top of Washington State so there is a lot of room to roam so the nutters tend to not get to pressured which makes them snap.

What is truly funny though is the largest industry in NZ is the Black Power gang. They make more than twice as much money as any legit company on the island.

Yeah....but that just means more company on cold nights for the Kiwis.....right?

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