Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail

You would think Negroes would have learned their lesson by now, NOTHING good ever comes of confronting the police...whether they are right or not, or if they are BLACK or white police..... She apparently is allowed to let her anger out, but a cop is supposed to be ABOVE HUMAN, and not display his temper.... Doesn't work that way in REAL LIFE!

What anger? She said she didnt want to put out her cigarette. To you thats displaying anger?
When she struck an attitude and wouldn't obey his commands.

Thats not against the law and that doesnt escalate a warning into an arrest.
I'm sorry, could you point to that in the law where something is required to escalate a warning into an arrest?

Thats the point, he escalated it for no reason. You said the reason was her attitude but having an attitude is not grounds for arrest. Also not even the cop said she was under arrest for any reason. So where are you getting this reason from?
When she struck an attitude and wouldn't obey his commands.

Thats not against the law and that doesnt escalate a warning into an arrest.

It's a shame she just didn't put out the cigarette, now, after 3 days of being in jail, the crazy lady has killed herself...all over putting out a cigarette in an ACT OF DEFIANCE.... stupid Negro tricks! It's self evident. I blame the Regime for empowering the malignant blacks in this country to be defiant, and not obeying the law!
When she struck an attitude and wouldn't obey his commands.

Thats not against the law and that doesnt escalate a warning into an arrest.
I'm sorry, could you point to that in the law where something is required to escalate a warning into an arrest?

Thats the point, he escalated it for no reason. You said the reason was her attitude but having an attitude is not grounds for arrest. Also not even the cop said she was under arrest for any reason. So where are you getting this reason from?
Human nature is a bitch, and when one has the power, like the Obomanation does, someone always suffers.... In obuma's case it was Israel, after he got his ass handed to him in Bibi's election, and he goes ahead with the Iran nike deal that everyone knows is BAD.... Small people in power must be listened to, or the outcome isn't pleasant!
When she struck an attitude and wouldn't obey his commands.

Thats not against the law and that doesnt escalate a warning into an arrest.

It's a shame she just didn't put out the cigarette, now, after 3 days of being in jail, the crazy lady has killed herself...all over putting out a cigarette in an ACT OF DEFIANCE.... stupid Negro tricks! It's self evident. I blame the Regime for empowering the malignant blacks in this country to be defiant, and not obeying the law!

Theres something wrong with you if you believe putting out a cigarette is a lawful order. Or is that one of those laws only for blacks?
I wonder if she would still be alive if she and even tried to act human instead of chimping out on the officer.
she had attitude from the start.
he should have just shot her.
bright side is that she wont be around to raise a brood of thugs.
Nothing worth seeing here, move on.
malignant blacks
And the Right just can't understand why blacks vote Democratic!
Oh we understand, they vote democrat with the hope that they can keep getting free stuff while being exempt from the law.
want to get treated like a white person? act like one.

Thankfully you old crackers are dying off faster then your spawn can spawn
Thankfully you coons are killing each other in drive by shootings faster than us old crackers are dying off.
Its the illegals you have to watch out for, those are the ones your king coon is setting up to be the majority
Theres something wrong with you if you believe putting out a cigarette is a lawful order. Or is that one of those laws only for blacks?
What do you think is unlawful about it?

You said not putting out the cigarette was a lawful order that had to be followed. I'm asking what law is that? and how does that turn a warning into an arrest with no arrest charge?
Theres something wrong with you if you believe putting out a cigarette is a lawful order. Or is that one of those laws only for blacks?
What do you think is unlawful about it?

You said not putting out the cigarette was a lawful order that had to be followed. I'm asking what law is that? and how does that turn a warning into an arrest with no arrest charge?
Watching the video I would say she got what she was trying to get.
They should charge her family for the clean up needed after she did the country a favor by hanging herself.
Theres something wrong with you if you believe putting out a cigarette is a lawful order. Or is that one of those laws only for blacks?
What do you think is unlawful about it?

You said not putting out the cigarette was a lawful order that had to be followed. I'm asking what law is that?
What do you mean "what law?" A lawful order is any order that is not illegal. there are only 2 states: lawful order or unlawful order. Ordering someone to perform a sex act would be an unlawful order. "put out that cigarette" does not violate any laws and is therefore lawful.

and how does that turn a warning into an arrest with no arrest charge?
She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. She was initially going to be arrested for improper lane change, but why bother once she committed assault?
Theres something wrong with you if you believe putting out a cigarette is a lawful order. Or is that one of those laws only for blacks?
What do you think is unlawful about it?

You said not putting out the cigarette was a lawful order that had to be followed. I'm asking what law is that?
ARe you seriously that dumb? A lawful order is any order that is not illegal. Ordering someone to perform a sex act would be an unlawful order. "put out that cigarette" does not violate any laws and is therefore lawful.

and how does that turn a warning into an arrest with no arrest charge?
She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. She was initially going to be arrested for improper lane change, but why bother once she committed assault?
actually you can hear the officer tell her that it was a warning that she was going to get, not a ticket or arrest. then she when full retard on him.
her fault, case closed.
wow, that's out of line. That cop needs to be in jail right now while this gets investigated.
For WHAT? Being an asshole isn't a crime. Unless you're an asshole to a cop, in which case you might get tasered and arrested.

Are people really so stupid that they think that since he arrested her, he must have killed her? You think he sneaked into her jail cell the next day and killed her?


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