Newly Released Documents Show FBI's Involvement In Fred Hampton Assassination


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

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"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
You people spend so much time in the past, its no wonder that you cant get your enormous amount of crime today under control.

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

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You people spend so much time in the past, its no wonder that you cant get your enormous amount of crime today under control.
The past is prologue moron.....

Which is why moronic people like you keep babbling the same shit thinking its new -- when it is just a variation of the same ole shit....

I bet you think these QAnon conspiracies are new??

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
Sorry, can't get excited about dead thugs.

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
You people spend so much time in the past, its no wonder that you cant get your enormous amount of crime today under control.
The past is prologue moron.....

Which is why moronic people like you keep babbling the same shit thinking its new -- when it is just a variation of the same ole shit....

I bet you think these QAnon conspiracies are new??
I dont believe in conspiracies. You do though. You are simply one among many left wing conspiracy theorists who think cops are out to kill black people.
Sadly, there is no solution to this unpleasantness.

Interesting point from a New York Times writer who suggests that African Americans should move to the South. This would mean a de facto African American nation.

And then the North would presumably become a de facto Caucasian nation.

Maybe Latinx would move to the South & North, and the Asians might prefer the North.

Many people truly believe that the current political configuration of this nation is untenable. They believe that there must eventually be some kind of partition. That newspaper writer's suggestion is fascinating.

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
Sorry, can't get excited about dead thugs.

The Black Pathers were strong Second Amendment advocates. Are you klonservatives really going to be this transparent in your double standards?

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
Sorry, can't get excited about dead thugs.

The Black Pathers were strong Second Amendment advocates. Are you klonservatives really going to be this transparent in your double standards?
Oh yeah, you're the "ferrymander" expert. Are you black?
Like I said before people on the left on cheering corrupt deep state actors, FBI, DOJ, IRS, CIA today because they have targeted people some of you don't like politically. And back in the day they did the same to leftists, communists, black panthers, MLK etc. It is really really rare that you will find leftists that says the coordinated deep state targeting of Trump and those affiliated with him is wrong, bad, illegal etc., and should never happen.

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
Sorry, can't get excited about dead thugs.

The Black Pathers were strong Second Amendment advocates. Are you klonservatives really going to be this transparent in your double standards?
Oh yeah, you're the "ferrymander" expert. Are you black?
Why are you okay with armed white militias, but not black ones?

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
Sorry, can't get excited about dead thugs.

The Black Pathers were strong Second Amendment advocates. Are you klonservatives really going to be this transparent in your double standards?
Oh yeah, you're the "ferrymander" expert. Are you black?
Why are you okay with armed white militias, but not black ones?
So inner-city black thugs are a militia? That's novel, I'll give you that.

"Newly uncovered FBI records are a poignant reminder of just how long African Americans and others have been demanding fair treatment from the law; the records serve as a stark reminder why lasting police reform can no longer be delayed. The new records reveal that complicity in the raid ran higher up the ladder at the FBI than previously confirmed, though even now the full truth remains a secret. The released records are full of blacked-out redactions. The police on that winter morning in 1969 fired a barrage of more than 90 bullets into the apartment. They claimed they had been fired on themselves; but police photos of the supposed bullet holes showed nothing more than nail heads. An investigation into the raid revealed that it was an FBI-coordinated assassination as part of an illegal covert program called COINTELPRO."

Among black folks during that time; the fact that the FBI would be involved in assassinations of civil rights activists was not just a conspiracy theory; it was a for some documents to come out 50 years later to confirm what was already known is no shock...and even after 50 years later; they are STILL trying to redact and cover up the FBI's complicity is telling....

When folks want to cry Deep State this and Deep State that, COINTELPRO is what they should be outraged over -- not some goofy shit about Jewish space lasers, fake school shootings or shape shifting lizard's almost as if the "actual" Deep State would make up and propagate these bullshit conspiracies to deflect from the ACTUAL nefarious shit government agencies like the FBI and CIA has been doing for decades.

View attachment 451452
Sorry, can't get excited about dead thugs.

The Black Pathers were strong Second Amendment advocates. Are you klonservatives really going to be this transparent in your double standards?
Oh yeah, you're the "ferrymander" expert. Are you black?
Why are you okay with armed white militias, but not black ones?
So inner-city black thugs are a militia? That's novel, I'll give you that.

ok, dude.


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