News Flash, when was the last time you heard about our soldiers?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Donald Trump who will break this country's back to give soldiers a zillion dollars if needed, has managed to ink them out of the headlines......only to be resuracted during the 2020 elections....but seriously, when was the last time we heard anything from this white man's president lips about our brave sons and daughters??? Silence, he won't even visit them.

Folks, this is your president, a cowardly money hungry con man who loves talking about our soldiers and this country when attacking a person of color...ONLY!!
Ummmm, about half an hour ago. We can't help it if all you listen to is progressive propaganda.
Donald Trump who will break this country's back to give soldiers a zillion dollars if needed, has managed to ink them out of the headlines......only to be resuracted during the 2020 elections....but seriously, when was the last time we heard anything from this white man's president lips about our brave sons and daughters??? Silence, he won't even visit them.

Folks, this is your president, a cowardly money hungry con man who loves talking about our soldiers and this country when attacking a person of color...ONLY!!

Man, you are TOO FUNNY. Less than a mere two months ago, Trump tried to dedicate a ceremony in Washington on the 4th of July to celebrating (among other things) our soldiers and military, AND YOU ASSHOLES PRACTICALLY HAD YOUR FUCKING FACES SPLIT OPEN in anger protesting and accusing Trump of a military coup! Now you are pissed he doesn't mention them enough?????


Triggered59, if you were about 11 floors high up in smarts, your still be a flaming goddam mental jackass.
Donald Trump who will break this country's back to give soldiers a zillion dollars if needed, has managed to ink them out of the headlines......only to be resuracted during the 2020 elections....but seriously, when was the last time we heard anything from this white man's president lips about our brave sons and daughters??? Silence, he won't even visit them.

Folks, this is your president, a cowardly money hungry con man who loves talking about our soldiers and this country when attacking a person of color...ONLY!!
When I said good morning to my neighbor who is active duty USArmy...about 3 minutes ago.
When the GOP refused to make someone accountable for 20,000+ casualties in a failed search for WMDs and went on to endorse a POS that trashed our POWs they surrendered their claim to love the military. That`s gone forever and they can`t walk that back.
When the GOP refused to make someone accountable for 20,000+ casualties in a failed search for WMDs and went on to endorse a POS that trashed our POWs they surrendered their claim to love the military. That`s gone forever and they can`t walk that back.
When the GOP refused to make someone accountable for 20,000+ casualties in a failed search for WMDs and went on to endorse a POS that trashed our POWs they surrendered their claim to love the military. That`s gone forever and they can`t walk that back.
I`ll make no defense of LBJ`s Vietnam travesty or Nixon`s. Nixon got out of Vietnam with the same terms he had on his first day in office. 21,000 more were killed on his watch for nothing. The bottom line is that your alleged love for our military has been exposed as pure BS.
When the GOP refused to make someone accountable for 20,000+ casualties in a failed search for WMDs and went on to endorse a POS that trashed our POWs they surrendered their claim to love the military. That`s gone forever and they can`t walk that back.
I`ll make no defense of LBJ`s Vietnam travesty or Nixon`s. Nixon got out of Vietnam with the same terms he had on his first day in office. 21,000 more were killed on his watch for nothing. The bottom line is that your alleged love for our military has been exposed as pure BS.
Nixon did the right thing by invading Cambodia and trying to get South Vietnamese Army to stand on its own two feet. Same thing WBush did with 2003 surge in Iraq and Obama did with his Afghanistan surge in 2010. Try to enable Iraqi Army and Afghan Army to survive on their own.
Donald Trump who will break this country's back to give soldiers a zillion dollars if needed, has managed to ink them out of the headlines......only to be resuracted during the 2020 elections....but seriously, when was the last time we heard anything from this white man's president lips about our brave sons and daughters??? Silence, he won't even visit them.

Folks, this is your president, a cowardly money hungry con man who loves talking about our soldiers and this country when attacking a person of color...ONLY!!

Man, you are TOO FUNNY. Less than a mere two months ago, Trump tried to dedicate a ceremony in Washington on the 4th of July to celebrating (among other things) our soldiers and military, AND YOU ASSHOLES PRACTICALLY HAD YOUR FUCKING FACES SPLIT OPEN in anger protesting and accusing Trump of a military coup! Now you are pissed he doesn't mention them enough?????
Amen to this. When are some people going to learn that our leader has more than just one group of people to think about?

God bless you and him and our active service men and women always!!!

Two soldiers recently lost their lives in Afghanistan.
Trump recently signed an EO forgiving student loans for certain veterans.
Some veterans and their families will lose food stamp benefits if Trump's proposal to eject some recipients eligibility goes through.
The military has announced all military members serving on the southern border will receive campaign ribbons.
These are some of the stories I have seen on regular MSM recently.
Donald Trump who will break this country's back to give soldiers a zillion dollars if needed, has managed to ink them out of the headlines......only to be resuracted during the 2020 elections....but seriously, when was the last time we heard anything from this white man's president lips about our brave sons and daughters??? Silence, he won't even visit them.

Folks, this is your president, a cowardly money hungry con man who loves talking about our soldiers and this country when attacking a person of color...ONLY!!

Well our magnificent President kept his promise and didn’t start any unnecessary new wars in the Middle East, unlike the Hussein.

So of course you won’t hear a peep out of the fake news media about it.
President Trump has done more for Veterans than a dozen previous administrations. Why does that bother lefties?

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