News from the gun front

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Dont forget people.......the committed limpwristers of this world live in a bubble. A perpetual state of thinking of how they WISH the world could be. They never ask themselves two critical questions that most people DO ask themselves when it comes to gun grabbing.

1) At what cost?


2) As compared to what?

Zero sum game for these people........take the guns. Everybody wins. Reasoned thinking embraces reality = there are necessary tradeoffs.

But not for the k00ks.

NOt at all.

Every other industrialized country limits gun ownership. These countries are just as free as we are, they have a fraction of our crime rates, and they don't have a need to lock up a large percentage of their citizens.

saying something won't work when other people tried it and it has is the denial of reality.

You look at 32,000 gun deaths in the US a year and say, "Yup, that's an acceptable tradeoff for my freedom".

I don't.

Well we're all real proud of ya s0n!!!

Why the US Should Not Ban Guns

If stricter gun control was the solution then cities with stricter gun legislation would be the safest, right? Wrong. Let's look at some facts shall we? Chicago boasts some of the USA's most draconian gun laws but 10 people were shot in Chicago on Friday alone. It's considered 'the deadliest global city' and the murder rate is 25% higher than last year.

Post-Dunblane when guns were outlawed here in the UK, six years later gun-crime had more than doubled. By 2009 gun crime had escalated by 89%.

Down Under, gun murders rose by 19% and armed robberies by 69% after a gun ban was introduced in 1997.


Okay, out of weird land and into reality.

Number of murders in the US, UK and Australia-

US - 15,953
UK- 752
Aus. 217

Number of gun homicides, US, UK and Australia

US 11,101
UK 27
Aus 30

Data Comparison from Facts

Let's get real here.
And that gun is 43 times more likely to kill someone in your house than a bad guy...

Statistics back that up....

Maybe you should go with the wiffle bat... you seem like you're a danger to yourself and others.

"I'm A Danger To Myself and Others" - YouTube

And guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self defense.

Last time i checked there were not 2.5 million gun deaths a year.

No, they aren't. That would assume there are 2.5 million criminals out their right now committing crimes that require a gun to scare them away.

This is a completely bogus number made up by the Gun Lobby, and you've bought into it.

Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US

Gary Kleck, Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee...

The new survey, conducted by random telephone sampling of 4,978 households in all the states except Alaska and Hawaii, yield results indicating that American civilians use their firearms as often as 2.5 million times every year defending against a confrontation with a criminal, and that handguns alone account for up to 1.9 million defenses per year.
Ah, so let's look at that 1992 study...

The Contradictions of the Kleck Study

“Since a small percentage of people may report virtually anything on a telephone survey, there are serious risks of overestimation in using such surveys to measure rare events. The problem becomes particularly severe when the issue has even a remote possibility of positive social desirability response bias.

Consider the responses to a national random-digit-dial telephone survey of over 1,500 adults conducted in May 1994 by ABC News and the Washington Post. One question asked: "Have you yourself ever seen anything that you believe was a spacecraft from another planet?" 10% of respondents answered in the affirmative. These 150 individuals were then asked, "Have you personally ever been in contact with aliens from another planet or not?" and 6% answered "Yes."

DOJ study reported 83,000 annual defensive gun uses from 1987-1992. During same period, there were more than 135,000 total gun deaths and injuries in the U.S. annually.

As for the notion that those using firearms to fend off attackers were more effective in avoiding injury than those using other weapons or no weapons, the DOJ study makes the following exclaimer: "Care should be used in interpreting these data because many aspects of crimes--including victim and offender characteristics, crime circumstances, and offender intent--contribute to victims' injury outcomes."
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LOL.......the only relevant ? is how many of those murders would have happened if the other guy had a gun OR, more importantly, if the murderer THOUGHT the other guy might have a gun. These are little details that the far left guy NEVER considers.

Not to the statistics clearly reveal, the host of other violent crimes that escalate when the bad guys know the good guys have nothing to protect themselves with. Far left guys who live in a bubble have no clue how utterly violent and destructive the bad guys are.......the victims, to them, are like a piece of meat!!!

The point is.....banning guns ( which wont happen by the way......0% chance ) has consequences that ruin the lives of many. But thats OK to the gun grabber as long as the agenda is achieved.
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Ah, so let's look at that 1992 study...

The Contradictions of the Kleck Study

“Since a small percentage of people may report virtually anything on a telephone survey, there are serious risks of overestimation in using such surveys to measure rare events. The problem becomes particularly severe when the issue has even a remote possibility of positive social desirability response bias.

Consider the responses to a national random-digit-dial telephone survey of over 1,500 adults conducted in May 1994 by ABC News and the Washington Post. One question asked: "Have you yourself ever seen anything that you believe was a spacecraft from another planet?" 10% of respondents answered in the affirmative. These 150 individuals were then asked, "Have you personally ever been in contact with aliens from another planet or not?" and 6% answered "Yes."

DOJ study reported 83,000 annual defensive gun uses from 1987-1992. During same period, there were more than 135,000 total gun deaths and injuries in the U.S. annually.

As for the notion that those using firearms to fend off attackers were more effective in avoiding injury than those using other weapons or no weapons, the DOJ study makes the following exclaimer: "Care should be used in interpreting these data because many aspects of crimes--including victim and offender characteristics, crime circumstances, and offender intent--contribute to victims' injury outcomes."

And that 43% bullshit is unimpeachable right?

If I recall that was an even smaller sampling.
LOL.......the only relevant ? is how many of those murders would have happened if the other guy had a gun OR, more importantly, if the murderer THOUGHT the other guy might have a gun. These are little details that the far left guy NEVER considers.

Not to the statistics clearly reveal, the host of other violent crimes that escalate when the bad guys know the good guys have nothing to protect themselves with. Far left guys who live in a bubble have no clue how utterly violent and destructive the bad guys are.......the victims, to them, are like a piece of meat!!!

The point is.....banning guns ( which wont happen by the way......0% chance ) has consequences that ruin the lives of many. But thats OK to the gun grabber as long as the agenda is achieved.

Downtown Atlanta 1992 on International Blvd. after a Hawks game 10 pm waiting behind a line of cars 40 deep at Marietta St.
Myself and 3 other males in the car stopped and 3 urban outdoorsmen come up with a squeegie and a spray bottle of soapy water. "Wash your windows for $5" is what the head outdoorsmen stated. I politely told him no thank you.
"Wash your windshield for $5 or we take these" as we were still stopped 40 cars behind the 1st car at the red light and this outdoorsman and his buddy both had a hold of a windshield wiper in their hands ready to rip them off.
I reached under the seat and pulled out the Ruger and pointed it at outdoorsman A at my window. His eyes lit up like a white coffee cup saucer and he ran a 4.3 40 down Marietta St. with his 2 other track stars. Windshield wipers intact I went home.
LOL.......the only relevant ? is how many of those murders would have happened if the other guy had a gun OR, more importantly, if the murderer THOUGHT the other guy might have a gun. These are little details that the far left guy NEVER considers.

Not to the statistics clearly reveal, the host of other violent crimes that escalate when the bad guys know the good guys have nothing to protect themselves with. Far left guys who live in a bubble have no clue how utterly violent and destructive the bad guys are.......the victims, to them, are like a piece of meat!!!

The point is.....banning guns ( which wont happen by the way......0% chance ) has consequences that ruin the lives of many. But thats OK to the gun grabber as long as the agenda is achieved.

Downtown Atlanta 1992 on International Blvd. after a Hawks game 10 pm waiting behind a line of cars 40 deep at Marietta St.
Myself and 3 other males in the car stopped and 3 urban outdoorsmen come up with a squeegie and a spray bottle of soapy water. "Wash your windows for $5" is what the head outdoorsmen stated. I politely told him no thank you.
"Wash your windshield for $5 or we take these" as we were still stopped 40 cars behind the 1st car at the red light and this outdoorsman and his buddy both had a hold of a windshield wiper in their hands ready to rip them off.
I reached under the seat and pulled out the Ruger and pointed it at outdoorsman A at my window. His eyes lit up like a white coffee cup saucer and he ran a 4.3 40 down Marietta St. with his 2 other track stars. Windshield wipers intact I went home.

Good stuff! Nothing funnier then watching wanna be strong arms falling all over themselves to get away.
I foiled a home invasion myself. Thank God for firearms.
In other words, I am going to be putting up objective evidence and pulling his threads apart when they are wrong.

You have a problem with that?

Yep I was silently laughing at the people trying too get a kids bicycle. If only they knew what was coming down the road.

The same way that I silently laugh at gun nuts wasting their kids' college funds on weapons they'll never need for a war that will never come? That kind of silently laughing?

Considering the quality and value of a college education theses days, maybe not such a waste. It may soon be of greater value to know how to hunt and grow your own food than to know how to litigate a case to protect an "endangered" species.

A college education still helps you get a better job.
If everyone startd hunting for food it will not last 6 months.
Teddy boy is killing all the food with machine guns from helicopters.
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