News from the gun front

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Hang on a minute...Jake DID run from the debate, but I honestly don't think he's lying here: if he's in a different time zone (his profile doesn't give location), he WILL have a different time stamp on that post. I have seen this happen before.

(1) I retired last December and moved to the Mountain Time Zone. This is nothing new at all to those who know me.

(2) I offered to debate Reb on the open threads with everyone as judges. He didn't want to do that.

I thought as're just a coward, not a lying coward!

OK one more time the debate was too start at 8:00 pm EST my time if their is two hours difference between my time and jakes times the debate would start at 6:00 pm his time meaning if intense posted at 6:46 his time that's 46 minutes past the time of the debate.
(1) I retired last December and moved to the Mountain Time Zone. This is nothing new at all to those who know me.

(2) I offered to debate Reb on the open threads with everyone as judges. He didn't want to do that.

I thought as're just a coward, not a lying coward!

OK one more time the debate was too start at 8:00 pm EST my time if their is two hours difference between my time and jakes times the debate would start at 6:00 pm his time meaning if intense posted at 6:46 his time that's 46 minutes past the time of the debate.

Most all these other industrialized nations we keep hearing about have not built a moocher and parasite class with government hand outs like we have here.

That's not true.

The social welfare systems in most other industrialized countries are VASTLY more generous than ours are.

What they do in those industrialized countries is make the rich pay their fair share, and pay more when the economy sucks.
What can I say Jake you are a liar.

The whole board is watching you melt down, bigreb.

Judges and others have counseled you that you are not right. The trap you set caught yourself, you fool.

bigreb, you are not going to have another simple thread on this Board until you cease and desist.

You are lying, you are caught out, and you can walk away without further comment.

These are you only two options.
You live in a fucked up reality if that's what you think the board saw.

Especially someone who starts a thread called "news from the gun front".....:lmao:
Talk about projecting. :rofl: :rofl:
The whole board is watching you melt down, bigreb.

Judges and others have counseled you that you are not right. The trap you set caught yourself, you fool.

bigreb, you are not going to have another simple thread on this Board until you cease and desist.

You are lying, you are caught out, and you can walk away without further comment.

These are you only two options.
You live in a fucked up reality if that's what you think the board saw.

Especially someone who starts a thread called "news from the gun front".....:lmao:
Talk about projecting. :rofl: :rofl:

If you had bother too read a bit instead of troll you would have seen it was about the gun world
What can I say Jake you are a liar.

The whole board is watching you melt down, bigreb.

Judges and others have counseled you that you are not right. The trap you set caught yourself, you fool.

bigreb, you are not going to have another simple thread on this Board until you cease and desist.

You are lying, you are caught out, and you can walk away without further comment.

These are you only two options.
You live in a fucked up reality if that's what you think the board saw.

There are only two options for you.

The whole board is watching you melt down, bigreb.

bigreb, you are not going to have another simple thread on this Board until you cease and desist.

You are lying, you are caught out, and you can walk away without further comment.

These are you only two options.
The whole board is watching you melt down, bigreb.

Judges and others have counseled you that you are not right. The trap you set caught yourself, you fool.

bigreb, you are not going to have another simple thread on this Board until you cease and desist.

You are lying, you are caught out, and you can walk away without further comment.

These are you only two options.
You live in a fucked up reality if that's what you think the board saw.

There are only two options for you.

The whole board is watching you melt down, bigreb.

bigreb, you are not going to have another simple thread on this Board until you cease and desist.

You are lying, you are caught out, and you can walk away without further comment.

These are you only two options.

You're lying jake that's what the board is seeing.
You know it's funny, that the Liberals who loathe guns and the Freedoms which allow for them, have been the very people driving the mass movement to buy guns, and ammunition. Absolutely hilarious.

The only thing I loathe is the stupidity that you think you need a gun to protect yourself from bad guys or the government.

You lying piece of shit, go fuck yourself. Already my gun has likely saved me multiple times, and my famiy to.

When that gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and will never be used against a government agent.

Another FUCKING LIE,, you fucking ass hole. Eat shit.
You know it's funny, that the Liberals who loathe guns and the Freedoms which allow for them, have been the very people driving the mass movement to buy guns, and ammunition. Absolutely hilarious.

The only thing I loathe is the stupidity that you think you need a gun to protect yourself from bad guys or the government.

You lying piece of shit, go fuck yourself. Already my gun has likely saved me multiple times, and my famiy to.

When that gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and will never be used against a government agent.

Another FUCKING LIE,, you fucking ass hole. Eat shit.

Guy, if you are as batshit crazy IRL as you seem to be here, your whole neighborhood is probably terrified of your guns....

Guns don't make you safer.
The only thing I loathe is the stupidity that you think you need a gun to protect yourself from bad guys or the government.

You lying piece of shit, go fuck yourself. Already my gun has likely saved me multiple times, and my famiy to.

When that gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and will never be used against a government agent.

Another FUCKING LIE,, you fucking ass hole. Eat shit.

Guy, if you are as batshit crazy IRL as you seem to be here, your whole neighborhood is probably terrified of your guns....

Guns don't make you safer.

And you wouldnt fucking know, you damned liar.

Talk about crazy, you are the pathological liar, alongside your twin brother Starkey.
The only thing I loathe is the stupidity that you think you need a gun to protect yourself from bad guys or the government.

You lying piece of shit, go fuck yourself. Already my gun has likely saved me multiple times, and my famiy to.

When that gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and will never be used against a government agent.

Another FUCKING LIE,, you fucking ass hole. Eat shit.

Guy, if you are as batshit crazy IRL as you seem to be here, your whole neighborhood is probably terrified of your guns....

Guns don't make you safer.


So.........which is the better choice for home defense??







Its tough, but I'll go with B.:coffee:
And that gun is 43 times more likely to kill someone in your house than a bad guy...

Statistics back that up....

Maybe you should go with the wiffle bat... you seem like you're a danger to yourself and others.

[ame=]"I'm A Danger To Myself and Others" - YouTube[/ame]
Dont forget people.......the committed limpwristers of this world live in a bubble. A perpetual state of thinking of how they WISH the world could be. They never ask themselves two critical questions that most people DO ask themselves when it comes to gun grabbing.

1) At what cost?


2) As compared to what?

Zero sum game for these people........take the guns. Everybody wins. Reasoned thinking embraces reality = there are necessary tradeoffs.

But not for the k00ks.
Dont forget people.......the committed limpwristers of this world live in a bubble. A perpetual state of thinking of how they WISH the world could be. They never ask themselves two critical questions that most people DO ask themselves when it comes to gun grabbing.

1) At what cost?


2) As compared to what?

Zero sum game for these people........take the guns. Everybody wins. Reasoned thinking embraces reality = there are necessary tradeoffs.

But not for the k00ks.

NOt at all.

Every other industrialized country limits gun ownership. These countries are just as free as we are, they have a fraction of our crime rates, and they don't have a need to lock up a large percentage of their citizens.

saying something won't work when other people tried it and it has is the denial of reality.

You look at 32,000 gun deaths in the US a year and say, "Yup, that's an acceptable tradeoff for my freedom".

I don't.
Dont forget people.......the committed limpwristers of this world live in a bubble. A perpetual state of thinking of how they WISH the world could be. They never ask themselves two critical questions that most people DO ask themselves when it comes to gun grabbing.

1) At what cost?


2) As compared to what?

Zero sum game for these people........take the guns. Everybody wins. Reasoned thinking embraces reality = there are necessary tradeoffs.

But not for the k00ks.

NOt at all.

Every other industrialized country limits gun ownership. These countries are just as free as we are, they have a fraction of our crime rates, and they don't have a need to lock up a large percentage of their citizens.

saying something won't work when other people tried it and it has is the denial of reality.

You look at 32,000 gun deaths in the US a year and say, "Yup, that's an acceptable tradeoff for my freedom".

I don't.

Well we're all real proud of ya s0n!!!

Why the US Should Not Ban Guns

Posted: 19/12/2012 00

That sound? The collective hand-wringing of thousands who are up-in-arms demanding Obama introduce serious gun legislation in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy. Michael Moore and Piers Morgan began as unofficial poster boys for the action and now Mayor Bloomberg has weighed in, pushing for tighter gun control claiming, "The president and congress can and should address [gun control] at the same time they're reaching an agreement on avoiding the fiscal cliff."

Today, as a hungry pack of demonstrators circled the NRA's Washington HQ, it's looking likely Obama will attack the Second Amendment as the White House promised a comprehensive series of measures including gun control legislation.

I hate guns. I wish they didn't exist. But they do. In the wake of the Connecticut shootings this mass knee-jerk call to impose strict firearm laws is an understandable reaction. Unfortunately it isn't the right one.

If stricter gun control was the solution then cities with stricter gun legislation would be the safest, right? Wrong. Let's look at some facts shall we? Chicago boasts some of the USA's most draconian gun laws but 10 people were shot in Chicago on Friday alone. It's considered 'the deadliest global city' and the murder rate is 25% higher than last year.

Post-Dunblane when guns were outlawed here in the UK, six years later gun-crime had more than doubled. By 2009 gun crime had escalated by 89%.

Down Under, gun murders rose by 19% and armed robberies by 69% after a gun ban was introduced in 1997.

And thus the story goes.

Ellen Grace Jones: Why the US Should Not Ban Guns

And that gun is 43 times more likely to kill someone in your house than a bad guy...

Statistics back that up....

Maybe you should go with the wiffle bat... you seem like you're a danger to yourself and others.

"I'm A Danger To Myself and Others" - YouTube

And guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self defense.

Last time i checked there were not 2.5 million gun deaths a year.

No, they aren't. That would assume there are 2.5 million criminals out their right now committing crimes that require a gun to scare them away.

This is a completely bogus number made up by the Gun Lobby, and you've bought into it.
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