News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

It's all video with little context. Murdock has already admitted they let people lie on their channel. You do not want anything approaching the truth.
The J6 committee is nothing approaching the truth either.

They too cherry.pickrd video footage (AND witnesses) to support their narrative.

Seems to me, turnabout is fair play.

Even if it's private sector turnabout.
You want a period of time between his bullshit coming out and when it all gets debunked. I understand that too.
Information war is fun as long as you control most of the sources of the information. It's quite telling that in this single instance where your presstitutes can't push a narrative in an unchallenged way, that you lot lose your minds. Here's the thing... debunking things you see happening on a video, especially a video that was exclusively in government hands, is a whole new level of difficult. Not for you and those like you.
Nothing will change your allegiance to the tribe. No, but THIS video isn't going to parsed and framed with some kind of "context" that is fed to the viewer. THIS video is quite likely going to show the Chuck and Nancy mafia at work and the reason you hate it is that you KNOW people who are non-biased, tend to believe their own eyes versus rhetorical jousting after the fact.
So sorry beagle9, thousands stormed our nation's capital with the intent to overthrow the election and destroy our Constitution.


They slaughtered thousands of congressional reps with SELFIE STICKS!!!!! OH, the HORROR!!!! The streets of DC were filled with BLOOD for WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!
They even killed AOC.......... THREE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they hung Pence from this GALLOWS!!!!! This petite little female executioner had a hard time getting him to stay on his knees until he was dead.
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They slaughtered thousands of congressional reps with SELFIE STICKS!!!!! OH, the HORROR!!!! The streets of DC were filled with BLOOD for WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!
They even killed AOC.......... THREE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they hung Pence from this GALLOWS!!!!! This petite little female executioner had a hard time getting him to stay on his knees until he was dead.
I wonder who built the gallows. :p
There are very few unbiased news outlets.

That's why we must actually use our own brains and discernment to process the data and come to our own conclusions.

That's why the leftist vermin are fucked.

There are a lot of steps between taking in the raw data and "KILL ANYBODY WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME!", and they've skipped them all.

I wonder who built the gallows. :p

I don't know.

There was a sign on it that says "THIS IS ART".

I'm having a hard time figuring out why, if they can destroy our art, like statues and shit, we can't build more.

And they're always making their art.


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I'm actually a libertariantard.
Sorry about that, I get the various tard species mixed up. They all tend to have shrill mating calls, robust social cohesion and a tendency to fluff minor events into social disintegration.

Close enough for most purposes most of the time.

I believe in individual freedom and responsibility.

I don't support abortion bans or drug regulations or mandatory vaccines.

The first two set me apart from the 'cons, on the last one we mostly agree.

Interesting, and I appreciate the enlightenment.

I support both individual responsibility and a collective responsibility.

I support reasonable restrictions on abortion, and strong support for mothers and families.

I support religious freedom but oppose the way it has been so stretched in meaning that it is little more than a means to promote intolerance and discrimination.

That's why we must actually use our own brains and discernment to process the data and come to our own conclusions.

That's why the leftist vermin are fucked.

There are a lot of steps between taking in the raw data and "KILL ANYBODY WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME!", and they've skipped them all.

Besides your comment above, please define the real meaning with the left.
Congress either releases the footage or it doesn’t

Releasing it for the use of one reporter is preferential treatment

although that 5th columnist traitor is no reporter, albeit RT loves him - tucker carlson is a private citizen & isn't constitutionally allowed to 'have' it because it belongs to every private citizen of this country - including the bona fide press. having said that - it's a 100% security risk & will be in the hands of a putin propagandist nut.
Good to hear

I can’t wait for Fox to air footage of a Republican rioter trying to protect a Capitol Police Officer under attack or footage of a Republican rioter trying to stop the riot

What difference does it make who in the crowd might have been a "good" Republican and who was a "bad" Republican?

That wasn't and isn't even the point of the Jan. 6th Committee's investigation anyway.

The point, as we learned in the televised hearings, was to present to the American people the evidence showing that the outgoing POTUS orchestrated an attack on The U. Capitol to prevent Congress' certification of the vote and for the first time in U.S. history, to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in order to remain in office after being voted out in a free and legitimate election that numerous federal courts and every state in the union after careful review and consideration, determined to be the MOST SECURE in American history.

That fact is now indisputable.

There is no way that self-admitted con-man Tucker Carlson is going to be able to spin more video footage to "prove" otherwise.
LOL: Someone like you ought not to post on the USMB. The Republican Party of the 21st Century's third decade is functioning fascism. If you willing to debate, I'd be happy to respond with your foolishness.

lol no you wouldn't, and you're just another shill. You've never debated anything, just posted propaganda and parroted idiot slogans and narratives you copied for m your Hive.

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