News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

The Jan. 6th Committee gave us plenty of smoking guns in their televised hearings.
Your ignorance on this matter suggests you didn't bother watching.
You needn't wilfully remain clueless and in the dark.
The hearings are (and will always be) available on You-tube.

Problem with that is he does not want to know the truth, he has been spoon the lies he believes in. It would be a serious shock to his otherwise Reichwing snowflake belief system.

He knows the Traitor encourage the violence. He just choosing to ignore that.
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Truth in your mind, but no one has to believe you. Oh and don't be breaking my post up like that, otherwise removing it from it's context. Use the entire post along with your retort or go pound sand you, you, you, ahhhhh what the hell just don't do it.

Isn't it against TOS to alter another's post?


Isn't it against TOS to alter another's post?

Happens a lot when desperation sets in here... Sometimes they'll start conversations with themselves by way of joining a conversation, otherwise as if they are attempting to be cordial and manored, but then somehow they try to use a person's words as if the person is actively participating in the conversation with them, but they're not... ROTFLMBO 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Otherwise it's the classic tactic of attempting to put word's in one's mouth.
Happens a lot when desperation sets in here... Sometimes they'll start conversations with themselves by way of joining a conversation, otherwise as if they are attempting to be cordial and manored, but then somehow they try to use a person's words as if the person is actively participating in the conversation with them, but they're not... ROTFLMBO 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Otherwise it's the classic tactic of attempting to put word's in one's mouth.

That they do. They believe it's an effective tactic.

That number was 73 million.
But that was 2016.
You MAGAt's can't win elections anymore.
Remember last November?

Hold on to your knickers Lefty, the realignment is still coming. It's like a smooth Tennessee whisky that's gonna end up kicking some ace (on the issue's of course), once the effects finally take hold.
Your opinion, now go and convince 75+million or way more people to believe you... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Oh you poor MAGA MAGGOT.

In the 2016 President Election here are the results (again).

The Traitor received 62,985,106 Votes (Losing the Popular Vote Nation wide. He received 306 Electoral Votes.

HRC received 65, 853625 (Winning the Popular Vote). She received 232 Electoral Votes. When the Traitor lost by that same margin, it was a rigged election.

In the 2020 Presidential Elections here are the results (again).

Joe Biden received 81,284,666 winning the Popular. He received 306 Electoral Votes.

The Traitor received 74, 224,319 (losing the Popular Vote for the second time) He received 232 Electoral Votes.

The Traitor LOST the Electoral College in 2020 to Biden, but lost the Electoral College by the same margin as HRC did 2016. He called his 2016 win a landslide. It was not.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
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Oh you poor MAGA MAGGOT.

In the 2016 President Election here are the results (again).

The Traitor received 62,985,106 Votes (Losing the Popular Vote Nation wide. He received 306 Electoral Votes.

HRC received 65, 853625 (Winning the Popular Vote). She received 232 Electoral Votes.

In the 2020 Presidential Elections here are the results (again).

Joe Biden received 81,284,666 winning the Popular. He received 306 Electoral Votes.

The Traitor received 74, 224,319 (losing the Popular Vote for the second time) He received 232 Electoral Votes.

Tap your little heels together and keep repeating that drivel, over and over, and eventually it will be true.

Or not.

And still, after typing all that, you are no closer to stamping you little foot and being able to demand that any other "media outlets" be given the treasure trove that Tucker has in his possession.

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