News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

Nah your follower's attacked government statues, government buildings, attacked people, looted, burned, and other such a mayhem that was way worse in most cases than anything that happened on J6. Fact.
So sorry beagle9, thousands stormed our nation's capital with the intent to overthrow the election and destroy our Constitution.
You're lame attempts at a very ugly slur has been reported. Just so you know, I made up for my mistake and you still chose to attack me.
The grass is green, you will argue forever and a day that it's blue. Look at what's gone on. You have Trump's rabbling boring speech for over an hour, you have his Tweets, you have umpteen thousand hours of video, you had a rabid mouth frothing committee that came to nothing, you had an FBI conclude very early on that there was no insurrection, no Trump prosecution, no jail time. And here you sit as world listens to you claiming the grass is still blue.

My mother is 82, yesterday, her low blood pressure caused a tia, she ended up in a confused state of mind. She's convinced my brother came down from Scotland, picked her up off the floor and made her a cup of tea. The carer explained he lives in London. I explained he lives in London. I rang my brother, he told her he's down in London. She asked him if it's a conspiracy against her, and she's adamant he picked her up after a fall. She's went through a blue grass moment, you are in a blue grass moment.
***Mod Edit in quote above: Do NOT change what is in the quote box. ***

Only hours after the attack had begun. The Traitor told them in his address earlier in the day "To Fight Like Hell". He had encouraged to supporters to come to D.C. and advised them "It Will Be Wild".

The Traitor had wanted Magnetometers installed before his speech, "Their my people". He knew they were armed, which was a directed violation of Washington, D.C. Law.

The Traitor encouraged the violence. It was only AFTER the attack had begun, hours into the attack he told his Reich Wing Violent supports to go home. Your argument falls apart on its face.
What a lying sack of leftard bullshit. ^^^
The Jan. 6th Committee gave us plenty of smoking guns in their televised hearings.

Deliberate lies are smoking guns?

Sure, leftard.

Keep trying. It's amusing.

Your ignorance on this matter suggests you didn't bother watching.

No, you don't understand.

You couldn't make me watch that dog and pony shit even if you waterboarded me.


You needn't wilfully remain clueless and in the dark.

And you needn't willfully remain a dumbass lying leftard.

The hearings are (and will always be) available on You-tube.
No thanks. I'd rather fuck a frog.
Problem with that is he does not want to know the truth, he has been spoon the lies he believes in. It would be a serious shock to his otherwise Reichwing snowflake belief system.

He knows the Traitor encourage the violence. He just choosing to ignore that.
Does the name Cassidy ring a bell, dumbass lying leftard?
Deliberate lies are smoking guns?

Sure, leftard.

Keep trying. It's amusing.

No, you don't understand.

You couldn't make me watch that dog and pony shit even if you waterboarded me.


And you needn't willfully remain a dumbass lying leftard.

No thanks. I'd rather fuck a frog.
Do you enjoy being dumb and uninformed scruffy?
The harder they end up fighting to keep Tucker the only guy that can see this stuff more clear their nefarious intent becomes.
Your eyes... they're brown, right?

You hypocrites are just pissed that someone other than your favorite hit squad is going to have the chance to see the info first. You'll be calling for the WHAAAMBULANCE as Tucker begins dribbling the video out. Tell me... will it bother you at all to try to shout down and mock his coverage, especially when he points out clear evidence that Feds were taking part in sheparding these "insurrectionists" into the Capitol? I think it will be hilarious to watch you whine, moan, and complain that Tucker is intentionally "jeopardizing" the nation.

Just remember... when the video is available for all outlets - and it WILL BE - you may well find that the case he makes isn't one you can cancel or shout down as false. IF any of this video clearly identifies citizens who have been arrested and tried, and shows evidence that WOULD HAVE been mitigating had their lawyers had access, is going to be grounds for mistrial and especially in the case of those still being held in the effing DC gulag, grounds for a nice fat civil suit.
They want to fact check your craven propagandists when they inevitably come out with a bunch of bullshit.
Oh, that's no surprise. The funny thing is them having to come in second to dispute what is likely to be VERY CLEAR video that proves something they refuse to admit. They'll be screaming -"don't believe your lyin' eyes, believe US"
Your eyes... they're brown, right?

You hypocrites are just pissed that someone other than your favorite hit squad is going to have the chance to see the info first. You'll be calling for the WHAAAMBULANCE as Tucker begins dribbling the video out. Tell me... will it bother you at all to try to shout down and mock his coverage, especially when he points out clear evidence that Feds were taking part in sheparding these "insurrectionists" into the Capitol? I think it will be hilarious to watch you whine, moan, and complain that Tucker is intentionally "jeopardizing" the nation.

Just remember... when the video is available for all outlets - and it WILL BE - you may well find that the case he makes isn't one you can cancel or shout down as false. IF any of this video clearly identifies citizens who have been arrested and tried, and shows evidence that WOULD HAVE been mitigating had their lawyers had access, is going to be grounds for mistrial and especially in the case of those still being held in the effing DC gulag, grounds for a nice fat civil suit.
You typed all that to say this is all about partisan vengeance? We already knew that.
We are all going to watch how hard you all fight to keep this exclusive to Tucker. In fighting you will show your real motivations.
Why on earth would we want to give the Left ammo to make accusations? You'll get to see your own propagandists take the video and try to explain AFTER Tucker makes a case against you... try to explain why Americans shouldn't trust their own eyes.
Why on earth would we want to give the Left ammo to make accusations? You'll get to see your own propagandists take the video and try to explain AFTER Tucker makes a case against you... try to explain why Americans shouldn't trust their own eyes.
You want a period of time between his bullshit coming out and when it all gets debunked. I understand that too.
You want a period of time between his bullshit coming out and when it all gets debunked. I understand that too.
Oh, it won't take the leftards long to pay their fact checkers.

No one's fooled by the bullshit leftard astroturfing.

They do the same thing with votes, astroturf the hell out of them.
Oh, it won't take the leftards long to pay their fact checkers.

No one's fooled by the bullshit leftard astroturfing.

They do the same thing with votes, astroturf the hell out of them.
It's all video with little context. Murdock has already admitted they let people lie on their channel. You do not want anything approaching the truth.
I'm actually a libertariantard.

Close enough for most purposes most of the time.

I believe in individual freedom and responsibility.

I don't support abortion bans or drug regulations or mandatory vaccines.

The first two set me apart from the 'cons, on the last one we mostly agree.

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