Newsmax Offers Tucker EVERYTHING — Complete Control Over ALL Programming

Ok. Let’s compare two statements.

1) there is a danger that the voting machines could be hacked.

2) The voting machines were definitely hacked. The company knows it. They are the ones who did it with help from Hugo Chavez.

See the difference?
Completely beside the point. A large majority have little or no confidence in the election process and that needs to be fixed. And even the government has admitted there were problems with the Dominion machines. And highly partisan government officials doing the investigations is hardly convincing to those who lack confidence in the system.

Ok. Let’s compare two statements.
1) there is a danger that the voting machines could be hacked.
2) The voting machines were definitely hacked. The company knows it. They are the ones who did it with help from Hugo Chavez.
See the difference?
To them it's the same thing. That's their thought process for all their conspiracy theories:

Fact + maybe possibly + frog + this could happen + something I saw on the internet = The Truth.

There is no way to communicate with that.
To them it's the same thing. That's their thought process for all their conspiracy theories:

Fact + maybe possibly + frog + this could happen + something I saw on the internet = The Truth.

There is no way to communicate with that.
Who is them?
You are, unfortunately, describing 90% of the population here.
Only one?

It was Tucker above the others, or more often anyway, that sealed the win for Dominion. You do understand that Fox had already lost the lawsuit before they agreed to Settle don’t you?

Tucker is the one who said Sydney was lying. Your link provides nothing but opinion and hyperbole

Present some actual evidence of a lie.
Tucker was not part of that lawsuit. Fox could easily afford the settlement which was nowhere near the largest amount paid in some of these huge lawsuits. And again they determined it was cheaper to settle than the expense of a very long trial and uncertainties of jury verdicts.
How do you know they didn't settle because they knew Dominion had a very good case?

The money paid was a lot more than the money it would take to drag out the case. 3/4 of a billion buys a LOT of lawyer time.
When someone prefaces a question with a moronic statement that is the OBVIOUS opposite of reality - that is where everyone with sense stops reading.
In other words, you got nothing? Yup, thought so. Retards like you never do. Thanks for playing. :itsok:
To them it's the same thing. That's their thought process for all their conspiracy theories:

Fact + maybe possibly + frog + this could happen + something I saw on the internet = The Truth.

There is no way to communicate with that.
I was thinking about how the RW conspiracy machine seems to work. Last week I lost a sock. This week my downstairs drain is clogged up. I found a way to connect two unrelated facts. Of course the sock somehow got sucked out the drain of the washer. The sock then went on until it hit the 90 in the sewer line and stuck. Then other stuff got stuck and my sock clogged all this stuff up just behind the 90. So not only does this theory explain both my lost sock and clogged drain, and even where my drain is clogged up at. This could be a full blown RW conspiracy right now. Then I plungered my toilet and found my sock, so...
I was thinking about how the RW conspiracy machine seems to work. Last week I lost a sock. This week my downstairs drain is clogged up. I found a way to connect two unrelated facts. Of course the sock somehow got sucked out the drain of the washer. The sock then went on until it hit the 90 in the sewer line and stuck. Then other stuff got stuck and my sock clogged all this stuff up just behind the 90. So not only does this theory explain both my lost sock and clogged drain, and even where my drain is clogged up at. This could be a full blown RW conspiracy right now. Then I plungered my toilet and found my sock, so...
Yep. They've been conditioned by talk radio, then Fox, now the internet, to make MASSIVE leaps, assumptions and extrapolations. If this happened over here, then that over there, way over there, is The Truth.

That's good enough for them. That's evidence. That's proof. Because that's the conditioning. Then, since they're always the victim, getting their asses kicked in court must mean the Deep State is at work.

This is a madness. It's a group pathology. The world has seen it before.
I was thinking about how the RW conspiracy machine seems to work. Last week I lost a sock. This week my downstairs drain is clogged up. I found a way to connect two unrelated facts. Of course the sock somehow got sucked out the drain of the washer. The sock then went on until it hit the 90 in the sewer line and stuck. Then other stuff got stuck and my sock clogged all this stuff up just behind the 90. So not only does this theory explain both my lost sock and clogged drain, and even where my drain is clogged up at. This could be a full blown RW conspiracy right now. Then I plungered my toilet and found my sock, so...
Yep. They've been conditioned by talk radio, then Fox, now the internet, to make MASSIVE leaps, assumptions and extrapolations. If this happened over here, then that over there, way over there, is The Truth.

That's good enough for them. That's evidence. That's proof. Because that's the conditioning. Then, since they're always the victim, getting their asses kicked in court must mean the Deep State is at work.

This is a madness. It's a group pathology. The world has seen it before.
do you constantly criticize the right ?
Just when they are wrong. I probably agree with 90% of policy and hate the crazy. Problem is right now it is all crazy, like this post. The right on this forum, at least, mindlessly repeat mindless talking points thinking the are some great tidbits of knowledge the world is fortunate for you to spread, It just makes the RWers look silly.
Again, I do not know of anyone that believes a biological man can get pregnant. That is a talking point from your noise machine.


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