Newsom challenges DeSantis to a debate

Newsom challenges DeSantis to a debate

God I hope they do this! Finally, for once, a democrat wants to actually DEBATE the issues instead of running like a pussy! DeSantis will eat him alive. Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the advantage of a lot of experience as an agile, seasoned public political speaker who thinks fast on his feet. Only thing I can guess is that Newsom will use the situation to first promote a bunch of lies and propaganda to the media drawn to the news for them to print and spread around then at the last minute back out of the debate for some bullshit excuse knowing that on issue after issue, DeSantis would hand him his intestines.
God I hope they do this! Finally, for once, a democrat wants to actually DEBATE the issues instead of running like a pussy! DeSantis will eat him alive. Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the advantage of a lot of experience as an agile, seasoned public political speaker who thinks fast on his feet. Only thing I can guess is that Newsom will use the situation to first promote a bunch of lies and propaganda to the media drawn to the news for them to print and spread around then at the last minute back out of the debate for some bullshit excuse knowing that on issue after issue, DeSantis would hand him his intestines.
Yep, Newsom looks and acts like a used car salesman.
Give us specifics of these laws that "help" people.

And why do you keep coming back at me with criticisms of De Santis? I never said anything about him. You are the one who claimed Newsom "cares" about people. The truth is the guy is another multi-millionaire elitist egomaniac who only cares about himself and furthering his own ambitions. He's as fake as a three-dollar bill. It kills me how you people will piss and whine day in and day out about all those horrible millionaires and billionaires harming the working class and the poor and yet you never miss an opportunity to elect the same elitist millionaires and billionaires all over the country yourselves. I guess as long as they stick a D next to their name and regurgitate all the bullshit you want to hear they're A-okay in your book. They don't actually have to deliver; they don't have to be able prove their policies are actually effective and helping the people they claim by any visible metric. It doesn't matter how many people actually get hurt by their backwards logic. No, they just have to say the right things and you all march out there like the lemmings you are and follow them right off the cliff while having the smug audacity to pretend you're the smart and educated ones. The truth is you're all dumber than dog shit.
Newsom fought to expand access to higher education, enacted strict Covid protections, gun control, public transportation, fought against Capital Punishment

DeSantis fought against saying gay in public schools, against teaching about slavery, fought Mickey Mouse and openly exposed Floridians to COVID
Newsom fought to expand access to higher education, enacted strict Covid protections, gun control, public transportation, fought against Capital Punishment

DeSantis fought against saying gay in public schools, against teaching about slavery, fought Mickey Mouse and openly exposed Floridians to COVID
Thanks, those are the exact reasons he almost got recalled. Bad Marxist policies.
Is DeSantis going to explain why he lied to Venezuelan migrants to get on a plane with a promise of jobs and free housing?

Is that the type of person he is?
Actually they had nothing to do with the Partisan recall
Maybe, but there were plenty of other reasons for the attempted recall. Newsom created an energy crisis when CA has abundant energy. Newsom mishandled forest management resulting in wildfire destruction. Newsom refuses to build better water storage leaving Californians' livelihoods to suffer. Newsom's stupid Covid restrictions drove businesses out of CA while, at the same time, he mismanaged Covid related benifits and over 100 billion was actually paid to prisoners. Thanks to Newsom, CA has huge debt-infrastructure problems and he has done nothing. Thousands of businesses and people have relocated out of CA adding to more job losses. California leads the nation in Covid shut down policies and was the last in the nation in vaccination administration. Newsom imposed rules against restaurant dining but was seen dining at the French Laundry Restaurant. He shut down public schools while his own children went to private schools.
Is DeSantis going to explain why he lied to Venezuelan migrants to get on a plane with a promise of jobs and free housing?

Is that the type of person he is?

The fact that the libs in MV failed to follow through with the promises they made as a santuary city, to be nice to Illegals, isn't DeSantis' fault.
It would be very similar to what goes on here daily.

Facts would be presented to the leftist turd that he cant refute and he would say "but, but Trump"

a big fat waste of time is what it would be.
Newsome actually cares about the people
DeSantis is a Puppet dictator

Bullshit, he's cares about himself. He's trying to raise his national profile before he announces a presidential run for 2024. I've got a feeling he'll be received just as well as kneepads was. Americans won't buy his commie vision.

Note that when he challenged DeSantis to a debate, he tagged CNN.

CNN won't be asking open-ended questions about things that really matter like you suggested. CNN would ask questions more like this...

Governor Newsom, under your leadership, electric vehicle use and other environmental achievements surged. What do you think about your opponent's record on the environment?

And other loaded questions.
DeSantis is aware of that and won't be tricked into any such traps, like Trump was repeatedly.

How about this panel for the questions ? >> Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, Greg Kelly
What has DeSantis actually done to help the people of Florida?

Ship migrants to Martha’s Vineyard?
This is how twisted Democrats are.

what DeSantis did was transport ILLEGAL ALIENS from Texas to Mass, as part of PROTECTING FLORIDIANS, by stopping them from coming to Florida. If Newsome wants DeSantis to defend that, no problem. Protecting your state's citizens from HARMS, is the # 1 job of any elected official.

So let's let Newsome answer the question of why he is NOT protecting HIS citizens from HARMS, by allowing so many illegal aliens to invade HIS sorry state, from foreign countries, and live there.

"The governor shall have power to....repel invasions."
Florida Constitution - Article IV, Section 1(d)

The Florida Constitution - The Florida Senate (

HARMS of Illegal Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs$$$$$$

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