Newsom challenges DeSantis to a debate

You're in denial, RW.
Can't reason with those who lack common sense, and that would be you

Nothing to deny

Newsom took COVID seriously, DeSantis was dismissive
Newsom has a humanitarian policy towards immigrants, DeSantis uses them as pawns
Newsom has a modern view of gay rights, DeSantis passes Don’t say Gay
Give us specifics of these laws that "help" people.

And why do you keep coming back at me with criticisms of De Santis? I never said anything about him. You are the one who claimed Newsom "cares" about people. The truth is the guy is another multi-millionaire elitist egomaniac who only cares about himself and furthering his own ambitions. He's as fake as a three-dollar bill. It kills me how you people will piss and whine day in and day out about all those horrible millionaires and billionaires harming the working class and the poor and yet you never miss an opportunity to elect the same elitist millionaires and billionaires all over the country yourselves. I guess as long as they stick a D next to their name and regurgitate all the bullshit you want to hear they're A-okay in your book. They don't actually have to deliver; they don't have to be able prove their policies are actually effective and helping the people they claim by any visible metric. It doesn't matter how many people actually get hurt by their backwards logic. No, they just have to say the right things and you all march out there like the lemmings you are and follow them right off the cliff while having the smug audacity to pretend you're the smart and educated ones. The truth is you're all dumber than dog shit.
^ Calling the win in THIS debate.
Nothing to deny

Newsom took COVID seriously, DeSantis was dismissive
Newsom has a humanitarian policy towards immigrants, DeSantis uses them as pawns
Newsom has a modern view of gay rights, DeSantis passes Don’t say Gay

Leftist males... always focused on the gay
Nothing to deny

Newsom took COVID seriously, DeSantis was dismissive
Newson destroyed California. Florida has the best economy in the country.
Newsom has a humanitarian policy towards immigrants, DeSantis uses them as pawns
Newsom is destroying the wages of Americans who have to compete illegal aliens

Newsom has a modern view of gay rights, DeSantis passes Don’t say Gay
By "modern" you mean sick and twisted.
Nothing to deny

Newsom took COVID seriously, DeSantis was dismissive
Newsom has a humanitarian policy towards immigrants, DeSantis uses them as pawns
Newsom has a modern view of gay rights, DeSantis passes Don’t say Gay
DeSantis ended up being right on how he handled the Covid pandemic and
his state came out of it way ahead of the others. Neusum locked down his state while he played,
couldn't even lead by example.
Newsome has what towards "ILLEGALS"? At what price for the constituents of his state?
They are the highest taxed state in the union. Their bleeding CITIZENS, and even lost
a congressional seat, the first time in history.
I have no issues with Don't Say Gay. No special laws for gays.
DeSantis ended up being right on how he handled the Covid pandemic and
his state came out of it way ahead of the others. Neusum locked down his state while he played,
couldn't even lead by example.
Newsome has what towards "ILLEGALS"? At what price for the constituents of his state?
They are the highest taxed state in the union. Their bleeding CITIZENS, and even lost
a congressional seat, the first time in history.
I have no issues with Don't Say Gay. No special laws for gays.
No, he was not right
When COVID deaths were at their highest, DeSantis jeopardized the safety of the public to pander to Trump
His COVID a deaths shot up
Governors Noem and DeSantis kept their states open during the pandemic and are very popular in their states. Democrats can squeal and cry, but that's just too damn bad. Grow the fuck up.
No, he was not right
When COVID deaths were at their highest, DeSantis jeopardized the safety of the public to pander to Trump
His COVID a deaths shot up
Yet, DeSantis and Noem are very popular in their states. How do you account for that?
Can you imagine this ? What could Newsome possibly say ? That DeSantis should be making baby murder legal ? That he should be accepting Biden's open border destruction of American cities ? That he should allow discrimination against white people, along with teachers teaching that to kids ? That he should allow men to compete with women in womens' sports ?

How can you debate with a complete, stark, raving- mad LUNATIC ? :rolleyes: :dunno:
Best to ignore the Dear Leader of the People's Democratic Socialist Republik of Kalipornia... unless the whiny little bitch actually wins the nomination in 2024.

And if that happens, Desantis will enjoy a bona fide Turkey Shoot... more like (metaphoriclaly) shooting Queerbait Fish-in-a-Barrel... it would be fun to watch.
Best to ignore the Dear Leader of the People's Democratic Socialist Republik of Kalipornia... unless the whiny little bitch actually wins the nomination in 2024.
They really don't have anyone. There's no such thing as a successful Democrat politician.
And these, days, on dragging children into that sickness.

I find it extremely bizarre that anyone on the left wrong believes that they have a winning argument here.
Actually, history has shown us to be right on Gay Rights, Gays in the military, Gay Marriage
Conservatives, as usual, are in the Dark Ages

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