Newspaper in Russia Calls “Weak Obama” Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Newspaper in Russia Calls “Weak Obama” Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah
Newspaper in Russia Calls ?Weak Obama? Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah // Mr. Conservative ^ | June 22, 2013

Obama promised to “reset” the U.S. relationship with Russia, and he succeeded: Russia went from disliking, but respecting, America and President Bush, to loathing, and looking down upon, America and, especially, her president.

The photograph of Obama and Russian President Putin sitting side-by-side radiating hatred spells it all out. One of the reasons given for Putin’s hostility, in addition to Obama’s decision to aid Syria’s Al Qaeda rebels, while Russia is aiding Bashar al Assad’s Iranian and Hezbollah fighters, is Edward Snowden’s revelation that the US is spying on Russia. That, of course, is ridiculous. The US has been spying on Russia since the Cold War began. Indeed, vaguely hostile, actively hostile, and even friendly countries routinely spy on each other.

Between China and Russia=America no longer the super power. A very pathetic nation we have become.


China and Russia are now the leaders of the free world!
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Newspaper in Russia Calls “Weak Obama” Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah
Newspaper in Russia Calls ?Weak Obama? Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah // Mr. Conservative ^ | June 22, 2013

Obama promised to “reset” the U.S. relationship with Russia, and he succeeded: Russia went from disliking, but respecting, America and President Bush, to loathing, and looking down upon, America and, especially, her president.

The photograph of Obama and Russian President Putin sitting side-by-side radiating hatred spells it all out. One of the reasons given for Putin’s hostility, in addition to Obama’s decision to aid Syria’s Al Qaeda rebels, while Russia is aiding Bashar al Assad’s Iranian and Hezbollah fighters, is Edward Snowden’s revelation that the US is spying on Russia. That, of course, is ridiculous. The US has been spying on Russia since the Cold War began. Indeed, vaguely hostile, actively hostile, and even friendly countries routinely spy on each other.

Between China and Russia=America no longer the super power. A very pathetic nation we have become.


With a panty waste dope smoker like Obummer, who can shed him the least amount of respect?

Not event the 1/5 tanking an hour of Smirnoff known as the Ruskies


China, Russia, and "free world"... do they really belong in the same sentence?
That was a fantastic article. It clearly defined the word despise and gave the reasons why obama is so worthy of being despised. The only thing it was gracious enough not to mention is obama's opinion that his blackess entitles him to something.
Newspaper in Russia Calls “Weak Obama” Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah
Newspaper in Russia Calls ?Weak Obama? Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah // Mr. Conservative ^ | June 22, 2013

I think the Morons have hit a new height of Cooky.

you silly cons are sighting a BLOG on a website called MR conservative!

penned by BOOKWORM, who I am sure is a budding reporter.

NO LINK to the Russian paper, mind you.

Just Bookworms OPINION and links to more vomit from more Morons.

So now the cons just INVENT facts on a blog and pretend it's reality.

That is one way to get your wacky point of view, some validity.
As much as it galls me to admit it...I have to agree with Matthew.
We are in BIG doo doo the way things are now. And we will BE in big doo doo if china and russia ever decides the enemy of my enemy is my friend syndrome.
There is no such thing as the "free world" any longer. Putin has won. This pathetic little proxy war in Syria is a done deal for the most part. Obama just got his ass handed to him by Putin and he knows it.
As much as it galls me to admit it...I have to agree with Matthew.
We are in BIG doo doo the way things are now. And we will BE in big doo doo if china and russia ever decides the enemy of my enemy is my friend syndrome.

They already have decided that. Syria is about Iran. Iran is the big burrito. Once Iran is taken by nefarious means Central Asia is under direct control of the west and the Russian and their counterparts in China will be reduced to uselessness.

But that's not going to happen. American is in it's death throes. Putin knows it. China knows it. Game over.
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